To Write [ ] - Our Idea [ ] - Project Plan [ ] - User Guide [x] - Rules [x] - Scoring [ ] - Record Simon Says Mode [ ] - Record Random Mode [ ] - Technical Guide
[ ] - Software UML diagram
[ ] - Approach taken to build the software
[ ] - Complexities building java code
[ ] - Serial comms
[x] - Wiring Diagrams
[ ] - Wiring Explanation
[ ] - Parts Explaination
[ ] - Arduino Code
[ ] - Comms API
[ ] - Plan of action [ ] - Gantt Chart [ ] - Tasks anbd timeframes [ ] - Contrubitions [ ] - Reflection
[ ] - Final Steps [ ] - Move all to website [ ] - Upload Website to devWeb [ ] - Put Link to devweb in Intro Wrap Sheet
[ ] - Fix Challenge Mode [ ] - Have the "Play Button Removed when selected [ ] - Test the