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File metadata and controls

247 lines (203 loc) · 7.98 KB

Getting Started

⚠️ Assumes a local PreProduction Testnet node running locally and cardano-cli installed since it is used to actually build and sign transactions.

Template bash scripts that follow these steps are available here.

When testing, it is highly recommended that you change the string passed to the mkBeaconPolicy function here. When developers make mistakes (myself included), it can create bad/locked utxos that will appear when you query the beacons. This can complicate your own testing. To avoid this, this extra parameter was added. Change the string to something unique to you. Do this before building the executable in the installations section. You should remember to change it to the desired string for mainnet.

Table of Contents


Instructions are adapted from the plutus-pioneers-program week 1 exercise.

  1. Install NixOS cross-referencing the following resources.

  2. Set-up IOHK binary caches How to set up the IOHK binary caches. "If you do not do this, you will end up building GHC, which takes several hours. If you find yourself building GHC, stop and fix the cache."

  3. After adding the cache, you will need to restart the nix service. This can be done by executing sudo systemctl restart nix or by restarting your machine. If the cache was configured properly, you should see a lot of copying path ... from '' when you execute nix-shell in the next step.

  4. Execute the following:

git clone
git clone
cd plutus-apps
git checkout v1.0.0
nix-shell           # this may take a while the first time

# Your terminal should now have a nix-shell prompt

cd ../cardano-reference-scripts
cabal clean
cabal update
cabal build all

The cardano-reference-scripts CLI program should now be at dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/cardano-reference-scripts- Move the program to somewhere in your $PATH.

You can now exit the nix-shell with exit.

All cardano-reference-scripts subcommands have an associated --help option. The functionality is meant to feel like cardano-cli.

Create a shared reference script

Calculate the hash of the reference script to be added - needed for token name

scriptHash=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file referenceScript.plutus)

Export the beacon policy

cardano-reference-scripts export-policy \
  --out-file beacon.policy

Create the beacon redeemer

cardano-reference-scripts redeemer \
  --mint-beacon $scriptHash \
  --out-file mint.json

Get the beacon policy id

beaconPolicyId=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file beacon.plutus)

Helper beacon variable


Export the helper script

cardano-reference-scripts export-helper-script \
  --out-file helper.plutus

Create the helper script address using your staking credential

cardano-cli address build \
  --payment-script-file helper.plutus \
  --stake-verification-key-file ownerStake.vkey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file helper.addr

Create the datum for the helper script

cardano-reference-scripts datum \
  --out-file beaconSymbol.json

Create transaction

cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file protocol.json

cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in <owner_utxo> \
  --tx-out "$(cat helper.addr) + 20000000 lovelace + 1 ${beacon}" \
  --tx-out-inline-datum-file beaconSymbol.json \
  --tx-out-reference-script-file referenceScript.plutus \
  --mint "1 ${beacon}" \
  --mint-script-file beacon.plutus \
  --mint-redeemer-file mint.json \
  --change-address $(cat owner.addr) \
  --tx-in-collateral <owner_collateral_utxo> \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
  --out-file tx.body

cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file tx.body \
  --signing-key-file ownerPayment.skey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file tx.signed

cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --tx-file tx.signed

Close a shared reference script

Calculate the hash of the reference script to be removed - needed for token name

If you know the hash of the reference script, you can set this variable to that hash. It would be the token name of the beacon stored with the reference script you want to remove.

scriptHash=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file referenceScript.plutus)

Export the beacon policy

cardano-reference-scripts export-policy \
  --out-file beacon.plutus

Create the beacon redeemer

cardano-reference-scripts redeemer \
  --burn-beacon \
  --out-file burn.json

Get the beacon policy id

beaconPolicyId=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file beacon.plutus)

Helper beacon variable


Export the helper script

cardano-reference-scripts export-helper-script \
  --out-file helper.plutus

The helper script can work with any redeemer. This example just uses the same redeemer as for the beacon policy.

Create transaction

cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file protocol.json

cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in <helper_script_utxo_with_beacon_and_ref_script> \
  --tx-in-script-file helper.plutus \
  --tx-in-inline-datum-present \
  --tx-in-redeemer-file burn.json \
  --mint "-1 ${beacon}" \
  --mint-script-file beacon.plutus \
  --mint-redeemer-file burn.json \
  --change-address $(cat owner.addr) \
  --required-signer-hash $(cat ownerStake.pkh) \
  --tx-in-collateral <owner_utxo_for_collateral> \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
  --out-file tx.body

cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file tx.body \
  --signing-key-file ownerPayment.skey \
  --signing-key-file ownerStake.skey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file tx.signed

cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --tx-file tx.signed

Staking PubKey Hash

To get the staking pubkey hash from a staking verification key, you can use this command:

cardano-cli stake-address key-hash \
  --stake-verification-key-file ownerStake.vkey \
  --out-file ownerStake.pkh

Querying the chain for a usable reference script

Query command

cardano-reference-scripts query \
  --script-hash <target_script_hash> \
  --preprod-testnet $(cat apiKey.txt) \

You can see the other available options with cardano-reference-scripts query --help.

Query response

This is what an example query would look like when piped into jq:

  "reference_script_tx_ix": "0060cbba981e2785ed5892a7e35b883bcd853d66900c221ebfda3114b460c25a#0"

⚠️ When using blockfrost, the query command will return an error of "The requested component has not been found." when that beacon has never been minted before. This is due to the beacon name being part of the Blockfrost api url like:{beacon_name}/addresses

A future version of this program may address this issue.