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Commitizen/Commitlint Configuration for HydraLite

This is where our customized Commitizen adapter to cz-conventional-changelog and also where our accepted types and scopes for Commitlint CI to pass.

See the changelog on what's new in the package, among with historical context of changes.


As standalone package

⚠️ This package isn't yet published on npm registry! We just leave this in case we're published this in the future.

  1. Make your repository Commitizen-friendly first if not yet. If your repository is Commitizen-friendly and uses cz-conventional-changelog adapter, you can switch to this package without breaking anything.
# Install Commitizen globally first. If you get an EACCESS error, use Node Version manager instead or prefix sudo or run it as root.
npm i -g commitizen

# Install our adapter. If you use Yarn instead, add --yarn flag.
# Or if you want to swap out your current adapter with ours, add --force
# flag also.
commitizen init @hydralite/cz-commitlint-config --save-dev
  1. Configure Commitizen as needed. See the Coniguration section below for supported environment variables and config keys.

  2. Add the following scripts to package.json.

  // your stuff above here
  "scripts": {
    // we added the signoff Git commit flag since we assume you
    // need DCO compliance instead of having new contributors to sign CLAs
    "commit": "cz --signoff",
  // your stuff below here
  1. Stage changes and test with yarn commit. If its works, ship it anyway.

In Hydralite

  1. Right after cloning Hydralite and navigating into your local repository through cd, install the dependencies using yarn (shortcut for yarn install).
  2. Work on your new features/CI stuff/documentation writing on an seperate branch with git switch -c <your-username>/<chore> origin/dev, assuming origin/dev points to either the upstream repo or your GitHub fork.
  3. When you're ready, stage all and commit anyway with yarn commit:stage-all or pick which to stage first then run yarn commit (shortcut for the commit:dco script in the global package.json at project root) to call the custom adapter.
  4. Follow prompts, such as:
  • selecting an type of commit and its scope (see below for supported types and scopes so Commitlint CI will go green when you push)
  • typing the commit subject
  • optionally input the commit body
  • if yes, describe any breaking changes (ONLY DO THIS on new major versions, doing breaking changes at minor versions might cause downtime to users when deployed straight to production)
  • if yes, pasting the GitHub/GitLab SaaS issue link (entering just the issue number may break on cross-platform basis)
  1. Push your commits to your branch/fork on GitHub/GitLab SaaS with git push origin <branch-name-here>. Remember to keep your branch up-to-date with the upstream with git fetch --all && git pull upstream dev.
  2. Repeat steps 2-5, until you're done with your work, in which you can now submit an pull request.


Like Commitizen, you specify the configuration of @hydralite/cz-commitlint-config through the package.json's config.commitizen key.

  // ...  default values
  "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "./node_modules/@hydralite/cz-commitlint-config",
      "disableScopeLowerCase": false,
      "disableSubjectLowerCase": false,
      "maxHeaderWidth": 100,
      "maxLineWidth": 100,
      "defaultType": "",
      "defaultScope": "",
      "defaultSubject": "",
      "defaultBody": "",
      "defaultIssues": "",
      "types": {
        // Full JSON list at customizations.json file
        "feat": {
          "description": "A new feature",
          "title": "Features",
        // your config here...
      "scopes": {
        // Full JSON list at customizations.json file
        "global": {
          "description": "Global project-level changes that affects all components",
          "title": "Global Changes",
        // your config here...
  // ...

Environment variables

The following environment varibles can be used to override any default configuration or package.json based configuration. Most of these are inherited from the upstream package.

  • CZ_TYPE = defaultType
  • CZ_SCOPE = defaultScope
  • CZ_SUBJECT = defaultSubject
  • CZ_BODY = defaultBody
  • CZ_MAX_HEADER_WIDTH = maxHeaderWidth
  • CZ_MAX_LINE_WIDTH = maxLineWidth


If using Commitlint in combination with Commitizen or as part of your CI, the "maxHeaderWidth" configuration property will default to the configuration of the "header-max-length" rule instead of the hard coded value of 100. This can be ovewritten by setting the 'maxHeaderWidth' configuration in package.json or the CZ_MAX_HEADER_WIDTH environment variable.

You can also import our configuration as needed in your commitlint.config.js, through we recommend to copy it (including its schema) into your project and import your own copied instead.

# make an directory to store your customizations
mkdir -p .config/cz-commitlint-config

# download stuff with wget
wget -O .config/cz-commitlint-config/customizations.json
wget -O .config/cz-commitlint-config/schema.json

# Customize scopes and type abit
$([ $VISUAL != "" ] && echo $VISUAL || echo $EDITOR) .config/cz-commitlint-config/customizations.json

Here's the example Commitlint configuration with our configurations that you can copy-and-paste along.

// replace "@hydralite/cz-commitlint-config/customizations.json" to point into your own copy of
// the customizations.json file, e.g. ".config/cz-commitlint-config/customizations.json"
const conventionalCommit = require("@hydralite/cz-commitlint-config/customizations.json");
const typesEnum = Object.keys(conventionalCommit.types);
const scopesEnum = Object.keys(conventionalCommit.scopes);

module.exports = {
  extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
  rules: {
    "type-enum": [2, "always", typesEnum],
    "scope-enum": [2, "always", scopesEnum],


  • Implement fuzzy search and autocompletion when selecting an scope, as the list goes longer in the future.
  • Make this package also an Commitlint adapter.


This list might be outdated as we add new ones and deprecate/remove some in the future, so please consult our customizations JSON file.


  • feat - A new feature, can be also improvement to an existing feature
  • fix - A bug fix, especially fix security vunleabilities.
  • docs - Documentation-only changes
  • style - Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refractor - A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature, usually rewriting code and cleanup old, unused stuff
  • perf - Performance improvements and optmizations
  • test - Adding missing tests or correcting existing ones
  • build - Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies. For dependency upgrades and changes to the lockfiles, use the chore type instead.
  • ci - Changes to Ci configuration files and scripts (e.g. GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, Wreft)
  • chore - Other changes that don't modify either src or test files
  • revert - Reverts a previous fix, action, or commit
  • merge - Usually reserved for merge commits after pulling changes from upstream and fix any conflicts.


  • global - project-wide changes, includes changes to project's .editorconfig and .vscode/settings.json
  • api - backend code
  • landing - landing page for Hydralite
  • automation - automation scripts, usually scrapping stuff from Stack Overflow
  • mobile - frontend Flutter mobile app, written in Dart
  • prototype - technical prototypes for future Hydralite features, should be moved to the prototypes repo instead
  • web - frontend Next.js webapp
  • hydrabot - Discord bot and GitHub app server, documentation for the seperate bot account is available in hydralitebot's README repository
  • docker - Dockerfiles and Docker Compose stuff
  • gitpod - Gitpod configuration and custom workspace Dockerfile
  • devcontainer - configuration files and Dockerfile for VS Code's Remote - Dev Containers and GitHub Codespaces
  • docs - catch-all basin in case the docs type isn't being used in an commit
  • contributing-guide - file
  • meta - project governance, code of conduct, other sort of meta stuff
  • commitlint - commitlint.config.js and our Custom Types JSON file
  • issue-templates - Issue templates for GitHub and GitLab SaaS
  • prettier - Prettier configuration and ignore files
  • assets - logos, backgrounds, screenshots
  • github-actions, actions, gh-actions - changes to GitHub Actions workflow files
  • gitlab-ci - changes to .gitlab-ci.yml and related files for GitLab CI/CD, currently reserved just in case Hydralite switch to GitLab in the future
  • deps-dev, deps-peer, deps-optional, deps - Mostly automated dependency upgrades by Dependabot for npmjs/Yarnpkg
  • lockfiles - changes to the lockfiles, such as [yarn.lock] and Cargo.lock in Hydralite CLI
  • pr, mr, pull-request, merge-request - GitHub / GitLab terms for pull requests when merged from the web UI/API, this may also applied if you used git merge way in command line.
  • git-pull - the legendary git pull upstream dev command