- Developer On Fire Episode 198 | Bryan Cantrill - Persistence and Action
- GCP Podcast #38 Site Reliability Engineering with Paul Newson
- RaaS - Episode 29 – Jared Richardson (Part 1)
- SE-Radio Episode 277: Gil Tene on Tail Latency
- SE-Radio Episode 270: Brian Brazil on Prometheus
- SE-Radio Episode 276: Björn Rabenstein on Site Reliability Engineering
- The Cloudcast #280 - DevOprom the Enterprise
- Build Your Own Service Provider Gear on Software Gone Wild
- Where you learn that you can build your own network devices and have fun doing it
- Keynote: Cloud Native Networking- Amin Vahdat, Fellow & Technical Lead For Networking, Google
- Where you get a very quick overview of Google D4 WAN network, Andromeda NFV, Jupiter DC networking and Expresso SDN peering
- Tutorial: Tutorial Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Optical Networking
- Optical netowrking 101
- @Scale network traffic visibility and anomaly detection
- Chef Style DevOps Kungfu - Adam Jacob Keynote - ChefConf 2015
- High Altitude Platforms for Rural Backhaul
- Amazing talk given by Adit Sahasrabudhe (Facebook). Pure hardware pron
- Packet Fabric on Software Gone Wild
- Network automation pushed hard
- High Altitude Platforms for Rural Backhaul - Adit Sahasrabudhe, Facebook