Official elasticsearch plugin for dokku. Currently defaults to installing elasticsearch 2.3.5.
- dokku 0.4.x+
- docker 1.8.x
# on 0.4.x+
sudo dokku plugin:install elasticsearch
elasticsearch:backup <name> <bucket> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:backup-auth <name> <aws_access_key_id> <aws_secret_access_key> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:backup-deauth <name> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:backup-schedule <name> <schedule> <bucket> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:backup-unschedule <name> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:clone <name> <new-name> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:connect <name> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:create <name> Create a elasticsearch service with environment variables
elasticsearch:destroy <name> Delete the service and stop its container if there are no links left
elasticsearch:enter <name> [command] Enter or run a command in a running elasticsearch service container
elasticsearch:export <name> > <file> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:expose <name> [port] Expose a elasticsearch service on custom port if provided (random port otherwise)
elasticsearch:import <name> <file> NOT IMPLEMENTED
elasticsearch:info <name> Print the connection information
elasticsearch:link <name> <app> Link the elasticsearch service to the app
elasticsearch:list List all elasticsearch services
elasticsearch:logs <name> [-t] Print the most recent log(s) for this service
elasticsearch:promote <name> <app> Promote service <name> as ELASTICSEARCH_URL in <app>
elasticsearch:restart <name> Graceful shutdown and restart of the elasticsearch service container
elasticsearch:start <name> Start a previously stopped elasticsearch service
elasticsearch:stop <name> Stop a running elasticsearch service
elasticsearch:unexpose <name> Unexpose a previously exposed elasticsearch service
elasticsearch:unlink <name> <app> Unlink the elasticsearch service from the app
# create a elasticsearch service named lolipop
dokku elasticsearch:create lolipop
# you can also specify the image and image
# version to use for the service
# it *must* be compatible with the
# official elasticsearch image
export ELASTICSEARCH_IMAGE="elasticsearch"
dokku elasticsearch:create lolipop
# you can also specify custom environment
# variables to start the elasticsearch service
# in semi-colon separated forma
dokku elasticsearch:create lolipop
# get connection information as follows
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop
# you can also retrieve a specific piece of service info via flags
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --config-dir
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --data-dir
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --dsn
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --exposed-ports
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --id
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --internal-ip
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --links
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --service-root
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --status
dokku elasticsearch:info lolipop --version
# a bash prompt can be opened against a running service
# filesystem changes will not be saved to disk
dokku elasticsearch:enter lolipop
# you may also run a command directly against the service
# filesystem changes will not be saved to disk
dokku elasticsearch:enter lolipop ls -lah /
# a elasticsearch service can be linked to a
# container this will use native docker
# links via the docker-options plugin
# here we link it to our 'playground' app
# NOTE: this will restart your app
dokku elasticsearch:link lolipop playground
# the following environment variables will be set automatically by docker (not
# on the app itself, so they won’t be listed when calling dokku config)
# and the following will be set on the linked application by default
# ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://dokku-elasticsearch-lolipop:9200
# NOTE: the host exposed here only works internally in docker containers. If
# you want your container to be reachable from outside, you should use `expose`.
# another service can be linked to your app
dokku elasticsearch:link other_service playground
# since ELASTICSEARCH_URL is already in use, another environment variable will be
# generated automatically
# DOKKU_ELASTICSEARCH_BLUE_URL=http://dokku-elasticsearch-other-service:9200
# you can then promote the new service to be the primary one
# NOTE: this will restart your app
dokku elasticsearch:promote other_service playground
# this will replace ELASTICSEARCH_URL with the url from other_service and generate
# another environment variable to hold the previous value if necessary.
# you could end up with the following for example:
# ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://dokku-elasticsearch-other-service:9200
# DOKKU_ELASTICSEARCH_BLUE_URL=http://dokku-elasticsearch-other-service:9200
# DOKKU_ELASTICSEARCH_SILVER_URL=http://dokku-elasticsearch-lolipop:9200
# you can also unlink an elasticsearch service
# NOTE: this will restart your app and unset related environment variables
dokku elasticsearch:unlink lolipop playground
# you can tail logs for a particular service
dokku elasticsearch:logs lolipop
dokku elasticsearch:logs lolipop -t # to tail
# finally, you can destroy the container
dokku elasticsearch:destroy lolipop
It's possible to change the protocol for ELASTICSEARCH_URL by setting the environment variable ELASTICSEARCH_DATABASE_SCHEME on the app:
dokku config:set playground ELASTICSEARCH_DATABASE_SCHEME=elasticsearch2
dokku elasticsearch:link lolipop playground
Will cause ELASTICSEARCH_URL to be set as elasticsearch2://dokku-elasticsearch-lolipop:9200
CAUTION: Changing ELASTICSEARCH_DATABASE_SCHEME after linking will cause dokku to
believe the elasticsearch is not linked when attempting to use dokku elasticsearch:unlink
or dokku elasticsearch:promote
You should be able to fix this by
- Changing ELASTICSEARCH_URL manually to the new value.
- Set ELASTICSEARCH_DATABASE_SCHEME back to its original setting
- Unlink the service
- Change ELASTICSEARCH_DATABASE_SCHEME to the desired setting
- Relink the service
- implement elasticsearch:clone
- implement elasticsearch:import