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Cloud Foundry (CF) blue-green deployment

Makes blue-green app deployments on Cloud Foundry.


Build or pull

Build from source

docker build -t europeana/cf-blue-green-deploy .

Pull from Docker Hub

docker pull europeana/cf-blue-green-deploy


Configuration of Cloud Foundry settings is by environment variable on the Docker container. All are required at run time.

  • CF_API: API endpoint
  • CF_USERNAME: username
  • CF_PASSWORD: password
  • CF_ORG: org
  • CF_SPACE: space
  • CF_ROUTES: route(s) for the app, separated by space
  • CF_APP_NAME: app name, to which the -blue or -green suffix will be added

It is suggested to copy the supplied .env.example to .env, populate for your CF provider and app, and pass to Docker when running the image, with --env-file .env. All following examples assume such configuration.


cf push arguments

No arguments are set by default on the cf push command, but should instead be supplied as the docker run command, following deploy.

For example:

docker run --env-file .env \
           europeana/cf-blue-green-deploy \
           deploy -f manifest.yml --vars-file vars.yml

This is equivalent to running: cf push ${BLUE_GREEN_APP_NAME} -f manifest.yml --vars-file vars.yml

With a manifest & local data

If the app needs to push local data (which will generally be the case unless using a Docker image), then mount the local data directory into the container as /deploy.

For example:

docker run --env-file .env --mount type=bind,source=/path/to/app,target=/deploy \
           europeana/cf-blue-green-deploy \
           deploy -f manifest.yml

With a Docker image

To deploy with a Docker image instead of a buildpack, set the env var CF_APP_TYPE=docker.

For example:

docker run --env-file .env \
       -e CF_APP_TYPE=docker \
       europeana/cf-blue-green-deploy \
       deploy --docker-image nginx -m 32M

Route-based switching

This blue-green deployment agent operates based on routing. It is given a single primary route for the application, and whichever colour is presently mapped to that route is the active one.

The other colour will be deployed with the code changes, then the route remapped to point to it.


  1. Given an app named myapp, a domain and a hostname www, the entrypoint will use the CF CLI to look for the route, then:
    • If one exists, and the first mapped app is named myapp-blue, then the blue colour is active and green will be deployed; vice versa if it is named myapp-green.
    • If one exists but the first mapped app is not named either myapp-blue or myapp-green then it will exit.
    • If one does not exist, this is assumed to be the first deployment and blue will be deployed.
  2. The new colour is pushed as myapp-blue or myapp-green
  3. The route is mapped to the new colour
  4. The route is unmapped from the old colour (if there is one)
  5. The old colour is stopped (if there is one)


If an autoscaling policy is supplied at /autoscaling-policy.json, it will be applied to the new app colour. If none is supplied, but the old colour has one, that will be copied to the new.

In addition, the old app colour will be inspected for the number of instances it is running at the time of deployment, and the new app colour started with that number of instances, within the bounds of the autoscaling policy min/max thresholds.


A number of hooks are available to run custom commands during the blue-green deployment lifecycle:

  • pre-login: before logging in to CF; no arguments
  • post-login: after logging in to CF; no arguments
  • pre-push: before pushing the new app to CF; arguments are old and new app names
  • post-push: after pushing the new app to CF; arguments are old and new app names
  • post-routing: after remapping the routes from old to new; arguments are old and new app names
  • post-deploy: after stopping the old app and deployment is complete; arguments are old and new app names

To use these hooks, provide executable files in /hooks named after the hook. For example: /hooks/post-login:


cf apps



cf app ${new_app_name}

