The piecestore
module is a simple encapsulation of two data stores, one for PieceInfo
another for CIDInfo
. The piecestore's main goal is to help
storagemarket module and retrievalmarket module
find where sealed data lives inside of sectors. Storage market writes the
data, and retrieval market reads it.
Both markets use CIDInfo
to look up a Piece that contains the payload, and then
use PieceInfo
to find the sector that contains the piece.
The storage market has to write this data before it completes the deal in order to later look up the payload when the data is served.
go get
is primary export of this module. It is a database
of piece info that can be modified and queried. The PieceStore
interface is implemented in piecestore.go.
It has two stores, one for PieceInfo
keyed by pieceCID
, and another for
, keyed by payloadCID
. These keys are of type cid.CID
; see
To initialize a PieceStore
func NewPieceStore(ds datastore.Batching) PieceStore
ds datastore.Batching
is a datastore for the deal's state machine. It is typically the node's own datastore that implements the IPFS datastore.Batching interface. See
implements the following functions:
Please the tests for more information about expected behavior.