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ember-notify displays wee little notification messages down the bottom of your Ember.js app.


ember-notify is compatible with the following presentation frameworks:

  • Zurb Foundation 6 (default)
  • Zurb Foundation 5: {{ember-notify messageStyle='foundation-5'}}
  • Thoughtbot Refills: {{ember-notify messageStyle='refills'}}
  • Twitter Bootstrap: {{ember-notify messageStyle='bootstrap'}}
  • Semantic-UI: {{ember-notify messageStyle='semantic-ui'}}
  • UIKit: {{ember-notify messageStyle='uikit'}}

The CSS animations are inspired by CSS from alertify.js. You can also customize the positioning and animations by overriding the default ember-notify CSS class. For usage, see the animations example.


  1. Add {{ember-notify}} to one of your templates, usually in application.hbs
  2. Inject the notify service
  3. Display messages using the info, success, warning, alert and error methods


import Component from '@ember/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Component.extend({
  notify: service(),

  actions: {
    sayHello() {'Hello there!');

By default the notifications close after 2.5 seconds, although you can control this in your template:

{{ember-notify closeAfter=4000}}

Using angle bracket invocation, available in Ember 3.4+

<EmberNotify @closeAfter={{4000}} />

Or you can control when each message is closed:

let message = this.notify.alert(`You can control how long it's displayed`, {
  closeAfter: 10000 // or set to null to disable auto-hiding

...and you can hide messages programmatically:

message.set('visible', false);

You can specify raw HTML:{ html: '<div class="my-div">Hooray!</div>' });

Rounded corners, if that's your thing:

this.notify.alert(`This one's got rounded corners.`, {
  radius: true

Include custom classNames on your message:

this.notify.alert('Custom CSS class', {
  classNames: ['my-class']

Include an identifier to avoid duplicate messages being displayed:

this.notify.alert('Unique Message', { id: 'some-unique-identifier' });

Multiple Containers

If you want to have separate notifications and control where they're inserted into the DOM you can have multiple {{ember-notify}} components, but only one of them can be accessed using the injected service. The others you will need to provide a source property, so secondary containers should be used as follows:

{{ember-notify source=someProperty}}

Using angle bracket invocation:

<EmberNotify @source={{someProperty}} />
import Component from '@ember/component';
import Notify from 'ember-notify';

export default Component.extend({

  actions: {
    clicked() {
      this.alternativeNotify.success('Hello from the controller');

Custom message template

You can pass a block with template you want to use for each message (instead of using the default one). It may look like this:

  {{#ember-notify as |message close|}}
    <a {{action close}} class="close">
      close from block
    <span class="message-from-block">

Using angle bracket invocation:

  <EmberNotify as |message close|>
    <a {{action close}} class="close">
      close from block
    <span class="message-from-block">

Two arguments are passed to the block: message object, and close action. Make sure you are using Closure Actions syntax passing the action (e. g. <a {{action close}} or {{your-component close=(action close)}}.

Custom Animations

By default, the ember-notify message will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen. You may want to control the positioning or the animation. To do so, you need to pass a CSS class using the defaultClass option. This will render the top level ember-notify element with the class you pass in.

<!-- Gives class="custom-notify"> to top level element -->
{{ember-notify defaultClass="custom-notify"}}

Using angle bracket invocation:

<!-- Gives class="custom-notify"> to top level element -->
<EmberNotify @defaultClass="custom-notify" />

Then you need to add custom styling for each of the elements within the ember-notify structure. The following snippet summarizes rules needed for a custom look. For a complete example that you can drop into your project, see examples/custom-position-animations.css

/* Main container */
.custom-notify {
  position: fixed;
  top: 10px;
  right: 0;
  left: 0;

/* Message box */
.custom-notify .callout {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

/* Classes applied for animating in/out */
.custom-notify .ember-notify-show {}
.custom-notify .ember-notify-hide {}

Turn off loading CSS

If you want to use the addon without loading the CSS themes (because you have your own CSS) add this to your ember-cli-build.js file:

let app = new EmberApp({
  emberNotify: {
    importCss: false


This module is an ember-cli addon, so installation is easy as pie.

ember install ember-notify

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