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132 lines (105 loc) · 4.49 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (105 loc) · 4.49 KB


A gradle plugin to compile scss/sass with jsass (libsass wrapper for java)

  • Need Gradle Version >= 2.12
  • Need Java Version >= 8

Available tasks


  • compileLibSass : Compile sass/scss files to css (with optional source map) with LibSass
  • compileLibSassWithWatch : Continuous compilation of sass/scss files to css (with optional source map) with LibSass


  • installBourbon : import bourbon scss source files in current project
  • installCompass : import compass scss source files in current project


  • compileLibSassProductionTask : Compile sass/scss files to css (with optional source map) with LibSass and production configuration


  • Maintenance
  • Finding a better way to manage background process on task CompileLibSassWatcher


  • installCompass : Source modifications are applied by the plugin to avoir compilation errors:
    • Correct import path, compass uses absolute path, libsass needs relative path.
    • Compass calls "prefix-usage", a ruby function from compass gem. An error is thrown by Libsass on compilation. This function is used to make stats to avoid deprecated browser prefixes. The choice here is to replace this function by a constant to always add prefixes even if they are deprecated. (workaround: sass/libsass#1936)


apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'com.github.fgiannesini.libsass.gradle.plugin'

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.github.fgiannesini.libsass.gradle.plugin:libsass-gradle-plugin:+'

//Relative paths from resources can be used if target directory already exists, otherwise absolute path from project root should be used.
libSassParameters {
	//Type: String Mandatory
	//File path to compile (normally import other scss files)
	//Can be overridden for production task
	inputFilePath = "scss/input.scss"
	//Type: String Mandatory
	//Compiled file path
	//Can be overridden for production task
	outputFilePath = "css/output.css"
	//Directory to watch for continuous compilation 	
	watchedDirectoryPath = "scss"
	//Type: Boolean Default: false
	//'true' embeds the source map as a data URI
	//Can be overridden for production task
	sourceMapEmbed = true
	//Type: Boolean Default: false
	//'true' enables additional debugging information in the output file as CSS comments
	//Can be overridden for production task 
	//sourceComments = false
	//Type: Boolean Default: false 
	//'true' values disable the inclusion of source map information in the output file
	//Can be overridden for production task
	//omitSourceMappingURL = false
	//Type: Boolean Default: false
	//'true' includes the contents in the source map information
	//Can be overridden for production task
	//sourceMapContents = false
	//Type: String Default: 'scss'
	//Input syntax 'scss' or 'sass'
	//Can be overridden for production task
	//inputSyntax "scss"
	//Type: Integer Default: 5
	//Used to determine how many digits after the decimal will be allowed. For instance, if you had a decimal number of 1.23456789 and a precision of 5, the result will be 1.23457 in the final CSS.
	//Can be overridden for production task
	//precision 5
	//Type: String 
	//Path of source file to generate if not embedded
	//Can be overridden for production task
	//sourceMapFilePath "css/"
	//Type: String Default: nested Values: nested, expanded, compact, compressed
	//Determines the output format of the final CSS style.
	//Can be overridden for production task
	//outputStyle "nested"
	//Type: String Default: ""
	//Paths that LibSass can look in to attempt to resolve your @import declarations. When using data, it is recommended that you use this. 
	//';' is the path separator for Windows
	//':' is the path separator for Linux
	//Can be overridden for production task
	//includePaths "scss-lib"
	//Type: String
    //Installation folder for bourbon sources
    bourbonInstallationPath "scss"

	//Type: String
    //If a specific version of bourbon is necessary
    //bourbonVersion "4.2.6"

	//Type: String
    //Installation folder for compass sources
    compassInstallationPath "src/main/resources/scss"

	//Type: String
    //If a specific version of compass is necessary
    //compassVersion "1.0.3"
    //Override parameters for task "compileLibSassProduction"
    libSassProductionParameters {
    	outputStyle "compressed"
    	outputFilePath = "src/main/resources/css/production/output.css"