\$p\$ is the potential
\$\mathbf{j}\$ is the flux
\$\boldsymbol{u}: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{3}\$ displacement
\$\underline{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}(\boldsymbol{u}):=\frac{1}{2}\left(\nabla \boldsymbol{u}+(\nabla \boldsymbol{u})^{\top}\right)\$ strain tensor
\$\underline{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}: \Omega \rightarrow S\$ stress tensor where \$S\$ is the set of all symmetric matrices in \$\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}\$
Provides optimal approximation of both primal and flux/stress variables \(p/\boldsymbol{u}\) and \(\mathbf{j}/\underline{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}\) respectively;
Requires less globally coupled degrees of freedom than DG methods of comparable accuracy;
Allows local element-by-element postprocessing to obtain new approximations with enhanced accuracy and conservation properties
Some Applications
Heat transfer
Flow in porous media
Elasticity and Poro-Elasticity
A HDG method for elliptic problems with integral boundary condition: Theory and Applications, Silvia Bertoluzza,Giovanna Guidoboni,Romain Hild,Daniele Prada,Christophe Prud’homme,Riccardo Sacco,Lorenzo Sala,Marcela Szopos, 2021 submitted
\(\mathbf{T}_h\) the collection of elements \(K\) such that \(\Omega = \bigcup_{K\in \mathbf{T}_h} K\).
\(h:= max_{K \in \mathbf{T}_h} h_K\), \(\partial K\) the boundary of \(K\) with its measure \(|F|\)
\(\mathbf{n}_{\partial K}\) is the associated unit outward normal vector.
The skeleton of \(\mathbf{T}_h\) is the collection of all the faces of \(\mathbf{T}_h\) into the set \(\mathbf{F}_h\).
\(\mathbf{F}_h = \mathbf{F}_h^\Gamma \cup \mathbf{F}_h^0, \; \mathbf{F}_h^\Gamma = \mathbf{F}_h^D \cup \mathbf{F}_h^N \cup \mathbf{F}_h^{ibc}\)
\(V_h = \Pi_{K \in \mathbf{T}_h} V(K), \qquad V(K) = \left[ P_k (K) \right]^n\)
\(W_h = \Pi_{K\in\mathbf{T}_h} W(K), \qquad W(K) = \left[ P_k (K) \right]\)
\(\widetilde M_h = \{ \mu \in L^2(\mathbf{F}_h): \mu\rvert_F \in P_k(F) \; \forall F \in \mathbf{F}_h \setminus \mathbf{F}_h^{ibc} \},\)
\(M^*_h = \{ \mu \in C^0(\mathbf{F}^{ibc}_h): \mu\rvert_F \in P_0(F) \; \forall F \in \mathbf{F}_h^{ibc} \} \cong \mathbb{R}\)
\(M_h=\widetilde M_h \oplus M^*_h\)
Discrete formulation Find \(\boldsymbol{j}_h \in V_h, \; p_h \in W_h\) and \(\hat{p}_h \in M_h\) such that:
auto mesh=loadMesh(_mesh=new Mesh<Simplex<3>>); (1)
auto complement_integral_bdy = complement(faces(mesh), (2)
[&mesh]( auto const& e ) {
if ( e.hasMarker() &&
e.marker().matches(mesh->markerName("Ibc*") ) )
return true;
return false;
auto face_mesh = createSubmesh( mesh, complement_integral_bdy); (3)
auto ibc_mesh = createSubmesh( mesh, markedfaces(mesh,"Ibc*")); (4)
load mesh
build set of non ibc facets
\(\mathbf{F}_h^{ibc}\) and
Vh_ptr_t Vh = Pdhv<OrderP>( mesh); (1)
Wh_ptr_t Wh = Pdh<OrderP>( mesh );
Mh_ptr_t Mh = Pdh<OrderP>( face_mesh );
// only one degree of freedom
Ch_ptr_t Ch = Pch<0>(ibc_mesh );
// $n$ IBC
auto ibcSpaces = product( nb_ibc, Ch); (2)
auto Xh = product( Vh, Wh, Mh. ibcSpaces ); (3)
create the spaces \(V_h,W_h,\tilde{M}_h\) and \(M_h^*\).
handle arbirary number of IBCs
initialize spaces and product space
auto a = blockform2( Xh )
auto rhs = blockform1( Xh );
. . .
// Assembling the right hand side
rhs(1_c) += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=-f*id(w));
. . .
// Assembling the main matrix
a(0_c,0_c) += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),
_expr=(trans(lambda*idt(u))*id(v)) );
. . .
//$\langle \hat{p}_h\rvert_{\tilde{M}_h}, \boldsymbol{v}_h^K \cdot {\boldsymbol{n}}_{\partial K}\rangle$ $$
a(0_c,2_c) += integrate(_range=internalfaces(mesh),
_expr=( idt(phat)*(leftface(trans(id(v))*N())+
a( 3_c, 0_c, i, 0 ) +=
integrate( _range=markedfaces(mesh,"Ibc"),
_expr=(trans(idt(u))*N()) * id(nu) );
auto U = Xh.element();
a.solve(_solution=U, _rhs=rhs, _name="hdg");
auto up = U(0_c);
auto pp = U(1_c);
auto phat = U(2_c);
auto ip = U(3_c,0);
// postprocessing
auto Whp = Pdh<OrderP+1>( mesh );
auto pps = product( Whp );
auto PP = pps.element();
auto ppp = PP(0_c);
auto b = blockform2( pps, solve::strategy::local, backend() );
b( 0_c, 0_c ) = integrate( _range=elements(mesh), _expr=inner(gradt(ppp),grad(ppp)));
auto ell = blockform1( pps, solve::strategy::local, backend() );
ell(0_c) = integrate( _range=elements(mesh), _expr=-lambda*grad(ppp)*idv(up));
b.solve( _solution=PP, _rhs=ell, _name="sc.post", _local=true);
ppp += -ppp.ewiseMean(P0dh)+pp.ewiseMean(P0dh);
Note We can choose at the execution if we solve the problem using static condensation or the monolithic strategy.
Access a dynamic block of the matrix by adding the relative index.
create an element of the product space as usual, and access its component in the same way.
Similar to CFPDEs, except that only one equation for now
time dependence
Other terms in the PDEs
non-linear coefficients
arbitrary number
Coupling with 0D+t models using FMU
time splitting approach to avoid iterating
Extended to PoroElasticity
WIP: HHO support
WIP: Order reduction (RB and NiRB)
Future: merge with CFPDEs