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Types and Fields in CLRMD


An object's type in CLRMD is represented by ClrType. This class has two sets of operations. The first is to provide data about an instance of that type. For example, ClrType has functions for getting the length of an array, getting the size of an object, and getting the field values for an object. The second set is operations which tell you about the type itself such as what fields it contains, what interfaces it implements, what methods the type has, and so on.

In general, there is no wrapper types for an object in CLR MD, but other types in CLR MD take an object address as a parameter to operate on.

A short note about MethodTables

If you come from a background of using SOS or PSSCOR you might be asking, what about MethodTables?

In the CLR runtime itself, there are several ways to represent a type. The MethodTable, EEClass, and TypeHandle classes are all three different ways that CLR represents what you would call a "Type" in managed code. SOS and PSSCOR use the MethodTable in particular to represent types that are displayed to the user (which is why you are likely most familiar with MethodTables if you have ever worked with .Net Diagnostics).

Using a MethodTable for this is problematic for a few reasons. First, it does not fully describe a type (a TypeHandle in CLR does). There are objects of different types which share the same MethodTable (object[] and string[], for example). Second, a MethodTable is a per AppDomain representation of a type. For example, this means there's a unique MethodTable for System.Xml.XmlAttribute for each AppDomain in the process.

For these reason CLRMD does not natively use or expose MethodTables. That means if you are trying to correlate output from CLR MD with output from SOS or PSSCOR, you will need a way to get the MethodTable. Thankfully, this is very easy, even though I don't give a direct way to the MethodTable through the API:

CLRRuntime runtime = ...;
ulong obj = ...; // An object address you got from somewhere.

ulong mt;
if (runtime.ReadPtr(obj, out mt))
    // mt now contains obj's MethodTable.

Basic type information

We'll start with basic operations of a type. There are a few fairly self explanatory functions and properties, such as ClrType.Name (the name of the type) and ClrType.GetSize, which returns the size of an instance of that type. Note that you must pass in an instance of an object to get its size since there are variable-sized types in CLR. Similarly, ClrType has IsArray, IsException, IsEnum, and IsFree which tells you if the type is an array of some sort, is a subclass of Exception, an Enum, or free space on the heap, respectively. (We'll cover free objects in more detail below.)

Another very basic thing that you can do with a type is enumerate the interfaces it implements. Here is an example of doing that:

ClrType type = ...;
Console.WriteLine("Type {0} implements interfaces:", type);

foreach (GCHeapInterface inter in type.Interfaces)
    Console.WriteLine("    {0}", inter.Name);

Getting field values

There are three types of fields in CLRMD:

  1. Instance fields (fields on an object's instance)
  2. Static fields (which are per-AppDomain)
  3. Thread static fields (which are per-thread, per-AppDomain).

We will use instance fields as the starting point, but keep in mind static fields and thread static fields work basically the same way.

At the simplest level you can request a field by name. For example, all Exception objects contains an _HResult field. Here is how you would get the _HResult value for that object:

if (type.IsException)
    GCHeapInstanceField _hresult = type.GetFieldByName("_HResult");
    Debug.Assert(_hresult.ElementType == ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I4);

    int value = (int)_hresult.GetFieldValue(obj);
    Console.WriteLine("Exception 0x{0:X} hresult: 0x{1:X}", obj, value);

Note that GCHeapInstanceField.GetFieldValue returns an "object" which I've blindly cast to an int here. That's because the underlying type of _HResult is an int. Were the field a float, you would need to cast that to a float as well. Similarly, all System.String objects come out as a regular "string" filled with its contents.

You may only call GetFieldValue if the GCHeapInstanceField.HasSimpleValue returns true. In theory, you should always check that property before calling GetFieldValue. However, in practice, only fields which are value classes (C#'s "struct") cannot retrieve a value through GetFieldValue. Calling GetFieldValue on anything where HasSimpleValue is false, returns null.

You can tell what type GetFieldValue will return (if you do not know it ahead of time) by looking at the value of GCHeapInstanceField.ElementType. This property is equivalent to the CorElementType of this field, as defined by the CLI spec. This tells you what exact type will be returned in the "object" return value of GetFieldValue.

Here is an example of formatting the return value of GetFieldValue as hexadecimal string for any pointer-types, and otherwise as a string representation for the value for that type.

static string GetOutput(ulong obj, GCHeapInstanceField field)
    // If we don't have a simple value, return the address of the field in hex.
    if (!field.HasSimpleValue)
        return field.GetFieldAddress(obj).ToString("X");

    object value = field.GetFieldValue(obj);
    if (value == null)
        return "{error}";  // Memory corruption in the target process.

    // Decide how to format the string based on the underlying type of the field.
    switch (field.ElementType)
        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING:
            // In this case, value is the actual string itself.
            return (string)value;

        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY:
        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY:
        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT:
        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS:
        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR:
        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I:
        case ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U:
            // These types are pointers.  Print as hex.
            return string.Format("{0:X}", value);

            // Everything else will look fine by simply calling ToString.
            return value.ToString();

Working with embedded structs

As you've already seen, value classes (C#'s structs) require special handling. CLR recursively embeds structs in types, this means that if you had a class defined as:

struct Three
    int b;
struct Two
    int a;
    Three three;
    int c;
class One
    int i;
    Two two;
    int j;

What does the layout of an object of type One look like? It looks something like this (on x86, and this layout may be completely different, numbers in hex):

+00 int i;
+04 int a;    <- start of struct "two"
+08 int c;
+0c int b;    <- start of struct "three";
+10 int j;

As you can see, CLR has recursively embedded structs Two and Three into class One. This can have surprising consequences if you are attempting to deeply inspect an object. For example, let's take the naive approach to walking the One class:

public static void WriteFields(ulong obj, ClrType type)
    foreach (var field in type.Fields)
        string output;
        if (field.HasSimpleValue)
            output = field.GetFieldValue(obj).ToString();
            output = field.GetFieldAddress(obj).ToString("X");

        Console.WriteLine("  +{0,2:X2} {1} {2} = {3}", field.Offset, field.Type.Name, field.Name, output);

This works just fine, but you will not see fields a, b, or c! This prints out something like:

+00 System.Int32 i = 0
+04 Two two = 27F2CB4
+10 System.Int32 j = 0

As you can see, the two field has not been expanded. If that's what you are looking for, great! You are done.

However, let's say you want to retrieve fields which are a part of an inlined struct, embedded in an object. To do this, you will need to use the GetFieldValue overload which accepts the inner parameter, signifying that you are reading from an embedded struct. Here is a simple example of doing so, where obj is of type One:

var twoField = type.GetFieldByName("two");
var twoA = twoField.Type.GetFieldByName("a");
var twoC = twoField.Type.GetFieldByName("c");

// Get the address of the "two" field:
ulong twoAddr = twoField.GetFieldAddress(obj);

// Now get the value of a and c, note that we must pass true for the "inner" parameter.
int a = (int)twoA.GetFieldValue(twoAddr, true);
int c = (int)twoC.GetFieldValue(twoAddr, true);

As you can see, this gets quite complex, and requires you to understand the layout of the object you are walking. You know that a field is embedded if field.ElementType == ClrElementType.ELEMENTTYPEVALUETYPE. Here is another example, one which recursively walks an object and prints out the values and locations of all fields:

public static void WriteFields(ulong obj, ClrType type)
    WriteFieldsWorker(obj, type, null, 0, false);

static void WriteFieldsWorker(ulong obj, ClrType type, string baseName, int offset, bool inner)
    // Keep track of nested fields.
    if (baseName == null)
        baseName = "";
        baseName += ".";

    foreach (var field in type.Fields)
        ulong addr = field.GetFieldAddress(obj, inner);

        string output;
        if (field.HasSimpleValue)
            output = field.GetFieldValue(obj, inner).ToString();
            output = addr.ToString("X");

        Console.WriteLine("  +{0,2:X2} {1} {2}{3} = {4}", field.Offset + offset, field.Type.Name, baseName, field.Name, output);

        // Recurse for structs.
        if (field.ElementType == ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE)
            WriteFieldsWorker(addr, field.Type, baseName + field.Name, offset + field.Offset, true);

This would print out something like:

+00 System.Int32 i = 0
+04 Two two = 27F2CB4
+0c Three three = 27F2CBc
+04 System.Int32 two.a = 0
+0c System.Int32 two.c = 0
+08 System.Int32 two.b = 0
+10 System.Int32 two.three.j = 0

One last note about fields

As you can see, working with fields is unfortunately very complex in CLRMD. We are forced into this complex design to accomodate the full expressiveness of CLR's type system.

Special Subtypes

There are several special "subtypes" that you should be aware of. For example, Arrays, Enums, Exceptions, and Free objects. We will go into depth on each of these.


Arrays in CLRMD are unfortunately another complex topic, again due to embedded structs. Before we look at the complex case, let's look at an array of ints, as this easy to work with. Note, I use a simple linq query to filter down to just int[] objects (which is quite inefficient) for simplicity of the example:

var intArrays = from o in heap.EnumerateObjects()
                let t = heap.GetObjectType(o)
                where t.IsArray && t.Name == "System.Int32[]"
                select new { Address = o, Type = t };

foreach (var item in intArrays)
    ClrType type = item.Type;
    ulong obj = item.Address;

    int len = type.GetArrayLength(obj);

    Console.WriteLine("Object: {0:X}", obj);
    Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", len);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,3} - {1}", i, type.GetArrayElementValue(obj, i));

At a basic level, walking the elements of an array is quite simple. ClrType.IsArray will tell you the type is an array. Use the GetArrayLength function to get the length of the array, and either GetArrayElementValue or GetArrayElementAddress to get the address or value of the field, respectively. Similar to fields, ClrType also provides the ArrayComponentType property, telling you the component type of the array. You can use: type.ArrayComponentType.HasSimpleValue or type.ArrayComponentType.ElementType == ClrElementType.ELEMENTTYPEVALUETYPE to tell if you are dealing with an array of value types.

When working with an array of value types, they work very similarly to value type fields. They are embedded in the array itself. So, let's look at an example of walking all "arrays of structs" in a process and printing out the fields they contain:

foreach (ulong obj in heap.EnumerateObjects())
    var type = heap.GetObjectType(obj);

    // Only consider types which are arrays that do not have simple values (I.E., are structs).
    if (!type.IsArray || type.ArrayComponentType.HasSimpleValue)

    int len = type.GetArrayLength(obj);

    Console.WriteLine("Object: {0:X}", obj);
    Console.WriteLine("Type:   {0}", type.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", len);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        ulong addr = type.GetArrayElementAddress(obj, i);
        foreach (var field in type.ArrayComponentType.Fields)
            string output;
            if (field.HasSimpleValue)
                output = field.GetFieldValue(addr, true).ToString();        // <- true here, as this is an embedded struct
                output = field.GetFieldAddress(addr, true).ToString("X");   // <- true here as well

            Console.WriteLine("{0}  +{1,2:X2} {2} {3} = {4}", i, field.Offset, field.Type.Name, field.Name, output);

This would print out:

Object: 27FAC28
Type:   System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.Entry<System.String,System.Resources.ResourceLocator>[]
Length: 3
0  +00 System.__Canon key = 41896456
0  +08 System.__Canon value = 18446744071403970992
0  +10 System.Int32 hashCode = 41921440
0  +14 System.Int32 next = 0
1  +00 System.__Canon key = 41923968
1  +08 System.__Canon value = 122910689
1  +10 System.Int32 hashCode = 41924480
1  +14 System.Int32 next = 0
2  +00 System.__Canon key = 41924008
2  +08 System.__Canon value = 18446744070652986553
2  +10 System.Int32 hashCode = 41924696
2  +14 System.Int32 next = 0

Of course, these embedded structs can also have embedded structs within them! You would need to recursively walk these structs (as we did earlier) to fully walk the contents of these arrays.


You can check if a type is an Enum by checking the ClrType.IsEnum property. If a type is an Enum, you can get the list of enumeration values it contains using ClrType.GetEnumNames. For example, let's say an enum was defined as:

enum Numbers
    Two = 2,
    Three = 3
    One = 1,

GetEnumNames would return "One", "Two", and "Three". You can then feed these values into TryGetEnumValue, which will give you the value of each defined name. For example, type.TryGetEnumValue("Three", out value) would set value = 3.

There is one major caveat to using enums in CLRMD. Enums in CLR can be of many different types. Currently CLRMD only supports getting the enum value for "int" (which is the most common type anyway). You can check what underlying type an enum actually is using GetEnumElementType. The following code demonstrates some of these concepts:

// This walks the heap looking for enums, but keep in mind this works for field
// values which are enums too.
foreach (ulong obj in heap.EnumerateObjects())
    var type = heap.GetObjectType(obj);
    if (!type.IsEnum)

    // Enums do not have to be ints!  We will only handle the int case here.
    if (type.GetEnumElementType() != ClrElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I4)

    int objValue = (int)type.GetValue(obj);

    bool found = false;
    foreach (var name in type.GetEnumNames())
        int value;
        if (type.TryGetEnumValue(name, out value) && objValue == value)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", value, name);
            found = true;

    if (!found)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", objValue, "Unknown");


Exceptions in CLRMD are objects which derrive from System.Exception. CLR itself does not actually make that distinction, almost any object can be thrown as an exception (this is mostly to support C++/CLI which allows throwing non- System.Exception objects). ClrType.IsException only returns true if an object derives from System.Exception.

The ClrType class does not offer any properties or methods specific to exceptions (other than IsException). Instead, it provides a wrapper class for exception objects which gives you a wide variety of helpful properties for exceptions. This includes the HRESULT of the exception, the exception message, the type of the exception, an optional callstack and so on. Here is a very simple example of using the GCHeapException object:

foreach (ulong obj in heap.EnumerateObjects())
    var type = heap.GetObjectType(obj);
    if (!type.IsException)

    GCHeapException ex = heap.GetExceptionObject(obj);

    foreach (var frame in ex.StackTrace)

Please note that we do not always have a stack trace available for every exception. For example, if an exception object is constructed, but never thrown, it will not have an exception stack trace. In these cases, GCHeapException.StackTrace will be a list of length 0 (so the above code will simply not print a stack trace in that case).

"Free" objects

When enumerating the heap, you will notice a lot of "Free objects". These are denoted by the ClrType.IsFree property.

Free objects are not real objects in the strictest sense. They are actually markers placed by the GC to denote free space on the heap. Free objects have no fields (though they do have a size). In general, if you are trying to find heap fragmentation, you will need to take a look at how many Free objects there are, how big they are, and what lies between them. Otherwise, you should ignore them.

Getting Methods

Enumerating methods on a type is performed via the ClrType.Methods property which returns a list of ClrMethod objects for the type.

Enumerating all types

Previously, we have talked about types by starting from an object instance and getting the type from it. However, there are also circumstances where you want to simply enumerate all types in the runtime. For example, you may want to get the values of all static variables in the process. To enumerate all types that CLR currently knows about, you can call the GCHeap.EnumerateTypes function. Enumerating all types in the runtime has a LOT of caveats, however. Before we get to those, let's look at a quick example of printing out every static variable in the runtime:

foreach (var type in heap.EnumerateTypes())
    foreach (CLRAppDomain appDomain in runtime.AppDomains)
        foreach (GCHeapStaticField field in type.StaticFields)
            if (field.HasSimpleValue)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1} ({2}) = {3}", type.Name, field.Name, appDomain.ID, field.GetFieldValue(appDomain));

Similarly, this is how you would walk all ThreadStatic variables in your process:

foreach (var type in heap.EnumerateTypes())
    foreach (CLRAppDomain appDomain in runtime.AppDomains)
        foreach (CLRThread thread in runtime.Threads)
            foreach (GCHeapThreadStaticField field in type.ThreadStaticFields)
                if (field.HasSimpleValue)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1} ({2}, {3:X}) = {4}", type.Name, field.Name, appDomain.ID, thread.OSThreadId, field.GetFieldValue(appDomain, thread));

There are several caveats that you need to know about when using GCHeap.EnumerateTypes. First, this function can be quite slow the first time you call it. CLRMD is implemented on top of the old dac debugging interfaces, and this is simply one place where we did not enumerate types in a smart or performant way. You should expect a 1-3 second delay for a sizable program when calling this function for the first time. The result is cached though, so subsequent calls will be MUCH faster.

Second, this function only enumerates types which CLR currently knows about. Let's say you have a class called "Foo" in your program which has no static variables, and has never been constructed. While the class exists in the metadata of your program, CLR has never needed it, so it never constructed it. That means that it will NOT be one of the types enumerated to you. This again is a limitation of the underlying API this library was implemented on top of. If you want all of the types in your metadata, you will need to use the real Metadata APIs, which CLRMD does not provide.

Third, some generics will be enumerated and some will not. Some generic instantiations will be enumerated and some will not. Sometimes the runtime will enumerate the "open form" of generics through this function. For example, we may enumerate Action<T> (the open generic form), Action<int>, and Action<object>, but not enumerate Action<float>. You will have to account for this and work around it if you attempt to enumerate types in the runtime.

The thing to keep in mind here is that it was impossible for me to implement EnumerateTypes in a sensible, consistent way due to the underlying API CLRMD is built on. I would not have included it at all in the API surface area, except that you need a way to do things like: Enumerate all statics in the process, enumerate all types (that we can!) which implement IDisposable, and so on. Please use caution when using this for anything "outside the box" and realize the limitations of it.