-- import "."
var Ctx = be_ctx.Ctx
Ctx is an alias for be_ctx.Ctx
var HttpRequest = be_http.Request
HttpRequest is an alias for be_http.Request matcher
var JSON = be_json.Matcher
JSON is an alias for be_json.JSON matcher
var JwtToken = be_jwt.Token
JwtToken is an alias for be_jwt.Token matcher
var StringAsTemplate = be_string.MatchTemplate
StringAsTemplate is an alias for be_string.MatchTemplate matcher
var URL = be_url.URL
URL is an alias for be_url.URL matcher
func All(ms ...any) types.BeMatcher
All is like gomega.And()
func Always() types.BeMatcher
Always does always match
func Any(ms ...any) types.BeMatcher
Any is like gomega.Or()
func Dive(matcher any) types.BeMatcher
Dive applies the given matcher to each (every) element of the slice. Note: Dive is very close to gomega.HaveEach
func DiveAny(matcher any) types.BeMatcher
DiveAny applies the given matcher to each element and succeeds in case if it succeeds at least at one item
func DiveFirst(matcher any) types.BeMatcher
DiveFirst applies the given matcher to the first element of the given slice
func DiveNth(n int, matcher any) types.BeMatcher
DiveNth applies the given matcher to the nth element of the given slice
func Eq(expected any) types.BeMatcher
Eq is like gomega.Equal()
func HaveLength(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HaveLength is like gomega.HaveLen() HaveLength succeeds if the actual value has a length that matches the provided conditions. It accepts either a count value or one or more Gomega matchers to specify the desired length conditions.
func Never(err error) types.BeMatcher
Never does never succeed (does always fail)
func Not(expected any) types.BeMatcher
Not is like gomega.Not()