Model to estimate Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) point sources and other N and P emissions from wastewater.
If you would like to use the software, please cite the following publication:
Sarrazin, F. J., Attinger, A., Kumar, R. (2024, in review). Gridded dataset of nitrogen and phosphorus point sources from wastewater in Germany (1950-2019), Earth System Science Data Discussion. [preprint],
DOI for latest sofware version (V1.0):
The model code is contained in two modules:
Module containing functions to estimate domestic and industrial/commercial N and P gross and net emissions from wastewater at the spatial level for which the input data at available (i.e. urban and rural population data, protein data, detergent data, population connection data):
domestic_nutrient_gross_emissions: function to calculate N and P domestic gross human emissions corresponding to human excreta based on protein supply data.
domestic_nutrient_net_emissions: function to calculate domestic N and P net emissions, i.e. it determines the fate of domestic gross emissions (treated and untreated point sources or other fates).
industrial_nutrient_gross_emissions: function to calculates industrial/commercial gross emissions that are collected by the sewer system.
industrial_nutrient_net_emissions: function to calculate industrial/commercial net emissions, i.e. it determines the fate of industrial/commercial gross emissions (treated and untreated point sources or other fates).
aggregate_dom_ind_emissions: function to aggregate domestic and industrial/commercial emissions.
Module containing functions to disaggregate N and P emissions from wastewater to grid level:
- NUTS2grid: function to estimate the values at grid level of a variable provided at a certain spatial (NUTS) level.
Main file to estimate the N and P emissions for Germany in the following publication: Sarrazin, F. J., Attinger, A., Kumar, R., Gridded dataset of nitrogen and phosphorus point sources from wastewater in Germany (1950-2019), submitted to Earth System Science Data.
The necessary input data to run the code are available from: Sarrazin, F. J., Attinger, S., & Kumar, R. (2024). Gridded dataset of nitrogen and phosphorus point sources from wastewater in Germany (1950-2019) (1.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Fanny Sarrazin ([email protected]), Rohini Kumar ([email protected])