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required: ['name', 'type'] - }, - return: { - name: 'namepath-defining', - required: ['type'] - }, - throws: { - name: 'namepath-defining', - required: ['type'] - }, - type: { - name: 'namepath-defining', - required: ['type'] - }, - var: { - name: 'namepath-defining', - required: ['name'] - }, - visibleName: { - required: ['name'] - }, - yield: { - name: 'namepath-defining', - required: ['type'] - } - }, - tagNamePreference: { - augments: 'extends', - constant: 'const', - fileoverview: 'file', - member: 'member', - returns: 'return', - var: 'var', - yields: 'yield' - } - } - } -} - -module.exports = config diff --git a/.eslintrc.cjs b/.eslintrc.cjs deleted file mode 100644 index b75b92e..0000000 --- a/.eslintrc.cjs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file ESLint Configuration - Root - * @module config/eslint - * @see https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring - */ - -/** - * @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} - * @const config - ESLint configuration object - */ -const config = { - extends: ['./.eslintrc.base.cjs'], - overrides: [ - ...require('./.eslintrc.base.cjs').overrides, - { - files: ['scratch.ts'], - rules: { - 'unicorn/prefer-module': 0 - } - } - ], - root: true -} - -module.exports = config diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index ac4b128..3393ce0 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ *.cjs text eol=lf *.cts text eol=lf *.gql text eol=lf -*.hbs text eol=lf +*.html text eol=lf diff=html *.js text eol=lf -*.json text eol=lf +*.json text eol=lf linguist-language=JSON-with-Comments *.json5 text eol=lf *.jsonc text eol=lf *.jsx text eol=lf diff --git a/.github/.gitconfig b/.github/.gitconfig index bd74537..2e50bbc 100644 --- a/.github/.gitconfig +++ b/.github/.gitconfig @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ chb = "!f() { git checkout -b \"$@\" && git pou \"$@\"; }; f" chp = "!f() { git checkout $@ && git pull; }; f" # commit with message -cm = "!f() { git commit -s -m \"$@\"; }; f" +cm = "!f() { git commit -S -s -m \"$@\"; }; f" # tell git to start tracking branch and push to origin pou = "!f() { git push origin --no-verify -u $@; }; f" @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ fpnv = "!f() { git pnv --force ; }; f" pnv = "!f() { git push --no-verify $@; }; f" [branch] -autosetuprebase = always +autoSetupRebase = always [checkout] defaultRemote = origin @@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ tool = vscode [difftool "vscode"] cmd = code-insiders --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE +[filter "lfs"] +clean = git-lfs clean -- %f +smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f +process = git-lfs filter-process +required = true + [gitflow "prefix"] feature = feat/ hotfix = hotfix/ @@ -97,6 +103,10 @@ program = gpg2 [init] defaultBranch = main +[log] +date = iso8601-strict +decorate = short + [merge] tool = vscode @@ -111,6 +121,8 @@ autoStash = true [tag] forceSignAnnotated = true +gpgsign = true +sort = -creatordate [url "git@github.com:"] insteadOf = gh: diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature.yml index c21cc46..0be6422 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature.yml +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature.yml @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ name: Feature description: Suggest new feature or improvement title: 👀
1024,w&&(t.dump&&qI===t.dump.charCodeAt(0)?v+="?":v+="? "),v+=t.dump,w&&(v+=IT(t,e)),Kg(t,e+1,C,!0,w)&&(t.dump&&qI===t.dump.charCodeAt(0)?v+=":":v+=": ",v+=t.dump,a+=v));t.tag=n,t.dump=a||"{}"}function RK(t,e,r){var o,a,n,u,A,p;for(a=r?t.explicitTypes:t.implicitTypes,n=0,u=a.length;n tag resolver accepts not "'+p+'" style');t.dump=o}return!0}return!1}function Kg(t,e,r,o,a,n){t.tag=null,t.dump=r,RK(t,r,!1)||RK(t,r,!0);var u=TK.call(t.dump);o&&(o=t.flowLevel<0||t.flowLevel>e);var A=u==="[object Object]"||u==="[object Array]",p,h;if(A&&(p=t.duplicates.indexOf(r),h=p!==-1),(t.tag!==null&&t.tag!=="?"||h||t.indent!==2&&e>0)&&(a=!1),h&&t.usedDuplicates[p])t.dump="*ref_"+p;else{if(A&&h&&!t.usedDuplicates[p]&&(t.usedDuplicates[p]=!0),u==="[object Object]")o&&Object.keys(t.dump).length!==0?(s6e(t,e,t.dump,a),h&&(t.dump="&ref_"+p+t.dump)):(i6e(t,e,t.dump),h&&(t.dump="&ref_"+p+" "+t.dump));else if(u==="[object Array]"){var C=t.noArrayIndent&&e>0?e-1:e;o&&t.dump.length!==0?(n6e(t,C,t.dump,a),h&&(t.dump="&ref_"+p+t.dump)):(r6e(t,C,t.dump),h&&(t.dump="&ref_"+p+" "+t.dump))}else if(u==="[object String]")t.tag!=="?"&&$qe(t,t.dump,e,n);else{if(t.skipInvalid)return!1;throw new GI("unacceptable kind of an object to dump "+u)}t.tag!==null&&t.tag!=="?"&&(t.dump="!<"+t.tag+"> "+t.dump)}return!0}function o6e(t,e){var r=[],o=[],a,n;for(wT(t,r,o),a=0,n=o.length;a Yr({test:(r,o)=>{if(typeof r!="object"||r===null)return Pr(o,`Expected an object (got ${Ki(r)})`);let a=Object.keys(r),n=!0;for(let u=0,A=a.length;u{let r=Object.keys(t);return Yr({test:(o,a)=>{if(typeof o!="object"||o===null)return Pr(a,`Expected an object (got ${Ki(o)})`);let n=new Set([...r,...Object.keys(o)]),u={},A=!0;for(let p of n){if(p==="constructor"||p==="__proto__")A=Pr(Object.assign(Object.assign({},a),{p:Gp(a,p)}),"Unsafe property name");else{let h=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,p)?t[p]:void 0,C=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,p)?o[p]:void 0;typeof h<"u"?A=h(C,Object.assign(Object.assign({},a),{p:Gp(a,p),coercion:Xg(o,p)}))&&A:e===null?A=Pr(Object.assign(Object.assign({},a),{p:Gp(a,p)}),`Extraneous property (got ${Ki(C)})`):Object.defineProperty(u,p,{enumerable:!0,get:()=>C,set:IJ(o,p)})}if(!A&&(a==null?void 0:a.errors)==null)break}return e!==null&&(A||(a==null?void 0:a.errors)!=null)&&(A=e(u,a)&&A),A}})},S6e=t=>Yr({test:(e,r)=>e instanceof t?!0:Pr(r,`Expected an instance of ${t.name} (got ${Ki(e)})`)}),OT=(t,{exclusive:e=!1}={})=>Yr({test:(r,o)=>{var a,n,u;let A=[],p=typeof(o==null?void 0:o.errors)<"u"?[]:void 0;for(let h=0,C=t.length;h {var XJe=Kp(),ZJe=jl(),$Je=XJe(ZJe,"DataView");wte.exports=$Je});var Dte=U((aRt,vte)=>{var eVe=Kp(),tVe=jl(),rVe=eVe(tVe,"Promise");vte.exports=rVe});var xte=U((lRt,Ste)=>{var nVe=Kp(),iVe=jl(),sVe=nVe(iVe,"Set");Ste.exports=sVe});var bte=U((cRt,Pte)=>{var oVe=Kp(),aVe=jl(),lVe=oVe(aVe,"WeakMap");Pte.exports=lVe});var kw=U((uRt,Nte)=>{var KL=Bte(),JL=BS(),VL=Dte(),zL=xte(),XL=bte(),Lte=Ad(),Uy=NL(),Qte="[object Map]",cVe="[object Object]",kte="[object Promise]",Fte="[object Set]",Rte="[object WeakMap]",Tte="[object DataView]",uVe=Uy(KL),AVe=Uy(JL),fVe=Uy(VL),pVe=Uy(zL),hVe=Uy(XL),fd=Lte;(KL&&fd(new KL(new ArrayBuffer(1)))!=Tte||JL&&fd(new JL)!=Qte||VL&&fd(VL.resolve())!=kte||zL&&fd(new zL)!=Fte||XL&&fd(new XL)!=Rte)&&(fd=function(t){var e=Lte(t),r=e==cVe?t.constructor:void 0,o=r?Uy(r):"";if(o)switch(o){case uVe:return Tte;case AVe:return Qte;case fVe:return kte;case pVe:return Fte;case hVe:return Rte}return e});Nte.exports=fd});var Gte=U((ARt,jte)=>{var ZL=DS(),gVe=OL(),dVe=Fee(),mVe=Ite(),Ote=kw(),Mte=Gl(),Ute=Sw(),yVe=RS(),EVe=1,_te="[object Arguments]",Hte="[object Array]",NS="[object Object]",CVe=Object.prototype,qte=CVe.hasOwnProperty;function IVe(t,e,r,o,a,n){var u=Mte(t),A=Mte(e),p=u?Hte:Ote(t),h=A?Hte:Ote(e);p=p==_te?NS:p,h=h==_te?NS:h;var C=p==NS,w=h==NS,v=p==h;if(v&&Ute(t)){if(!Ute(e))return!1;u=!0,C=!1}if(v&&!C)return n||(n=new ZL),u||yVe(t)?gVe(t,e,r,o,a,n):dVe(t,e,p,r,o,a,n);if(!(r&EVe)){var b=C&&qte.call(t,"__wrapped__"),E=w&&qte.call(e,"__wrapped__");if(b||E){var R=b?t.value():t,N=E?e.value():e;return n||(n=new ZL),a(R,N,r,o,n)}}return v?(n||(n=new ZL),mVe(t,e,r,o,a,n)):!1}jte.exports=IVe});var Jte=U((fRt,Kte)=>{var wVe=Gte(),Wte=Xu();function Yte(t,e,r,o,a){return t===e?!0:t==null||e==null||!Wte(t)&&!Wte(e)?t!==t&&e!==e:wVe(t,e,r,o,Yte,a)}Kte.exports=Yte});var zte=U((pRt,Vte)=>{var BVe=Jte();function vVe(t,e){return BVe(t,e)}Vte.exports=vVe});var $L=U((hRt,Xte)=>{var DVe=Kp(),SVe=function(){try{var t=DVe(Object,"defineProperty");return t({},"",{}),t}catch{}}();Xte.exports=SVe});var OS=U((gRt,$te)=>{var Zte=$L();function xVe(t,e,r){e=="__proto__"&&Zte?Zte(t,e,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,value:r,writable:!0}):t[e]=r}$te.exports=xVe});var eN=U((dRt,ere)=>{var PVe=OS(),bVe=Fy();function QVe(t,e,r){(r!==void 0&&!bVe(t[e],r)||r===void 0&&!(e in t))&&PVe(t,e,r)}ere.exports=QVe});var rre=U((mRt,tre)=>{function kVe(t){return function(e,r,o){for(var a=-1,n=Object(e),u=o(e),A=u.length;A--;){var p=u[t?A:++a];if(r(n[p],p,n)===!1)break}return e}}tre.exports=kVe});var ire=U((yRt,nre)=>{var FVe=rre(),RVe=FVe();nre.exports=RVe});var tN=U((Fw,_y)=>{var TVe=jl(),lre=typeof Fw=="object"&&Fw&&!Fw.nodeType&&Fw,sre=lre&&typeof _y=="object"&&_y&&!_y.nodeType&&_y,LVe=sre&&sre.exports===lre,ore=LVe?TVe.Buffer:void 0,are=ore?ore.allocUnsafe:void 0;function NVe(t,e){if(e)return t.slice();var r=t.length,o=are?are(r):new t.constructor(r);return t.copy(o),o}_y.exports=NVe});var MS=U((ERt,ure)=>{var cre=ML();function OVe(t){var e=new t.constructor(t.byteLength);return new cre(e).set(new cre(t)),e}ure.exports=OVe});var rN=U((CRt,Are)=>{var MVe=MS();function UVe(t,e){var r=e?MVe(t.buffer):t.buffer;return new t.constructor(r,t.byteOffset,t.length)}Are.exports=UVe});var US=U((IRt,fre)=>{function _Ve(t,e){var r=-1,o=t.length;for(e||(e=Array(o));++r