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File metadata and controls

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Control structures


  • if statements and ternary operator
  • Loops: for and while

📺 Watch the related YouTube video!

Special symbols used in slides

  • 🎨 - Style recommendation
  • 🎓 - Software design recommendation
  • 😱 - Not a good practice! Avoid in real life!
  • ✅ - Good practice!
  • ❌ - Whatever is marked with this is wrong
  • 🚨 - Alert! Important information!
  • 💡 - Hint or a useful exercise
  • 🔼1️⃣7️⃣ - Holds for this version of C++(here, 17) and above
  • 🔽1️⃣1️⃣ - Holds for versions until this one C++(here, 11)

Style (🎨) and software design (🎓) recommendations mostly come from Google Style Sheet and the CppCoreGuidelines

If statement

  // This is executed if STATEMENT == true
} else if (OTHER_STATEMENT) {
  // This is executed if:
  // (STATEMENT == false) && (OTHER_STATEMENT == true)
} else {
  // This is executed if neither is true
  • Used to conditionally execute code
  • All the else cases can be omitted if needed
  • STATEMENT can be any boolean expression
  • 💡 Curly brackets can be omitted for single-line statements
    if (STATEMENT)
  • 🎨 Always use curly brackets as it's harder to make a mistake
  • ✅ Use clang-format to indent your code for you!

Ternary operator

  • There is a short-hand version of writing an if statement
  • Let's look at an example
    bool condition = GetRandomTrueOrFalse();
    condition ? CallIfTrue() : CallIfFalse();
  • This is equivalent to the following if statement:
    bool condition = GetRandomTrueOrFalse();
    if (condition) {
    } else {
  • ✅ You can use it for simple cases
  • ❌ Don't use for complex scenarios

Switch statement

const int statement = GetNumber();
switch(statement) {
  case kConst1:
    // This runs if statement == kConst1
  case kConst2:
    // This runs if statement == kConst2
  default:  // optional
    // This runs if no other options worked
  • Used to conditionally execute code
  • Can have many case statements
  • break exits the switch block
  • statement can be any integer-like type
  • If you covered all cases, you don't need default

Omitting the break

  • If the break is omitted from a case we call it a fallthrough
  • It means that the next case will be executed too
  • ✅ Always use [[fallthrough]] C++ attribute to annotate situation where you want a fallthrough 🔼1️⃣7️⃣
// Somewhere in main
const int statement = 1;
switch (statement) {
case kConst1:
  // This runs if (statement == kConst1)
  [[fallthrough]];  // Explicitly fall through
case kConst2:
  // This runs if:
  // (statement == kConst2) or (statement == kConst1)
default:  // optional

While loop

while (STATEMENT) {
  // Loop while STATEMENT == true.
  • Example while loop:
bool condition = true;
while (condition) {
  condition = GetRandomBool();
  • Usually used when the exact number of iterations is unknown before-wise
  • Easy to form an endless loop by mistake

Do while loop

  • Sometimes you want the first iteration to always run
  • Use do ... while(); construct for this!
    #include <iostream>
    int main() {
      int number = 42;
      do {
        std::cout << number << std::endl;
      } while (number != 0);
      return 0;
  • Notice that the check only happens after the first iteration!
  • 💡 This is not used very often

For loop

  // This happens until END_CONDITION == false
  • Example for loop:
for (int i = 0; i < kIterationCount; ++i) {
  // This happens kIterationCount times.
  • In C++ for loops are very fast. Use them!
  • Use for when the number of iterations is known and while otherwise

🔼1️⃣1️⃣ Range for loop

  • ✅ Iterate over a standard containers with simpler syntax: std::array, std::vector, or even std::map, etc.
  • Allows us to avoid mistakes with indices and shows intent
    const std::vector<int> numbers{42, 23};
    for (const auto &number : numbers) {
      std::cout << number << std::endl;
    const std::map<int, double> container{{42, 23.23}, {23, 42.42}};
    for (const auto &[key, value] : container) {
      std::cout << key << " " << value << std::endl;
  • 🚨 Make sure to use & to get a reference when iterating over containers. Otherwise, the data is copied, which is slow!
  • 💡 Modify data in the container by not using const Try it out on your own!

Endless loops

bg right contain

  • We can create loops that never end with both while and for
  • while expresses the intent better
    while(true) {
      // Do this forever
  • Syntax for for is less obvious:
    for(;;) {
      // Do this forever

Exit loops and iterations

  • We have control over loop iterations
  • Use continue to skip to next iteration
  • Use break to exit the loop
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  while (true) {
    int i = GetRandomInt();
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
      std::cout << i << std::endl;
