A simple media grid layout for Angular Universal projects.
npm i @flosportsinc/ng-grid-list
Import FloGridListModule
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { FloGridListModule } from '@flosportsinc/ng-grid-list'
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
With configured values:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { FloGridListModule } from '@flosportsinc/ng-grid-list'
// Available options, defaults are shown.
// When configured these values become the defaults when
// no @input property is provided for the same property
imports: [
selectNextEmptyOnCount: false,
selectNextEmptyOnAdd: false
selectFromLowerIndicesFirst: false,
containerIdPrefix: '__fs_grid__',
fillToFit: true,
items: [],
count: 4,
max: 25,
min: 1,
maxHeight: 600,
selectedIndex: 0,
dragDrop: {
enabled: true,
allowedFromLists: true,
dragOverBgEnabled: true,
dragOverBgColor: '#808080',
dragOverBgOpacity: 0.70
overlay: {
throttle: 30,
static: false,
start: true,
ngStyle: {},
ngClass: {},
fadeout: 2000,
enabled: true
export class AppModule { }
<!-- Available items are defined from N number of flo-grid-list -->
<flo-grid-list-view #gridRef>
<div *floGridListOverlay> <!-- optional: an overylay can be marked like so -->
<button (click)="gridRef.setCount(1)">1</button> <!-- notice the use of the grid's api via #gridRef variable -->
<button (click)="gridRef.setCount(2)">2</button>
<button (click)="gridRef.setCount(4)">4</button>
<div *floGridListItemNone> <!-- when a square is shown but has no item value, use a template here -->
Something goes here when items are EMPTY!
<div *floGridListItemSome="let item"> <!-- Magic -->
Show some html or components here complete with values from the list.
ex: {{ item.id }}
<!-- LIST -->
<!-- [gridTileRef] is required to send the items to a grid -->
<!-- [items] is where your data model comes in and fills the lists -->
<flo-grid-list [gridTileRef]="gridRef" [items]="items"> <!-- Magic -->
<div *floGridListItem="let item">
{{ item.src }}