# 1. install vagrant and virtualbox
sudo apt install virtualbox vagrant
# 2. reboot your machine to ensure that the virtualbox dkms is loaded into the kernel
sudo reboot now
# 3. create a new folder for vagrant
mkdir FACT-master
cd FACT-master
# 4. create a FACT-master configuration
vagrant init fact-cad/FACT-master
# 5. edit the Vagrantfile to your needs! an example can be found below.
nano Vagrantfile
# 6. start the VM. The first time executing this command will take some time, as the box is getting downloaded and imported. So better grab a coffee!
vagrant up
# Bonus: if you want to ssh into the vm, execute:
vagrant ssh
# Bonus: if you want to stop the vm, execute:
vagrant halt
Congrats, FACT is now available here (http://localhost:5000
An exemplary Vagrantfile config may look like this:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = "fact-cad/FACT-master" # base image
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 5000, host: 5000 # listen port for FACT
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.gui = false # suppress the virtualbox gui popping up on machine start
vb.cpus = 4 # assign 4 CPU cores to the VM
vb.memory = 6144 # assign 6GB RAM to the VM
Note: There is currently no automated process to migrate analysis data between boxes. Until we established export/import functionality, please do not update your Vagrant box if you want to keep your analysis results!
Due to a bug in some ubuntu vagrant versions, vagrant up
will output the following error after starting the machine:
Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
Yet, your FACT box will still run and you can still ssh
into it. Thus, from a functional perspective,
you could ignore this error. However, you shouldn't because vagrant is ...
- ... unable to gracefully shutdown the box, and ...
- didn't insert a secure ssh private key.
Please update your vagrant installation to a more recent version or follow the workaround provided here.