More Information Zoom Link Recording
- Leonardo Grasso @leogr
- Lorenzo Fontana (@fntlnz)
- Radu Andries (admiral0)
- Thomas Labarussias (Issif)
- Spencer Krum (nibalizer)
- Falco 0.26.0 is out (?)
- Release on GitHub is still draft
- bug in the default ruleset for 0.26.0 - so probably we need to release a 0.26.1 hotfix release
- We decided to publish the 0.26.0 live on the call and we will skip the announcement since we have to release 0.26.1 with the fix. We will do announcement and blog post all together for 0.26.1.
- Lorenzo and Leogr to release 0.26.1
- [Lore/Leo/Leogr/Loris] Release window
- Proposal: Releasing Falco every 2 months (instead of every month)
- Find all the places where we refer to the 1month thing and update to two months. Probably only in the main Falco repo
- Lorenzo and leogr to update the docs for this
- Pick a date during the next community community call
- [Lore] Versioned documentation
- Proposal: versioned release proposal in falco-website, a dropdown in the website
- Maybe the CNCF can help with this?
- [Lore/Leo] CII best practices
- [Lore] static analysis pass is merged
- Infra WG call tomorrow
- Automation for calls
- link hackmd and github?
- streaming the meeting live on YouTube?
- No updates atm
- [radu] Kilt - next steps
- [lore/radu] revamp falcoctl
- falco-website PR flooded by bots
- we limited the repo to prior contributor
- [Issif] Podcast (French) about Falco and Falcosidekick :
- [leogr] Falco outputs improvments WIP #1417
- [nibz] Did a cool workshop. Code at May add to fs/evolution?
- Everyone agrees that this content is amazing, Spencer did a great job
- We'd like to have this in the page with this content
- MC Next Call: Leonardo Grasso
- Next Release: