Example projects are provided here for your testing purposes. Simply fork this repository and kick off a build by pushing a tag like so:
$ git tag v0.0.1-test
$ git push --tags
The workflow is configured here.
If all goes well, executables will be attached as archives to your release.
To test the godot 4 example, change the workflow by using the following build step:
- name: export game
id: export
uses: firebelley/godot-export@master
godot_executable_download_url: https://downloads.tuxfamily.org/godotengine/4.0/Godot_v4.0-stable_linux.x86_64.zip
godot_export_templates_download_url: https://downloads.tuxfamily.org/godotengine/4.0/Godot_v4.0-stable_export_templates.tpz
relative_project_path: ./examples/project-godot-4 # build the godot 4 project
relative_export_path: ./my/build/destination # move export output to this directory relative to git root
archive_output: true
wine_path: ${{ steps.wine_install.outputs.WINE_PATH }}