ABACUS (Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc) supports NAO(numerical atomic orbital) as calculation basis, which is in format of ORB file. So far, NAOs are only obtained through optimazation based on jY basis. This repository supplies gaussian orbitals in ORB format, which may be needed for benchmark with other softwares.
- Just assign the .orb file to ABACUS directly. They are converted from
NOTICE: to use them, one should modify function to_numerical_orbital_lm
in ABACUS source file module_basis/module_nao/numerical_radial.cpp
as following
void NumericalRadial::to_numerical_orbital_lm(Numerical_Orbital_Lm& orbital_lm, const int nk_legacy, const double lcao_dk) const
#ifdef __DEBUG
assert(rgrid_[0] == 0.0);
assert(is_uniform(nr_, rgrid_, 1e-14));
// Numerical_Orbital_Lm does not support extra exponent in the real space value
assert(pr_ == 0);
double dr = rgrid_[1] - rgrid_[0];
double* rab = new double[nr_];
std::fill(rab, rab + nr_, dr);
//orbital_lm.set_orbital_info(symbol_, itype_, l_, izeta_, std::min(nr_, ircut_+1), rab, rgrid_,
orbital_lm.set_orbital_info(symbol_, itype_, l_, izeta_, nr_, rab, rgrid_,
Numerical_Orbital_Lm::Psi_Type::Psi, rvalue_, nk_legacy, lcao_dk,
0.001 /* dr_uniform */, PARAM.inp.out_element_info, true, GlobalV::CAL_FORCE);
delete[] rab;
Otherwise, the absolute value less than 1e-15 in gaussian orbital will cause different rcut
and break down the calculation.
- The script
can generate arbitrary gaussian ORB file converted from xxx format. So far, xxx can be FHI-aims and CP2K. To use this, one can download gaussian orbital file in basis exchange and run command
python xxx2abacus_gaussian.py <inputfile> <outputfile> <rcut> [basis_label]
For example, in folder aug-cc-pVTZ-14au
, run
python ../aims2abacus_gaussian.py 01_H_default 01H_augccpVTZ_14au 14
will generate 01H_augccpVTZ_14.orb
and 01H_augccpVTZ_14.png
And in folder MOLOPT-TZVP-14au
, run
python ../cp2k2abacus_gaussian.py 01_H_default 01H_MOLOPT-TZVP_14au 14 MOLOPT-GTH
is used to address in which line the script begins to read. The default value is MOLOPT
if this parameter is not given.
The script
can check whether each radial orbital is normalized. -
The script
can run a batch ofxxx2abacus_gaussian.py