From f2c31df1466f267cef214fc338f03a5e4e05b631 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Woollett-Light <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 14:27:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update code coverage

Updated code coverage to use grcov.

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Woollett-Light <>
 .gitignore                                    |   1 +
 .../integration_tests/build/  | 179 ++++++++----------
 .../integration_tests/build/ |  12 +-
 3 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 4d5a5f7934b..76713f74350 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ __pycache__
diff --git a/tests/integration_tests/build/ b/tests/integration_tests/build/
index 2922130a772..235fa50ee38 100644
--- a/tests/integration_tests/build/
+++ b/tests/integration_tests/build/
@@ -8,15 +8,10 @@
   target should be put in `s3://spec.firecracker` and automatically updated.
 import os
-import platform
-import re
-import shutil
 import pytest
 from framework import utils
-import host_tools.cargo_build as host  # pylint: disable=import-error
 from host_tools import proc
 # We have different coverages based on the host kernel version. This is
@@ -29,114 +24,100 @@
 # Checkout the cpuid crate. In the future other
 # differences may appear.
 if utils.is_io_uring_supported():
-    COVERAGE_DICT = {"Intel": 82.99, "AMD": 82.31, "ARM": 82.41}
+    COVERAGE_DICT = {"Intel": 90.84, "AMD": 90.11, "ARM": 90.51}
-    COVERAGE_DICT = {"Intel": 80.15, "AMD": 79.48, "ARM": 79.59}
+    COVERAGE_DICT = {"Intel": 88.39, "AMD": 87.67, "ARM": 87.95}
 PROC_MODEL = proc.proc_type()
-CARGO_KCOV_REL_PATH = os.path.join(host.CARGO_BUILD_REL_PATH, "kcov")
-KCOV_COVERAGE_FILE = "index.js"
-"""kcov will aggregate coverage data in this file."""
+# Toolchain target architecture.
+if ("Intel" in PROC_MODEL) or ("AMD" in PROC_MODEL):
+    ARCH = "x86_64"
+elif "ARM" in PROC_MODEL:
+    ARCH = "aarch64"
+    raise Exception(f"Unsupported processor model ({PROC_MODEL})")
-KCOV_COVERED_LINES_REGEX = r'"covered_lines":"(\d+)"'
-"""Regex for extracting number of total covered lines found by kcov."""
+# Toolchain target.
+# Currently profiling with `aarch64-unknown-linux-musl` is unsupported (see
+# therefore we profile and
+# run coverage with the `gnu` toolchains and run unit tests with the `musl` toolchains.
+TARGET = f"{ARCH}-unknown-linux-gnu"
-KCOV_TOTAL_LINES_REGEX = r'"total_lines" : "(\d+)"'
-"""Regex for extracting number of total executable lines found by kcov."""
+# We allow coverage to have a max difference of `COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA` as percentage before failing
+# the test.
-SECCOMPILER_BUILD_DIR = "../build/seccompiler"
+# grcov 0.8.* requires GLIBC >2.27, this is not present in ubuntu 18.04, when we update the docker
+# container with a newer version of ubuntu we can also update this.
+GRCOV_VERSION = "0.7.1"
-def test_coverage(test_fc_session_root_path, test_session_tmp_path):
-    """Test line coverage for rust tests is within bounds.
-    The result is extracted from the $KCOV_COVERAGE_FILE file created by kcov
-    after a coverage run.
+def test_coverage():
+    """Test code coverage
     @type: build
-    proc_model = [item for item in COVERAGE_DICT if item in PROC_MODEL]
-    assert len(proc_model) == 1, "Could not get processor model!"
-    coverage_target_pct = COVERAGE_DICT[proc_model[0]]
-    exclude_pattern = (
-        "${CARGO_HOME:-$HOME/.cargo/},"
-        "build/,"
-        "tests/,"
-        "usr/lib/gcc,"
-        "lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/,"
-        ","
-        # The following files/directories are auto-generated
-        ","
-        ","
-        ","
-        ","
-        ","
-        "_gen"
+    # Get coverage target.
+    processor_model = [item for item in COVERAGE_DICT if item in PROC_MODEL]
+    assert len(processor_model) == 1, "Could not get processor model!"
+    coverage_target = COVERAGE_DICT[processor_model[0]]
+    # Re-direct to repository root.
+    os.chdir("..")
+    # Add `llvm-tools-preview` component
+    utils.run_cmd("rustup component add llvm-tools-preview")
+    # Generate test profiles.
+    utils.run_cmd(
+        f'\
+        env RUSTFLAGS="-Cinstrument-coverage" \
+        LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="coverage-%p-%m.profraw" \
+        cargo test --all --target={TARGET} -- --test-threads=1 \
+    '
-    exclude_region = "'mod tests {'"
-    target = "{}-unknown-linux-musl".format(platform.machine())
-    cmd = (
-        "cargo kcov --all "
-        "--target {} --output {} -- "
-        "--exclude-pattern={} "
-        "--exclude-region={} --verify"
-    ).format(
-        host.get_rustflags(),
-        os.path.join(test_fc_session_root_path, CARGO_KCOV_REL_PATH),
-        target,
-        test_session_tmp_path,
-        exclude_pattern,
-        exclude_region,
-    )
-    # We remove the seccompiler custom build directory, created by the
-    # vmm-level ``.
-    # If we don't delete it before and after running the kcov command, we will
-    # run into linker errors.
-    shutil.rmtree(SECCOMPILER_BUILD_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
-    # By default, `cargo kcov` passes `--exclude-pattern=$CARGO_HOME --verify`
-    # to kcov. To pass others arguments, we need to include the defaults.
-    utils.run_cmd(cmd)
-    shutil.rmtree(SECCOMPILER_BUILD_DIR)
-    coverage_file = os.path.join(test_session_tmp_path, KCOV_COVERAGE_FILE)
-    with open(coverage_file, encoding="utf-8") as cov_output:
-        contents =
-        covered_lines = int(re.findall(KCOV_COVERED_LINES_REGEX, contents)[0])
-        total_lines = int(re.findall(KCOV_TOTAL_LINES_REGEX, contents)[0])
-        coverage = covered_lines / total_lines * 100
-    print("Number of executable lines: {}".format(total_lines))
-    print("Number of covered lines: {}".format(covered_lines))
-    print("Thus, coverage is: {:.2f}%".format(coverage))
-    coverage_low_msg = (
-        "Current code coverage ({:.2f}%) is >{:.2f}% below the target ({}%).".format(
-            coverage, COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA, coverage_target_pct
-        )
-    )
-    assert coverage >= coverage_target_pct - COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA, coverage_low_msg
-    # Get the name of the variable that needs updating.
-    namespace = globals()
-    cov_target_name = [name for name in namespace if namespace[name] is COVERAGE_DICT][
-        0
-    ]
-    coverage_high_msg = (
-        "Current code coverage ({:.2f}%) is >{:.2f}% above the target ({}%).\n"
-        "Please update the value of {}.".format(
-            coverage, COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA, coverage_target_pct, cov_target_name
-        )
+    # Generate coverage report.
+    utils.run_cmd(
+        f'\
+        cargo install --version {GRCOV_VERSION} grcov \
+        && grcov . \
+            -s . \
+            --binary-path ./build/cargo_target/{TARGET}/debug/ \
+            --ignore "build/*" \
+            -t html \
+            --branch \
+            --ignore-not-existing \
+            -o ./build/cargo_target/{TARGET}/debug/coverage \
+    '
-    assert coverage <= coverage_target_pct + COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA, coverage_high_msg
-    return (f"{coverage}%", f"{coverage_target_pct}% +/- {COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA * 100}%")
+    # Extract coverage from html report.
+    #
+    # The line looks like `<abbr title="44724 / 49237">90.83 %</abbr></p>` and is the first
+    # occurrence of the `<abbr>` element in the file.
+    #
+    # When we update grcov to 0.8.* we can update this to pull the coverage from a generated .json
+    # file.
+    index = open(
+        f"./build/cargo_target/{TARGET}/debug/coverage/index.html", encoding="utf-8"
+    )
+    index_contents =
+    end = index_contents.find(" %</abbr></p>")
+    start = index_contents[:end].rfind(">")
+    coverage_str = index_contents[start + 1 : end]
+    coverage = float(coverage_str)
+    # Compare coverage.
+    high = coverage_target * (1.0 + COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA)
+    low = coverage_target * (1.0 - COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA)
+    assert (
+        coverage >= low
+    ), f"Current code coverage ({coverage:.2f}%) is more than {COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA:.2f}% below \
+            the target ({coverage_target:.2f}%)"
+    assert (
+        coverage <= high
+    ), f"Current code coverage ({coverage:.2f}%) is more than {COVERAGE_MAX_DELTA:.2f}% above \
+            the target ({coverage_target:.2f}%)"
diff --git a/tests/integration_tests/build/ b/tests/integration_tests/build/
index 5ba0be585c3..5477e728689 100644
--- a/tests/integration_tests/build/
+++ b/tests/integration_tests/build/
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
 import host_tools.cargo_build as host  # pylint:disable=import-error
 MACHINE = platform.machine()
-# No need to run unittests for musl since
-# we run coverage with musl for all platforms.
-TARGET = "{}-unknown-linux-gnu".format(MACHINE)
+# Currently profiling with `aarch64-unknown-linux-musl` is unsupported (see
+# therefore we profile and
+# run coverage with the `gnu` toolchains and run unit tests with the `musl` toolchains.
+TARGET = "{}-unknown-linux-musl".format(MACHINE)
 def test_unittests(test_fc_session_root_path):
@@ -20,7 +21,4 @@ def test_unittests(test_fc_session_root_path):
     extra_args = "--release --target {} ".format(TARGET)
-    host.cargo_test(
-        test_fc_session_root_path,
-        extra_args=extra_args
-    )
+    host.cargo_test(test_fc_session_root_path, extra_args=extra_args)