The goal of this Qt program is to control a real life chessboard, to play locally against Stockfish, a chess engine, or online, on
This program will later be adapted to work from a Raspberry Pi 3 and WiringPi to control a LED matrix and read a matrix of reed switches.
As of today, you can play in front of your computer thanks to the Qt GUI. The pieces and chessboard tiles are assets from
You can play as white or black, vs Stockfish or another local player.
Even for human turns, Stockfish computes legal moves and checks for checks.
Legal moves appear green on the UI, king being checked appear red, checkers appear yellow, and selected piece appear blue.
Castling, pawn promotion and en passant are checked manually to sync the GUI with the Stockfish internal board.
In a second time, this will allow to light the real chessboard accordingly !
For now, no Internet play is possible, but it will happen. I will use Board API to play against online players.
In a first time, the realboard player will have to follow light indications to play the online opponent's move. If everything works, I might add a stepper to move pieces around automatically!
To work correctly, stockfish.exe should be on C: root, like : "C:/stockfish.exe"
Look at ChessDiagram.png to understand how functions work together.