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windows amd64 (pythonperf1)
Geometric mean: 1.231x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.13x faster at 99th %ile)
Memory usage: unknown
missing benchmarks: aiohttp, asyncio_tcp, asyncio_tcp_ssl, chameleon, dask, flaskblogging, mypy2, pickle, pickle_dict, pickle_list, sqlalchemy_declarative, sqlalchemy_imperative, tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list
new benchmarks: async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg, async_tree_io_tg, async_tree_memoization_tg, async_tree_none_tg, asyncio_websockets, bpe_tokeniser, connected_components, k_core, many_optionals, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers
📈time plot
Geometric mean: 1.042x faster (HPT: reliability of 73.97%, 1.00x faster at 99th %ile)
Memory usage: unknown
missing benchmarks: aiohttp, asyncio_tcp, asyncio_tcp_ssl, chameleon, dask, mypy2, pickle, pickle_dict, pickle_list, sqlalchemy_declarative, sqlalchemy_imperative, tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list
new benchmarks: asyncio_websockets, bpe_tokeniser, connected_components, genshi_text, genshi_xml, html5lib, k_core, many_optionals, pylint, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers, thrift
📈time plot
Geometric mean: 1.011x faster (HPT: reliability of 99.98%, 1.01x slower at 99th %ile)
Memory usage: unknown
missing benchmarks: chameleon, djangocms, gevent_hub, sqlalchemy_declarative, sqlalchemy_imperative, tornado_http
📈time plot
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