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AV-HuBERT Label Preparation

This folder contains scripts for preparing AV-HUBERT labels from tsv files, the steps are:

  1. feature extraction
  2. k-means clustering
  3. k-means application


To prepare labels, you need some additional packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data preparation

*.tsv files contains a list of audio, where each line is the root, and following lines are the subpath and number of frames of each video and audio separated by tab:

<id-1> <video-path-1> <audio-path-1> <video-number-frames-1> <audio-number-frames-1>
<id-2> <video-path-2> <audio-path-2> <video-number-frames-2> <audio-number-frames-2>

See here for data preparation for LRS3 and VoxCeleb2.

Feature extraction

MFCC feature

Suppose the tsv file is at ${tsv_dir}/${split}.tsv. To extract 39-D mfcc+delta+ddelta features for the 1st iteration AV-HuBERT training, run:

python ${tsv_dir} ${split} ${nshard} ${rank} ${feat_dir}

This would shard the tsv file into ${nshard} and extract features for the ${rank}-th shard, where rank is an integer in [0, nshard-1]. Features would be saved at ${feat_dir}/${split}_${rank}_${nshard}.{npy,len}.

AV-HuBERT feature

To extract features from the ${layer}-th transformer layer of a trained AV-HuBERT model saved at ${ckpt_path}, run:

python ${tsv_dir} ${split} ${ckpt_path} ${layer} ${nshard} ${rank} ${feat_dir} --user_dir `pwd`/../

Features would also be saved at ${feat_dir}/${split}_${rank}_${nshard}.{npy,len}.

  • if out-of-memory, decrease the chunk size with --max_chunk

K-means clustering

To fit a k-means model with ${n_clusters} clusters on 10% of the ${split} data, run

python ${feat_dir} ${split} ${nshard} ${km_path} ${n_cluster} --percent 0.1

This saves the k-means model to ${km_path}.

  • set --precent -1 to use all data
  • more kmeans options can be found with -h flag

K-means application

To apply a trained k-means model ${km_path} to obtain labels for ${split}, run

python ${feat_dir} ${split} ${km_path} ${nshard} ${rank} ${lab_dir}

This would extract labels for the ${rank}-th shard out of ${nshard} shards and dump them to ${lab_dir}/${split}_${rank}_${shard}.km

Finally, merge shards for ${split} by running

for rank in $(seq 0 $((nshard - 1))); do
  cat $lab_dir/${split}_${rank}_${nshard}.km
done > $lab_dir/${split}.km

and create a dictionary of cluster indexes by running

for i in $(seq 1 $((n_cluster-1)));do 
    echo $i 10000
done > $lab_dir/dict.{mfcc,km}.txt

Clustering on slurm

If you are on slurm, you can combine the above steps (feature extraction + K-means clustering + K-means application) by:

  • MFCC feature cluster:
python --tsv ${tsv_dir} --output ${lab_dir} --ncluster ${n_cluster} \
  --nshard ${nshard} --mfcc --percent 0.1
  • AV-HuBERT feature cluster:
python --tsv ${tsv_dir} --output ${lab_dir} --ckpt ${ckpt_path} --nlayer ${layer} \
  --ncluster ${n_cluster} --nshard ${nshard} --percent 0.1

This would dump labels to ${lab_dir}/{train,valid}.km.