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Building a training set of tags for elm #627
Exercise: bobCodemodule Bob exposing (..)
import String exposing (trim, toUpper, toLower, endsWith)
hey : String -> String
hey phrase =
if "" == trim phrase then
"Fine. Be that way!"
else if phrase == toUpper phrase && phrase /= toLower phrase then
"Whoa, chill out!"
else if endsWith "?" phrase then
"Whatever." Tags:
Exercise: twelve-daysCodemodule TwelveDays exposing (recite)
import Array
ordinals =
[ "zeroeth"
, "first"
, "second"
, "third"
, "fourth"
, "fifth"
, "sixth"
, "seventh"
, "eighth"
, "ninth"
, "tenth"
, "eleventh"
, "twelfth"
amountNatural i =
if i == 1 then
Array.get i numbers |> Maybe.withDefault ""
numbers =
[ "zero"
, "one"
, "two"
, "three"
, "four"
, "five"
, "six"
, "seven"
, "eight"
, "nine"
, "ten"
, "eleven"
, "twelve"
things =
[ ""
, "Partridge in a Pear Tree"
, "Turtle Doves"
, "French Hens"
, "Calling Birds"
, "Gold Rings"
, "Geese-a-Laying"
, "Swans-a-Swimming"
, "Maids-a-Milking"
, "Ladies Dancing"
, "Lords-a-Leaping"
, "Pipers Piping"
, "Drummers Drumming"
recite : Int -> Int -> List String
recite start stop =
List.range start stop
|> List.map
(\day ->
"On the "
++ (Array.get day ordinals |> Maybe.withDefault "")
++ " day of Christmas my true love gave to me, "
++ thingsFor day
++ "."
thingsFor day =
printAnd thingIndex =
if day > 1 && thingIndex == 1 then
"and "
List.range 1 day
|> List.foldl
(\thingIndex ->
(::) <|
printAnd thingIndex
++ amountNatural thingIndex
++ " "
++ (Array.get thingIndex things |> Maybe.withDefault "")
|> String.join ", " Tags:
Exercise: pangramCodemodule Pangram exposing (..)
import String
import Char
isPangram s =
alphabet = List.map Char.fromCode [97..122]
sContains char = String.contains (String.fromChar char) (String.toLower s)
List.all sContains alphabet Tags:
Exercise: triangleCodemodule Triangle exposing (..)
triangleKind : Float -> Float -> Float -> Result String String
triangleKind a b c =
if (a<=0) || (b<=0) || (c<=0) then
Err "Invalid lengths"
else if (a+b) <= c || (b+c) <= a || (a+c) <= b then
Err "Violates inequality"
else if a == b && b == c then
Ok "equilateral"
else if a == b || b == c || a == c then
Ok "isosceles"
Ok "scalene" Tags:
Exercise: strainCodemodule Strain exposing (keep, discard)
keep : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
keep f items =
case items of
[] ->
x :: xs ->
if f x == True then
x :: keep f xs
keep f xs
discard : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
discard f xs =
keep (f >> not) xs Tags:
Exercise: sum-of-multiplesCodemodule SumOfMultiples exposing (..)
import Set
sumOfMultiples : List Int -> Int -> Int
sumOfMultiples list max =
|> List.foldl
(\x acc ->
findMultiples max x
|> Set.fromList
|> Set.union acc
|> Set.toList
|> List.sum
findMultiples : Int -> Int -> List Int
findMultiples max n =
(\x ->
if x * n < max then
Just (x * n)
[1..(max // n)] Tags:
Exercise: rna-transcriptionCodemodule RNATranscription exposing (..)
import String
toRNA : String -> Result Char String
toRNA s =
List.foldl convertChar (Ok "") (String.toList s)
convertChar : Char -> Result Char String -> Result Char String
convertChar c r =
case ( c, r ) of
( 'G', Ok s ) ->
Ok <| s ++ String.fromList [ 'C' ]
( 'C', Ok s ) ->
Ok <| s ++ String.fromList [ 'G' ]
( 'T', Ok s ) ->
Ok <| s ++ String.fromList [ 'A' ]
( 'A', Ok s ) ->
Ok <| s ++ String.fromList [ 'U' ]
( c, Ok s ) ->
Err <| c
( c, Err c' ) ->
Err c' Tags:
Exercise: nucleotide-countCodemodule NucleotideCount exposing (nucleotideCounts, version)
import String
type alias Counts =
{ a : Int
, c : Int
, t : Int
, g : Int
newCounts : Counts
newCounts =
{ a = 0
, c = 0
, t = 0
, g = 0
version : Int
version =
nucleotideCounts : String -> Counts
nucleotideCounts dna =
String.foldl doCount newCounts dna
doCount : Char -> Counts -> Counts
doCount char counts =
case char of
'A' ->
{ counts | a = counts.a + 1 }
'C' ->
{ counts | c = counts.c + 1 }
'T' ->
{ counts | t = counts.t + 1 }
'G' ->
{ counts | g = counts.g + 1 }
_ ->
counts Tags:
Exercise: nucleotide-countCodemodule NucleotideCount exposing (..)
import String
version : Int
version =
type alias Nucleotides =
{ a : Int
, t : Int
, c : Int
, g : Int
nucleotideCounts : String -> Nucleotides
nucleotideCounts dna =
String.foldl updateCount (Nucleotides 0 0 0 0) dna
updateCount nucleotide counts =
case nucleotide of
'A' ->
{ counts | a = counts.a + 1 }
'T' ->
{ counts | t = counts.t + 1 }
'C' ->
{ counts | c = counts.c + 1 }
'G' ->
{ counts | g = counts.g + 1 }
_ ->
counts Tags:
Exercise: phone-numberCodemodule PhoneNumber exposing (getNumber, prettyPrint)
import Char exposing (isDigit)
import String exposing (filter, length, slice, dropLeft, left, right)
getNumber : String -> Maybe String
getNumber string =
digits =
filter Char.isDigit string
case length digits of
10 ->
Just digits
11 ->
if slice 0 1 digits == "1" then
Just (dropLeft 1 digits)
_ ->
prettyPrint : String -> Maybe String
prettyPrint value =
areaCode =
left 3
centralOffice =
slice 3 6
stationNumber =
right 4
format digits =
++ (areaCode digits)
++ ") "
++ (centralOffice digits)
++ "-"
++ (stationNumber digits)
getNumber value
|> Maybe.map format Tags:
Exercise: phone-numberCodemodule PhoneNumber exposing (..)
import Char exposing (isDigit)
getNumber : String -> Maybe String
getNumber source =
digits =
String.filter isDigit source
if String.length digits < 10 || String.length digits > 11 then
else if String.length digits == 11 then
if String.startsWith "1" digits then
Just (String.dropLeft 1 digits)
Just digits
prettyPrint : String -> Maybe String
prettyPrint source =
case getNumber source of
Just phone ->
("(" ++ (String.slice 0 3 phone) ++ ") ")
++ (String.slice 3 6 phone)
++ "-"
++ (String.slice 6 10 phone)
|> Just
_ ->
Nothing Tags:
Exercise: grade-schoolCodemodule GradeSchool exposing (..)
import Dict exposing (..)
type alias Grade =
type alias Student =
type alias School =
Dict Int (List Student)
empty : School
empty =
addStudent : Grade -> Student -> School -> School
addStudent grade name school =
updated =
name :: (studentsInGrade grade school) |> List.sort
Dict.insert grade updated school
studentsInGrade : Grade -> School -> List Student
studentsInGrade grade school =
case (Dict.get grade school) of
Nothing ->
Just students ->
allStudents : School -> List ( Grade, List Student )
allStudents school =
Dict.toList school |> List.sortBy (\( grade, _ ) -> grade) Tags:
Exercise: grade-schoolCodemodule GradeSchool exposing (..)
import Dict
type alias Grade =
type alias Name =
type alias School =
Dict.Dict Grade (List Name)
empty : School
empty =
addStudent : Grade -> Name -> School -> School
addStudent grade name school =
Dict.update grade (Maybe.withDefault [] >> (::) name >> List.sort >> Just) school
studentsInGrade : Grade -> School -> List Name
studentsInGrade grade school =
|> Dict.get grade
|> Maybe.withDefault []
allStudents : School -> List ( Grade, List Name )
allStudents school =
Dict.toList school Tags:
Exercise: largest-series-productCodemodule LargestSeriesProduct exposing (largestProduct)
import Char
largestProduct : Int -> String -> Maybe Int
largestProduct size num =
if size == 0 then
Just 1
else if String.length num < size || size < 0 || not (String.all Char.isDigit num) then
|> String.toList
|> List.map (String.fromChar >> String.toInt >> Result.withDefault 0)
|> partition size
|> List.map List.product
|> List.maximum
partition : Int -> List Int -> List (List Int)
partition size num =
if List.length num <= size then
[ num ]
List.take size num :: partition size (List.drop 1 num) Tags:
Exercise: gigasecondCodemodule Gigasecond exposing (add)
import Date exposing (Date)
import Time
add : Date -> Date
add date =
|> Date.toTime
|> (+) 1000000000000
|> Date.fromTime Tags:
Exercise: collatz-conjectureCodemodule CollatzConjecture exposing (collatz)
collatz : Int -> Result String Int
collatz num =
if num < 1 then
Err "Only positive numbers are allowed"
Ok <| collatzHelper num 0
collatzHelper : Int -> Int -> Int
collatzHelper num step =
if num == 1 then
else if num % 2 == 0 then
collatzHelper (num // 2) (step + 1)
collatzHelper (3 * num + 1) (step + 1) Tags:
Exercise: isogramCodemodule Isogram exposing (..)
import Char
isIsogram : String -> Bool
isIsogram =
>> String.toList
>> List.filter Char.isLower
>> List.sort
>> allDifferent
allDifferent : List Char -> Bool
allDifferent list =
case list of
[] -> True
x::[] -> True
x::y::xs -> x /= y && allDifferent (y::xs) Tags:
Exercise: luhnCodemodule Luhn exposing (..)
import Char
valid : String -> Bool
valid input =
filtered =
String.filter ((/=) ' ') input
if String.length filtered < 2 then
else if not (String.all Char.isDigit filtered) then
(luhnsum (digits filtered)) % 10 == 0
digits s =
String.toList s
|> List.filter Char.isDigit
|> List.map
>> String.toInt
>> Result.withDefault 0
luhnsum digits =
double xs =
case xs of
[] ->
x :: y :: xs ->
d =
if y < 5 then
y * 2
y * 2 - 9
x :: d :: (double xs)
_ ->
List.reverse digits
|> double
|> List.sum Tags:
Exercise: transposeCodemodule Transpose exposing (transpose)
transpose : List String -> List String
transpose lines =
maxLength =
|> List.map String.length
|> List.maximum
|> Maybe.withDefault 0
(\line result ->
List.map2 (++) result (String.split "" line |> padRight maxLength "")
(List.repeat maxLength "")
(padLines lines)
padLines : List String -> List String
padLines lines =
padLinesHelper (List.reverse lines) []
padLinesHelper : List String -> List String -> List String
padLinesHelper lines padded =
case lines of
[] ->
line :: [] ->
line :: padded
lineBelow :: lineAbove :: rest ->
paddedLine =
String.padRight (String.length lineBelow) ' ' lineAbove
padLinesHelper (paddedLine :: rest) (lineBelow :: padded)
padRight : Int -> a -> List a -> List a
padRight length item list =
pad =
length - List.length list
list ++ List.repeat pad item Tags:
Exercise: binary-searchCodemodule BinarySearch exposing (find)
import Array exposing (Array)
find : Int -> Array Int -> Int
find target xs =
recur : Int -> Int
recur midPt =
case Array.get midPt xs of
Nothing ->
Just midElement ->
case compare midElement target of
LT ->
isTargetLessThanNext =
Array.get (midPt + 1) xs
|> Maybe.map (\elt -> elt > target)
|> Maybe.withDefault True
if isTargetLessThanNext then
(toFloat midPt * 1.5)
|> ceiling
|> recur
GT ->
isTargetGreaterThanLast =
Array.get (midPt - 1) xs
|> Maybe.map (\elt -> elt < target)
|> Maybe.withDefault True
if isTargetGreaterThanLast then
(toFloat midPt / 2)
|> floor
|> recur
EQ ->
recur <| floor (toFloat (Array.length xs) / 2) Tags:
I'm happy to help out with this, sometime during the next couple of weeks |
Hi @ErikSchierboom , I've completed this now. The tags are a bit confusing, I've tried to consolidate and make things consistent. For example, I've removed 'logical-or' tags, and instead 'boolean-logic' is used. And I've tried to use the least specific tag when multiple tags describe the same thing (technique:recursion instead of construct:recursion). It would be good if @jiegillet or @mpizenberg could give it a quick look as well, to see if I have missed anything fundamental. Another note is that we already parse all solutions in to their abstract syntax trees in the representer (and the analyser I think), so we could calculate these things directly relatively easily, instead of relying on flaky me / flaky ai. |
@ceddlyburge Awesome. Thanks! Very happy for you to have the analyzer do this instead. Having languages that have deterministic, correct tags is really useful for us for training neural networks in general. All the learning so far is based off C#'s so having a different language too would be great! |
I took a quick look and didn't find anything wrong, thanks for doing it @ceddlyburge I think an analyzer could do a great job of deterministically tag a lot of concepts on to virtually every part of the AST, but it would be a whole bunch of work! |
That I can confirm! It has taken me lots of time to build the C# version. edit: it doesn't help that C# has a lot of constructs |
Cool, I'll make a ticket for it! It probably would take a long time, but should be much much easier than c#. The syntax is a lot smaller and we already parse it into an ast. We would probably want to have a meeting to map things in the elm syntax to the tags when we start. |
I'm interested in this if you try to organize that. |
This is an automated comment Hello 👋 Next week we're going to start using the tagging work people are doing on these. If you've already completed the work, thank you! If you've not, but intend to this week, that's great! If you're not going to get round to doing it, and you've not yet posted a comment letting us know, could you please do so, so that we can find other people to do it. Thanks! |
Thanks for the help! We've updated the tags. |
Hello lovely maintainers 👋
We've recently added "tags" to student's solutions. These express the constructs, paradigms and techniques that a solution uses. We are going to be using these tags for lots of things including filtering, pointing a student to alternative approaches, and much more.
In order to do this, we've built out a full AST-based tagger in C#, which has allowed us to do things like detect recursion or bit shifting. We've set things up so other tracks can do the same for their languages, but its a lot of work, and we've determined that actually it may be unnecessary. Instead we think that we can use machine learning to achieve tagging with good enough results. We've fine-tuned a model that can determine the correct tags for C# from the examples with a high success rate. It's also doing reasonably well in an untrained state for other languages. We think that with only a few examples per language, we can potentially get some quite good results, and that we can then refine things further as we go.
I released a new video on the Insiders page that talks through this in more detail.
We're going to be adding a fully-fledged UI in the coming weeks that allow maintainers and mentors to tag solutions and create training sets for the neural networks, but to start with, we're hoping you would be willing to manually tag 20 solutions for this track. In this post we'll add 20 comments, each with a student's solution, and the tags our model has generated. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to edit the tags on each issue, removing any incorrect ones, and add any that are missing. In order to build one model that performs well across languages, it's best if you stick as closely as possible to the C# tags as you can. Those are listed here. If you want to add extra tags, that's totally fine, but please don't arbitrarily reword existing tags, even if you don't like what Erik's chosen, as it'll just make it less likely that your language gets the correct tags assigned by the neural network.
To summarise - there are two paths forward for this issue:
If you tell us you're not able/wanting to help or there's no comment added, we'll automatically crowd-source this in a week or so.
Finally, if you have questions or want to discuss things, it would be best done on the forum, so the knowledge can be shared across all maintainers in all tracks.
Thanks for your help! 💙
Note: Meta discussion on the forum
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