- none
- Fixed corrupt framerate display when starting from N64FlashcartMenu.
- Disabled Start + Z when game is started from N64FlashcartMenu.
- When starting emulator, holding Z will force to load the built-in menu.
- Fixed libcart preventing internal menu to list roms.
Using a SummerCart64, Master system and GameGear roms can be started directly from N64FlashCartmenu.
For this to work with N64FlashCartmenu, copy smsPlus64.z64 to the menu/emulators folder of your SD-card. More info in the N64FlashcartMenu Getting Started Guide
According to the Everdrive manual, roms could also be run this way via the Everdrive menu by saving smsPlus64.z64 as ED64/emu/gg.v64 and ED64/emu/sms.v64. This does not work however. As a workaround, you can rename your .sms .gg roms to have the .gen extension and then copy smsPlus64.z64 to ED64/emu/gen.v64
- various bugfixes and improvements.
- none
- Fix bug in splash screen
- show program version in splash screen.
- Fixed sound toggle bug.
- Last column in menu was not visible.
- Changed framerate toggle from START + A to Z + A
- Added sound toggle Z + B
- Added libdragon logo to splash screen.
- Enabled audio
- None
- Initial release, based on infonesPlus.