All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- SVN Version
- SVN Version
- Endpoint to get menu by location
- Functionality to get a page by slug or path for hierarchical pages
- 'modified date' to all endpoints with 'date'
- Support for ACF options pages
- Empty page array
- Yoast SEO output, see docs for more information
- Slug output in responses
- Permalinks to all page/post endpoints
- ACF query in endpoint url to hide acf values from the response where applicable (all collections)
- Media query in endpoint url to hide featured media from the response where applicable (all collections)
- Fix issue where get post by slug was returning just the first post
- Fix instance of lefover $bwe variable naming
- Update plugin version to re-trigger build.
- Adds post by slug endpoint
- Fixed static instance warning
- Fixed failure of ACF function by including admin plugin.php
- Updates all functions named bwe* to bre*
- Changelog
- readme.txt for WP repo