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Code Structure Overview

Code structure in this repository is designed to be adaptable to general model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) algorithms which perform the following steps in a loop:

  1. Experience collection,
  2. Model fitting,
  3. Policy optimization.

These three parts consist of the main algorithmic components. In addition, we have code for handling argument-parsing, pre-emption, logging, checkpointing, etc.

The main entry point is main() in, which performs

A Common Pattern: Configurable Objects

Throughout the codebase, we heavily use a pattern to define functions/classes configurable by Hydra, where each such function/class is accompanied with an attrs config class (sometimes as an inner class).

Such config classes only serve for the purpose of argument parsing, default value specification, and value checking. They are not part of the algorithmic core code that defines models or implements any algorithm. Feel free to skip them when reading the code, unless you are interested in our Argument Parsing mechanism.

For the interested readers, click to see an example showcasing these configs are defined.

We will explain using the example of the reward model from denoised_mdp/agents/

def reward_model_parser(dense_activation_fn, hidden_size, stddev, *,
                        transition_model: TransitionModel):
    return RewardModel(

@attrs.define(kw_only=True, auto_attribs=True)
class RewardModelConfig:
    _target_: str = attrs.Factory(lambda: f"{reward_model_parser.__module__}.{reward_model_parser.__qualname__}")
    _partial_: bool = True

    class InstantiatedT(Protocol):  # for typing
        def __call__(self, *, transition_model: TransitionModel) -> RewardModel: ...

    dense_activation_fn: ActivationKind = ActivationKind.elu
    hidden_size: int = attrs.field(default=400,
    stddev: float = attrs.field(default=1,

reward_model_parser is the function being configured, with a config specified as the attrs class, RewardModelConfig. An attrs class is just like a dataclass but with more functionalities like value validation (such as used here).

Here we have three configurable arguments, dense_activation_fn, hidden_size, and stddev, which are defined as three fields of RewardModelConfig, each with specified types, (optional) default values, and (optional) validators to make sure that given values are valid.


  • _target_ field tells Hydra that reward_model_parser is the configured function associated with this RewardModelConfig,
  • _partial_ field tells Hydra whether the parsed object should be
    • (if _partial_=True) a functools.partial that combines the target function reward_model_parser with values of configured arguments, or
    • (if _partial_=False) the result of calling the target function reward_model_parser with values of configured arguments.

Since _partial_=True, the parsed object will be a callable with signalture:

def parsed_reward_model(*, transition_model: TransitionModel) -> RewardModel: ...

To support better type checking & hints, we also manually write out this type as RewardModelConfig.InstantiatedT, which will be used as a type annotation in the final parsed full config (see Argument Parsing).

To summarize, the fields of a config class should consist of the following:

  • All configurable arguments (optionally with default values and validators);
  • InstantiatedT, a type annotation of the parsed object type;
  • _target_, specifying which function/class is being configurated;
  • (optionally) _partial_, specifying the way to apply values of configured aguments to the target (default is False).

Algorithmic Code

Model-Based Training in

The main model-based training loop is handled by The function

  1. Prefills replay buffer via ModelTrainer.fill_with_noise, if prefilling isn't yet done.
  2. Creates an iterator of experiences from model+policy interacting with environment, via env_interact_with_model (see Environment Interface and Interaction).
  3. Repeatedly fetches experience from this iterator (the while-loop here):
    1. Train model and policy on reply-buffer data every train_interval iterations;
    2. Test policy performance every test_interval iterations;
    3. Save checkpoints every checkpoint_interval iterations;
    4. Append data to replay buffer.

Environment Interface and Interaction

All environments conform to the AutoResetEnvBase interface.

  • It is mostly a extension to standard gym.Env with automatic resetting.

  • Notably, its env.reset() returns a tuple (observation, info) rather than just the observation for standard gym.Env. info objects from env.reset() and env.step(...) are also restricted to a specific class AutoResetEnvBase.Info, which contains useful data, including number of actual environment steps taken (which could be more than 1 due to action_repeat and episode_length) and the observation before an auotmatic reset.

  • To interact with and collect experiences from such environments, we provide denoised_mdp.envs.interaction.env_interact_random_actor and denoised_mdp.envs.interaction.env_interact_with_model. They are generators of ineraction data EnvInteractData, which provides rich information of each interaction.

More details can be found in this note.

Replay Buffer

The replay buffer is implemented via the class ExperienceReplay.

  • It stores sequences of (action, reward, next_observation_nonfirststep, next_observation), where

    • next_observation_nonfirststep shows whether next_observation is the observation from a environment reset (if so, this will be False).
    • environment reset is also stored in such a tuple, where reward is 0, and action is a fixed tensor specified when creating the replay buffer (usually just all zeros, following Dreamer).
  • Adding data to this buffer is done via replay_buffer.append_reset(...) and replay_buffer.append_step(...).

  • Sampling random segments is done via replay_buffer.sample(...).

  • ExperienceReplay is essentially a wrapper over an Accessor object, which is designed to store and sample sequences of arbitary tuples (or dictionaries) of torch.Tensors. It handles storing, continuously writing dataset to a temporary directory on disk, loading from disk with a checksum-like verification, and efficient random batch sampling.

    Expand for a description of Accessor implementation
    • Upon creating such an Accessor object, a pool of saver threads are also initialized, which keep writing data to disk. This is necessary for support pre-emption because writing upon preemption becomes too slow when dataset grows large.
    • BaseAccessor implements most functionalities (including sampling and saving/loading), except for
      • BaseAccessor.get_complete_data(self, idx: int) for getting a complete sequence at index idx, and
      • BaseAccessor._extend_complete_data(self, data) for storing a complete sequence.
    • We use the ListAccessor implementation of BaseAccessor, which simply store sequences in a list. But one can easily add more custom Accessor variants if needed, by implementing the above two methods.
  • ExperienceReplay can quickly save all content to a checkpoint directory when needed (e.g., pre-emption). This is done by waiting on the Accessor's saving and moving data from the temporary directory to the target directory.


AgentBase defines the interface for a model-based agent. Notably, it should at least a transition model and a policy (i.e., actor model). The agent is assumed to

We provide DenoisedMDP agent.

Model Learning

In general, any reconstruction-based algorithm can be implemented in the BaseModelLearning form, exposing BaseModelLearning.train_step(...) that should

  1. run agents on a given batch of segments,
  2. generatre a AgentBaseTrainOutput object from AgentBase.train_reconstruct,
  3. compute and update the model parameters with a dictionary of losses.

Our Denoised MDP objective is an extension of the variational model-fitting objective. It is implemented as VariationalModelLearning, with ability to configurate different KL terms for different latent spaces.

In loop, BaseModelLearning.train_step gets called in ModelTrainer.train(...).

Policy Learning

Policy learning algorithms are implemented as subclasses of BasePolicyLearning, which is also a really general interface.

We provide two implementations:

  1. DynamicsBackpropagateActorCritic: Dreamer-style latent imagination and backpropagation of $\lambda$-return estimates to actor parameters;
  2. SoftActorCritic: Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) on the Denoised MDP transition data (converted from raw transition data via the learned posterior encoder model).

In particular SoftActorCritic is implemented with the GeneralRLLearning class, which handles the conversion to Denoised MDP transitions. More genereal-purpose policy optimization algorithms can be easily implemented as well with GeneralRLLearning.

In ./denoised_mdp/agents/learning/ we also provide many utility funtions, including value/Q-function creation, Polyak update, etc., for easy implementation of other policy optimization algorithms.

In loop, BaseModelLearning.train_step gets called in ModelTrainer.train(...).

Argument Parsing

to_config_and_instantiate() defined in handles all config parsing by calling into Hydra. It returns a 2-tuple (config, instantiated_config). Both are type-annotated attrs classes (possibly with nested such classes) that specify the entire code behavior. The main difference is in how they handled configurable objects:

  • Config contains only configs of those objects.
  • InstantiatedConfig is created directly from Config, and converts the configs to parsed versions of these objects.

For the example shown in expanded section of Configurable Objects, where reward_model_parser function is accompanied with config class RewardModelConfig.

  • Config will contain a RewardModelConfig object.
  • InstantiatedConfig will contain a variant of reward_model_parser that is aware of the config values (a functools.partial function binding it with the values in this case).

Hence, Config contains only simple primitives, can be converted directly to a YAML, and is useful for logging and writing to disk. InstantiatedConfig contains objects/components that are used for actually running the algorithm.

Pre-Emption Mechanism

SIGUSR1 is our mechanism to pre-empt. Unpon SIGUSR1, we catch the signal, start checkpointing (incl. replay buffer), and finally kill the training job. When we start training, the code first checks if the output directory contains some resumable state, and resume from there if so.

Please see our note in code for details.