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0.5.0 (unreleased)

  • Add tighten_ylim keyword argument to plot_lc().
  • Deprecate flatten keyword argument in fit_lc() in favor of explicit use of flatten_result() function.
  • Add Model.bandfluxcov() function.
  • Add chisq() function and use internally in fit_lc().

0.4.2 (2014-04-08)

This is a minor bugfix release.

  • Update CALSPEC FTP base URL to the "permanent" one rather than "current". This should provide a stable URL, so that spectra downloads do not fail (even if they will not necessarily be the most current).
  • Bump Vega and BD+17 spectra versions to latest CALSPEC.
  • Fix an issue with that was preventing the configuration item from having an effect.

0.4.1 (2014-04-03)

This is a minor bugfix release.

  • Fix bug that caused fit_lc() and plot_lc() to fail on numpy 1.8.
  • Correct behavior of Model.minwave() and Model.maxwave() to include propagation effects.
  • Fix setup issue that caused cython to run even when C files already present.

0.4.0 (2014-03-26)

This is a non-backwards-compatible release, due to changes in the way models are defined. These changes were made after feedback on the initial design.

The most major change is a new central class Model used throughout the pacakge. A Model instance encompasses a Source and zero or more PropagationEffect instances. This is so that different source models (e.g., SALT2 or spectral time series models) can be combined with arbitrary dust models. The best way to think about this is Source and PropagationEffect define the rest-frame behavior of a SN and dust, and a Model puts these together to determine the observer-frame behavior.

  • New classes
    • sncosmo.Model: new main container class
    • sncosmo.Source: replaces existing Model
    • sncosmo.TimeSeriesSource: replaces existing TimeSeriesModel
    • sncosmo.StretchSource: replaces existing StretchModel
    • sncosmo.SALT2Source: replaces existing SALT2Model
    • sncosmo.PropagationEffect
    • sncosmo.CCM89Dust
    • sncosmo.OD94Dust
    • sncosmo.F99Dust
  • New public functions
    • sncosmo.read_griddata_ascii: Read file with phase wave flux rows
    • sncosmo.read_griddata_fits
    • sncosmo.write_griddata_fits
    • sncosmo.nest_lc: Nested sampling parameter estimation of SN model
    • sncosmo.simulate_vol (EXPERIMENTAL): simulation convenience function.
  • Built-ins
    • updated SALT2 model URLs
    • added SALT2 version 2.4 (Betoule et al 2014)
  • Improvements to sncosmo.plot_lc: flexibility and layout
  • Many bugfixes

0.3.0 (2013-11-07)

This is a release with mostly bugfixes but a few new features, designed to be backwards compatible with v0.2.0 ahead of API changes coming in the next version.

  • New functions:
    • sncosmo.get_ebv_from_map: E(B-V) at given coordinates from SFD map.
    • sncosmo.read_snana_ascii: Read SNANA ascii format files.
    • sncosmo.read_snana_fits: Read SNANA FITS format files.
    • sncosmo.read_snana_simlib: Read SNANA ascii "SIMLIB" files.

0.2 (2013-08-20)

  • New built-ins

    • Added SN 2011fe Nearby Supernova Factory data to built-in models as '2011fe'
  • Renamed functions (some with enhancements), previously "experimental": - sncosmo.fit_lc (previously sncosmo.fit_model) - sncosmo.read_lc (previously sncosmo.readlc) - sncosmo.write_lc (previously sncosmo.writelc) - sncosmo.plot_lc (previously sncosmo.plotlc)

  • New functions:

    • sncosmo.load_example_data: Example photometric data.
    • sncosmo.mcmc_lc: Markov Chain Monte Carlo parameter estimation.
    • sncosmo.animate_model: Model animation using matplotlib.animation.
  • sncosmo.fit_lc: Now uses the iminuit package for minimization by default. This requires the iminuit package to be installed, but the old minimizer (from scipy) can still be used by setting the keyword method='l-bfgs-b'.

  • sncosmo.plot_lc: Ability to plot model synthetic photometry without observed data, using the syntax:

    >>> sncosmo.plot_lc(model=model, bands=['band1', 'band2'])
  • Photometric data format is now more flexible, allowing various names for table columns.

0.1 (2013-07-15)

  • Initial release.