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File metadata and controls

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Exercism Python Track Test Generator

The Python track uses a generator script and Jinja2 templates for creating test files from Exercism's canonical data.

Table of Contents

Script Usage

Test generation requires a local copy of the problem-specifications repository. The script should be run from the root python directory, in order to correctly access the exercises.

Run bin/ --help for usage information.

Test Templates

Test templates support Jinja2 syntax, and have the following context variables available from the canonical data:

  • exercise: The hyphenated name of the exercise (ex: two-fer)
  • version: The canonical data version (ex. 1.2.0)
  • cases: A list of case objects or a list of cases lists. For exact structure for the exercise you're working on, please consult canonical-data.json
  • has_error_case: Indicates if any test case expects an error to be thrown (ex: False)
  • additional_cases: similar structure to cases, but is populated from the exercise's .meta/additional_tests.json file if one exists (for an example, see exercises/word-count/.meta/additional_tests.json)

Additionally, the following template filters are added for convenience:

  • to_snake: Converts a string to snake_case (ex: {{ "CamelCaseString" | to_snake }} -> camel_case_string)
  • camel_case: Converts a string to CamelCase (ex: {{ "snake_case_string" | camel_case }} -> SnakeCaseString )
  • error_case: Checks if a test case expects an error to be thrown (ex: {% for case in cases%}{% if case is error_case})
  • regex_replace: Regex string replacement (ex: {{ "abc123" | regex_replace("\\d", "D") }} -> abcDDD)


  • General-use macros for highly repeated template structures are defined in config/generator_macros.j2.
    • These may be imported with the following: {%- import "generator_macros.j2" as macros with context -%}
  • All test templates should end with {{ macros.footer() }}.
  • All Python class names should be in CamelCase (ex: TwoFer).
    • Convert using {{ "two-fer" | camel_case }}
  • All Python module and function names should be in snake_case (ex: high_scores, personal_best).
    • Convert using {{ "personalBest" | to_snake }}
  • Track-specific tests are defined in the option file .meta/additional_tests.json. The JSON object defined in this file is to have a single key, cases, which has the same structure as cases in canonical-data.json.
  • Track-specific tests should be placed after canonical tests in test files.
  • Track-specific tests should be marked in the test file with the following comment:
# Additional tests for this track


Most templates will look something like this:

{%- import "generator_macros.j2" as macros with context -%}
{{ macros.header() }}

class {{ exercise | camel_case }}Test(unittest.TestCase):
    {% for case in cases -%}
    def test_{{ case["description"] | to_snake }}(self):
        value = {{ case["input"]["value"] }}
        expected = {{ case["expected"] }}
        self.assertEqual({{ case["property"] }}(value), expected)

    {% endfor %}

{{ macros.footer() }}

Overriding Imports

The names imported in macros.header() may be overridden by adding a list of alternate names to import (ex:clock):

{{ macros.header(["Clock"])}}

Ignoring Properties

On rare occasion, it may be necessary to filter out properties that are not tested in this track. The header macro also accepts an ignore argument (ex: high-scores):

{{ macros.header(ignore=["scores"]) }}

Learning Jinja

Starting with the Jinja Documentation is highly recommended, but a complete reading is not strictly necessary.

Additional Resources:

Creating a templates

  1. Create .meta/template.j2 for the exercise you are implementing, and open it in your editor.
  2. Copy and paste the example layout in the template file and save.
  3. Make the appropriate changes to the template file until it produces valid test code, referencing the exercise's canonical-data.json for input names and case structure.
    • Use the available macros to avoid re-writing standardized sections.
    • If you are implementing a template for an existing exercise, matching the exact structure of the existing test file is not a requirement, but minimizing differences will make PR review a much smoother process for everyone involved.