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Reproducing published Experiments

We list here, ordered by publication, the example programs included in dune-dpg. To allow you to reproduce our published results more easily, we try to list here all the parameters used to generate the figues seen in those publications as well as the exact version of dune-dpg that had been used.

Adaptive Source Term Iteration (Gruber2018, DGM2020)

We describe here how to reproduce the results given in Felix’ dissertation. First make sure to compile dune-dpg as described in The exact version numbers of dependencies used for the results are given in Appendix A of the disseration. Especially, dune-dpg 0.4.2 was used, so later versions of dune-dpg might give slightly different results as I expect the Adaptive Source Term Iteration to further improve in the future.

Let $BUILDDIR be your build directory for dune-dpg. Then you can see that there are different asti_* programs in $BUILDDIR/src. The ones with _normalized suffix use normalized test spaces to improve the accuracy of the solutions of the local auxiliary problems to find the near-optimal test spaces.

Set $OUTPUTDIR to a path where you want the results of the ASTI solver to be stored. Then run the following commands to reproduce the actual results:

export KAPPA_RATIO=0.2
export FINAL_ACCURACY=0.005
export GAMMA=0.5
$BUILDDIR/src/asti_checkerboard_normalized \
    -p -i -o $OUTPUTDIR -k $KAPPA_RATIO \

This creates the directory $OUTPUTDIR if it doesn't exist yet and stores all output there.

The output consists of:

  • A file output that contains a detailed log of the ASTI algorithm. This can be used to generate the convergence plot from Figure 11 of the dissertation, using scripts/asti/ scripts/asti/ can be used to generate a convergence table from the output file.
  • Several .vtu files for the directional solutions and the integrated solutions. Those can be plotted using Paraview or similar visualization software.

Make sure that you run the program on a machine with sufficient amounts of memory. It will need almost 44 GB of RAM and will take several hours to finish.

Condition Number of Discrete Trial to Test Space Operator

If $SOURCEDIR is the path to dune-dpg's source directory and $BUILDDIR is the path to the build directory, you can create a plot of the condition number of the trial to test space operator in dependence of the element size h by running

$BUILDDIR/src/trial-to-test-condition \
    | $SOURCEDIR/scripts/

This creates a new file conditions.pdf that contains the plot.


For this paper, we used version 0.2.1 of dune-dpg.

In the following descriptions, we assume that you followed the build instructions found in and that you are currently in the directory $DUNEDIR/dune-dpg/build-cmake/src.

The results in our overview paper have been created with the following three example programs:

  • src/
  • src/
  • src/

Description of src/ computes the solution with Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin finite elements of the pure transport problem

$$\begin{cases} \beta \cdot \varphi +c \varphi = 1 & \text{in $[0,1]\times[0,1]$} \\\ \varphi = 0 & \text{on the boundary} \end{cases}$$

We refer to the paper for notations and also for indications on how to solve other Partial Differential Equations.

To visualize the solution, run in $DUNEDIR/dune-dpg/build-cmake/src/

./plot_solution <n> <c> <betaX> <betaY>

where <n> has to be replaced by the desired grid resolution, <c> is the linear term in the transport problem <betaX> <betaY> are the $x$ and $y$ components of the transport direction $\beta=(\beta_x, \beta_y)$. (When unspecified, $c=0$ and $\beta=(\cos(\pi/8), \sin(\pi/8))$.)

The program will write two .vtu files to the current working directory,

  • transport_solution.vtu
  • transport_solution_trace.vtu

They contain the numerical solution of the interior variable $\varphi$ and the lifting $w$ of the trace variable (cf. paper). The files allow to visualize $\varphi$ and $w$ in ParaView. If you have the pvpython interpreter shipped with ParaView, you can also run scripts/ to regenerate the solution plot given in the paper. (This script was run with ParaView 4.2.0. As the Python interface of ParaView seems to be highly unstable we cannot guarantee that the script will run unmodified on another version of ParaView.)

Description of src/ uses several preprocessor variables to set the refinement level and polynomial degree of the test search space and the search space used in the computation of the a posteriori error. These variables get instantiated with different values by CMake to create executables of the form


where $LS is the refinement level of the test search space, $KS is the polynomial degree of the test search space, $LA is the refinement level of the a posteriori search space, $KA is the polynomial degree of the a posteriori search space.

They can be run in $DUNEDIR/dune-dpg/build-cmake/src/ by e.g.

./convergence_test_ls0_ks3_la0_ka5 <n>

to compute the numerical example of the paper,

$$\begin{cases} \beta \cdot \varphi = 1 & \text{in $[0,1]\times[0,1]$} \\\ \varphi = 0 & \text{on the boundary} \end{cases}$$

for $\beta=(\cos(\pi/8),\sin(\pi/8))$. The additional feature that is given in this example is the computation of the exact L2 error and its a posteriori estimation.


  • The a posteriori error indicator includes both the error on the interior variable and also the trace variable.
  • It is possible to compute the a posteriori error estimator for other PDEs. The current program is just an example.

The paper takes this problem as the support for numerical tests and analyses the impact of

  • the mesh size H of the trial space
  • the h-refinement level of the test search space on the error and its a posteriori estimation.

To reproduce the convergence results from the paper, call the script

../scripts/ 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 \
                                   160 200 250 300

which will call the convergence_test_* programs with the given grid resolutions n=1/H. The computation takes several hours. (You can leave out some of the larger grid resolutions n, if you don't want to wait for this long. Especially the test case with locally refined test search space of level 3 gets very slow for large n).

Finally, the convergence plots can be generated with


Remark: To regenerate the plots from the paper, it is advised to compile the test programs in release mode to significantly speed up the computations. The release mode can be configured with

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .

Afterwards, we can compile the test programs with


Description of src/ uses the preprocessor variables LEVEL_SEARCH and K_SEARCH to set the refinement level and polynomial degree of the test search space. These variables get instantiated with different values by CMake to create executables of the form


where $LS is the refinement level of the test search space, $KS is the polynomial degree of the test search space.

They can be run in $DUNEDIR/dune-dpg/build-cmake/src/ by e.g.

./profile_testspacecoefficientmatrix_ls0_ks3 <n>

to measure the time to compute the numerical example of the paper,

$$\begin{cases} \beta \cdot \varphi = 1 & \text{in $[0,1]\times[0,1]$} \\\ \varphi = 0 & \text{on the boundary} \end{cases}$$

for $\beta=(\cos(\pi/8),\sin(\pi/8))$.

To reproduce the results from the paper, call the script

../scripts/ 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 200 250 300 \
                          > profile

which will call profile_testspacecoefficientmatrix_* for the given grid resolutions n=1/H. The computation takes several minutes.

Finally, the profile plots can be generated with

../scripts/ -o profile.pdf profile

Remark: To regenerate the plots from the paper, it is advised to compile the test programs in release mode to significantly speed up the computations. The release mode can be configured with

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .

Afterwards, we can compile the test programs with


Example programs unrelated to any papers

Description of src/ and src/ and compute the Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin solution of a transport problem whose solution is known. Thus, we can compare the DPG error estimates with the exact errors. uses adaptive refinement while uses uniform refinement.

You can run each of those programs from the build directory as

src/manufactured_transport <n>
src/manufactured_transport_uniform <n>

where <n> is the desired grid resolution.