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Building a training set of tags for go #2724
Exercise: raindropsCodepackage raindrops
import "strconv"
func Convert(input int) (raindrop string) {
if input%3 == 0 {
raindrop += "Pling"
if input%5 == 0 {
raindrop += "Plang"
if input%7 == 0 {
raindrop += "Plong"
if raindrop == "" {
raindrop = strconv.Itoa(input)
} Tags:
Exercise: scrabble-scoreCodepackage scrabble
import "unicode"
func Score(word string) int {
scores := map[string]int{
"A": 1,
"E": 1,
"I": 1,
"O": 1,
"U": 1,
"L": 1,
"N": 1,
"R": 1,
"S": 1,
"T": 1,
"D": 2,
"G": 2,
"B": 3,
"C": 3,
"M": 3,
"P": 3,
"F": 4,
"H": 4,
"V": 4,
"W": 4,
"Y": 4,
"K": 5,
"J": 8,
"X": 8,
"Q": 10,
"Z": 10,
score := 0
for _, letter := range word {
score += scores[string(unicode.ToUpper(letter))]
return score
} Tags:
Exercise: difference-of-squaresCodepackage diffsquares
func SquareOfSums(n int) int {
sum := n * (n + 1) / 2 // http://www.trans4mind.com/personal_development/mathematics/series/sumNaturalNumbers.htm#mozTocId914933
return sum * sum
func SumOfSquares(n int) int {
return n * (n + 1) * (2*n + 1) / 6 // http://www.trans4mind.com/personal_development/mathematics/series/sumNaturalSquares.htm#summation
func Difference(n int) int {
return SquareOfSums(n) - SumOfSquares(n)
} Tags:
Exercise: sublistCodepackage sublist
import (
type Relation string
func Sublist(first, second []int) Relation {
firstString := sliceToString(first)
secondString := sliceToString(second)
firstContainsSecond := strings.Contains(firstString, secondString)
secondContainsFirst := strings.Contains(secondString, firstString)
if firstContainsSecond {
if secondContainsFirst {
return "equal"
} else {
return "superlist"
if secondContainsFirst {
return "sublist"
} else {
return "unequal"
func sliceToString(str []int) string {
return strings.Trim(fmt.Sprint(str), "[]")
} Tags:
Exercise: leapCodepackage leap
func IsLeapYear(year int) bool {
return year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0
} Tags:
Exercise: accumulateCodepackage accumulate
const testVersion = 1
func Accumulate(input []string, acc func(string) string) []string {
for i, v := range input {
input[i] = acc(v)
return input
} Tags:
Exercise: sum-of-multiplesCodepackage summultiples
import "sort"
var MultipleSummer = MultipleSummerSorted
func MultipleSummerNaive(divs ...int) func(int) int {
return func(n int) (s int) {
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
for _, d := range divs {
if i%d == 0 {
s += i
return s
// The naive algorithm can be sped up dramatically by recognising that
// a closed-form solution exists for single divisors
// Σ_{1 ≤ x < n, 0 = x (mod d)} x = d*Σ_{1 ≤ x < k} x
// = d*(1/2)*k*(k + 1), (where k = n/d).
// For multiple divisors the total sum can be computed by adding the
// sum for each divisor, and subtracting the sum for all products of
// combinations of divisors to cancel multiples that are counted more
// than once. It is also necessary to ensure that the divisors are
// unique and pairwise coprime (see definition of coprime base from
// http://cr.yp.to/lineartime/dcba-20040404.pdf).
// MultipleSummerClosure is the simplest implementation of this.
// MultipleSummerStruct uses a struct to save the overhead of creating
// the closure, but is slower in computing the sum.
// MultipleSummerSort, in addition to using a struct, sorts the
// products list so that the function can exit early (sum(n,d)=0 when
// d > n).
// Benchmarks at the bottom.
// comprime returns the comprime base of s.
func coprime(s []int) []int {
for n := 0; n < len(s)-1; n++ {
j := n + 1
for i := j; i < len(s); i++ {
s[j] = s[i]
if s[i]%s[n] != 0 {
s = s[:j]
return s
// products returns a copy of s and the set of products of all
// combinations of elements of s. (A copy of s is made to simplify the
// procedure, both returned slices are contiguous in memory.)
func products(s []int) ([]int, []int) {
r := make([]int, 1<<uint(len(s))-1)
copy(r, s)
l := len(s)
for i, j := l-2, l; i >= 0; i-- {
for _, k := range r[i+1 : j] {
r[j] = r[i] * k
return r[:len(s)], r[len(s):]
// sum returns the sum of all multiples of d from 1 up to but not
// including n.
func sum(n, d int) int {
k := (n - 1) / d
return d * k * (k + 1) / 2
func MultipleSummerClosure(d ...int) func(int) int {
d, p := products(coprime(d))
return func(n int) (s int) {
for _, d := range d {
s += sum(n, d)
for _, d := range p {
s -= sum(n, d)
type multisum struct{ d, p []int }
func (m multisum) sum(n int) (s int) {
for _, d := range m.d {
s += sum(n, d)
for _, d := range m.p {
s -= sum(n, d)
func MultipleSummerStruct(d ...int) func(int) int {
d, p := products(coprime(d))
return multisum{d, p}.sum
type sortsum struct{ d, p []int }
func (m sortsum) sum(n int) (s int) {
for _, d := range m.d {
if d > n {
s += sum(n, d)
for _, d := range m.p {
if d > n {
s -= sum(n, d)
func MultipleSummerSorted(d ...int) func(int) int {
d, p := products(coprime(d))
return sortsum{d, p}.sum
// $ go test -bench . -benchtime=10s
// BenchmarkNaive35 1000000 17738 ns/op
// BenchmarkNaiveVar 50000 593264 ns/op
// BenchmarkClosure35 100000000 188 ns/op
// BenchmarkClosureVar 5000000 3342 ns/op
// BenchmarkStruct35 100000000 197 ns/op
// BenchmarkStructVar 10000000 2402 ns/op
// BenchmarkSorted35 100000000 119 ns/op
// BenchmarkSortedVar 5000000 3186 ns/op
// func bench35(sum func(...int) func(int) int, b *testing.B) {
// sum35 := sum(3, 5)
// b.ResetTimer() // bench just the sum function
// for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// for _, test := range test35 {
// sum35(test.limit)
// }
// }
// }
// func benchVar(sum func(...int) func(int) int, b *testing.B) {
// // bench combined time to bind sum function and call it.
// for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// for _, test := range varTests {
// sum(test.divisors...)(test.limit)
// }
// }
// }
// func BenchmarkNaive35(b *testing.B) { bench35(MultipleSummerNaive, b) }
// func BenchmarkNaiveVar(b *testing.B) { benchVar(MultipleSummerNaive, b) }
// func BenchmarkClosure35(b *testing.B) { bench35(MultipleSummerClosure, b) }
// func BenchmarkClosureVar(b *testing.B) { benchVar(MultipleSummerClosure, b) }
// func BenchmarkStruct35(b *testing.B) { bench35(MultipleSummerStruct, b) }
// func BenchmarkStructVar(b *testing.B) { benchVar(MultipleSummerStruct, b) }
// func BenchmarkSorted35(b *testing.B) { bench35(MultipleSummerSorted, b) }
// func BenchmarkSortedVar(b *testing.B) { benchVar(MultipleSummerSorted, b) } Tags:
Exercise: sieveCodepackage sieve
const testVersion = 1
func Sieve(n int) []int {
primes := []int{}
sieve := make([]bool, n)
for p := 2; p < n; p++ {
if !sieve[p] {
// element p is prime if value at index p in sieve is false
primes = append(primes, p)
for multiple := p * 2; multiple < n; multiple += p {
// filter out multiples of primes
sieve[multiple] = true
return primes
} Tags:
Exercise: protein-translationCodepackage protein
const testVersion = 1
var mappings = map[string]string{
"AUG": "Methionine",
"UUU": "Phenylalanine",
"UUC": "Phenylalanine",
"UUA": "Leucine",
"UUG": "Leucine",
"UCU": "Serine",
"UCC": "Serine",
"UCA": "Serine",
"UCG": "Serine",
"UAU": "Tyrosine",
"UAC": "Tyrosine",
"UGU": "Cysteine",
"UGC": "Cysteine",
"UGG": "Tryptophan",
"UAA": "STOP",
"UAG": "STOP",
"UGA": "STOP",
func FromCodon(input string) string {
return mappings[input]
func FromRNA(input string) []string {
size := len(input) / 3
proteins := []string{}
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
protein := FromCodon(input[i*3 : (i+1)*3])
if protein != "STOP" {
proteins = append(proteins, protein)
} else {
return proteins
} Tags:
Exercise: roman-numeralsCodepackage romannumerals
import "strings"
var patterns = [...]string{
"", // zero
"{L}", // one
"{L}{L}", // two
"{L}{L}{L}", // three
"{L}{M}", // four
"{M}", // five
"{M}{L}", // six
"{M}{L}{L}", // seven
"{M}{L}{L}{L}", // eight
"{L}{H}", // nine
var charSets = [...]struct {
low string
mid string
high string
{"M", "V̅", "X̅"}, // thousands
{"C", "D", "M"}, // hundreds
{"X", "L", "C"}, // tens
{"I", "V", "X"}, // ones
// ToRomanNumeral converts an integer value to a string of roman numerals
func ToRomanNumeral(arabic int) (roman string) {
digits := []int{
(arabic % 10000) / 1000, // thousands
(arabic % 1000) / 100, // hundreds
(arabic % 100) / 10, // tens
(arabic % 10) / 1, // ones
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
r := strings.NewReplacer(
"{L}", charSets[i].low,
"{M}", charSets[i].mid,
"{H}", charSets[i].high,
roman += r.Replace(patterns[digits[i]])
} Tags:
Exercise: nth-primeCodepackage prime
// isPrime determine if p is divible by li
func isPrime(p int, li []int, lenN int) bool {
for i := 0; i < lenN; i++ {
if p%li[i] == 0 {
return false
return true
// Nth returns the nth Prime
// 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 5. 4 -> 7
func Nth(n int) (int, bool) {
var primes = make([]int, n+2)
primes[0] = 2
primes[1] = 3
// check lower bound
if n < 1 {
return 0, false
// initial values
if n < 3 {
return primes[n-1], true
lenN := 2
posprime := 5
for {
if isPrime(posprime, primes, lenN) {
if lenN+1 == n {
return posprime, true
primes[lenN] = posprime
posprime += 2
if isPrime(posprime, primes, lenN) {
if lenN+1 == n {
return posprime, true
primes[lenN] = posprime
posprime += 4
} Tags:
Exercise: ocr-numbersCodepackage ocr
import "strings"
// signatures maps a string signature of a digit to its character form
var signatures = map[string]byte{
" _ | ||_| ": '0',
" | | ": '1',
" _ _||_ ": '2',
" _ _| _| ": '3',
" |_| | ": '4',
" _ |_ _| ": '5',
" _ |_ |_| ": '6',
" _ | | ": '7',
" _ |_||_| ": '8',
" _ |_| _| ": '9',
// recognizeDigit attempts to OCR a single digit, returning '?' if not possible
func recognizeDigit(s string) byte {
n, ok := signatures[s]
if !ok {
return '?'
return n
// Recognize converts from digits to recognized string form
func Recognize(given string) []string {
lines := strings.Split(given[1:], "\n")
results := []string{}
// consider 4 lines at a time
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i += 4 {
// construct and recognize each digit by its signature
row := []byte{}
for j := 0; j < len(lines[0]); j += 3 {
sig := lines[i][j:j+3] + lines[i+1][j:j+3] + lines[i+2][j:j+3] + lines[i+3][j:j+3]
row = append(row, recognizeDigit(sig))
results = append(results, string(row))
return results
} Tags:
Exercise: wordyCodepackage wordy
import (
// Answer takes a worded math question and solves it
func Answer(question string) (int, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(question, "What is ") &&
!strings.HasSuffix(question, "?") {
return 0, false
question = question[8 : len(question)-1]
question = strings.Replace(question, " by", "", -1)
chunks := strings.Split(question, " ")
if len(chunks)%2 == 0 { // malformed question
return 0, false
var answer int
var currentOp string
for i, chunk := range chunks {
if i%2 != 0 {
currentOp = chunk
num, err := strconv.Atoi(chunk)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
if i == 0 {
answer = num
switch currentOp {
case "plus":
answer += num
case "minus":
answer -= num
case "multiplied":
answer *= num
case "divided":
answer /= num
return answer, true
} Tags:
Exercise: saddle-pointsCodepackage matrix
type Pair [2]int
func (m Matrix) isSaddle(r, c int) bool {
// Check if m_rc is greater than or equal to every element in its row
// i.e., m_rc >= m_ri for i in [0, m.nc)
for i := 0; i < m.nc; i++ {
if m.v[r*m.nc+c] < m.v[r*m.nc+i] {
return false
// Check if m_rc is less than or equal to every element in its column
// i.e., m_rc <= m_ic for i in [0, m.nr)
for i := 0; i < m.nr; i++ {
if m.v[r*m.nc+c] > m.v[i*m.nc+c] {
return false
return true
func (m Matrix) Saddle() []Pair {
var saddles []Pair
for r := 0; r < m.nr; r++ {
for c := 0; c < m.nc; c++ {
if m.isSaddle(r, c) {
saddles = append(saddles, Pair{r, c})
return saddles
} Tags:
Exercise: all-your-baseCodepackage allyourbase
const testVersion = 1
type Error string
func (e Error) Error() string { return string(e) }
const ErrInvalidDigit = Error("Invalid Digit")
const ErrInvalidBase = Error("Invalid Base")
func convertToUInt(inputBase uint64, inputDigits []uint64) (num uint64, err error) {
var power uint64 = 1
for i := len(inputDigits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if inputDigits[i] >= inputBase {
err = ErrInvalidDigit
num += inputDigits[i] * power
power *= inputBase
func convertToBase(input uint64, outputBase uint64) (outputDigits []uint64) {
var power uint64 = 1
for true {
digit := (input % (power * outputBase)) / power
outputDigits = append([]uint64{digit}, outputDigits...)
input -= digit * power
if input <= 0 {
power *= outputBase
func ConvertToBase(inputBase uint64, inputDigits []uint64, outputBase uint64) (outputDigits []uint64, err error) {
var base2 uint64
if inputBase < 2 || outputBase < 2 {
err = ErrInvalidBase
base2, err = convertToUInt(inputBase, inputDigits)
if err != nil {
outputDigits = convertToBase(base2, outputBase)
} Tags:
Exercise: variable-length-quantityCodepackage variablelengthquantity
// DecodeVarint take a VLQ slice of bytes and converts it to an integer
func DecodeVarint(data []byte) (uint32, int) {
var i uint32
size := 0
for _, b := range data {
i += uint32(b & 0x7F)
if b&0x80 != 0 {
i <<= 7
if size == 0 {
return i, size
// EncodeVarint takes an integer and converts it to a VLQ byte slice
func EncodeVarint(i uint32) (data []byte) {
first := true
for ; i != 0; i >>= 7 {
b := byte(i & 0x7F)
if !first {
b |= 0x80
// append byte to first of slice
data = append([]byte{b}, data...)
first = false
return data
} Tags:
Exercise: zebra-puzzleCodepackage zebra
import "bytes"
//Solution structure to return solution in consistent way
type Solution struct {
DrinksWater string
OwnsZebra string
//generate all permuations from byte slice, code from stack exchange
func permutations(arr []byte) [][]byte {
var helper func([]byte, int)
res := [][]byte{}
helper = func(arr []byte, n int) {
if n == 1 {
tmp := make([]byte, len(arr))
copy(tmp, arr)
res = append(res, tmp)
} else {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
helper(arr, n-1)
if n%2 == 1 {
tmp := arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[n-1]
arr[n-1] = tmp
} else {
tmp := arr[0]
arr[0] = arr[n-1]
arr[n-1] = tmp
helper(arr, len(arr))
return res
//Absolute value function
func abs(x int) int {
if x < 0 {
return -x
return x
//Map bytes to full nation names for the solution
var nationMap = map[byte]string{'E': "Englishman", 'S': "Spaniard", 'U': "Ukranian", 'J': "Japanese", 'N': "Norwegian"}
//SolvePuzzle solves the zebra puzzle
func SolvePuzzle() Solution {
nations := []byte{'E', 'S', 'U', 'J', 'N'}
drinks := []byte{'w', 'c', 't', 'o', 'm'}
houses := []byte{'r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'i'}
smokes := []byte{'o', 'k', 'c', 'l', 'p'}
pets := []byte{'z', 's', 'f', 'h', 'd'}
for _, n := range permutations(nations) {
if bytes.IndexByte(n, 'N') != 0 {
//Norwegian lives in first house
for _, d := range permutations(drinks) {
if bytes.IndexByte(d, 'm') != 2 {
//Milk in middle house
if bytes.IndexByte(n, 'U') != bytes.IndexByte(d, 't') {
//Ukrainian drinks tea
for _, h := range permutations(houses) {
if bytes.IndexByte(h, 'g') != bytes.IndexByte(h, 'i')+1 {
//green is right of ivory
if bytes.IndexByte(n, 'E') != bytes.IndexByte(h, 'r') {
//English in red
if bytes.IndexByte(d, 'c') != bytes.IndexByte(h, 'g') {
//coffee drinker in green
if abs(bytes.IndexByte(n, 'N')-bytes.IndexByte(h, 'b')) != 1 {
//norweigain next to blue
for _, s := range permutations(smokes) {
if bytes.IndexByte(h, 'y') != bytes.IndexByte(s, 'k') {
//kools smoker in yellow
if bytes.IndexByte(s, 'l') != bytes.IndexByte(d, 'o') {
//lucky strike drinks orange
if bytes.IndexByte(s, 'p') != bytes.IndexByte(n, 'J') {
//Japanese smokes parliaments
for _, p := range permutations(pets) {
if bytes.IndexByte(s, 'o') != bytes.IndexByte(p, 's') {
//old gold has snails
if bytes.IndexByte(n, 'S') != bytes.IndexByte(p, 'd') {
//spaniard has dog
if abs(bytes.IndexByte(s, 'c')-bytes.IndexByte(p, 'f')) != 1 {
//chesterfieled next to fox
if abs(bytes.IndexByte(s, 'k')-bytes.IndexByte(p, 'h')) != 1 {
//kools next to horse
return Solution{
DrinksWater: nationMap[n[bytes.IndexByte(d, 'w')]],
OwnsZebra: nationMap[n[bytes.IndexByte(p, 'z')]],
panic("No solution found, this can't happen!")
} Tags:
Exercise: rectanglesCodepackage rectangles
const corner = '+'
const vertical = '|'
// Count returns the number of reactangles founds
func Count(input []string) int {
count := 0
for y1 := 0; y1 < len(input); y1++ {
row := input[y1]
for x1 := 0; x1 < len(row); x1++ {
if row[x1] == corner {
for x2 := x1 + 1; x2 < len(row); x2++ {
if row[x2] == corner {
for y2 := y1 + 1; y2 < len(input); y2++ {
if (input[y2][x1] != vertical && input[y2][x1] != corner) || (input[y2][x2] != vertical && input[y2][x2] != corner) {
if input[y2][x1] == corner && input[y2][x2] == corner {
return count
} Tags:
Exercise: counterCodepackage counter
import (
// Define your tests here
var (
cases = []struct {
s string
//Cumulative lines, letters, characters including previous cases
expectedLines, expectedLetters, expectedCharacters int
{"hello ", 1, 5, 6},
{"\n go away", 2, 11, 15},
{" pay me ", 2, 16, 23},
{" have $4", 2, 20, 31},
{"\n\t bye.", 3, 23, 38},
{"香Ή", 3, 25, 40},
func TestAddString(t *testing.T) {
ctr := makeCounter()
ctr.AddString(" smile")
func TestLines(t *testing.T) {
ctr := makeCounter()
for _, c := range cases {
actualLines := ctr.Lines()
if actualLines != c.expectedLines {
t.Errorf("Counter.Lines() returns %d, want %d", actualLines, c.expectedLines)
func TestLetters(t *testing.T) {
ctr := makeCounter()
for _, c := range cases {
actualLetters := ctr.Letters()
if actualLetters != c.expectedLetters {
t.Errorf("Counter.Letters() returns %d, want %d", actualLetters, c.expectedLetters)
func TestCharacters(t *testing.T) {
ctr := makeCounter()
for _, c := range cases {
actualCharacters := ctr.Characters()
if actualCharacters != c.expectedCharacters {
t.Errorf("Counter.Characters() returns %d, want %d", actualCharacters, c.expectedCharacters)
} Tags:
Exercise: hexadecimalCodepackage hexadecimal
// ToDecimal converts a string representing a hexadecimal number into
// an int64. If the string contains invalid digits, the result is 0.
func ToDecimal(digits string) int64 {
var result, value int64
exponent := uint(4 * len(digits))
for _, d := range digits {
exponent -= 4
switch {
case d >= '0' && d <= '9':
value = int64(d - '0')
case d >= 'a' && d <= 'f':
value = int64(d - 'a' + 10)
case d >= 'A' && d <= 'F':
value = int64(d - 'A' + 10)
return 0
result += value * (1 << exponent)
return result
} Tags:
This is an automated comment Hello 👋 Next week we're going to start using the tagging work people are doing on these. If you've already completed the work, thank you! If you've not, but intend to this week, that's great! If you're not going to get round to doing it, and you've not yet posted a comment letting us know, could you please do so, so that we can find other people to do it. Thanks! |
Sorry, I don't have time to work on this. |
Hello lovely maintainers 👋
We've recently added "tags" to student's solutions. These express the constructs, paradigms and techniques that a solution uses. We are going to be using these tags for lots of things including filtering, pointing a student to alternative approaches, and much more.
In order to do this, we've built out a full AST-based tagger in C#, which has allowed us to do things like detect recursion or bit shifting. We've set things up so other tracks can do the same for their languages, but its a lot of work, and we've determined that actually it may be unnecessary. Instead we think that we can use machine learning to achieve tagging with good enough results. We've fine-tuned a model that can determine the correct tags for C# from the examples with a high success rate. It's also doing reasonably well in an untrained state for other languages. We think that with only a few examples per language, we can potentially get some quite good results, and that we can then refine things further as we go.
I released a new video on the Insiders page that talks through this in more detail.
We're going to be adding a fully-fledged UI in the coming weeks that allow maintainers and mentors to tag solutions and create training sets for the neural networks, but to start with, we're hoping you would be willing to manually tag 20 solutions for this track. In this post we'll add 20 comments, each with a student's solution, and the tags our model has generated. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to edit the tags on each issue, removing any incorrect ones, and add any that are missing. In order to build one model that performs well across languages, it's best if you stick as closely as possible to the C# tags as you can. Those are listed here. If you want to add extra tags, that's totally fine, but please don't arbitrarily reword existing tags, even if you don't like what Erik's chosen, as it'll just make it less likely that your language gets the correct tags assigned by the neural network.
To summarise - there are two paths forward for this issue:
If you tell us you're not able/wanting to help or there's no comment added, we'll automatically crowd-source this in a week or so.
Finally, if you have questions or want to discuss things, it would be best done on the forum, so the knowledge can be shared across all maintainers in all tracks.
Thanks for your help! 💙
Note: Meta discussion on the forum
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