-- import "."
Package be_json provides Be matchers for expressive assertions on JSON TODO: more detailed explanation what is considered to be JSON here
func HaveKeyValue(key any, args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HaveKeyValue is a facade to gomega.HaveKey & gomega.HaveKeyWithValue
func Matcher(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
Matcher is a JSON matcher. "JSON" here means a []byte with JSON data in it By default several input types are available: string() / []byte(), fmt.Stringer, io.Reader
- custom string-based or []byte-based types are available as well
To make it stricter and to specify which format JSON we should expect, you must pass one of transforms as first argument:
- JsonAsBytes/ JsonAsString / JsonAsStringer / JsonAsReader (for string-like representation)
- JsonAsObject / JsonAsObjects (for map[string]any representation)
type JsonInputType uint32
const (
JsonAsBytes JsonInputType = 1 << iota