using namespace Feel;
auto Vh = Pch<4>( mesh, markedelements(mesh, expr("<...>")) );
int nsplit = ioption("ensemble.split");
auto [color, w, wglob] = Environment::worldCommPtr()->split( nsplit );
using toolbox_t = FeelModels::Heat< Simplex<2,1>, Lagrange<1, Scalar,Continuous,PointSetFekete> >;
fs::path ensembleRepo = fmt::format( "{}/ensemble/{}_{}/{}/", Environment::appRepository(), Environment::numberOfProcessors(), nsplit, color );
fs::path ensembleRepoExpr = fmt::format( "{}/ensemble/{}_{}/{}/exprs/", Environment::appRepository(), Environment::numberOfProcessors(), nsplit, color );
LOG(INFO) << "ensembleRepo = " << ensembleRepo.string();
w->print( fmt::format( "[rank {}] ensemble repo : {}\n", w->rank(), ensembleRepo ), FLAGS_v > 0, FLAGS_v > 0, FLAGS_v > 0 );
auto toolbox = toolbox_t::New( _prefix = "heat", _worldcomm = w,
_repository = Feel::FeelModels::ModelBaseRepository( ensembleRepo.string(),false, ensembleRepoExpr ) );
if ( toolbox->isStationary() )
toolbox->setTimeFinal( 10 * toolbox->timeStep() );
execute( toolbox, _verbose=1, _save=false );
Ensemble runs
Ensemble runs with {feelpp} are seamless
The code snippet shows how to run an ensemble of heat toolbox
However, this goes throughout the Feel++ library thanks to the parallel communicator systems