From 3cb02e02de370b7df43f6e533d6ae6ed30c0f743 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Guillaume Maze Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 11:29:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Update whats-new.rst --- docs/whats-new.rst | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/whats-new.rst b/docs/whats-new.rst index 9fcf842c..312f28fa 100644 --- a/docs/whats-new.rst +++ b/docs/whats-new.rst @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Coming up next **Internals** +- Update :class:`argopy.ArgoNVSReferenceTables` to handle new NVS server output format + - Pin upper bound on xarray < 2024.3 to fix failing upstream tests because of ``AttributeError: 'ScipyArrayWrapper' object has no attribute 'oindex'``, `reported here `_. (:pr:`326`) by `G. Maze `_ - Fix :class:`argopy.ArgoDocs` that was not working with new Archimer webpage design, :issue:`351`. (:pr:`352`) by `G. Maze `_. From 6996dc3d646b510c067118dc999b8c0ddd369ea1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Guillaume Maze Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 14:05:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Update - fix to use new keys --- argopy/related/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/argopy/related/ b/argopy/related/ index 5bc2d9d7..32dcc256 100644 --- a/argopy/related/ +++ b/argopy/related/ @@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ def _jsConcept2df(self, data): } for k in data["@graph"]: if k["@type"] == "skos:Collection": - Collection_name = k["alternative"] + Collection_name = k["dc:alternative"] elif k["@type"] == "skos:Concept": - content["altLabel"].append(k["altLabel"]) - content["prefLabel"].append(k["prefLabel"]["@value"]) - content["definition"].append(k["definition"]["@value"]) - content["deprecated"].append(k["deprecated"]) + content["altLabel"].append(k["skos:altLabel"]) + content["prefLabel"].append(k["skos:prefLabel"]["@value"]) + content["definition"].append(k["skos:definition"]["@value"]) + content["deprecated"].append(k["owl:deprecated"]) content["id"].append(k["@id"]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(content) = Collection_name @@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ def _jsCollection(self, data): """Return last skos:Collection information as data""" for k in data["@graph"]: if k["@type"] == "skos:Collection": - name = k["alternative"] - desc = k["description"] + name = k["dc:alternative"] + desc = k["dc:description"] rtid = k["@id"] return (name, desc, rtid) From e49498ef90156ab0a1f3dcfb7ec96d26fc4827df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Guillaume Maze Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 14:05:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Update - fix for new server keys --- argopy/tests/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/argopy/tests/ b/argopy/tests/ index 031d2710..b01f8bf1 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/ +++ b/argopy/tests/ @@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ def test_get_url(self, opts): data = self.nvs.fs.open_json(url) assert isinstance(data, dict) elif "xml" in opts: - data = self.nvs.fs.fs.cat_file(url) + data = self.nvs.fs.download_url(url) assert data[0:5] == b' Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 14:06:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Update test data for new NVS server responses --- ...ab30799fee9dbc0c26d1feceb43f72e18bfea.json | 1180 +- ...ca30c57d9a83c8d6027fd7f9081d35d05a6ba.json | 576 +- ...8ca86db5770ca2955d99c48da940563e932e2.json | 2043 ++- ...a3eb290aa54d931fff43c397d97edfc9051a7.json | 516 +- ...32b66e323eb230d6afc8ab7ac222adce34ef6.json | 606 +- ...ec0eb510c808949d926dc2ffa754fe958b870.json | 8665 ++++++----- ...390871d6a6e44770cfb84141edb49a133f118.json | 2696 ++-- ...1ab4a041df6cf10474c5084a6c1826c64e30a.json | 2050 +-- ...7e1d7c9a274afaba1174ed236238c2da101ff.json | 3026 ++-- ...779265f303b74783517bb3680abf2629db8de.json | 11247 ++++++++++++++ ...01ea8b4314e46653e2af2381a9c289f551221.json | 1056 +- ...b5fddad753bfcd7246425d6448e5262655bd2.json | 10768 +++++++------ ...84c8c463e80c14ff6301f7fc0b34945f5c819.json | 317 + ...a17f4d1ad65d959186d6e308ef6f824e936e1.json | 336 +- ...0f3a6dae11b86fcad47795dfa30253652c16f.json | 1056 +- ...f58ab8ec8613345234a67c23eef6341817076.json | 636 +- ...af120bff3311b9bb7c0ad60035dc07af150c3.json | 12677 +++++++++------- ...552329c9fc903dcfb84232691b2b4d92784b3.json | 622 +- ...5477d8684119cc86f9a918fe76893399023615.xml | 2955 ++-- ...d8de7ddc1d15a31de30a89215f9570c70d859.json | 696 +- ...74cd5af98dd54d654b1078f8eebe51c57cc2d.json | 1716 ++- ...f38c842b639b096cfff5f4f84bd430ab5549a.json | 7 + ...a53857a278e472febd783e210c8b7bdb25eda.json | 711 +- ...433e0d12d557e274ed114054f70585d33ba94.json | 336 +- ...6f94fc7ca99d16603ee2be54e7fcd332c3f9f.json | 1166 +- ...22c6afb091ae388d311989ec839c8127bf462.json | 996 +- ...a8ffdf7a8f251c3a9f5a661a3ba414705644f.json | 1672 +- ...8e9d780322e4bc5fa883ca2b6cb64fe9c88d4.json | 7 + ...623f0549472d435cb9d51d47ae566bc9fdfe6.json | 576 +- ...d3bc63e79dfcdafbcdf1bc5e4edf8e7105513.json | 696 +- ...bf8f1cde1d9f3e8b5eee8b802897d41cb996c.json | 651 +- ...433f399b6eeea27d07c61a3e1c6baa949d7ec.json | 6721 ++++---- ...75328b49863b2e4cc3fc793206976aa934ec7.json | 417 +- ...f234cdcea3919b29cabed391e51a943bcd4c1.json | 456 +- ...922be225d2c5adcac4561fb6d5e022a65d1d04.txt | 3506 ++--- .../tests/test_data/httpmocked_uri_index.json | 247 + 36 files changed, 52208 insertions(+), 31397 deletions(-) create mode 100644 argopy/tests/test_data/44a8212688a625768443e7cd547779265f303b74783517bb3680abf2629db8de.json create mode 100644 argopy/tests/test_data/568034bdb70ee1e12cccbb6616784c8c463e80c14ff6301f7fc0b34945f5c819.json create mode 100644 argopy/tests/test_data/a6be3006f99d62a1b27578991bbf38c842b639b096cfff5f4f84bd430ab5549a.json create mode 100644 argopy/tests/test_data/bc042c069ff58f65702ded887bb8e9d780322e4bc5fa883ca2b6cb64fe9c88d4.json create mode 100644 argopy/tests/test_data/httpmocked_uri_index.json diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/0819f83da75f4015ffab5293e03ab30799fee9dbc0c26d1feceb43f72e18bfea.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/0819f83da75f4015ffab5293e03ab30799fee9dbc0c26d1feceb43f72e18bfea.json index ec686c94..9ed178db 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/0819f83da75f4015ffab5293e03ab30799fee9dbc0c26d1feceb43f72e18bfea.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/0819f83da75f4015ffab5293e03ab30799fee9dbc0c26d1feceb43f72e18bfea.json @@ -1,549 +1,637 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "CYCLE_TIMING_VARIABLE", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2021-12-01 02:00:02.0", - "description" : "Timing variables representing stages of an Argo float profiling cycle, most of which are associated with a trajectory measurement code ID listed in NVS collection 'R15'. Argo netCDF cycle timing variable names JULD__STATUS are constructed by RTV altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo float cycle timing variables", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CYCLE_TIMING_VARIABLE", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo float cycle timing variables" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::AET", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::AET", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ASCENT_END", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float reaches the surface." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::AET", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ascent End Time" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::PET", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::PET", + "skos:altLabel": "PARK_END", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Park End Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::PET", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float exists from its Park or Drift mission. The float may then rise to the surface or sink to profile depth." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DDET", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::DDET", + "skos:altLabel": "DEEP_DESCENT_END", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Deep Descent End Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DDET", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float first approaches within 3% of the eventual deep drift or profile pressure. This variable is based on pressure only, and can be measured or estimated by fall-rate." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::AST", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::AST", + "skos:altLabel": "ASCENT_START", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ascent Start Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::AST", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float begins its return to the surface." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DST", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::DST", + "skos:altLabel": "DESCENT_START", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Descent Start Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DST", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float leaves the surface and begins the descent." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DET", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::DET", + "skos:altLabel": "DESCENT_END", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Descent End Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DET", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float first approaches within 3% of the eventual drift pressure, whether it is transitioning from the surface or from a deep profile. In case the float overshoots the drift pressure on descent, the Descent End Time (DET) corresponds to the time of the overshoot. This variable is based on pressure only, and can be measured or estimated by fall-rate." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::AET", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::AET", + "skos:altLabel": "ASCENT_END", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ascent End Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::AET", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float reaches the surface." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DPST", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::DPST", + "skos:altLabel": "DEEP_PARK_START", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Deep Park Start Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DPST", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float transitions to a deep park drift mission. This variable is only defined if the float is expected to enter a deep drift phase; it does not apply to cases of accidental drift at deep pressure, caused by bottom hits or buoyancy issues for example." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::FMT", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::FMT", + "skos:altLabel": "FIRST_MESSAGE", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "First Message Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::FMT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time of the first message received." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DAST", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::DAST", + "skos:altLabel": "DEEP_ASCENT_START", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Deep Ascent Start Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::DAST", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float begins its rise to drift pressure. This variable is typically used for floats that profile on descent." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::TST", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::TST", + "skos:altLabel": "TRANSMISSION_START", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Transmission Start Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::TST", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float begins transmitting." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::LLT", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::LLT", + "skos:altLabel": "LAST_LOCATION", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Last Location Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::LLT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time of the last location received." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::TET", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::TET", + "skos:altLabel": "TRANSMISSION_END", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Transmission End Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::TET", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float stops transmitting." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::PST", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::PST", + "skos:altLabel": "PARK_START", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Park Start Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::PST", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float transitions to its Park or Drift mission. This variable is estimated either by an onboard descent timer (e.g. SOLO floats) or by pressure measurements (e.g. PROVOR floats)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::FST", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::FST", + "skos:altLabel": "FIRST_STABILIZATION", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "First Stabilization Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::FST", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time at which the float first becomes water-neutral." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::FLT", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::FLT", + "skos:altLabel": "FIRST_LOCATION", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "First Location Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::FLT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time of the first location received." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RTV::LMT", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:RTV::LMT", + "skos:altLabel": "LAST_MESSAGE", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Last Message Time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RTV::LMT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time of the last message received." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Timing variables representing stages of an Argo float profiling cycle, most of which are associated with a trajectory measurement code ID listed in NVS collection 'R15'. Argo netCDF cycle timing variable names JULD__STATUS are constructed by RTV altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo float cycle timing variables", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo float cycle timing variables", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-12-01 02:00:02.0", + "skos:altLabel": "CYCLE_TIMING_VARIABLE", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "CYCLE_TIMING_VARIABLE", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre" + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::AST", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::AST", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ASCENT_START", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float begins its return to the surface." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::AST", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ascent Start Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DAST", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DAST", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DEEP_ASCENT_START", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float begins its rise to drift pressure. This variable is typically used for floats that profile on descent." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::DAST", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Deep Ascent Start Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DDET", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DDET", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DEEP_DESCENT_END", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float first approaches within 3% of the eventual deep drift or profile pressure. This variable is based on pressure only, and can be measured or estimated by fall-rate." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::DDET", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Deep Descent End Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DET", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DET", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DESCENT_END", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float first approaches within 3% of the eventual drift pressure, whether it is transitioning from the surface or from a deep profile. In case the float overshoots the drift pressure on descent, the Descent End Time (DET) corresponds to the time of the overshoot. This variable is based on pressure only, and can be measured or estimated by fall-rate." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::DET", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Descent End Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DPST", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DPST", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DEEP_PARK_START", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float transitions to a deep park drift mission. This variable is only defined if the float is expected to enter a deep drift phase; it does not apply to cases of accidental drift at deep pressure, caused by bottom hits or buoyancy issues for example." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::DPST", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Deep Park Start Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DST", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::DST", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DESCENT_START", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float leaves the surface and begins the descent." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::DST", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Descent Start Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::FLT", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::FLT", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FIRST_LOCATION", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time of the first location received." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::FLT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "First Location Time" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::FMT", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::FMT", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FIRST_MESSAGE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time of the first message received." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::FMT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "First Message Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::FST", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::FST", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FIRST_STABILIZATION", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float first becomes water-neutral." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::FST", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "First Stabilization Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::LLT", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::LLT", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "LAST_LOCATION", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time of the last location received." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::LLT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Last Location Time" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::LMT", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::LMT", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "LAST_MESSAGE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time of the last message received." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::LMT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Last Message Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::PET", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::PET", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PARK_END", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float exists from its Park or Drift mission. The float may then rise to the surface or sink to profile depth." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::PET", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Park End Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::PST", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::PST", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PARK_START", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float transitions to its Park or Drift mission. This variable is estimated either by an onboard descent timer (e.g. SOLO floats) or by pressure measurements (e.g. PROVOR floats)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::PST", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Park Start Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::TET", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::TET", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TRANSMISSION_END", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float stops transmitting." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::TET", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Transmission End Time" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:RTV::TST", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:RTV::TST", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:47:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TRANSMISSION_START", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time at which the float begins transmitting." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RTV::TST", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Transmission Start Time" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "sameAs" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "related" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/0e924d764d60dc3ecad8a8bbbd0ca30c57d9a83c8d6027fd7f9081d35d05a6ba.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/0e924d764d60dc3ecad8a8bbbd0ca30c57d9a83c8d6027fd7f9081d35d05a6ba.json index d9904615..42dfbdf2 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/0e924d764d60dc3ecad8a8bbbd0ca30c57d9a83c8d6027fd7f9081d35d05a6ba.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/0e924d764d60dc3ecad8a8bbbd0ca30c57d9a83c8d6027fd7f9081d35d05a6ba.json @@ -1,296 +1,286 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "REPRESENTATIVE_PARK_PRESSURE_STATUS", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-05-04 03:00:04.0", - "description" : "Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP). Argo netCDF variable REPRESENTATIVE_PARK_PRESSURE_STATUS in the Trajectory file is populated by R21 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP)", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "REPRESENTATIVE_PARK_PRESSURE_STATUS", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP)" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R21::1", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R21::1", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "1", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the weighted average of pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase and provided by the float" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R21::1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the weighted average of pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase and provided by the float" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R21::5", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R21::5", + "skos:altLabel": "5", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the average of the min and max pressure measurements sampled during the drift phase (the precision is 1 bar)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R21::5", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the average of the min and max pressure measurements sampled during the drift phase (the precision is 1 bar)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R21::6", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R21::6", + "skos:altLabel": "6", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data but the float is programmed to sample measurements during the drift phase (i.e. drift measurement is missing)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R21::6", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data but the float is programmed to sample measurements during the drift phase (i.e. drift measurement is missing)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R21::3", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R21::3", + "skos:altLabel": "3", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the median value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R21::3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the median value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R21::1", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R21::1", + "skos:altLabel": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the weighted average of pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase and provided by the float" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R21::1", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the weighted average of pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase and provided by the float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R21::4", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R21::4", + "skos:altLabel": "4", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the pressure measurement sampled at Park End Time (PET)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R21::4", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the pressure measurement sampled at Park End Time (PET)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R21::2", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R21::2", + "skos:altLabel": "2", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the mean value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R21::2", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the mean value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R21::7", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R21::7", + "skos:altLabel": "7", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data for this float which does not achieve any measurement during the drift phase" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R21::7", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data for this float which does not achieve any measurement during the drift phase" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP). Argo netCDF variable REPRESENTATIVE_PARK_PRESSURE_STATUS in the Trajectory file is populated by R21 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP)", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP)", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-04 03:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "REPRESENTATIVE_PARK_PRESSURE_STATUS", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "REPRESENTATIVE_PARK_PRESSURE_STATUS", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R21::2", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R21::2", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the mean value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R21::2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the mean value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R21::3", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R21::3", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "3", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the median value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R21::3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the median value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R21::4", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R21::4", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "4", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the pressure measurement sampled at Park End Time (PET)" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R21::4", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the pressure measurement sampled at Park End Time (PET)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R21::5", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R21::5", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "5", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the average of the min and max pressure measurements sampled during the drift phase (the precision is 1 bar)" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R21::5", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the average of the min and max pressure measurements sampled during the drift phase (the precision is 1 bar)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R21::6", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R21::6", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "6", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data but the float is programmed to sample measurements during the drift phase (i.e. drift measurement is missing)" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R21::6", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data but the float is programmed to sample measurements during the drift phase (i.e. drift measurement is missing)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R21::7", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R21::7", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "7", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data for this float which does not achieve any measurement during the drift phase" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R21::7", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is the PARKING_PRESSURE meta-data for this float which does not achieve any measurement during the drift phase" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/1555ff843864b325ce6547cc4608ca86db5770ca2955d99c48da940563e932e2.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/1555ff843864b325ce6547cc4608ca86db5770ca2955d99c48da940563e932e2.json index cd56c2cb..9cc72fa9 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/1555ff843864b325ce6547cc4608ca86db5770ca2955d99c48da940563e932e2.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/1555ff843864b325ce6547cc4608ca86db5770ca2955d99c48da940563e932e2.json @@ -1,743 +1,1306 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "SENSOR_MAKER", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2021-09-15 03:00:07.0", - "description" : "Terms describing developers and manufacturers of sensors mounted on Argo floats. Argo netCDF variable SENSOR_MAKER is populated by R26 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo sensor manufacturers", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "4", - "altLabel" : "SENSOR_MAKER", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo sensor manufacturers" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::AANDERAA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::AANDERAA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A Xylem brand, headquartered in Bergen (Norway) that designs, manufactures and sells sensors, instruments and systems for measuring and monitoring in Environmental Research, Marine Transportation, Oil and Gas, Aquaculture, Road and Traffic and Construction." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::AANDERAA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A Japanese company based in Nishinomiya that manufactures and sells measuring instruments, water level gauges, and other diagnostic equipment. It was established in 1973 and is a subsidiary of Kawasaki Steel, now known as JFE Steel." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::JAC", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "JFE Advantech Co., Ltd" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:altLabel": "JAC", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::JAC", + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::JAC", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Organisation e-mail: Unavailable; Organisation website:" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::KISTLER", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Kistler" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:altLabel": "KISTLER", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::KISTLER", + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::KISTLER" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::KELLER", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::KELLER", + "skos:altLabel": "KELLER", + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::KELLER", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A multinational technology company based in Winterthur, Switzerland, specialised in the manufacture of pressure sensors." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-09-14 12:16:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::QUARTZDYNE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::QUARTZDYNE", + "skos:altLabel": "QUARTZDYNE", + "dc:date": "2021-09-14 12:16:36.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Quartzdyne" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::QUARTZDYNE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A ChampionX company specialised in resonating quartz pressure transducers and temperature gauges, located in Salt Lake City, Utah (United States of America)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A manufacturing company located in Rastede, Germany, specialised in the production and supply of optical sensors including radiometers, photometers and fluorometers for marine research and industrial applications." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::TRIOS", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TriOS Mess- und Datentechnik GmbH" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TRIOS", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::TRIOS", + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::TRIOS", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::AANDERAA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::AANDERAA", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A Xylem brand, headquartered in Bergen (Norway) that designs, manufactures and sells sensors, instruments and systems for measuring and monitoring in Environmental Research, Marine Transportation, Oil and Gas, Aquaculture, Road and Traffic and Construction." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::AANDERAA", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ] + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::SATLANTIC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::SATLANTIC", + "skos:altLabel": "SATLANTIC", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An ocean technology company and brand of Sea-Bird Scientific that develops optical sensors for aquatic research and water quality monitoring. The company was initially founded in 1990. Danaher acquired three ocean science instrumentation companies, Sea-Bird Electronics (2008), WET Labs (2010), and Satlantic (2011), which were then combined to form Sea-Bird Scientific." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::SATLANTIC", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Satlantic Inc." + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::TSK", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::TSK", + "skos:altLabel": "TSK", + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd." + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::TSK", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A Japanese manufacturer based in Yokohama (head office), specialised in the production of oceanographic observation equipment and water quality monitoring instruments." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::PAINE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::PAINE", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Organisation e-mail:; Organisation website:" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::PAINE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Paine Electronics" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PAINE" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::WETLABS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::WETLABS", + "skos:altLabel": "WETLABS", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A brand of Sea-Bird Scientific, the business manufactures oceanographic and environmental fluorometers, transmissometers, scattering sensors and spectrophotometers. The company was initially founded in 1992. Danaher acquired three ocean science instrumentation companies, Sea-Bird Electronics (2008), WET Labs (2010), and Satlantic (2011), which were then combined to form Sea-Bird Scientific." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::WETLABS", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Wetlabs Inc." + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::MICRON", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::MICRON", + "skos:altLabel": "MICRON", + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Micron Instruments" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::MICRON", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A manufacturing company located in Simi Valley, California (United States of America), specialised in the production and supply of semiconductor strain gages, pressure transducers, temperature sensors and measuring systems." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::SEASCAN", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::SEASCAN", + "skos:altLabel": "SEASCAN", + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Seascan, Inc." + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::SEASCAN", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A small manufacturing company located in Falmouth, Massachusetts (United States of America), specialising in oceanographic research equipment." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Organisation e-mail:; Organisation website:" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::DRUCK", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Druck Inc." + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DRUCK", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::DRUCK", + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::DRUCK" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::FSI", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::FSI", + "skos:altLabel": "FSI", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Falmouth Scientific Inc." + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::FSI", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Organisation e-mail:; Organisation website:" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::SEAPOINT", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::SEAPOINT", + "skos:altLabel": "SEAPOINT", + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Seapoint Sensors, Inc." + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::SEAPOINT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A worldwide supplier of underwater optical sensors located in Exeter, New Hampshire (United States of America)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::Unknown", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::Unknown", + "skos:altLabel": "Unknown", + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::Unknown", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown sensor maker; the use of this code should be exceptional, as the sensor maker should be known." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::RBR", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::RBR", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A Canadian designer and manufacturer of oceanographic instruments, including sensors, loggers and compact systems." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::RBR", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RBR Ltd" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ] + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Organisation e-mail:; 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Organisation website:" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::AMETEK", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ametek Process Instruments" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", + "skos:altLabel": "AMETEK", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::AMETEK", + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::AMETEK", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-06-02 23:04:11.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::SBE", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::SBE", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE", + "dc:date": "2021-06-02 23:04:11.0", + "skos:narrower": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A large, global company based in the United States of America that develops and manufactures products for the measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, nutrients and related oceanographic parameters in marine waters. It is formed from three ocean science companies, Sea-Bird Electronics, WET Labs and Satlantic that were combined in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::SBE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R26::TURNER_DESIGN", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R26::TURNER_DESIGN", + "skos:altLabel": "TURNER_DESIGN", + "dc:date": "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", + "skos:narrower": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Turner Designs" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R26::TURNER_DESIGN", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A manufacturing company located in San Jose, California (United States of America), specialised in the supply of fluorometers for environmental and industrial uses." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Terms describing developers and manufacturers of sensors mounted on Argo floats. Argo netCDF variable SENSOR_MAKER is populated by R26 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo sensor manufacturers", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo sensor manufacturers", + "owl:versionInfo": "4", + "dc:date": "2021-09-15 03:00:07.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SENSOR_MAKER", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "SENSOR_MAKER", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::AMETEK", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::AMETEK", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AMETEK", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Organisation e-mail: Unavailable; Organisation website:" - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::AMETEK", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ametek Process Instruments" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::APL_UW", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::APL_UW", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "APL_UW", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Organisation e-mail:; Organisation website:" - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::APL_UW", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::DRUCK", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::DRUCK", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DRUCK", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Organisation e-mail:; Organisation website:" - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::DRUCK", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Druck Inc." - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::FSI", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::FSI", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FSI", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Organisation e-mail:; Organisation website:" - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::FSI", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Falmouth Scientific Inc." - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::JAC", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::JAC", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "JAC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A Japanese company based in Nishinomiya that manufactures and sells measuring instruments, water level gauges, and other diagnostic equipment. It was established in 1973 and is a subsidiary of Kawasaki Steel, now known as JFE Steel." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::JAC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "JFE Advantech Co., Ltd" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::KELLER", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::KELLER", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "KELLER", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A multinational technology company based in Winterthur, Switzerland, specialised in the manufacture of pressure sensors." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::KELLER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::KISTLER", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::KISTLER", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "KISTLER", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Organisation e-mail: Unavailable; Organisation website:" - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::KISTLER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Kistler" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::MBARI", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::MBARI", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MBARI", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A non-profit oceanographic research centre located in Moss Landing, California (United States of America), with a technology unit dedicated to the development of oceanographic instruments and platforms." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::MBARI", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::MENSOR", - "date" : "2021-09-14 12:16:36.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::MENSOR", - "authoredOn" : "2021-09-14 12:16:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MENSOR", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A manufacturing company located in San Marcos, Texas (United States of America), specialised in precision pressure products." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::MENSOR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Mensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::MICRON", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::MICRON", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MICRON", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A manufacturing company located in Simi Valley, California (United States of America), specialised in the production and supply of semiconductor strain gages, pressure transducers, temperature sensors and measuring systems." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::MICRON", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Micron Instruments" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::PAINE", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::PAINE", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAINE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Organisation e-mail:; Organisation website:" - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::PAINE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Paine Electronics" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::QUARTZDYNE", - "date" : "2021-09-14 12:16:36.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::QUARTZDYNE", - "authoredOn" : "2021-09-14 12:16:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "QUARTZDYNE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A ChampionX company specialised in resonating quartz pressure transducers and temperature gauges, located in Salt Lake City, Utah (United States of America)." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::QUARTZDYNE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Quartzdyne" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::RBR", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::RBR", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A Canadian designer and manufacturer of oceanographic instruments, including sensors, loggers and compact systems." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::RBR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RBR Ltd" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::SATLANTIC", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::SATLANTIC", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SATLANTIC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An ocean technology company and brand of Sea-Bird Scientific that develops optical sensors for aquatic research and water quality monitoring. The company was initially founded in 1990. Danaher acquired three ocean science instrumentation companies, Sea-Bird Electronics (2008), WET Labs (2010), and Satlantic (2011), which were then combined to form Sea-Bird Scientific." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::SATLANTIC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Satlantic Inc." - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::SBE", - "date" : "2021-06-02 23:04:11.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::SBE", - "authoredOn" : "2021-06-02 23:04:11.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A large, global company based in the United States of America that develops and manufactures products for the measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, nutrients and related oceanographic parameters in marine waters. It is formed from three ocean science companies, Sea-Bird Electronics, WET Labs and Satlantic that were combined in 2011." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::SBE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::SEAPOINT", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::SEAPOINT", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SEAPOINT", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A worldwide supplier of underwater optical sensors located in Exeter, New Hampshire (United States of America)." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::SEAPOINT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Seapoint Sensors, Inc." - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::SEASCAN", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::SEASCAN", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SEASCAN", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A small manufacturing company located in Falmouth, Massachusetts (United States of America), specialising in oceanographic research equipment." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::SEASCAN", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Seascan, Inc." - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::TRIOS", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::TRIOS", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TRIOS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A manufacturing company located in Rastede, Germany, specialised in the production and supply of optical sensors including radiometers, photometers and fluorometers for marine research and industrial applications." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::TRIOS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TriOS Mess- und Datentechnik GmbH" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::TSK", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::TSK", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TSK", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A Japanese manufacturer based in Yokohama (head office), specialised in the production of oceanographic observation equipment and water quality monitoring instruments." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::TSK", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd." - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::TURNER_DESIGN", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::TURNER_DESIGN", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TURNER_DESIGN", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A manufacturing company located in San Jose, California (United States of America), specialised in the supply of fluorometers for environmental and industrial uses." - }, - "narrower" : "", - "notation" : "SDN:R26::TURNER_DESIGN", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Turner Designs" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::Unknown", - "date" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::Unknown", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-11 14:21:39.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Unknown", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown sensor maker; the use of this code should be exceptional, as the sensor maker should be known." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R26::Unknown", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R26::WETLABS", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R26::WETLABS", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:08:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "WETLABS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A brand of Sea-Bird Scientific, the business manufactures oceanographic and environmental fluorometers, transmissometers, scattering sensors and spectrophotometers. The company was initially founded in 1992. Danaher acquired three ocean science instrumentation companies, Sea-Bird Electronics (2008), WET Labs (2010), and Satlantic (2011), which were then combined to form Sea-Bird Scientific." - }, - "narrower" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "notation" : "SDN:R26::WETLABS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Wetlabs Inc." - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "narrower" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/208f7853196d1056f243bc19513a3eb290aa54d931fff43c397d97edfc9051a7.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/208f7853196d1056f243bc19513a3eb290aa54d931fff43c397d97edfc9051a7.json index 584bf16f..e8132b08 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/208f7853196d1056f243bc19513a3eb290aa54d931fff43c397d97edfc9051a7.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/208f7853196d1056f243bc19513a3eb290aa54d931fff43c397d97edfc9051a7.json @@ -1,270 +1,252 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "STATUS", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-05-04 03:00:04.0", - "description" : "Flag scale for values in all Argo netCDF cycle timing variables. Argo netCDF cycle timing variables JULD__STATUS are populated by R19 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo STATUS flags", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "STATUS", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo STATUS flags" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R19::0", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R19::0", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "0", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is estimated from pre-deployment information found in the metadata" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R19::0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated value from pre-deployment metadata information" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R19::4", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R19::4", + "skos:altLabel": "4", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value determined by satellite" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R19::4", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is determined by satellite" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R19::3", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R19::3", + "skos:altLabel": "3", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value computed directly from transmitted float information" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R19::3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is directly computed from relevant, transmitted float information" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R19::0", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R19::0", + "skos:altLabel": "0", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated value from pre-deployment metadata information" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R19::0", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is estimated from pre-deployment information found in the metadata" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R19::1", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R19::1", + "skos:altLabel": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated value from information not transmitted by the float and/or reliant on typical float behaviour" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R19::1", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is estimated using information not transmitted by the float or by procedures that rely on typical float behaviour" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R19::9", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R19::9", + "skos:altLabel": "9", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value not yet known" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R19::9", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is not immediately known, but believe it can be estimated later" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R19::2", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R19::2", + "skos:altLabel": "2", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value transmitted by the float" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R19::2", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value is transmitted by the float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Flag scale for values in all Argo netCDF cycle timing variables. Argo netCDF cycle timing variables JULD__STATUS are populated by R19 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo STATUS flags", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo STATUS flags", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-04 03:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "STATUS", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "STATUS", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R19::1", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R19::1", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "1", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is estimated using information not transmitted by the float or by procedures that rely on typical float behaviour" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R19::1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated value from information not transmitted by the float and/or reliant on typical float behaviour" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R19::2", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R19::2", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is transmitted by the float" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R19::2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value transmitted by the float" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R19::3", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R19::3", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "3", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is directly computed from relevant, transmitted float information" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R19::3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value computed directly from transmitted float information" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R19::4", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R19::4", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "4", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is determined by satellite" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R19::4", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value determined by satellite" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R19::9", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R19::9", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "9", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value is not immediately known, but believe it can be estimated later" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R19::9", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value not yet known" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/235bd3ec4783b14ead8e0b4dc7a32b66e323eb230d6afc8ab7ac222adce34ef6.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/235bd3ec4783b14ead8e0b4dc7a32b66e323eb230d6afc8ab7ac222adce34ef6.json index 971bf9e1..38cffa6a 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/235bd3ec4783b14ead8e0b4dc7a32b66e323eb230d6afc8ab7ac222adce34ef6.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/235bd3ec4783b14ead8e0b4dc7a32b66e323eb230d6afc8ab7ac222adce34ef6.json @@ -1,304 +1,308 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "GROUNDED", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2021-02-09 02:00:03.0", - "description" : "Codes to indicate the best estimate of whether the float touched the ground during a specific cycle. Argo netCDF variable GROUNDED in the Trajectory file is populated by R20 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo GROUNDED flags", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "GROUNDED", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo GROUNDED flags" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R20::B", - "date" : "2021-02-08 16:18:37.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R20::B", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-08 16:18:37.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : [ "", "" ], - "version" : "3", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "3", - "altLabel" : "B", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Yes, the float touched the ground as determined by an external bathymetry database and the programmed free-drift period was affected. If it is uncertain what mission phase the grounding took place, use 'B'." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R20::B", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grounded (external bathymetry database check), and free-drift period affected" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-08 16:23:27.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R20::S", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R20::S", + "skos:altLabel": "S", + "dc:date": "2021-02-08 16:23:27.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Drifting at shallower depth than programmed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R20::S", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Float is known to be drifting at a shallower depth than originally programmed" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-08 16:22:18.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R20::N", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R20::N", + "skos:altLabel": "N", + "dc:date": "2021-02-08 16:22:18.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Not grounded" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R20::N", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No, the float did not touch the ground" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Yes, the float touched the ground as determined by an external bathymetry database and the programmed free-drift period was affected. If it is uncertain what mission phase the grounding took place, use 'B'." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R20::B", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grounded (external bathymetry database check), and free-drift period affected" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "3", + "dc:date": "2021-02-08 16:18:37.0", + "skos:altLabel": "B", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R20::B", + "pav:version": "3", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R20::B", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-08 16:18:37.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R20::U", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R20::U", + "skos:altLabel": "U", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R20::U", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R20::P", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R20::P", + "skos:altLabel": "P", + "dc:date": "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grounded, but free-drift period not affected" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R20::P", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Yes, the float touched the ground during a part of the mission that did not affect the free-drift period." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R20::C", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R20::C", + "skos:altLabel": "C", + "dc:date": "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grounded (external bathymetry database check), but free-drift period not affected" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R20::C", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Yes, the float touched the ground as determined by an external bathymetry database during a part of the mission that did not affect the free-drift period." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Yes, the float touched the ground and the programmed free-drift period was affected. If it is uncertain what mission phase the grounding took place, use 'Y'." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R20::Y", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grounded, and free-drift period affected" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "3", + "dc:date": "2021-02-08 16:25:46.0", + "skos:altLabel": "Y", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R20::Y", + "pav:version": "3", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R20::Y", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-08 16:25:46.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Codes to indicate the best estimate of whether the float touched the ground during a specific cycle. Argo netCDF variable GROUNDED in the Trajectory file is populated by R20 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo GROUNDED flags", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo GROUNDED flags", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 02:00:03.0", + "skos:altLabel": "GROUNDED", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "GROUNDED", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R20::C", - "date" : "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R20::C", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "C", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Yes, the float touched the ground as determined by an external bathymetry database during a part of the mission that did not affect the free-drift period." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R20::C", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grounded (external bathymetry database check), but free-drift period not affected" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R20::N", - "date" : "2021-02-08 16:22:18.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R20::N", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-08 16:22:18.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "N", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No, the float did not touch the ground" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R20::N", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Not grounded" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R20::P", - "date" : "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R20::P", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-08 16:07:23.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "P", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Yes, the float touched the ground during a part of the mission that did not affect the free-drift period." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R20::P", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grounded, but free-drift period not affected" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R20::S", - "date" : "2021-02-08 16:23:27.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R20::S", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-08 16:23:27.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "S", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Float is known to be drifting at a shallower depth than originally programmed" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R20::S", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Drifting at shallower depth than programmed" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R20::U", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:34.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R20::U", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "U", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R20::U", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R20::Y", - "date" : "2021-02-08 16:25:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R20::Y", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-08 16:25:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : [ "", "" ], - "version" : "3", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "3", - "altLabel" : "Y", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Yes, the float touched the ground and the programmed free-drift period was affected. If it is uncertain what mission phase the grounding took place, use 'Y'." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R20::Y", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grounded, and free-drift period affected" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/27d7b1ef7aaa76798f7f8eedc7fec0eb510c808949d926dc2ffa754fe958b870.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/27d7b1ef7aaa76798f7f8eedc7fec0eb510c808949d926dc2ffa754fe958b870.json index d4ad9b82..9685711f 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/27d7b1ef7aaa76798f7f8eedc7fec0eb510c808949d926dc2ffa754fe958b870.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/27d7b1ef7aaa76798f7f8eedc7fec0eb510c808949d926dc2ffa754fe958b870.json @@ -1,3513 +1,5158 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "SENSOR_MODEL", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2022-04-28 03:00:03.0", - "description" : "Terms listing models of sensors mounted on Argo floats. Note: avoid using the manufacturer name and sensor firmware version in new entries when possible. Argo netCDF variable SENSOR_MODEL is populated by R27 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo sensor models", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "9", - "altLabel" : "SENSOR_MODEL", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo sensor models" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown oxygen optode model manufactured by Aanderaa." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa unknown oxygen optode model" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-11-24 09:35:13.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE83_OPTODE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE83_OPTODE", + "skos:altLabel": "", + "dc:date": "2023-11-24 09:35:13.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE83 oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE83_OPTODE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An optical dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bird Scientific and designed to be integrated into a pumped CTD system." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::UNKNOWN", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::UNKNOWN", + "skos:altLabel": "UNKNOWN", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown sensor model" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::UNKNOWN", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sensor model is unknown." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::FLOATCLOCK", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::FLOATCLOCK", + "skos:altLabel": "FLOATCLOCK", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Float clock" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::FLOATCLOCK", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Inboard Real Time Clock (RTC) of a float." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RAFOS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RAFOS", + "skos:altLabel": "RAFOS", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ranging And Fixing Of Sound (RAFOS) receiver" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RAFOS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Receiver for geopositioning under ice, working in conjunction with fixed sound sources arrays located within range." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", + "skos:altLabel": "QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Quartzdyne DSB301-10-C85 pressure sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A thickness shear mode quartz resonator pressure sensor manufactured by Quartzdyne. Pressure range: 0 dbar - 6900 dbar; field accuracy: 0.02 % Full Scale (FS) between -40 degC and 85 degC." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ISUS_V3", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ISUS_V3", + "skos:altLabel": "ISUS_V3", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Satlantic In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) V3 nitrate sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ISUS_V3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 1 cm path length in the 200 nm - 400 nm wavelength range. Measurement accuracy: +/- 2 umol/l; detection range: 0.5 umol/l to 2000 umol/l. The instrument is depth-rated to 1000 m; it is based on the MBARI-ISUS-X v.2, and was manufactured at Satlantic." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::CTD_F01", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::CTD_F01", + "skos:altLabel": "CTD_F01", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Tsurumi-Seiki TSK CTD F01" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::CTD_F01", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors manufactured by Tsurumi-Seiki, model F01." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_2900PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::PAINE_2900PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "PAINE_2900PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Paine pressure sensor with 2900 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_2900PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2900 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::PAINE", + "skos:altLabel": "PAINE", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Paine pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Paine with unknown pressure rating." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_1500PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::PAINE_1500PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "PAINE_1500PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Paine pressure sensor with 1500 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_1500PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 1500 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_1600PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::PAINE_1600PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "PAINE_1600PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Paine pressure sensor with 1600 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_1600PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 1600 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_3000PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::PAINE_3000PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "PAINE_3000PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Paine pressure sensor with 3000 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_3000PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 3000 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_2000PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::PAINE_2000PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "PAINE_2000PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Paine pressure sensor with 2000 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAINE_2000PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2000 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa 4330 oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m, 6000 m or 12000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 2 uM or 1.5 %, and resolution of < 0.1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 1.5 %, and resolution of 0.05 %; response time (63 %): < 25 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa 4831F (fast-response) oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; response time (63 %): < 8 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa 3830 oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 2000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; settling time (63 %): < 25 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa 4831 oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; response time (63 %): < 25 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa 3835 oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; settling time (63 %): < 25 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa unknown oxygen optode model" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown oxygen optode model manufactured by Aanderaa." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa 4330F (fast-response) oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m, 6000 m or 12000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 2 uM or 1.5 %, and resolution of < 0.1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 1.5 %, and resolution of 0.05 %; response time (63 %): < 8 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", + "skos:altLabel": "AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Aanderaa 3930 oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 2000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; settling time (63 %): < 25 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::OPUS_DS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::OPUS_DS", + "skos:altLabel": "OPUS_DS", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TriOS OPUS spectral sensor - Deep Sea version" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::OPUS_DS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A spectral sensor designed to measure nitrogen and carbon compounds, with titanium housing and depth-rating of 6000 dbar (Deep-Sea version). A xenon flash lamp provides the light source, and a 256-channel spectrometer covers a wavelength range of 200 nm - 360 nm. The instrument is manufactured by TriOS." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RAMSES_ACC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RAMSES_ACC", + "skos:altLabel": "RAMSES_ACC", + "dc:date": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TriOS RAMSES ACC spectral imaging radiometer" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RAMSES_ACC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A spectral imaging radiometer with cosine detector which measures radiance, irradiance or scalar irradiance in the Ultraviolet (UV), Vis (Visible) and Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) ranges, manufactured by TriOS. Number of channels: 256." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::KISTLER_10153PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::KISTLER_10153PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "KISTLER_10153PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Kistler pressure sensor with 10153 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::KISTLER_10153PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 10153 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Kistler." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::KISTLER_2900PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::KISTLER_2900PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "KISTLER_2900PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Kistler pressure sensor with 2900 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::KISTLER_2900PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2900 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Kistler." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::KISTLER", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::KISTLER", + "skos:altLabel": "KISTLER", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Kistler pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::KISTLER", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Kistler with unknown pressure rating." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::KELLER_PA8", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::KELLER_PA8", + "skos:altLabel": "KELLER_PA8", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Keller PA-8 pressure transducer" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::KELLER_PA8", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A sealed gauge pressure transducer part of the Series 8 pressure sensors range manufactured by Keller." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ARO_FT", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ARO_FT", + "skos:altLabel": "ARO_FT", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "JFE Advantech Co. (JAC) ARO-FT oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ARO_FT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by JFE Advantech Co. and designed to be mounted on Argo floats. This model is part of the JFE Advantech Co., Ltd. RINKO series of optical dissolved oxygen sensors. The instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 2000 m; dissolved oxygen concentration initial accuracy of 2 %, and resolution of 0.01 umol/l; response time (63 %): < 1 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AROD_FT", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AROD_FT", + "skos:altLabel": "AROD_FT", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "JFE Advantech Co. (JAC) AROD-FT oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AROD_FT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by JFE Advantech Co. and designed to be mounted on Argo floats. This model is part of the JFE Advantech Co., Ltd. RINKO series of optical dissolved oxygen sensors. The instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 6700 m; oxygen concentration initial accuracy of 2 % of measured value, and resolution of 0.01 umol/l; response time (63 %): < 1 s." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength chlorophyll fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 435 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, manufactured by Sea-Bird Scientific. The sensor is fitted on an APEX float." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBFL_AP2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO_FLBBFL_AP2" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:42:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBBFL_AP2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBFL_AP2", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBFL_AP2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:42:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength chlorophyll fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 435 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, manufactured by Sea-Bird Scientific." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBFL", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO_FLBBFL" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:42:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBBFL", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBFL", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBFL", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:42:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::MP40_C_2000_G", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::MP40_C_2000_G", + "skos:altLabel": "MP40_C_2000_G", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Micron Instruments MP40C-2000G pressure transducer" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::MP40_C_2000_G", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A flush mountable pressure transducer MP40 model, configured to performance specification 'C' and header option 'G' (gage), depth-rated to 2000 psi. The instrument was manufactured by Micron Instruments (also operating as Piezo-Metrics)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A temperature and pressure sensor package developed by Seascan, composed of a high-stability, glass-encapsulated thermistor manufactured by YSI (or optionally an ultra-stable thermistor manufactured by Thermometrics), and a mono-crystal silicon strain gage sensor manufactured by Druck. YSI thermistor accuracy: 0.01 degC; YSI thermistor resolution: 0.001 degC; pressure transducer accuracy: 0.1 % of full scale. Instrument's depth rating: either 2000 dbar or 4000 dbar." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SEASCAN_SSTD", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Seascan Temperature and Depth (SSTD) sensor package" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "3", + "dc:date": "2021-08-19 11:24:56.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SEASCAN_SSTD", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SEASCAN_SSTD", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "3", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SEASCAN_SSTD", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-19 11:24:56.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 10153 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Druck." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "true", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "deprecated" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::DRUCK_10153PSIA", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Druck pressure sensor with 10153 PSIA rating" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DRUCK_10153PSIA", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::DRUCK_10153PSIA", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::DRUCK_10153PSIA", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::DRUCK", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::DRUCK", + "skos:altLabel": "DRUCK", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Druck pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::DRUCK", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Druck with unknown pressure rating." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::DRUCK_2900PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::DRUCK_2900PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "DRUCK_2900PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Druck pressure sensor with 2900 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::DRUCK_2900PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2900 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Druck." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::FSI", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::FSI", + "skos:altLabel": "FSI", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Falmouth Scientific, Inc (FSI) unknown CTD model" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::FSI", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown CTD sensor model manufactured by Falmouth Scientific, Inc (FSI)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", + "skos:altLabel": "SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Seapoint Turbidity Meter" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A single-channel optical meter measuring scattering at 880 nm to determine turbidity, depth-rated to 6000 m. The sensor has four programmable sensitivity options: 2 mV/FTU, 10 mV/FTU, 40 mV/FTU and 200 mV/FTU, each corresponding to a gain of 1x, 5x, 20x and 100x respectively, and range of non-linear, 500 FTU, 125 FTU and 25 FTU respectively. The instrument was developed and manufactured by Seapoint Sensors, inc." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RBR unknown CTD model" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown CTD sensor model manufactured by RBR." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RBRargo3 CTD deep6k" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is built with a compact titanium housing rated to 6000 dbar, and is specifically designed to be integrated with glass sphere profiling floats part of the Deep Argo program. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 8 Hz." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_CODA_T_ODO", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR_CODA_T_ODO", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR_CODA_T_ODO", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RBRcoda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_CODA_T_ODO", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by RBR. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. It is available in three variants based on response times: slow (30 s time constant), standard (8 s time constant) and fast (1 s time constant), the latter being optimal for vertical profiling applications. Depth rating: 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of +/- 8 uM or +/- 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation resolution of 0.4 %." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR_ARGO", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RBRargo CTD" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is designed specifically for profiling floats, including those hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 12 Hz. The depth rating for a standard profile is 2000 dbar, with energy consumption of approximately 700 J." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR_PRES", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pressure sensor for RBR Argo CTD systems" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unspecified pressure sensor model used on RBR Argo CTD systems (L2 generation)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES_A", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES_A", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR_PRES_A", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pressure sensor for RBR Argo3 CTD systems" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES_A", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unspecified pressure sensor model used on RBR Argo3 CTD systems (L3 generation)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RBRargo3 CTD deep4k" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is built with a compact titanium housing rated to 4000 dbar, and is specifically designed to be integrated with glass sphere profiling floats part of the Deep Argo program. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 8 Hz." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3", + "skos:altLabel": "RBR_ARGO3", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RBRargo3 CTD" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is designed specifically for profiling floats, including those hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 8 Hz. The depth rating for a standard profile is 2000 dbar, with energy consumption of approximately 400 J." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::EM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::EM", + "skos:altLabel": "EM", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Electromagnetic sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::EM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An electromagnetic subsystem designed to measure water velocity, mounted on an APEX electromagnetic float type (EM-APEX). The instrument was developed collaboratively by Webb Research Corp (WRC) and the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington (APL-UW)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAL_UW", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::PAL_UW", + "skos:altLabel": "PAL_UW", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Passive Aquatic Listener (PAL) acoustic rain gauge" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::PAL_UW", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A hydrophone designed to measure surface rain rate and wind speed. The instrument was developed by the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington (APL-UW)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "pH sensor design : similar root components (DURA), same sensor output and processing chain" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::GDF", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Gasket DuraFET" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "3", + "dc:date": "2023-10-23 16:35:59.0", + "skos:altLabel": "GDF", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::GDF", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "3", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::GDF", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-23 16:35:59.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ISUS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ISUS", + "skos:altLabel": "ISUS", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Satlantic MBARI In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) X v.2 nitrate sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ISUS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 1 cm path length in the 200 nm - 400 nm wavelength range. Measurement resolution: +/- 0.05 umol/l; accuracy: +/- 2 umol/l or 2%; range: up to 200 umol/l. The instrument is depth-rated to 1000 m. The MBARI-ISUS-X v.2 was developed by Dr. Kenneth Johnson and Luke Coletti at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in 2002, and was made commercially available in collaboration with Satlantic." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::DURA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::DURA", + "skos:altLabel": "DURA", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "MBARI Deep-Sea DuraFET pH sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::DURA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An ion sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) pH sensor with an AglCl reference electrode and a titanium counter electrode, housed in a pressure tolerant package. The sensor is manufactured at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), and was developed collaboratively by Dr. Kenneth Johnson at MBARI, Dr. Todd Martz at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and Honeywell International. Depth rating: 2000m; pH accuracy: 0.01; pH precision: 0.005 over multiyear periods." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A pressure sensor special-built by Mensor for selected Deep SOLO floats." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::MENSOR", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Mensor special-built pressure sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "3", + "dc:date": "2021-08-18 15:17:20.0", + "skos:altLabel": "MENSOR", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::MENSOR", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "3", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::MENSOR", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-18 15:17:20.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AMETEK_3000PSIA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AMETEK_3000PSIA", + "skos:altLabel": "AMETEK_3000PSIA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ametek pressure sensor with 3000 PSIA rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AMETEK_3000PSIA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 3000 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Ametek." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::AMETEK", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::AMETEK", + "skos:altLabel": "AMETEK", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ametek pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::AMETEK", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Ametek with unknown pressure rating." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE43F_IDO", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE43F_IDO", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE43F_IDO", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 43F (frequency output) Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE43F_IDO", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A through-flow, Clark polarographic membrane dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into a pumped CTD system. Depth rating: 600 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing); oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 2 % saturation; response time (63 %): 2 s - 5 s for 0.5 mil membrane (profiling applications), or 8 s - 20 s for 1.0 mil membrane (moored applications); output signal: frequency." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-08-16 15:38:28.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.12", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.12", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V5.0.12", + "dc:date": "2023-08-16 15:38:28.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.12", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.9." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.0.1." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.0.1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.0.1" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V5.0.1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.0.1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.0.1", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 3.0a." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0a", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V3.0a" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V3.0a", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0a", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0a", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.4", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.4", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41N_V5.3.4", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD V5.3.4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.4", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41N model has firmware version 5.3.4." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.2." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.2" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM) at 370 nm (excitation) / 460 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FLBBCD-AP2 sensor package with two fluorometers and one scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 4.4.0." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V4.4.0", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V4.4.0" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V4.4.0", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V4.4.0", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V4.4.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three optical-sensor instrument fitted with three scattering meters measuring at a user-defined combination of 470 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm and 700 nm wavelengths, depth-rated to 600 m. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 124 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_BB3", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO Triplet BB3 sensor package with three scattering meters" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_BB3", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_BB3", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_BB3", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.1." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.1" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V5.0.1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.1", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 7.2.3." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.3", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V7.2.3" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V7.2.3", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.3", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.3", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure downwelling irradiance in water. Number of channels: 7; bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "OCR-507 multispectral radiometer (downwelling irradiance)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.8." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.8", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.8" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.8", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.8", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.8", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) unknown CTD model" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Unknown CTD sensor model manufactured by Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.1." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.1" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.1", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.4." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.4", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.4" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.4", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.4", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.4", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.0." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.0", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.0" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V5.0.0", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.0", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 model has firmware version 2.5." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.5", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD V2.5" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41_V2.5", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.5", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.5", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.3.2." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.3.2" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V5.3.2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.2", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM) at 370 nm (excitation) / 460 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FLBBCD sensor package with two fluorometers and one scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBBCD", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP IDO model has firmware version 2.0b." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V2.0b" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 IDO model has firmware version 2.0c." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V2.0", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V2.0" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41_IDO_V2.0", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V2.0", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V2.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure upwelling radiance in water. Number of channels: 7; field of view: 10 deg (half angle, half maximum); bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "OCR-507 multispectral radiometer (upwelling radiance)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine backscattering, depth-rated to 600 m. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FLbb sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBB", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE63_OPTODE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE63_OPTODE", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE63_OPTODE", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 63 oxygen optode" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE63_OPTODE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An optical dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into a pumped CTD system. Depth rating: 600 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing); oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 2 % saturation; response time (63 %): < 6 s; output signal: RS-232." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-19 11:47:24.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time and over a variety of environments, depth-rated to 100 m. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 1 cm path length; the measured spectrum falls within the Ultraviolet (UV) 190 nm - 370 nm wavelength range. Measurement accuracy: +/- 2 umol/l or 10 %; detection range: 0.5 umol/l to 2000 umol/l. The instrument is based on the MBARI-ISUS technology; it was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SUNA", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA) nitrate sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2021-08-19 11:47:24.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SUNA", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SUNA", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SUNA", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.9a." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9a", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.9a" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.9a", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9a", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9a", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 IDO model has firmware version 1.0c." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V1.0c" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine backscattering, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_2K", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FLbb2k sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBB_2K", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_2K", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_2K", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance in water. Number of channels: 7; upwelling radiance field of view: 10 deg (half angle, half maximum); bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard); spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "OCR-507 multispectral radiometer (downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.3." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.3", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.3" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2022-04-27 16:59:43.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V5.0.3", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.3", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.3", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2022-04-27 16:59:43.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE37", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE37", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE37", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 37 MicroCAT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE37", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with an optional pressure sensor." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.3.0." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.0", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.3.0" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V5.3.0", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.0", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 model has firmware version 2.6." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.6", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD V2.6" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41_V2.6", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.6", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.6", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE43_IDO", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE43_IDO", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE43_IDO", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 43 Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE43_IDO", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A through-flow, Clark polarographic membrane dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into a pumped CTD system. Depth rating: 600 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing); oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 2 % saturation; response time (63 %): 2 s - 5 s for 0.5 mil membrane (profiling applications), or 8 s - 20 s for 1.0 mil membrane (moored applications); output signal: 0-5 VDC." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 7.2.5." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.5", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V7.2.5" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V7.2.5", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.5", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.5", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE_STS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE_STS", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE_STS", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE Surface Temperature and Salinity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE_STS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The SBE Surface Temperature and Salinity (STS) sensor is designed to make near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements from profiling floats. As its conductivity sensor is free-flushed, the SBE STS is designed to be used in conjunction with an SBE 41CP sensor for calibration purposes." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 IDO model has firmware version 3.0." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V3.0", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V3.0" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41_IDO_V3.0", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V3.0", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V3.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 3." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V3" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V3", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.3.1." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.3.1" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V5.3.1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.1", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-08-16 15:38:28.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.10", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.10", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V5.0.10", + "dc:date": "2023-08-16 15:38:28.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.10", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.9." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A single-channel fluorometer, configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission), depth-rated to 600 m. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FL", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FL fluorometer" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FL", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FL", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FL", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 4.5.3." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.3", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V4.5.3" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V4.5.3", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.3", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.3", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three optical-sensor instrument fitted with one fluorometer and two scattering meters, depth-rated to 600 m. The fluorometer is configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths, whereas the two scattering meters (in-water centroid angle of 150 deg) can be configured to measure backscattering at a user-defined choice of 470 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm or 700 nm each. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBB2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "MCOMS FLBB2 sensor package with one fluorometer and two scattering meters" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "MCOMS_FLBB2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBB2", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBB2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE43I", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE43I", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE43I", + "dc:date": "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 43I (integral) dissolved oxygen sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE43I", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A Clark polarographic membrane dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into the pumped CTD system of an Argo float. Depth rating: 2000 m; oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 1 % saturation; output signal: frequency." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41N", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41N", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An optical sensor measuring scattering at a single 117 deg angle, configurable to 470 nm, 532 nm or 660 nm wavelength and depth-rated to 600 m. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 124 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_BB", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO BB scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_BB", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_BB", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_BB", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41N model has firmware version 5.4.0." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.4.0", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD V5.4.0" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41N_V5.4.0", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.4.0", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.4.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 3.0c." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0c", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V3.0c" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V3.0c", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0c", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0c", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.7." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.7", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.7" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.7", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.7", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.7", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.3." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.3" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.3", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41N model has firmware version 5.3.0." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.0", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD V5.3.0" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41N_V5.3.0", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.0", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-08-16 15:38:28.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.9", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.9", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V5.0.9", + "dc:date": "2023-08-16 15:38:28.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.9" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.9", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.9." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine turbidity, depth-rated to 600 m. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLNTU", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FLntu sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLNTU", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLNTU", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLNTU", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.2." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.2" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V5.0.2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.2", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure downwelling irradiance in water. Number of channels: 4; bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "OCR-504 multispectral radiometer (downwelling irradiance)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.9." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.9" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.9", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.5." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.5", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.5" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.5", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.5", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.5", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 model has firmware version 3." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V3", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD V3" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41_V3", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V3", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41_V3", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A single-channel optical meter measuring scattering at 700 nm to determine turbidity, depth-rated to 600 m. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 124 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_NTU", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO NTU turbidity sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_NTU", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_NTU", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_NTU", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 4.5.2." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V4.5.2" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE61_V4.5.2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.2", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.3b." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3b", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.3b" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.3b", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3b", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3b", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.2a." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2a", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.2a" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V1.2a", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2a", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2a", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure upwelling radiance in water. Number of channels: 4; field of view: 10 deg (half angle, half maximum); bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "OCR-504 multispectral radiometer (upwelling radiance)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM) at 370 nm (excitation) / 460 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 150 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBBCD", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "MCOMS FLBBCD sensor package with two fluorometers and one scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "MCOMS_FLBBCD", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBBCD", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBBCD", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine backscattering, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_AP2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FLbb-AP2 sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBB_AP2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_AP2", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_AP2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A three optical-sensor instrument fitted with one fluorometer and two scattering meters, depth-rated to 600 m. The fluorometer is configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths, whereas the two scattering meters (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) can be configured to measure backscattering at a user-defined choice of 470 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm or 700 nm each. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ECO FLBB2 sensor package with one fluorometer and two scattering meters" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "ECO_FLBB2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB2", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-19 11:48:30.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time and over clear to high turbidity/suspended sedimentation waters, depth-rated to 500 m. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 10 mm path length (or 5 mm for high turbidity conditions); the measured spectrum falls within the Ultraviolet (UV) 190 nm - 370 nm wavelength range. The instrument is based on the MBARI-ISUS technology; it was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SUNA_V2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA) V2 nitrate sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2021-08-19 11:48:30.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SUNA_V2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SUNA_V2", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SUNA_V2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 2." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V2" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SBE41CP_V2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V2", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V2", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SEAFET", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SEAFET", + "skos:altLabel": "SEAFET", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea-Bird Scientific Deep SeaFET pH sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SEAFET", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An ion sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) pH sensor with an AglCl reference electrode and a titanium counter electrode, housed in a pressure tolerant package. The sensor is manufactured at Sea-Bird Scientific, and was developed collaboratively by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and Honeywell International. Depth rating: 2000 dbar; Accuracy: +/- 0.05 pH; stability: 0.036 pH/year." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor that measures quantum irradiance with near flat spectral response and cosine spatial response. Spectrum: 400 nm - 700 nm; PAR range: 0 umol - 5000 umol photons m^-2 s^-1; cosine error: < 3% (0 deg - 60 deg) and < 10% (60 deg - 85 deg); sample rate up to 100 Hz. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_PAR", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Satlantic Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SATLANTIC_PAR", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_PAR", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_PAR", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A neutrally buoyant optical transmissometer, designed for profiling floats applications. Depth rating: 2000 m; available wavelengths: 465 nm, 520 nm and 650 nm; optical pathlength: 25 cm; acceptance angle: 0.9 deg. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::C_ROVER", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "c-Rover Transmissometer" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "C_ROVER", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::C_ROVER", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::C_ROVER", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R27::CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R27::CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", + "skos:altLabel": "CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", + "dc:date": "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Turner Designs Cyclops-7 fluorometer" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R27::CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A single-channel optical sensor configurable to detect a wide range of parameters within a 260 nm - 900 nm optical range, including chlorophyll-a, Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM), and turbidity. The instrument is depth-rated to 600m, and was developed and manufactured by Turner Designs." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Terms listing models of sensors mounted on Argo floats. Note: avoid using the manufacturer name and sensor firmware version in new entries when possible. Argo netCDF variable SENSOR_MODEL is populated by R27 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo sensor models", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo sensor models", + "owl:versionInfo": "15", + "dc:date": "2023-11-25 02:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SENSOR_MODEL", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "SENSOR_MODEL", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 2000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; settling time (63 %): < 25 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa 3830 oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; settling time (63 %): < 25 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3835", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa 3835 oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 2000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; settling time (63 %): < 25 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_3930", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa 3930 oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m, 6000 m or 12000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 2 uM or 1.5 %, and resolution of < 0.1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 1.5 %, and resolution of 0.05 %; response time (63 %): < 25 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa 4330 oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m, 6000 m or 12000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 2 uM or 1.5 %, and resolution of < 0.1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 1.5 %, and resolution of 0.05 %; response time (63 %): < 8 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330F", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa 4330F (fast-response) oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; response time (63 %): < 25 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa 4831 oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by Aanderaa. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 300 m, 3000 m or 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of < 8 uM or 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation accuracy of < 5 %, and resolution of 0.4 %; response time (63 %): < 8 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AANDERAA_OPTODE_4831F", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Aanderaa 4831F (fast-response) oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AMETEK", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AMETEK", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AMETEK", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Ametek with unknown pressure rating." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AMETEK", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ametek pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AMETEK_3000PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AMETEK_3000PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AMETEK_3000PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 3000 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Ametek." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AMETEK_3000PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ametek pressure sensor with 3000 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::AROD_FT", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::AROD_FT", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AROD_FT", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by JFE Advantech Co. and designed to be mounted on Argo floats. This model is part of the JFE Advantech Co., Ltd. RINKO series of optical dissolved oxygen sensors. The instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 6700 m; oxygen concentration initial accuracy of 2 % of measured value, and resolution of 0.01 umol/l; response time (63 %): < 1 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::AROD_FT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "JFE Advantech Co. (JAC) AROD-FT oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ARO_FT", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ARO_FT", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ARO_FT", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by JFE Advantech Co. and designed to be mounted on Argo floats. This model is part of the JFE Advantech Co., Ltd. RINKO series of optical dissolved oxygen sensors. The instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. Depth rating: 2000 m; dissolved oxygen concentration initial accuracy of 2 %, and resolution of 0.01 umol/l; response time (63 %): < 1 s." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ARO_FT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "JFE Advantech Co. (JAC) ARO-FT oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::CTD_F01", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::CTD_F01", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CTD_F01", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors manufactured by Tsurumi-Seiki, model F01." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::CTD_F01", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Tsurumi-Seiki TSK CTD F01" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A single-channel optical sensor configurable to detect a wide range of parameters within a 260 nm - 900 nm optical range, including chlorophyll-a, Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM), and turbidity. The instrument is depth-rated to 600m, and was developed and manufactured by Turner Designs." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::CYCLOPS_7_FLUOROMETER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Turner Designs Cyclops-7 fluorometer" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::C_ROVER", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::C_ROVER", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "C_ROVER", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A neutrally buoyant optical transmissometer, designed for profiling floats applications. Depth rating: 2000 m; available wavelengths: 465 nm, 520 nm and 650 nm; optical pathlength: 25 cm; acceptance angle: 0.9 deg. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::C_ROVER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "c-Rover Transmissometer" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DRUCK", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Druck with unknown pressure rating." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Druck pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK_10153PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK_10153PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "true", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "DRUCK_10153PSIA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 10153 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Druck." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK_10153PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "deprecated" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Druck pressure sensor with 10153 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK_2900PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK_2900PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DRUCK_2900PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2900 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Druck." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::DRUCK_2900PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Druck pressure sensor with 2900 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::DURA", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::DURA", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DURA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An ion sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) pH sensor with an AglCl reference electrode and a titanium counter electrode, housed in a pressure tolerant package. The sensor is manufactured at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), and was developed collaboratively by Dr. Kenneth Johnson at MBARI, Dr. Todd Martz at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and Honeywell International. Depth rating: 2000m; pH accuracy: 0.01; pH precision: 0.005 over multiyear periods." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::DURA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "MBARI Deep-Sea DuraFET pH sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_BB", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_BB", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_BB", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An optical sensor measuring scattering at a single 117 deg angle, configurable to 470 nm, 532 nm or 660 nm wavelength and depth-rated to 600 m. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 124 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_BB", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO BB scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_BB3", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_BB3", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_BB3", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A three optical-sensor instrument fitted with three scattering meters measuring at a user-defined combination of 470 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm and 700 nm wavelengths, depth-rated to 600 m. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 124 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_BB3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO Triplet BB3 sensor package with three scattering meters" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FL", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FL", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FL", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A single-channel fluorometer, configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission), depth-rated to 600 m. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FL", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FL fluorometer" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FLBB", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine backscattering, depth-rated to 600 m. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FLbb sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB2", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB2", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FLBB2", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A three optical-sensor instrument fitted with one fluorometer and two scattering meters, depth-rated to 600 m. The fluorometer is configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths, whereas the two scattering meters (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) can be configured to measure backscattering at a user-defined choice of 470 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm or 700 nm each. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FLBB2 sensor package with one fluorometer and two scattering meters" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FLBBCD", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM) at 370 nm (excitation) / 460 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FLBBCD sensor package with two fluorometers and one scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM) at 370 nm (excitation) / 460 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 124 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBBCD_AP2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FLBBCD-AP2 sensor package with two fluorometers and one scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_2K", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_2K", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FLBB_2K", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine backscattering, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_2K", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FLbb2k sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_AP2", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_AP2", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FLBB_AP2", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine backscattering, depth-rated to 2000 m and designed for float applications. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLBB_AP2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FLbb-AP2 sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLNTU", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLNTU", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_FLNTU", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A dual-channel optical sensor fitted with a single-wavelength fluorometer and a scattering meter calibrated to determine turbidity, depth-rated to 600 m. The sensor operates by flashing blue (470 nm) and red (700 nm) beams in alternation from two light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to respectively stimulate chlorophyll fluorescence and illuminate the total particle field. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_FLNTU", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO FLntu sensor package with fluorometer and scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_NTU", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ECO_NTU", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ECO_NTU", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A single-channel optical meter measuring scattering at 700 nm to determine turbidity, depth-rated to 600 m. The scattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 124 deg. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ECO_NTU", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ECO NTU turbidity sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::EM", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::EM", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "EM", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An electromagnetic subsystem designed to measure water velocity, mounted on an APEX electromagnetic float type (EM-APEX). The instrument was developed collaboratively by Webb Research Corp (WRC) and the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington (APL-UW)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::EM", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Electromagnetic sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::FLOATCLOCK", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::FLOATCLOCK", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FLOATCLOCK", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Inboard Real Time Clock (RTC) of a float." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::FLOATCLOCK", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Float clock" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::FSI", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::FSI", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FSI", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown CTD sensor model manufactured by Falmouth Scientific, Inc (FSI)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::FSI", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Falmouth Scientific, Inc (FSI) unknown CTD model" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ISUS", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ISUS", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ISUS", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 1 cm path length in the 200 nm - 400 nm wavelength range. Measurement resolution: +/- 0.05 umol/l; accuracy: +/- 2 umol/l or 2%; range: up to 200 umol/l. The instrument is depth-rated to 1000 m. The MBARI-ISUS-X v.2 was developed by Dr. Kenneth Johnson and Luke Coletti at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in 2002, and was made commercially available in collaboration with Satlantic." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ISUS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Satlantic MBARI In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) X v.2 nitrate sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::ISUS_V3", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::ISUS_V3", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ISUS_V3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 1 cm path length in the 200 nm - 400 nm wavelength range. Measurement accuracy: +/- 2 umol/l; detection range: 0.5 umol/l to 2000 umol/l. The instrument is depth-rated to 1000 m; it is based on the MBARI-ISUS-X v.2, and was manufactured at Satlantic." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::ISUS_V3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Satlantic In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) V3 nitrate sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::KELLER_PA8", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::KELLER_PA8", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "KELLER_PA8", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A sealed gauge pressure transducer part of the Series 8 pressure sensors range manufactured by Keller." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::KELLER_PA8", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Keller PA-8 pressure transducer" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "KISTLER", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Kistler with unknown pressure rating." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Kistler pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER_10153PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER_10153PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "KISTLER_10153PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 10153 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Kistler." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER_10153PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Kistler pressure sensor with 10153 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER_2900PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER_2900PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "KISTLER_2900PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2900 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Kistler." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::KISTLER_2900PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Kistler pressure sensor with 2900 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBB2", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBB2", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MCOMS_FLBB2", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A three optical-sensor instrument fitted with one fluorometer and two scattering meters, depth-rated to 600 m. The fluorometer is configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths, whereas the two scattering meters (in-water centroid angle of 150 deg) can be configured to measure backscattering at a user-defined choice of 470 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm or 700 nm each. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBB2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "MCOMS FLBB2 sensor package with one fluorometer and two scattering meters" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBBCD", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBBCD", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MCOMS_FLBBCD", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A three-channel optical sensor fitted with two single-wavelength fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM) at 370 nm (excitation) / 460 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 150 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::MCOMS_FLBBCD", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "MCOMS FLBBCD sensor package with two fluorometers and one scattering meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::MENSOR", - "date" : "2021-08-18 15:17:20.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::MENSOR", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 15:17:20.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : [ "", "" ], - "version" : "3", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "3", - "altLabel" : "MENSOR", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A pressure sensor special-built by Mensor for selected Deep SOLO floats." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::MENSOR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Mensor special-built pressure sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::MP40_C_2000_G", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::MP40_C_2000_G", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MP40_C_2000_G", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A flush mountable pressure transducer MP40 model, configured to performance specification 'C' and header option 'G' (gage), depth-rated to 2000 psi. The instrument was manufactured by Micron Instruments (also operating as Piezo-Metrics)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::MP40_C_2000_G", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Micron Instruments MP40C-2000G pressure transducer" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::OPUS_DS", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::OPUS_DS", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "OPUS_DS", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A spectral sensor designed to measure nitrogen and carbon compounds, with titanium housing and depth-rating of 6000 dbar (Deep-Sea version). A xenon flash lamp provides the light source, and a 256-channel spectrometer covers a wavelength range of 200 nm - 360 nm. The instrument is manufactured by TriOS." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::OPUS_DS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TriOS OPUS spectral sensor - Deep Sea version" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAINE", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor manufactured by Paine with unknown pressure rating." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::PAINE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Paine pressure sensor with unknown pressure rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_1500PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_1500PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAINE_1500PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 1500 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_1500PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Paine pressure sensor with 1500 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_1600PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_1600PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAINE_1600PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 1600 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_1600PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Paine pressure sensor with 1600 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_2000PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_2000PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAINE_2000PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2000 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_2000PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Paine pressure sensor with 2000 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_2900PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_2900PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAINE_2900PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2900 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_2900PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Paine pressure sensor with 2900 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_3000PSIA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_3000PSIA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAINE_3000PSIA", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 3000 pounds per square inch absolute manufactured by Paine." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::PAINE_3000PSIA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Paine pressure sensor with 3000 PSIA rating" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAL_UW", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::PAL_UW", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PAL_UW", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A hydrophone designed to measure surface rain rate and wind speed. The instrument was developed by the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington (APL-UW)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::PAL_UW", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Passive Aquatic Listener (PAL) acoustic rain gauge" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A thickness shear mode quartz resonator pressure sensor manufactured by Quartzdyne. Pressure range: 0 dbar - 6900 dbar; field accuracy: 0.02 % Full Scale (FS) between -40 degC and 85 degC." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::QUARTZDYNE_DSB301-10-C85", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Quartzdyne DSB301-10-C85 pressure sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RAFOS", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RAFOS", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAFOS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Receiver for geopositioning under ice, working in conjunction with fixed sound sources arrays located within range." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RAFOS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ranging And Fixing Of Sound (RAFOS) receiver" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RAMSES_ACC", - "date" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RAMSES_ACC", - "authoredOn" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAMSES_ACC", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A spectral imaging radiometer with cosine detector which measures radiance, irradiance or scalar irradiance in the Ultraviolet (UV), Vis (Visible) and Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) ranges, manufactured by TriOS. Number of channels: 256." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RAMSES_ACC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TriOS RAMSES ACC spectral imaging radiometer" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown CTD sensor model manufactured by RBR." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RBR unknown CTD model" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR_ARGO", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is designed specifically for profiling floats, including those hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 12 Hz. The depth rating for a standard profile is 2000 dbar, with energy consumption of approximately 700 J." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RBRargo CTD" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR_ARGO3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is designed specifically for profiling floats, including those hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 8 Hz. The depth rating for a standard profile is 2000 dbar, with energy consumption of approximately 400 J." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RBRargo3 CTD" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is built with a compact titanium housing rated to 4000 dbar, and is specifically designed to be integrated with glass sphere profiling floats part of the Deep Argo program. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 8 Hz." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP4K", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RBRargo3 CTD deep4k" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) optimised flow path, manufactured by RBR. Salinity is measured by induction of water flushing freely through the conductivity cell, and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The unit is built with a compact titanium housing rated to 6000 dbar, and is specifically designed to be integrated with glass sphere profiling floats part of the Deep Argo program. The system supports both spot and continuous sampling modes, with sampling speeds configurable to up to 8 Hz." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR_ARGO3_DEEP6K", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RBRargo3 CTD deep6k" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_CODA_T_ODO", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_CODA_T_ODO", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR_CODA_T_ODO", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A stand-alone oxygen optode with integrated temperature sensor, manufactured by RBR. This instrument exploits the physio-chemical principle of dynamic fluorescence quenching to measure absolute oxygen concentration and percent saturation. It is available in three variants based on response times: slow (30 s time constant), standard (8 s time constant) and fast (1 s time constant), the latter being optimal for vertical profiling applications. Depth rating: 6000 m; oxygen concentration accuracy of +/- 8 uM or +/- 5 %, and resolution of < 1 uM; air saturation resolution of 0.4 %." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR_CODA_T_ODO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RBRcoda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR_PRES", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unspecified pressure sensor model used on RBR Argo CTD systems (L2 generation)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Pressure sensor for RBR Argo CTD systems" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES_A", - "date" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES_A", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-18 14:32:12.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RBR_PRES_A", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unspecified pressure sensor model used on RBR Argo3 CTD systems (L3 generation)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::RBR_PRES_A", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Pressure sensor for RBR Argo3 CTD systems" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", - "date" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", - "authoredOn" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure downwelling irradiance in water. Number of channels: 4; bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_ICSW", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "OCR-504 multispectral radiometer (downwelling irradiance)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", - "date" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", - "authoredOn" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure upwelling radiance in water. Number of channels: 4; field of view: 10 deg (half angle, half maximum); bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR504_R10W", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "OCR-504 multispectral radiometer (upwelling radiance)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", - "date" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", - "authoredOn" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure downwelling irradiance in water. Number of channels: 7; bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSW", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "OCR-507 multispectral radiometer (downwelling irradiance)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", - "date" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", - "authoredOn" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance in water. Number of channels: 7; upwelling radiance field of view: 10 deg (half angle, half maximum); bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard); spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_ICSWR10W", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "OCR-507 multispectral radiometer (downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", - "date" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", - "authoredOn" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A cosine-response, multispectral radiometer configured to measure upwelling radiance in water. Number of channels: 7; field of view: 10 deg (half angle, half maximum); bandwidth range: 400 nm to 865 nm (standard), or 305 nm, 325 nm, 340 nm, 380 nm (UV); sampling rate: 7 Hz – 24 Hz; spectral bandwidth: 10 nm or 20 nm. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_OCR507_R10W", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "OCR-507 multispectral radiometer (upwelling radiance)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_PAR", - "date" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_PAR", - "authoredOn" : "2021-07-01 16:48:21.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SATLANTIC_PAR", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor that measures quantum irradiance with near flat spectral response and cosine spatial response. Spectrum: 400 nm - 700 nm; PAR range: 0 umol - 5000 umol photons m^-2 s^-1; cosine error: < 3% (0 deg - 60 deg) and < 10% (60 deg - 85 deg); sample rate up to 100 Hz. The instrument was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SATLANTIC_PAR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Satlantic Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown CTD sensor model manufactured by Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) unknown CTD model" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE37", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE37", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE37", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with an optional pressure sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE37", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 37 MicroCAT" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP IDO model has firmware version 2.0b." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_IDO_V2.0b", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V2.0b" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.1", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.1", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.1", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.1." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.2", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.2." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2a", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2a", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.2a", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.2a." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.2a", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.2a" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.3." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3b", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3b", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.3b", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.3b." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.3b", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.3b" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.4", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.4", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.4", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.4." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.4", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.5", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.5", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.5", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.5." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.5", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.7", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.7", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.7", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.7." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.7", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.7" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.8", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.8", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.8", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.8." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.8", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.8" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.9", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.9." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.9" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9a", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9a", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1.9a", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1.9a." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1.9a", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1.9a" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V1", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 1." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V2", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V2", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V2", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 2." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0a", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0a", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V3.0a", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 3.0a." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0a", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V3.0a" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0c", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0c", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V3.0c", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 3.0c." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3.0c", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V3.0c" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 3." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V4.4.0", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V4.4.0", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V4.4.0", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 4.4.0." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V4.4.0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V4.4.0" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.0.1", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.0.1", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V5.0.1", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.0.1." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.0.1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.0.1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.0", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.0", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V5.3.0", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.3.0." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.3.0" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.1", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.1", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V5.3.1", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.3.1." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.3.1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.2", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.2", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V5.3.2", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 5.3.2." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V5.3.2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V5.3.2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.3", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.3", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V7.2.3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 7.2.3." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V7.2.3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.5", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.5", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41CP_V7.2.5", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent, logging the data in internal memory and transmitting to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41CP model has firmware version 7.2.5." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41CP_V7.2.5", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTD V7.2.5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41N", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.0", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.0", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41N_V5.3.0", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41N model has firmware version 5.3.0." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD V5.3.0" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.4", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.4", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE41N_V5.3.4", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41N model has firmware version 5.3.4." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.3.4", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD V5.3.4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.4.0", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.4.0", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41N_V5.4.0", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats hosting multiple biogeochemical (BGC) sensors. This CTD operates in continuous profiling (CP) mode, thus sampling at 1 Hz during float ascent. Data from all the float's sensors, including the optional bolt-on ones, are integrated in the data stream and transmitted to the float controller when the float reaches the surface. This SBE41N model has firmware version 5.4.0." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41N_V5.4.0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41N CTD V5.4.0" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 IDO model has firmware version 1.0c." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V1.0c", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V1.0c" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V2.0", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V2.0", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41_IDO_V2.0", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 IDO model has firmware version 2.0c." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V2.0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V2.0" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V3.0", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V3.0", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41_IDO_V3.0", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensor, as well as an electrochemical Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on profiling floats. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 IDO model has firmware version 3.0." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_IDO_V3.0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor V3.0" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.5", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.5", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41_V2.5", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 model has firmware version 2.5." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.5", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD V2.5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.6", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.6", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41_V2.6", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 model has firmware version 2.6." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V2.6", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD V2.6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V3", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V3", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE41_V3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. During float ascent, spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. This SBE41 model has firmware version 3." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE41_V3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 41 CTD V3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE43F_IDO", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE43F_IDO", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE43F_IDO", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A through-flow, Clark polarographic membrane dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into a pumped CTD system. Depth rating: 600 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing); oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 2 % saturation; response time (63 %): 2 s - 5 s for 0.5 mil membrane (profiling applications), or 8 s - 20 s for 1.0 mil membrane (moored applications); output signal: frequency." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE43F_IDO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 43F (frequency output) Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE43I", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE43I", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE43I", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A Clark polarographic membrane dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into the pumped CTD system of an Argo float. Depth rating: 2000 m; oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 1 % saturation; output signal: frequency." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE43I", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 43I (integral) dissolved oxygen sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE43_IDO", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE43_IDO", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE43_IDO", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A through-flow, Clark polarographic membrane dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into a pumped CTD system. Depth rating: 600 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing); oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 2 % saturation; response time (63 %): 2 s - 5 s for 0.5 mil membrane (profiling applications), or 8 s - 20 s for 1.0 mil membrane (moored applications); output signal: 0-5 VDC." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE43_IDO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 43 Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE61", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE61", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.2", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.2", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE61_V4.5.2", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 4.5.2." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V4.5.2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.3", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.3", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE61_V4.5.3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 4.5.3." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V4.5.3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V4.5.3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.0", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.0", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE61_V5.0.0", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.0." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.0" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.1", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.1", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE61_V5.0.1", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.1." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.2", - "date" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.2", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-16 06:35:48.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE61_V5.0.2", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.2." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.3", - "date" : "2022-04-27 16:59:43.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.3", - "authoredOn" : "2022-04-27 16:59:43.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SBE61_V5.0.3", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A system comprising temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors with pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow. The unit is designed for deployment on Deep Argo profiling floats reaching 7000 m depth. This SBE61 model has firmware version 5.0.3." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE61_V5.0.3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 61 CTD V5.0.3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE63_OPTODE", - "date" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE63_OPTODE", - "authoredOn" : "2021-05-26 09:01:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE63_OPTODE", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An optical dissolved oxygen sensor, manufactured by Sea-Bir Scientific and designed to be integrated into a pumped CTD system. Depth rating: 600 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing); oxygen concentration initial accuracy: 2 % saturation; response time (63 %): < 6 s; output signal: RS-232." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE63_OPTODE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 63 oxygen optode" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE_STS", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SBE_STS", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SBE_STS", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The SBE Surface Temperature and Salinity (STS) sensor is designed to make near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements from profiling floats. As its conductivity sensor is free-flushed, the SBE STS is designed to be used in conjunction with an SBE 41CP sensor for calibration purposes." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SBE_STS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific SBE Surface Temperature and Salinity sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SEAFET", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SEAFET", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SEAFET", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An ion sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) pH sensor with an AglCl reference electrode and a titanium counter electrode, housed in a pressure tolerant package. The sensor is manufactured at Sea-Bird Scientific, and was developed collaboratively by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and Honeywell International. Depth rating: 2000 dbar; Accuracy: +/- 0.05 pH; stability: 0.036 pH/year." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SEAFET", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea-Bird Scientific Deep SeaFET pH sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", - "date" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-09 12:23:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A single-channel optical meter measuring scattering at 880 nm to determine turbidity, depth-rated to 6000 m. The sensor has four programmable sensitivity options: 2 mV/FTU, 10 mV/FTU, 40 mV/FTU and 200 mV/FTU, each corresponding to a gain of 1x, 5x, 20x and 100x respectively, and range of non-linear, 500 FTU, 125 FTU and 25 FTU respectively. The instrument was developed and manufactured by Seapoint Sensors, inc." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SEAPOINT_TURBIDITY_METER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Seapoint Turbidity Meter" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SEASCAN_SSTD", - "date" : "2021-08-19 11:24:56.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SEASCAN_SSTD", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-19 11:24:56.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : [ "", "" ], - "version" : "3", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "3", - "altLabel" : "SEASCAN_SSTD", - "broader" : "", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A temperature and pressure sensor package developed by Seascan, composed of a high-stability, glass-encapsulated thermistor manufactured by YSI (or optionally an ultra-stable thermistor manufactured by Thermometrics), and a mono-crystal silicon strain gage sensor manufactured by Druck. YSI thermistor accuracy: 0.01 degC; YSI thermistor resolution: 0.001 degC; pressure transducer accuracy: 0.1 % of full scale. Instrument's depth rating: either 2000 dbar or 4000 dbar." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SEASCAN_SSTD", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Seascan Temperature and Depth (SSTD) sensor package" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SUNA", - "date" : "2021-08-19 11:47:24.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SUNA", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-19 11:47:24.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SUNA", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time and over a variety of environments, depth-rated to 100 m. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 1 cm path length; the measured spectrum falls within the Ultraviolet (UV) 190 nm - 370 nm wavelength range. Measurement accuracy: +/- 2 umol/l or 10 %; detection range: 0.5 umol/l to 2000 umol/l. The instrument is based on the MBARI-ISUS technology; it was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SUNA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA) nitrate sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::SUNA_V2", - "date" : "2021-08-19 11:48:30.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::SUNA_V2", - "authoredOn" : "2021-08-19 11:48:30.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SUNA_V2", - "broader" : [ "", "" ], - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A sensor using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ nitrate (NO3) concentration in real time and over clear to high turbidity/suspended sedimentation waters, depth-rated to 500 m. A deuterium lamp provides a light source of 10 mm path length (or 5 mm for high turbidity conditions); the measured spectrum falls within the Ultraviolet (UV) 190 nm - 370 nm wavelength range. The instrument is based on the MBARI-ISUS technology; it was originally developed and manufactured at Satlantic, and was rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2011." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::SUNA_V2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA) V2 nitrate sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R27::UNKNOWN", - "date" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R27::UNKNOWN", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 14:49:00.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UNKNOWN", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sensor model is unknown." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R27::UNKNOWN", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Unknown sensor model" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "hasVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "broader" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/32d1c5feaaf75f908ea8573410a390871d6a6e44770cfb84141edb49a133f118.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/32d1c5feaaf75f908ea8573410a390871d6a6e44770cfb84141edb49a133f118.json index 48034e88..0d974d0b 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/32d1c5feaaf75f908ea8573410a390871d6a6e44770cfb84141edb49a133f118.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/32d1c5feaaf75f908ea8573410a390871d6a6e44770cfb84141edb49a133f118.json @@ -1,1029 +1,1673 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "PLATFORM_TYPE", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2023-06-23 03:00:02.0", - "description" : "List of Argo float types. Argo netCDF variable PLATFORM_TYPE is populated by R23 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo platform type", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "3", - "altLabel" : "PLATFORM_TYPE", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo platform type" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R23::ALAMO", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:30:02.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R23::ALAMO", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:30:02.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ALAMO", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ALAMO air-launched micro-observer float. PLATFORM_TYPE_KEY = 800" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R23::ALAMO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ALAMO float" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R23::SOLO_BGC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R23::SOLO_BGC", + "skos:altLabel": "SOLO_BGC", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO_BGC float" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R23::SOLO_BGC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO_BGC float manufactured by Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). 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Argo netCDF variable SENSOR is populated by R25 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo sensor types", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "SENSOR", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo sensor types" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ACOUSTIC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Acoustic sensor" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Acoustic sensor" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-11-24 09:35:13.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP_CNDC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP_CNDC", + "skos:altLabel": "", + "dc:date": "2023-11-24 09:35:13.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Temperature sensor for conductivity on a CTD" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP_CNDC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Specific temperature sensor used with conductivity to calculate salinity on a CTD" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CHLA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CHLA", + "skos:altLabel": "FLUOROMETER_CHLA", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Fluorometer measuring chlorophyll-a" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CHLA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Fluorometer measuring chlorophyll-a concentration" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::EM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::EM", + "skos:altLabel": "EM", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Electromagnetic sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::EM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Electromagnetic sensor package measuring velocity and turbulence" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", + "skos:altLabel": "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 470 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 470 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", + "skos:altLabel": "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 700 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 700 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_BISULFIDE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_BISULFIDE", + "skos:altLabel": "SPECTROPHOTOMETER_BISULFIDE", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Spectrophotometer measuring bisulfide" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_BISULFIDE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Spectrophotometer measuring bisulfide concentration" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::FLOATCLOCK_MTIME", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::FLOATCLOCK_MTIME", + "skos:altLabel": "FLOATCLOCK_MTIME", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Clock on float measuring time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::FLOATCLOCK_MTIME", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "skos:altLabel": "SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Spectrophotometer measuring nitrate" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Spectrophotometer measuring nitrate concentration" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::IDO_DOXY", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::IDO_DOXY", + "skos:altLabel": "IDO_DOXY", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor measuring dissolved oxygen" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::IDO_DOXY", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A type of electrochemical dissolved oxygen sensor called Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR490", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR490", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR490", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR490", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 490 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_CNDC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::CTD_CNDC", + "skos:altLabel": "CTD_CNDC", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring conductivity" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_CNDC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring conductivity" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", + "skos:altLabel": "ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Acoustic sensor measuring geolocation" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Acoustic sensor for geolocation" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC", + "skos:altLabel": "ACOUSTIC", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Acoustic sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Acoustic sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::STS_TEMP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::STS_TEMP", + "skos:altLabel": "STS_TEMP", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Surface Temperature and Salinity (STS) sensor measuring temperature" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::STS_TEMP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Surface Temperature and Salinity (STS) sensor measuring temperature" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", + "skos:altLabel": "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring turbidity" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring turbidity" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD412", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD412", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_UP_RAD412", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD412", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 412 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::TRANSISTOR_PH", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::TRANSISTOR_PH", + "skos:altLabel": "TRANSISTOR_PH", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Transistor measuring pH" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::TRANSISTOR_PH", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Transistor measuring pH" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CDOM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CDOM", + "skos:altLabel": "FLUOROMETER_CDOM", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Fluorometer measuring Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CDOM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Fluorometer measuring Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR443", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR443", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR443", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR443", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 443 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_PAR", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_PAR", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_PAR", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_PAR", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP", + "skos:altLabel": "CTD_TEMP", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring temperature" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring temperature" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 412 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD490", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD490", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_UP_RAD490", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD490", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 490 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::STS_CNDC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::STS_CNDC", + "skos:altLabel": "STS_CNDC", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Surface Temperature and Salinity (STS) sensor measuring conductivity" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::STS_CNDC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Surface Temperature and Salinity (STS) sensor measuring conductivity" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::OPTODE_DOXY", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::OPTODE_DOXY", + "skos:altLabel": "OPTODE_DOXY", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Optode measuring dissolved oxygen" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::OPTODE_DOXY", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An optical dissolved oxygen sensor, also known as optode" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 555 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_PRES", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::CTD_PRES", + "skos:altLabel": "CTD_PRES", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring pressure" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::CTD_PRES", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring pressure" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", + "skos:altLabel": "TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Transmissometer measuring attenuation at 660 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Transmissometer measuring attenuation at 660 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", + "skos:altLabel": "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 532 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 532 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD555", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD555", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_UP_RAD555", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD555", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 555 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 443 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", + "skos:altLabel": "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", + "dc:date": "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 380 nm wavelength" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": 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Argo netCDF variable SENSOR is populated by R25 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo sensor types", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo sensor types", + "owl:versionInfo": "3", + "dc:date": "2023-11-25 02:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SENSOR", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "SENSOR", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Acoustic sensor for geolocation" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::ACOUSTIC_GEOLOCATION", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Acoustic sensor measuring geolocation" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 470 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP470", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 470 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 532 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP532", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 532 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 700 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_BBP700", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring backscattering at 700 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring turbidity" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::BACKSCATTERINGMETER_TURBIDITY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Backscattering meter measuring turbidity" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::CTD_CNDC", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::CTD_CNDC", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" 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"en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring pressure" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CTD_TEMP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring temperature" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::CTD_TEMP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensors package measuring temperature" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::EM", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::EM", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "EM", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Electromagnetic sensor package measuring velocity and turbulence" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::EM", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Electromagnetic sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::FLOATCLOCK_MTIME", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::FLOATCLOCK_MTIME", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FLOATCLOCK_MTIME", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Fractional day of the individual 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"@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CHLA", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CHLA", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FLUOROMETER_CHLA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Fluorometer measuring chlorophyll-a concentration" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::FLUOROMETER_CHLA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Fluorometer measuring chlorophyll-a" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::IDO_DOXY", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::IDO_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "IDO_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A type of electrochemical dissolved oxygen sensor called Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO)" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::IDO_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Integrated Dissolved Oxygen (IDO) sensor measuring dissolved oxygen" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::OPTODE_DOXY", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::OPTODE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "OPTODE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An optical dissolved oxygen sensor, also known as optode" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::OPTODE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Optode measuring dissolved oxygen" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 380 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR380", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 412 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR412", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR443", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR443", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR443", - "definition" 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"@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 555 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_DOWN_IRR555", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_PAR", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" 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"@value" : "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 412 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD412", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 443 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD443", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer 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"2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RADIOMETER_UP_RAD555", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 555 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::RADIOMETER_UP_RAD555", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Radiometer measuring upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_BISULFIDE", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::SPECTROPHOTOMETER_BISULFIDE", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:06:36.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SPECTROPHOTOMETER_BISULFIDE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : 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: "en", - "@value" : "Transistor measuring pH" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R25::TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", - "date" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R25::TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-09 15:34:44.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Transmissometer measuring attenuation at 660 nm wavelength" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R25::TRANSMISSOMETER_CP660", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Transmissometer measuring attenuation at 660 nanometers" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - 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"Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo instrument types", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "ARGO_WMO_INST_TYPE", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo instrument types" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R08::831", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R08::831", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "831", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PALACE profiling float" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R08::831", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PALACE float" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::841", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "skos:altLabel": "841", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::841", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::841", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::838", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::838", + "skos:altLabel": "838", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR-D deep float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::838", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR-D deep profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::831", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::831", + "skos:altLabel": "831", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PALACE float" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::831", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PALACE profiling float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::887", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::887", + "skos:altLabel": "887", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO_BGC_MRV, RBR" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::887", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO_BGC_MRV, RBR float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::880", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::880", + "skos:altLabel": "880", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "S2A float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::880", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "S2A profiling float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::877", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::877", + "skos:altLabel": "877", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "APEX float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::877", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "APEX profiling float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::881", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::881", + "skos:altLabel": "881", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "HM4000" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::881", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "HM4000 float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::851", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "skos:altLabel": "851", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::851", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::851", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::847", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::847", + "skos:altLabel": "847", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Teledyne Webb Research float with FSI conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::847", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Teledyne Webb Research profiling float with Falmouth Scientific Inc. (FSI) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::848", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::848", + "skos:altLabel": "848", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "APEX-EM float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::848", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "APEX-EM profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR IV" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::835", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR IV" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "skos:altLabel": "835", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::835", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::835", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::837", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::837", + "skos:altLabel": "837", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR-C float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::837", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR-C profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-19 16:29:58.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::883", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::883", + "skos:altLabel": "883", + "dc:date": "2024-04-19 16:29:58.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "APEX_D deep float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::883", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "APEX_D deep profiling float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::879", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::879", + "skos:altLabel": "879", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO-II with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::879", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO-II profiling float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::885", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::885", + "skos:altLabel": "885", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO_BGC, RBR" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::885", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO_BGC, RBR float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::859", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::859", + "skos:altLabel": "859", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NEMO float with no conductivity" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::859", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NEMO profiling float with no conductivity" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::861", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::861", + "skos:altLabel": "861", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NEMO float with FSI conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::861", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NEMO profiling float with Falmouth Scientific Inc. (FSI) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::858", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::858", + "skos:altLabel": "858", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NINJA float with TSK conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::858", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NINJA profiling float with Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd (TSK) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR CTS4 generation with dual board" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::836", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR III" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "skos:altLabel": "836", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::836", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::836", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::843", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::843", + "skos:altLabel": "843", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "POPS ice platform using PROVOR float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::843", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Polar Ocean Profiling System (POPS) ice platform using PROVOR profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::878", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::878", + "skos:altLabel": "878", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::878", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR profiling float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::889", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::889", + "skos:altLabel": "889", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR_V - Jumbo, RBR" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::889", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR_V - Jumbo, RBR float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::888", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::888", + "skos:altLabel": "888", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR_V - Jumbo, SBE" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::888", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR_V - Jumbo, SBE float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR V with Seabird CTD sensor" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::834", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR V SBE" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "skos:altLabel": "834", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::834", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::834" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::863", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::863", + "skos:altLabel": "863", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Navis-A float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::863", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Navis-A profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::844", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::844", + "skos:altLabel": "844", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::844", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ARVOR profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + 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"@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO-II float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::853", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO-II profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::864", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::864", + "skos:altLabel": "864", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NINJA-D deep float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::864", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NINJA-D profiling deep float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR profiling float with Falmouth Scientific Inc. (FSI) conductivity sensor" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::842", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR float with FSI conductivity sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "skos:altLabel": "842", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::842", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::842", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::845", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::845", + "skos:altLabel": "845", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Teledyne Webb Research float with no conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::845", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Teledyne Webb Research profiling float with no conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::890", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::890", + "skos:altLabel": "890", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:39:49.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR_III - Jumbo, SBE" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::890", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR_III - Jumbo, SBE float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::875", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::875", + "skos:altLabel": "875", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ALTO float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::875", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ALTO profiling float with RBR conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO profiling float with Falmouth Scientific Inc. (FSI) conductivity sensor" + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::852", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO float with FSI conductivity sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "skos:altLabel": "852", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::852", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::852", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::856", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::856", + "skos:altLabel": "856", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NINJA float 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"@value": "SOLO_BGC, SBE float" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::862", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::862", + "skos:altLabel": "862", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO-D deep float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::862", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SOLO-D profiling deep float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::854", + 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"skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PROVOR float with no conductivity sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "skos:altLabel": "840", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::840", + "skos:broader": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::840", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R08::865", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:broader": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R08::865", + "skos:altLabel": "865", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NOVA float with SBE conductivity sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R08::865", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + 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}, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R08::837", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R08::837", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "837", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ARVOR-C profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R08::837", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ARVOR-C float with SBE conductivity sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R08::838", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R08::838", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "838", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ARVOR-D deep profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R08::838", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ARVOR-D deep float with SBE conductivity sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R08::839", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R08::839", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:28:54.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "839", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PROVOR-II profiling float with Sea-Bird Scientific (SBE) conductivity sensor" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R08::839", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PROVOR-II float with SBE conductivity sensor" - 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"@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "ALTO float with SBE conductivity sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R08::877", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R08::877", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "877", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "APEX profiling float with RBR conductivity sensor" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R08::877", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "APEX float with RBR conductivity sensor" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R08::878", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R08::878", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:29:14.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - 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Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileSurfaceSlicesThickness_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00179", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Thickness of the slices for shallow depths (algorithm of data reduction) (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00220", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00220", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 220 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ValveActionPeriodFactorBuoyancyReduction_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00220", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Define the period of valve actions during the second phase of the buoyancy reduction (between CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionFirstThreshold_dbar and CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionSecondThreshold_dbar). The valve is open during CONFIG_ValveTimeActionBuoyancyReduction_csec each CONFIG_ValveTimeActionBuoyancyReduction_csec*CONFIG_ValveActionPeriodFactorBuoyancyReduction_NUMBER." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00041", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00041", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 41 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentSpeed_mm/s" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00041", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Descent speed during downcast (can be used to estimate the time to descent from parking pressure to profile pressure). Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00081", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00081", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 81 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionOilVolumeMinForGroundingDetection_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00081", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Similar to CONFIG_OilVolumeMinForGroundingDetection_cm^3 but for a float in a buoyancy inversion phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00060", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00060", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 60 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GPSTimeout_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00060", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Timeout for GPS acquisition." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00090", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00090", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 90 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceEvasionStopPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00090", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ice evasion depth. This is a parameter for AC1 ice algorithm which abort the profile at a prescribed depth (CONFIG_IceEvasionDepth_dbar) without any check on environmental conditions (as described in my email, AC1, ISA and AID algorithm are used together in the ice version of the CTS5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00163", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00163", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 163 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceForStabilisationAtParkingDepth_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00163", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval for float stabilisation at parking depth (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00142", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00142", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 142 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureActivationMode_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00142", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Use the pressure activation feature." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00102", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00102", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 102 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InternalPressureCalibrationCoef1_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00102", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "First coefficient used to compute float internal pressure in mBars from sensor counts." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00050", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00050", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 50 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BetaBandwidth_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00050", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bandwidth of Beta # measurements (in nanometer)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00114", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00114", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 114 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_NumberOfInternalCycles_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00114", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of internal cycles. Note that the sub-cycle (i.e. final Argo cycle) durations are not really defined they are deduced from CONFIG_SurfaceDay_FloatDay and CONFIG_SurfaceTime_HH)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00062", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00062", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 62 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BetaAngle_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00062", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Angle of Beta measurements (in degrees)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00003", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00003", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 3 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentAdjustmentToBuoyancy_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00003", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "commonly cited as 'buoyancy nudge', this controls the ascent rate, units could be COUNT or whatever is reported, i.e. for SOLOII it is seconds pump is run to adjust float rise rate on ascent. May be changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00024", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00024", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 24 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMaxTransmittedBPhase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00024", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Optode B phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00093", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00093", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 93 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionEndTelemetryDay_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00093", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Last day of the year during which telemetry is attempted during the Surface phase. When the float surfaces on a day that is not specified, it does not attempt telemetry and immediately begins the Park Descent phase for the next profiling cycle. TelemetryDays are specified with a start day and an end day. The start day is the first day of the transmit season for the year. The end day is the last day of the transmit season for the year. A setting of 0 0 disables TelemetryDays, and the float attempts telemetry during each Surface Phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00175", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00175", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 175", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileIntermediateSlicesThickness_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00175", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Thickness of the slices for intermediate depths (algorithm of data reduction) (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00058", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00058", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 58 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FluorescenceEmissionWavelength_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00058", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Wavelength of for emission of fluorescence measurements (in nanometer)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00187", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00187", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 187 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_RafosSampling_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00187", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Awaiting clarification. Is this a clock time or a period? Is it set or reported by the float? Probably need a more specific name. A request is in with Webbs for more information." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00076", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00076", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 76 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionMaxDaysNoTransmission_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00076", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum delay (in days/cycles) of no transmission due to the ice detection algorithm. This parameter is used to disable the ice detection algorithm and force the float to surface even if ice is detected." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00199", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00199", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 199 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SurfaceWaitPeriodAfterEmergencyAscent_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00199", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Duration of the specific surface phase that occurs after an emergency ascent of the float." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00095", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00095", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 95 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CpAscentPhaseDepthZoneSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00095", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period for the ascent depth zone # of the sensor used in continuous profiling mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00015", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00015", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 15 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BuoyancyMinimum_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00015", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The minimum allowable buoyancy position in counts, overriding any other count setting. This configuration parameter prevents the movement of oil from the oil compartment of the bladder into the oil reservoir at the specified count to manage the maximum depth of a descent. In general CONFIG_BuoyancyMinimum_COUNT should be set less than the CONFIG_PistonProfile_COUNT." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00151", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00151", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 151 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeParking_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00151", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Period of the pressure checks during the float drift at park or profile depth." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00207", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00207", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 207 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TelemetryRetryInterval_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00207", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Amount of time the float waits before trying to retransmit" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00027", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00027", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 27 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ConnectionInitialTimeOut_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00027", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Connection time-out allowed for initial connection to the RUDICS server - i.e. is the maximum time allowed for the float to connect to the RUDICS server; i.e. it tries to connect during 30 minutes (values set for these floats) if it fails it is probably because it is under ice (that has not been detected by ISA or hanging algorithms)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00019", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00019", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 19 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ClockAscentEndTimeProfile1_HHMM" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00019", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Profiler configuration - Ascent end time - Profile 1. The expected time at the surface of Profile 1." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00200", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00200", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 200 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TargetAscentSpeed_cm/s" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00200", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Speed of ascent during upcast in cm/s" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00191", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00191", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 191 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SeeksToParkPeriods_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00191", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "the number of SEEKS (settles) that can be done by the float after descent as it 'settles' towards the drift target." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB10008", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB10008", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 8.1 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PowerAcquisitionMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB10008", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Power acquisition mode of the Sensor defined by Input options for CTD (1 : continuous, 2 : pulsed). Input options for Optode (0: none, 1 : continuous, 2 : pulsed)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00030", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00030", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 30 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OcrMaxTransmitted_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00030", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Ocr # measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00212", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00212", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 212", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TransmissionEndCycle_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00212", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The float performs a telemetry transmission at the end of the cycle (Yes=1/No=0)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00108", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00108", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 108 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MaxSizeEngineeringLogFile_kbyte" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00108", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum size of engineering log file." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00042", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00042", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 42 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SunaMinTransmittedNitrateConcentration_umol/L" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00042", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Suna nitrate concentration measurements (in micro-Mol/L)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00097", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00097", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 97", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InAirMeasurementTime_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00097", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Duration of the \"in air measurement\" phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00125", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00125", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 125 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkAndProfileCycleCounter_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00125", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The number of profiles performed from Park depth before a deep profile is done. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00070", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00070", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 70 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_NumberOfDepthZone_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00070", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of depth zones defined for the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB10004", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB10004", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 4.1 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DriftAtParkPresSamplingPeriod_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB10004", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period of the during the drift at parking pressure (in minutes)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00216", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00216", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 216 - Optional (Mandatory if Argos)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TransmissionRepetitionPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00216", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "transmission repetition rate, metadata for most floats - may be variable for two-way communication" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00039", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00039", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 39 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthTable_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00039", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Depth table number for profiler sampling pressures. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00054", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00054", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 54 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InPumpedStream_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00054", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bio Argo sensors can either be mounted separately to the Ctd or mounted within the Ctd pumped stream. Values: Yes = 1, No = 0" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00206", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00206", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 206 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TelemetryRetransmission_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00206", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "To transmit N Argos messages, the transmission duration of an Argos PROVOR float is : MAX([N*CONFIG_TransmissionRepetitionPeriod_seconds*CONFIG_TelemetryRetransmission_COUNT]/3600, CONFIG_TransmissionMaxTime_hours).So I will use CONFIG_TelemetryRetransmission_COUNT" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00006", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00006", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 6 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentSpeed_mm/s" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00006", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "ascent speed during upcast (can be used to estimate the profile duration). Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00146", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00146", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 146 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeAscent_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00146", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Period of the pressure checks during the float ascent to surface." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00066", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00066", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 66 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IgnoreSamplesWhenPumpActive_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00066", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ignore sample measurements acquired while the hydraulic pump is running. Values: Yes = 1, No = 0" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00078", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00078", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 78 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneSubSamplingDataProcessingRate_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00078", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data processing rate for the subsampling # of the data sampled in the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00091", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00091", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 91 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CpAscentPhaseDepthZoneStartPres_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00091", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Start pressure to define the ascent depth zone # of the sensor used in continuous profiling mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00158", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00158", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 158 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceBeforeReposition_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00158", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval before performing a buoyancy readjustment to reposition during the drift at parking depth. When a PRES measurement (sampled to monitor the float drift at parking depth) is outside the [parking_pressure +- CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceBeforeReposition_dbar] interval, the float adjust its buoyancy." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00011", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00011", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 11 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentToSurfaceTimeOut_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00011", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "maximum time a float will try to reach its target depth (surface) before aborting this step" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00053", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00053", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 53 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FirstBuoyancyNudge_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00053", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "test message data - initial buoyancy nudge which is used at both the beginning and end of the profile. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00001", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00001", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 1 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneDepthZonePressureThreshold_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00001", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Threshold between depth zone #N and depth zone #N+1 for (in dbar)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00134", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00134", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 134 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PistonFullRetraction_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00134", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": "", + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00023", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00023", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 23 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ClockPresetStartCycle_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00023", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Cycle to start at a preset time 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled. Potentially phase determining, phase 0 if never changed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00065", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00065", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 65 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GroundingModePresAdjustment_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00065", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "If in grounding mode 0, the float changes its drift pressure to its programmed one minus this value only if its current pressure is greater than this value." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00013", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00013", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 13 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CtdMinTransmittedPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00013", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Ctd pressure measurements (in dbar)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00155", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00155", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 155 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureOffsetResetAtSurface_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00155", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": "", + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00047", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00047", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 47 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_Direction_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00047", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ascending = 1, Descending = 2, Ascending and Descending = 3" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00195", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00195", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 195 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SurfaceTime_HH" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00195", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time of day of float surfacing - could be hour of the float surfacing or could be stored as seconds when set as hh:mm:ss (e.g. for PROVOR CTS5)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00034", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00034", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 34 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MaxTransmittedBeta_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00034", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted beta measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00017", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00017", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 17 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CtdMinTransmittedSalinity_mpsu" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00017", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Ctd salinity measurements (in milli-PSU)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00074", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00074", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 74 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZonePowerAcquisitionMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00074", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Power acquisition mode for the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00167", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00167", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 167 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureThresholdDataReductionIntermediateToDeep_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00167", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The isobar that divides intermediate depths from deep depths for the purpose of data reduction with 3 depth zones (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00171", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00171", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 171 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileDepthInterval_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00171", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Target depth interval between final CTD samples when in the spot sampling mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00046", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00046", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 46 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SunaApfFrameOutputPixelBegin_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00046", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The Apf frame definition allows for a variable number of spectrometer pixels (also called channels) to be included in the frame. The two pixel values are configured indirectly via the wavelength range of the spectrum to be output (Suna Hardware Manual, section 4.2.3, input/output configuration parameters, data wavelength low/high.) The firmware converts the wavelength values to spectrometer pixels." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00029", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00029", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 29 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OcrMinTransmitted_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00029", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Ocr # measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00086", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00086", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 86 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemeSubSamplingDataProcessingMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00086", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data processing mode for the subsampling # of the data sampled within the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00130", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00130", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 130 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkSamplingPeriod_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00130", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "specifies sampling period during the park phase, e.g. for APEX floats could be hourly or for ARVOR floats 12 hourly, for SOLO/SOLOII floats this definition is: P,T,S is sampled during drift (park) every CONFIG_ParkSamplingPeriod_hours, e.g. every 2 hours. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00059", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00059", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 59", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GPSSetClockSensorCard_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00059", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "When the float Real Time Clock is set, also set the clock of the measurement card." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00183", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00183", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 183 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PumpActionMaxTimeBuoyancyAcquisition_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00183", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum duration of the last pump action of the buoyancy acquisition phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00085", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00085", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 85 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionSalinityCoefficient_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00085", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Coefficient used when Salinity is considered in the ice evasion criteria (i.e. median(TEMP) < CONFIG_IceDetection_degC+CONFIG_IceDetectionSalinityCoefficient_NUMBER*median(PSAL))." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00218", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00218", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 218 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TriProfileOption_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00218", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Profiler configuration - Tri profile option (Yes = 1, No = 0). From the first generation of PROVOR floats for which a number of configurations are allowed, i.e. if tri profile is yes, it indicates a float which performs 1 deep profile followed by two shallower profiles." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00072", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00072", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 72 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionConnectionTimeOut_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00072", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Similar to CONFIG_ConnectionTimeOut_minutes but for the first telemetry session of a float in ice detection mode(i.e. in ice detection mode the float reduces the timeout of the first Iridium connection: if the first connection fails the cycle is aborted (ice probably present) but if the first connection succeeds (waters free of ice) the float switches to the nominal timeout (CONFIG_ConnectionTimeOut_minutes) for the following transmissions of the current cycle)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00036", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00036", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 36 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MaxTransmittedFluorescence_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00036", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Fluorescence of measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00138", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00138", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 138 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PistonPositionPressureActivation_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00138", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset piston position for pressure activation. Can only go in phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00005", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00005", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 5 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentToProfilePresSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00005", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period of the during the descent to profile pressure (in seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00104", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00104", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 104 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_LoggingVerbosity_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00104", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Logging verbosity is an integer (values in range [0,4] for these floats) describing the parameters to be output. An integer in the range [0,4] that determines the logging verbosity with lower values producing more terse logging. A verbosity of 2 yields standard logging." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00031", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00031", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 31 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CTDPumpStopPressureOffset_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00031", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The pressure in decibars added to the most recently measured pressure at the surface, the sum of which is the pressure at which the conductivity, temperature and pressure sampling stops for a pumped type CTD. It is also the pressure at which the Surface phase begins." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00036", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00036", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 36 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DeepestPressureDescendingProfile_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00036", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "deepest pressure sampled in the descending profile - example 500 for a profile ending at 500 dbar" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00048", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00048", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 48 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_VerticalPressureOffset_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00048", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "vertical pressure offset due to the fact that the sensor is not exactly at the Ctd pressure" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00122", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00122", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 122 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OilVolumePerPumpActionAscent_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00122", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Nominal oil volume of each pump action during ascent." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00089", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00089", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 89 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionTestDuration_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00089", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Duration of the ice detection test." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00116", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00116", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 116 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_NumberOfSubCycles_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00116", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of sub-cycles performs by the float during one float cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00043", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00043", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 43", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentToParkPresSamplingTime_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00043", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period during the descent to parking pressure (in seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00007", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00007", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 7 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00007", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period of the during the ascending profile (in seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00020", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00020", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 20 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ClockAscentEndTimeProfile2_HHMM" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00020", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Profiler configuration - Ascent end time - Profile 2. The expected time at the surface of Profile 2." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00169", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00169", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 169 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileBottomBinInterval_cbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00169", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Depth intervals for bottom depth (algorithm of data reduction)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00186", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00186", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 186", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PumpActionTimeBuoyancyAcquisitionForInAirMeasCycle_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00186", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Duration of the last pump action of the buoyancy acquisition phase when a \"in air measurement\" phase is programmed (in centi-seconds). [For a cycle without \"in air measurement phase\" it is CONFIG_PumpActionTimeBuoyancyAcquisition_csec]." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00073", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00073", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 73 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionConsecutiveDetectionBeforeFloatSurfaceInhibition_Number" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00073", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of consecutive ISA detections before float surface inhibition. If fewer consecutive ice detections are made, then the float will immediately seek the surface if mixed layer temp is warm." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00055", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00055", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 55 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GPSAcquisitionEndCycle_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00055", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The float performs a GPS session to acquire a GPS fix at the end of the cycle (Yes=1/No=0)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00019", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00019", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 19 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMinTransmittedC1Phase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00019", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Optode C1 phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00126", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00126", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 126 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00126", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "park pressure - this may change if the float is reprogrammed and must be reported in the mission configuration settings" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00170", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00170", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 170 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileBottomSlicesThickness_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00170", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Thickness of the slices for deep depths (algorithm of data reduction) (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00202", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00202", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 202 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TelemetryEncodeMessage_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00202", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Encode the message before transmission (Yes=1/No=0)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00020", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00020", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 20 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMaxTransmittedC1Phase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00020", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Optode C1 phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00090", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00090", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 90 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CpAscentPhaseNumberOfDepthZone_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00090", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of ascent depth zones defined for the sensor used in continuous profiling mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00024", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00024", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 24 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ClockStartCycle_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00024", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset time to start the cycle, minutes after midnight. Potentially phase determining, phase 0 if never changed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00128", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00128", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 128 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkSamplingMethod_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00128", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Have to convert string input to LOGICAL (1 = averaged, 0 = spot sampling). Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00067", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00067", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 67 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_HydraulicDataTransmission_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00067", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The float transmits hydraulic data at the end of the cycle. The float records the pump/valve actions (time, pressure, duration); these data can be transmitted (or not) in specific SBD messages through a remote control command. Input: (Yes=1/No=0)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00110", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00110", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 110 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MinValveActionForSurfaceGroundingDetection_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00110", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum number of surface valve attempts without change in pressure to set the surface grounding flag." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00077", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00077", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 77 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionMixedLayerPMax_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00077", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum sampling pressure used by ice cover detection algorithm. i.e. start pressure threshold for ice detection algorithm)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00057", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00057", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 57 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FluorescenceExcitationWavelength_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00057", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Wavelength of for excitation of fluorescence measurements (in nanometer)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00214", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00214", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 214 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TransmissionMinTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00214", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The time the float will remain on the surface transmitting its data at the end of each cycle. At lower latitudes you may wish to increase the value of this parameter to increase the probability of reception of all of your data." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00141", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00141", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 141 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureActivationCheckTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00141", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "in pressure activated floats this parameter sets how often the float will test whether it is in the water, e.g. Every 2 hours" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00032", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00032", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 32 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OcrMaxTransmittedPar_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00032", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Ocr Photosynthetic Active Radiation measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00026", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00026", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 26", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ConnectionFailureTimeOut_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00026", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Is the maximum time allowed for the float to connect to the RUDICS server; i.e. it tries to connect during 30 minutes (values set for these floats) if it fails it is probably because it is under ice (that has not been detected by ISA or hanging algorithms)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00079", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00079", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 79 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionNoVerticalMotionTimeOut_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00079", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "When the float is in ice detection mode if, despite of pump actions, no vertical motion is detected during this delay, the cycle is aborted." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00174", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00174", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 174 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileIntermediateBinInterval_cbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00174", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Depth intervals for intermediate depth (algorithm of data reduction)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00061", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00061", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 61 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GroundingMode_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00061", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Action performed by the float when a grounding is detected. 0: the float changes its drift pressure, 1: the float stays on the seabed until the next phase of the cycle. For PROVOR CTS5 the number assigned to each mode has changed - see float manual for details for this model." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00100", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00100", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 100 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InternalCycleLastGregYear_YYYY" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00100", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Last year to use float cycle duration # (in Gregorian year, two digits). (D is a number denoting the internal cycle label)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00041", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00041", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 41 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SunaDataType_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00041", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Type of transmitted data from te Suna sensor (0 : nitrate concentration, 1 : Apf frame spectrum)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00094", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00094", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 94 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CpAscentPhaseDepthZoneSampleRate_hertz" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00094", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sample rate for the ascent depth zone # of the sensor used in continuous profiling mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00153", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00153", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 153 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureMaxBeforeEmergencyAscent_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00153", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Emergency ascent phase start pressure (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00028", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00028", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 28 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ConnectionTimeOut_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00028", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Connection time-out, i.e. maximum transmission period for one telemetry session (an example: for this float version it is the maximum duration of the RUDICS session; for example if the RUDICS session lasts more that 2 hours (value set for these floats which are ice floats which may have stored cycles to transmits) the float disconnects and starts a new deep cycle (the remaining stored data will be transmitted next transmission session)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00038", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00038", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 38", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DelayBeforeMissionStart_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00038", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Float waiting period before the first cycle of its mission (in minutes)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00044", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00044", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 44 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_VectorBoardShowModeOn_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00044", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Is the vector board show mode ON? (Yes/No)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00097", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00097", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 97 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InAirMeasurementSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00097", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period for the sensor during the \"in air measurement\" phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00112", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00112", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 112 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MissionPreludeTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00112", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This is the duration the float transmits test messages for (from start up) before the first dive. It’s crucial in calculating the time of the first descent. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00003", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00003", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 3 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentToParkPresSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00003", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period of the during the descent to parking pressure (in seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00012", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00012", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 12 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentVerticalThresholdForBuoyancyAction_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00012", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "If the float vertical motion, during CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeAscent_minutes, is less than this threshold, the float makes buoyancy adjustments." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00165", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00165", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 165 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceForStabilisationDuringAscent_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00165", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval for float stabilisation during ascent at a prescribed depth. The prescibed depth could be the PRES threshold to start low ascent (but I think this should not be in the definition which should stay more generic)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00056", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00056", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 56 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FlbbSampling_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00056", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Specifies whether the Flbb instrument is set to sample. Values: Zero disables sampling and nonzero enables sampling." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00211", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00211", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 211 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TimeStartFirstDescentToStartFirstAscent_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00211", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time, in hours, between 1st descent and 1st ascent - period between mission prelude and start of first profile. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00178", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00178", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 178 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileSurfaceBinInterval_cbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00178", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Depth intervals for shallow depth (algorithm of data reduction)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00045", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00045", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 45 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SensorBoardShowModeOn_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00045", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Is the sensor board show mode ON? (Yes/No)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00098", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00098", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 98 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SfetMinTransmittedVrsPh_volts" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00098", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Vrs_pH measurements (in volts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00124", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00124", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 124 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OkVacuum_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00124", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Internal vacuum threshold (counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00051", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00051", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 51 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DownTimeSpringSummer_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00051", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset duration of the down time (start of descent to start of ascent) specific to the spring/summer period. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00015", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00015", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 15 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CtdMinTransmittedTemperature_mdegC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00015", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Ctd temperature measurements (in milli-DegC)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00014", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00014", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 14", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BitMaskMonthsIceEvasionActive_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00014", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "When is ice evasion active - months in reverse order. This is a parameter for AC1 which provides the months it should be used." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00177", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00177", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 177 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileSamplingMethod_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00177", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Have to convert string input to LOGICAL (1 = averaged, 0 = spot sampling)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00162", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00162", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 162 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceForStabilisation_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00162", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval for float stabilisation at parking or profile depth (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00010", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00010", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 10 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00010", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset duration of ascent" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00209", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00209", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 209 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TimeDelaybeforeDescentRetryWhenStuckAtSurface_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00209", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time delay between each new attempt to descend when the float is stuck at the surface. When the float cannot reach the pressure threshold defined by \"CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionFirstThreshold_dbar\" after a given number of buoyancy actions it waits a period of time specified by \"CONFIG_TimeDelaybeforeDescentRetryWhenStuckAtSurface_minutes\" before starting a new sequence of buoyancy actions." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00082", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00082", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 82 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemeSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00082", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period of the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00136", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00136", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 136 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PistonPositionBallast_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00136", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": "", + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00129", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00129", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 129 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkSamplingNumberValsReported_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00129", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of values reported during a single park period, e.g. a float may perform hourly sampling for 105 hrs and report this as two averaged samples for that park period. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00063", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00063", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 63 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GroundingModeForProfileDepth_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00063", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Action performed by the float when a grounding is detected during descent to profile depth. For PROVOR CTS5 floats: 2: the float stays on the seabed until the ascent start time, 3: the ascent starts immediately. In this float version the actions to be performed when a grounding is detected at parking depth (stored in CONFIG_GroundingMode_NUMBER) or at profile depth (stored in CONFIG_GroundingModeForProfileDepth_NUMBER) may differ. Consequently we need 2 configuration parameters." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00027", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00027", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 27 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMinTransmittedTemperature_mdegC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00027", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Optode temperature measurements (in milli-DegC)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00215", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00215", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 215", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TransmissionPeriodEndOfLife_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00215", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Period of the Iridium transmission when in End Of Life mode (in minutes)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00189", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00189", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 189 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_RudicsAndIridiumSession_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00189", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This float has a RUDICS transmission system. However it is able to connect to Iridium if the user want to get one Iridium position for each cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00049", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00049", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 49 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BetaWavelength_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00049", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Wavelength of Beta # measurements (in nanometer)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00210", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00210", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 210", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TimeDelaybetweenRecoveryMessage_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00210", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delay time between recovery messages in [minutes]" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00022", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00022", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 22 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ClockAscentStart_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00022", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Preset time to start ascent profile, if units = MINUTES (in minutes past midnight), if units = HH (24 hour clock). Potentially phase determining, phase 0 if never changed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00018", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00018", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 18 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionSecondThreshold_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00018", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Second threshold of the buoyancy reduction phase (see float manual for explanations)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00148", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00148", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 148 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeDescent_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00148", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Period of the pressure checks during the float descent (after CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionSecondThreshold_dbar)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00113", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00113", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 113 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MissionSignature_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00113", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Awaiting clarification. A request is in with Webb for more information" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00075", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00075", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 75 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionISAMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00075", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Mode of the ISA ice detection algorithm (see float manual for details). For this firmware Mar 2018 the values are (0: not used, 1: algorithm based on temperature median value, 2: algorithm based on temperature median value and associated salinities)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00081", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00081", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 81 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemeStopTime_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00081", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Stop time to define the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00166", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00166", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 166 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureThresholdDataReduction_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00166", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The isobar that divides shallow depths from deep depths for the purpose of data reduction (in dbars). For floats with 2 depth zones." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00033", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00033", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 33 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MinTransmittedBeta_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00033", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted beta measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00040", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00040", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 40 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CroverMaxTransmittedBeamAttenuation_m^-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00040", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Crover beam attenuation measurements (in 1/m)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00002", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00002", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 2 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_Offset_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00002", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": " = PRES, PSAL or TEMP. Offset used to pack the P, T and S data, changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00219", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00219", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 219 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_UpTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00219", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset duration of the 'up' time (start of ascent to start of descent) - changed from : CONFIG_UpTimeInterval_hours and CONFIG_UpTimeOut. This parameter is important for trajectory files." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00087", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00087", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 87 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionSpringInhibitionDelaySinceLastIceEvasion_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00087", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum delay (in days/cycles) since the last ice evasion date to attempt a surfacing. This is often called the \"Spring\", where the float stays underwater for a time even though the temperature has warmed. \"Spring inhibition\" is the first step of the ISA algorithm. If the ISA algorithm raised (with the TEMP comparison) a profile evasion in the last CONFIG_IceDetectionSpringInhibitionDelaySinceLastIceEvasion_NUMBER days, the profile is aborted (without entering in the TEMP comparison loop) at CONFIG_IceDetectionSpringInhibitionAscentEnd_dbar." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00064", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00064", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 64 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GroundingModeMinPresThreshold_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00064", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "If in grounding mode 0, the float changes its drift pressure only if its current pressure is greater than this value." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00093", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00093", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 93 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CpAscentPhaseDepthZoneSlicesThickness_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00093", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SlicesThickness of the ascent depth zone # of the sensor used in continuous profiling mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00150", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00150", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 150 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeDescentToProfileDepth_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00150", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The interval in seconds between float samples of the pressure to determine if the Profile depth has been reached." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00161", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00161", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 161", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceDuringDriftAtProfileDepth_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00161", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval for float drift at profile depth (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00117", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00117", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 117 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OilVolumeLastPumpActionBuoyancyAcquisition_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00117", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Volume of the last pump action of the buoyancy acquisition phase. Original proposed name was: CONFIG_PumpActionOilVolumeBuoyancyAcquisition_cm^3" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00052", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00052", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 52 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OcrBandwidth_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00052", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bandwidth of Ocr # measurements (in nanometer)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00203", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00203", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 203 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TelemetryMaxRetry_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00203", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum number of telemetry session retries" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00037", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00037", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 37 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FlntuMaxTransmittedTurbidity_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00037", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Flntu turbidity measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00099", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00099", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 99 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InternalCycleLastGregMonth_MM" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00099", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Last month to use float cycle duration # (in Gregorian month). (D is a number denoting the internal cycle label)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00099", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00099", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 99 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SfetMaxTransmittedVrsPh_volts" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00099", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Vrs_pH measurements (in volts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00120", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00120", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 120 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OilVolumeMinForGroundingDetection_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00120", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This information is a threshold used to detect a grounding of the float. If there is no vertical motion after having transferred CONFIG_OilVolumeMinForGroundingDetection_cm^3 through the valve, the grounded flag is activated and the float acts as configurated by the CONFIG_GroundingMode_LOGICAL parameter. This is a configuration parameter that may be modified via remote control, as some PROVOR floats have experienced erroneous grounding detection (under study but perhaps due to in-situ conditions)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00005", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00005", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 5 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00005", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period during the ascending profile (in seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00011", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00011", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 11 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PowerSwitchDelayMin_msec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00011", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum waiting time needed by the between a switch OFF and a switch ON (in milli-seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00119", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00119", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 119 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OilVolumeMaxPerValveAction_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00119", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This information is used as a threshold for the valve action durations. The valve flow is known for each float and CONFIG_OilVolumeMaxPerValveAction_cm^3 is converted to a maxDurationOfValveAction. During descent phases the float regularly computes a valve duration to sink to the target depth. In some specific cases the result can be a huge valve action duration and the result must have a maxDurationOfValveAction threshold. This configuration parameter can be modified via remote controls for Remocean floats, by a specialist in PROVOR vector configuration." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00173", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00173", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 173 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileIncludeTransitionBin_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00173", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Include transition bins between depth zones (shallow/intermediate/bottom) in the algorithm of data reduction (Yes=1/No=0). Yes: Calculate transition bin between top and middle section, and between middle and bottom section. Transition bins are: (last top bin center + Top_Bin_Interval/2) to (last top bin center + Middle_Bin_Interval/2) and (last middle bin center + Middle_Bin_Interval/2) to (last middle bin center + Bottom_Bin_Interval/2)No: Do not calculate transition bins." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00101", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00101", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 101 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InternalCycleTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00101", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Internal cycle duration # (in hours). (D is a number denoting the internal cycle label)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00068", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00068", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 68 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_HyperRetractionStopPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00068", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "For Apex APF11 Iridium floats, Hyper Retraction is used to pull in an amount of oil to temporarily increase a float’s density as it leaves the ocean surface. The result of the increased float density allows a float to move through a mixed density layer more easily or allows a float to descend at a faster rate. In particular, the HyperRetractPressure is the pressure that the float uses to restore the piston back to the ParkDescentCount." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00064", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00064", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 64 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TurbidityWavelength_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00064", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Wavelength of for Turbidity measurements (in nanometer)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00039", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00039", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 39 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CroverMinTransmittedBeamAttenuation_m^-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00039", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Crover beam attenuation measurements (in 1/m)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00154", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00154", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 154 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureOffsetDelayBeforeResetCommand_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00154", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Float waiting period before the surface ResetOffset CTD command. [NKE introduced a delay (in minutes) between the end of the transmission and the ResetOffset command (because surface pressure measurements seem to be corrupted by float transmission]." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00021", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00021", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 21 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMinTransmittedC2Phase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00021", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Optode C2 phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00205", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00205", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 205 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TelemetryRepeatSessionDelay_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00205", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delay before a second Iridium session performed by the float just before diving for a new cycle (in minutes)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00083", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00083", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 83 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemePowerAcquisitionMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00083", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Power acquisition mode for the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00132", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00132", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 132 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00132", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "time spent at the parking pressure, not including descending and ascending times - example 222 for 9 days and 6 hours at park pressure" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00017", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00017", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 17 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionFirstThreshold_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00017", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "First threshold of the buoyancy reduction phase (see float manual for explanations)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00185", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00185", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 185 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PumpActionTimeBuoyancyAcquisition_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00185", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Duration of the last pump action of the buoyancy acquisition phase (in centi-seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00052", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00052", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 52 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_EmergencyModeWaterLeakDetection_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00052", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "If set to \"yes\", the float will transition to the Emergency mode upon detection of an internal water leak. If set to \"no\", the float will only log the condition to the system_log.txt file." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00076", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00076", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 76 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneNumberOfSubSampling_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00076", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of subsamplings of the data sampled in the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00023", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00023", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 23 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMinTransmittedBPhase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00023", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Optode B phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00085", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00085", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 85 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemeNumberOfSubSampling_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00085", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of subsamplings of the data sampled within the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00217", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00217", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 217 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TripInterval_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00217", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This is a conversion factor for the up and down times. If it is set to 2, then each 'interval' is equal to 2 hours (or seconds or minutes…) , if it is set to 1, then each 'interval' is equal to 1 unit." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00144", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00144", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 144 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureBladderMax_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00144", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "maximum air bladder pressure setting - units could be COUNT. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00029", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00029", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 29 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CPActivationPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00029", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CP Activation Pressure" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00105", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00105", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 105 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MaxAttemptsGPSAcquisitionBeforeResetGPS_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00105", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum number of GPS location acquisition retries before it resets the GPS." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00071", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00071", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 71 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionAscentVerticalThresholdForBuoyancyAction_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00071", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Similar to CONFIG_AscentVerticalThresholdForBuoyancyAction_dbar but for a float in ice detection mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00035", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00035", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 35 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MinTransmittedFluorescence_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00035", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Fluorescence of measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00197", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00197", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 197 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SurfaceValveAdditionalActions_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00197", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Target number of additional valve actions performed at the surface during the buoyancy reduction phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00025", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00025", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 25 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMinTransmittedDPhase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00025", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Optode D phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00088", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00088", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 88 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MeasurementsInAir_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00088", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sensors can be mounted on a stick to perform measurements in Air. Values: Yes = 1, No = 0" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00103", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00103", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 103 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InternalPressureCalibrationCoef2_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00103", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Second coefficient used to compute float internal pressure in mBars from sensor counts." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00087", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00087", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 87 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemeSubSamplingDataProcessingRate_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00087", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data processing rate for the subsampling # of the data sampled within the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00107", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00107", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 107 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MaxDelayBeforeCycleStart_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00107", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The maximum extra time a float can stay on the surface after transmitting. This feature is used for SOLOII floats to try and make them stay in a particular area, e.g. near the equator for equatorial floats. If a float is drifting at the surface and moving in the direction we want, we turn the feature on to keep it drifting at the surface in a favourable direction. If the float is moving in a direction we don't want, then we turn this feature off, so the float dives immediately. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00156", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00156", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 156 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureOffsetSampledAfterTransmission_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00156", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The surface pressure offset is sampled only if an Iridium transmission or a GPS session occurred (to be sure that the pressure offset is sampled at the surface). Original proposed names was: CONFIG_SecuredPressureOffsetSampledAtSurface_LOGICAL" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00083", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00083", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 83 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionPressureInterval_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00083", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Period of the ice detection algorithm. \"It is the pressure interval used by the float to collect T and S samples between CONFIG_IceDetectionMixedLayerPMax_dbar and CONFIG_IceDetectionMixedLayerPMin_dbar for the TEMP comparison.\" Original proposed name was: CONFIG_IceDetectionPeriod_dbar" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00047", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00047", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 47 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SunaApfFrameOutputPixelEnd_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00047", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The Apf frame definition allows for a variable number of spectrometer pixels (also called channels) to be included in the frame. The two pixel values are configured indirectly via the wavelength range of the spectrum to be output (Suna Hardware Manual, section 4.2.3, input/output configuration parameters, data wavelength low/high.) The firmware converts the wavelength values to spectrometer pixels." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00056", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00056", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 56 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GPSAcquisitionEndOfLife_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00056", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The float performs a GPS session to acquire a GPS fix in each End Of Life transmission (Yes=1/No=0)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00089", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00089", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 89 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneNumberOfSamples_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00089", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of samples for the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00115", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00115", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 115 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_NumberOfOutOfTolerancePresBeforeReposition_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00115", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of consecutive pressure measurements outside the target pressure interval before performing a drift readjustment." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00071", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00071", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 71 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneStartPres_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00071", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Start pressure to define the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00109", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00109", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 109 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MeasureBattery_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00109", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "measure the battery voltage and report it? (Yes = 1, No = 0)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00058", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00058", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 58 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GPSSetClock_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00058", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Set the float Real Time Clock with GPS time. To disable float clock set from GPS time when at surface." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00168", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00168", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 168 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureThresholdDataReductionShallowToIntermediate_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00168", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The isobar that divides shallow depths from intermediate depths for the purpose of data reduction with 3 depth zones (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00095", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00095", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 95", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InAirMeasurementPeriodicity_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00095", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Cycle periodicity of the \"in air measurement\" phase:- 0 means no \"in air acquisition\"- 1 means \"in air acquisition\" every cycle- N means \"in air acquisition\" one cycle every \"N\" cycles" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00040", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00040", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 40 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentAdjustmentToBuoyancy_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00040", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Commonly cited as 'buoyancy nudge', this controls the descent rate, units could be COUNT or whatever is reported, i.e. for SOLOII it is seconds pump is run to adjust float descent rate from drift depth to profile depth. The SOLO-II floats are ballasted for profile depth, if the floats are poorly ballasted, float will descend quite fast to profile depth. The more pumping that is done at 1000db that is unnecessary at 2000db will save energy and it can be used as an energy saving measure. Occasionally this means the float will stop short of profile depth but won't have grounded." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00059", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00059", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 59 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FluorescenceExcitationBandwidth_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00059", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bandwidth of for excitation of fluorescence measurements (in nanometer)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00001", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00001", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 1 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InverseGain_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00001", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": " = PRES, PSAL or TEMP. Inverse of the gain used to pack the P, T and S data, changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00073", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00073", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 73 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneSamplingPeriod_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00073", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period for the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00007", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00007", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 7 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentSpeedFactor_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00007", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This factor defines the speed of the ascent phase (between 0: nominal speed and 5: lowest speed)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00127", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00127", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 127 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkSamplesPerAverage_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00127", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "If float reports average values, then this is the number of samples per value reported. For example, for a float that samples hourly during the park period for 105 hours, and reports the average P and T, this would be 105. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00054", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00054", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 54 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FloatReferenceDay_FloatDay" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00054", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Profiler configuration - Reference day, for PROVOR and ARVOR floats this is: The day number on which the first profile is to be made. The day when the mission starts is zero. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00060", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00060", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 60 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FluorescenceEmissionBandwidth_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00060", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bandwidth of for emission of fluorescence measurements (in nanometer)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00042", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00042", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 42 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentSpeedMin_mm/s" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00042", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Float minimum descent speed before activating the valve." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00201", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00201", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 201 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TelemetryAutoTestAtDeployment_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00201", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Perform a full auto-test (RUDICS server connection test) at float deployment (Yes=1/No=0).A full auto-test includes a connection test on the RUDICS server and a GPS fix acquisition." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00075", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00075", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 75 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneRawDataAcquisition_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00075", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of additional raw data sampled in the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00013", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00013", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 13 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BitMaskMonthsIceDetectionActive_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00013", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This parameter indicates for which months the ice detection algorithm is active. The bit mask is input as a 3 digit hexadecimal value in the mission file sent to the float. This parameter in the metadata file however is the decimal number of that hexadecimal value. For example for the Southern Hemisphere the default position is to have the ice detection algorithm active for all months except February. (The hexadecimal value in the mission file is 'FFD' and the number for the configuration parameter in the metafile would be 4093). The northern hemisphere default would be all months active except for August. In this case the hexadecimal value is 'F7F' and the number in the configuration parameter in the metafile would be 3967)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00009", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00009", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 9 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentSpeedStartPressureThresholdForSlowPhase_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00009", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pressure threshold to start the slow ascent speed phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00190", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00190", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 190 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_RudicsAndIridiumSessionWhenNoGPS_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00190", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "For RUDICS transmission floats, perform also one Iridium session (to get an Iridium position) when the GPS fix is not valid." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00181", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00181", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 181 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PumpActionIntervalDuringAscent_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00181", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "interval between successive pump activations during ascent" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00066", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00066", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 66 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_HangingMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00066", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Action performed by the float when a hanging is detected (see float manual for details). [JP additional comments on behaviour for PROVOR floats: The hanging mode is the same idea as the grounding mode but for an ascent phase. When the float detects a too low vertical motion after having activated its pump to try to ascend it enters in a hanging mode (it is probably stuck at the sea floor). This parameter configures (with the same idea as CONFIG_GroundingMode_NUMBER for grounding) what should be the actions to perform to try to escape from hanging (it can activate its pump and valve alternatively to try to escape or abandon the ascent and switch to the next scheduled task]." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00157", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00157", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 157 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureStartContinuousProfiling_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00157", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset pressure where continuous profiling begins on ascent. Phase variable." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00044", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00044", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 44 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentToParkTimeOut_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00044", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "maximum time a float will try to reach its target depth (park) before aborting this step" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00072", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00072", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 72 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneStopPres_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00072", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Stop pressure to define the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00077", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00077", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 77 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneSubSamplingDataProcessingMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00077", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data processing mode for the subsampling # of the data sampled in the depth zone # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00213", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00213", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 213", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TransmissionMaxTimeforRecoveryMessage_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00213", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum transmission time for recovery messages in [minutes]" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00192", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00192", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 192 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SeeksToParkPeriodsIntervals_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00192", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The SEEK (settle) time for the float after descent as it 'settles' towards the drift target. For SOLO floats this is a constant." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00140", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00140", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 140 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureActivation_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00140", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "depth at which float is set to pressure activate" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00025", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00025", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 25 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CompensatorHyperRetraction_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00025", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "setting for the compensator hyper-retraction. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00031", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00031", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 31 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OcrMinTransmittedPar_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00031", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Ocr Photosynthetic Active Radiation measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00046", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00046", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 46 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentVerticalThresholdForBuoyancyAction_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00046", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "If the float vertical motion, during CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeDescent_minutes, is less than this threshold, the float makes buoyancy adjustments." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00193", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00193", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 193 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SlowAscentPistonAdjustment_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00193", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "when ascent is too slow, this is used to adjust the piston position to speed ascent" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00078", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00078", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 78 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionMixedLayerPMin_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00078", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum sampling pressure used by ice cover detection algorithm. (i..e end pressure threshold for ice detection algorithm)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00084", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00084", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 84 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemeRawDataAcquisition_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00084", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of additional raw data sampled within the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00194", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00194", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 194", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SurfaceDay_FloatDay" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00194", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Day of the float surfacing" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00061", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00061", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 61 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CroverBeamAttenuationWavelength_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00061", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Wavelength of Crover for Beam attenuation measurements (in nanometer)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00152", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00152", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 152 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeStabilization_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00152", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Period of the pressure checks during the float stabilization phases." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00043", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00043", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 43 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SunaMaxTransmittedNitrateConcentration_umol/L" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00043", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Suna nitrate concentration measurements (in micro-Mol/L)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00048", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00048", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 48 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DownTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00048", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset duration of the down time (start of descent to start of ascent) - changed from : CONFIG_DownTimeInterval_hours and CONFIG_DownTimeOut. This parameter is important for trajectory files." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00028", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00028", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 28 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMaxTransmittedTemperature_mdegC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00028", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Optode temperature measurements (in milli-DegC)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00143", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00143", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 143 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureActivationTimeout_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00143", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The pressure activation phase starts after the first successful auto-test and ends (with the start of the float mission) at the end of the CONFIG_PressureActivationTimeout_seconds period. During this phase the float checks the external pressure and can start its mission as soon as a CONFIG_PressureActivation_dbar pressure is measured." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00030", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00030", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 30 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CTDPumpStopPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00030", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The pressure at which the CTD pump is switched off. As the float ascends, the code looks at the pressure and if <= CONFIG_CTDPumpStopPressure, the CTD is turned off. CTDPumpStopPressure is a firmware threshold and as such, data may continue to be collected for a limited span after the threshold is recognized. Especially in floats that return high resolution discrete data, there might be data collected shallower than the cut off, due to the discrete nature of the pressure data and also due to the time necessary for the firmware to turn off the CTD once the pressure threshold is reached. For example for SOLOII floats the CTD is switched off at 1dbar, and typically the shallowest data is from 0.5 to 0.8 dbar. This shallow data should be carefully assessed for its validity." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00096", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00096", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 96 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InAirMeasurementNumberOfSamples_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00096", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of measurements sampled before and after inflating the air bladder for the sensor during the \"in air measurement\" phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00092", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00092", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 92 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionFirstTelemetryDay_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00092", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "First day of the year during which telemetry is attempted during the Surface phase. When the float surfaces on a day that is not specified, it does not attempt telemetry and immediately begins the Park Descent phase for the next profiling cycle. TelemetryDays are specified with a start day and an end day. The start day is the first day of the transmit season for the year. The end day is the last day of the transmit season for the year. A setting of 0 0 disables TelemetryDays, and the float attempts telemetry during each Surface Phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00111", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00111", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 111 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MissionPreludeAutoTest_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00111", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "If set to \"yes\", the float will transition to the Park Descent phase at the end of the period determined by CONFIG_MissionPreludeTime_hours only if the self test passes. If the self test fails, the float will go into Emergency mode. If set to \"no\", the float will transition to the Park Descent phase whether or not the self test passes. In addition, the test results, pass or fail, will be logged to the system_log.txt file." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00196", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00196", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 196 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SurfaceTimeOut_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00196", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "time spent on the surface (surface drift) - example 10 for a 10 hour surface drift, for NEMO(Iridium) the definition for this variable is: the time limit for staying at the surface, i.e. maximum surface time. This parameter is set for SOLOII, surface time duration is calculated for APEX and may not need to be reported." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00164", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00164", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 164 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceForStabilisationAtProfileDepth_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00164", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval for float stabilisation at profile depth (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00049", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00049", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 49 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DownTimeAutumnWinter_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00049", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset duration of the down time (start of descent to start of ascent) specific to the autumn/winter period. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00091", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00091", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 91 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionMaxCycles_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00091", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The maximum number of Ice Descent and Ice Ascent cycles the float will perform when it is unable to perform telemetry. When it has completed the specified number of cycles, the float will continue with the next profiling cycle.Range: 0–24 cyclesIf IceDescentCycles is disabled, the float will try to detect an ice cap if it cannot find the sky. If IceDescentCycles is enabled, the float will not try to detect the ice cap and will operate in accordance with “Ice Descent and Ice Ascent Cycles” where it tries to drift out from under an ice cap." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00055", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00055", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 55 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_NitrateSampling_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00055", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Nitrate sampling flag. Values:<0:enable; 0:disable; >0:enable and initialize" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00145", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00145", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 145 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureBladderTarget_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00145", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Target bladder pressure - units could be COUNT. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00032", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00032", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 32 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CTDPumpStopPressurePlusThreshold_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00032", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The sum of CONFIG_CTDPumpStopPressure_dbar plus a pressure threshold or overlap (Poverlap). For PROVOR floats, Poverlap is defined as follows: Poverlap = bin_size/2 for PROVOR floats with software versions < 5816A00 and ARVOR floats with software versions < 5605A00.Poverlap = 0.5 dbar for PROVOR floats with software versions >= 5816A00 and ARVOR floats with software versions >=5605A00." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00012", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00012", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 12 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FirstValidSample_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00012", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Rank of the first valid sample provided by the (0 is the rank of the first sample)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00094", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00094", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 94 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionTelemetryTimeout_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00094", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The amount of time in minutes allowed for the float to complete telemetry. A setting of 0 disables IceTelemetryTimeout, and the time available is instead determined by the remaining UpTime of the Ascent phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00198", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00198", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 198 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SurfaceValveMaxTimeAdditionalActions_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00198", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum duration of the additional valve actions performed at the surface during the buoyancy reduction phase (in centi-seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00065", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00065", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 65 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TimePressureOffset_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00065", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time interval between and pressure measurements due to the fact that the answer is not simultaneous with the CTD/pressure answer" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00180", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00180", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 180 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileWhereChangePistonPosition_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00180", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Use last piston position until this profile number. Can only go in phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00008", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00008", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 8 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentSpeedMin_mm/s" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00008", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Float minimum ascent speed before activating the pump." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00050", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00050", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 50 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DownTimeExpiryTimeOfDay_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00050", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "a time-out value (time of day, i.e. in minutes past midnight) for expiration of the down time" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00176", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00176", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 176 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfilePressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00176", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "profile pressure - this may change if the float is reprogrammed and must be reported in the mission configuration settings" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00034", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00034", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 34 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DebugBits_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00034", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Awaiting clarification. A request is in with Webb for more information" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00014", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00014", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 14 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CtdMaxTransmittedPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00014", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Ctd pressure measurements (in dbar)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00096", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00096", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 96", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InAirMeasurementSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00096", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period during the \"in air measurement\" phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00067", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00067", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 67 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SetClockSensorCard_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00067", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "When the float Real Time Clock is set, also set the clock of the measurement card." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00182", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00182", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 182 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PumpActionMaxTimeAscent_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00182", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum duration of a pump action during ascent (in centi-seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00208", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00208", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 208 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TimeDelayAfterEndOfAscentPressureThreshold_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00208", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "At the end of the ascent phase, when the float detects a given pressure (Ex: 6 dbar) it waits for this time delay before starting the pump for the final buoyancy acquisition." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00062", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00062", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 62", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GroundingModeDeepZoneThickness_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00062", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "In case of grounding during the \"descent to profile depth\" phase, this parameter (PM18 in float user manual) defines the thickness of a new deep zone (from profile start pressure) for the purpose of data reduction. The thickness of the slices is 1 dbar in this zone. Should be set to 0 to disable this function." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00026", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00026", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 26 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMaxTransmittedDPhase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00026", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Optode D phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00149", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00149", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 149 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeDescentToParkingDepth_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00149", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The interval in seconds between float samples of the pressure to determine if the Park depth has been reached." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00016", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00016", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 16 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CtdMaxTransmittedTemperature_mdegC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00016", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Ctd temperature measurements (in milli-DegC)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00188", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00188", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 188 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_RecoveryModeActivate_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00188", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Activates or deactivates recovery mode. Recovery mode is operator activated. If activated, the float remains on the surface indefinitely while transmitting its position and log files and downloading new mission and sample configuration parameters if available. If Recovery mode is then deactivated, the float will begin the Park Descent phase of a new mission." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00079", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00079", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 79 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_NumberOfSamplingScheme_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00079", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of sampling schemes defined for the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00069", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00069", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 69 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneDataSynchronizationMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00069", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data of the can be reported as they have been sampled or synchronized with one CTD parameter (PRES or TEMP or PSAL). The synchronization is done with the timely closest sample of the CTD (see float manual for details)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00080", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00080", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 80 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionOilVolumeForFirstValveAction_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00080", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Volume of the first valve action of a buoyancy inversion phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00021", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00021", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 21 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ClockAscentEndTimeProfile3_HHMM" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00021", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Profiler configuration - Ascent end time - Profile 3. The expected time at the surface of Profile 3." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00147", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00147", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 147 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureCheckTimeBuoyancyReductionPhase_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00147", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Period of the pressure checks after each valve action before checking the pressure during the buoyancy reduction phase (in seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00074", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00074", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 74 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionDescentVerticalThresholdToEndBuoyancyInversionPhase_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00074", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "When the cycle is aborted this threshold is used to detect speed inversion and to stop buoyancy inversion phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00018", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00018", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 18 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CtdMaxTransmittedSalinity_mpsu" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00018", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Ctd salinity measurements (in milli-PSU)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00038", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00038", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 38 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_FlntuMinTransmittedTurbidity_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00038", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value of transmitted Flntu turbidity measurements (in counts)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00080", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00080", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 80 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SamplingSchemeStartTime_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00080", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Start time to define the sampling scheme # of the sensor while sampling during the phase of the cycle." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00133", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00133", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 133 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PistonFullExtension_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00133", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": "", + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00082", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00082", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 82 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionOilVolumePerValveAction_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00082", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Valve action duration during the buoyancy inversion phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00221", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00221", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 221 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ValveTimeActionBuoyancyReduction_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00221", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Duration of the valve actions during the second phase of the buoyancy reduction (between CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionFirstThreshold_dbar and CONFIG_BuoyancyReductionSecondThreshold_dbar)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00053", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00053", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 53 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_SunaWithScoop_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00053", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Suna with scoop which redirects flow through Suna optics" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00106", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00106", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 106 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_MaxCycles_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00106", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Applies to PROVOR and ARVOR floats, profiler configuration - Number of cycles before float turns itself off, goes into end of life mode, or into recovery mode. Phase 0." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00033", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00033", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 33 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CycleTime_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00033", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "For APEX and ARVOR floats this is the total duration of one cycle, usually 240 hours (10 days). For SOLO floats this is the total duration of one cycle, assuming that all float operations reach their full time-out intervals before moving to the next float stage. Typically the actual cycle time will be shorter than this value." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00159", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00159", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 159 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceDuringDrift_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00159", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval for float drift at parking or profile depth (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00135", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00135", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 135 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PistonPark_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00135", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset park piston position, in counts" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00002", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00002", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 2 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneSlicesThickness_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00002", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Slices thickness for in the depth zone # (in dbar)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00092", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00092", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 92 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CpAscentPhaseDepthZoneStopPres_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00092", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Stop pressure to define the ascent depth zone # of the sensor used in continuous profiling mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00084", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00084", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 84 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionPumpActionMaxTimeAscent_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00084", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Similar to CONFIG_PumpActionMaxTimeAscent_csec but for a float in ice detection mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00118", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00118", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 118 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OilVolumeMaxPerPumpActionReposition_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00118", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This information is used as a threshold for the pump action duration for reposition in the parking drift interval. The pump flow is known for each float and CONFIG_OilVolumeMaxPerPumpActionReposition_cm^3 is converted to a maxDurationOfPumpActionReposition. When a reposition should be performed, the float computes the needed pump action duration. In some specific cases the result can be a huge pump action duration and the result must be thresholded by maxDurationOfPumpActionReposition." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00160", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00160", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 160 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceDuringDriftAtParkingDepth_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00160", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Defines the target pressure interval for float drift at parking depth (in dbars)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00045", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00045", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 45 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DescentToProfTimeOut_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00045", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "maximum amount of time allowed for the float to descend to Profile pressure from Park pressure. This variable should cover DELAI/DELAY parameter required for trajectory processing." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00009", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00009", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 9 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneDataProcessingMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00009", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data processing output of the in the depth zone # (0 : raw, 1 : average, 7 : average/median/standard deviation)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00051", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00051", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 51 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OcrWavelength_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00051", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Wavelength of Ocr # measurements (in nanometer)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00137", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00137", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 137 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PistonPositionHyperRetraction_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00137", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "For Apex APF11 Iridium floats, Hyper Retraction is used to pull in an amount of oil to temporarily increase a float’s density as it leaves the ocean surface. The result of the increased float density allows a float to move through a mixed density layer more easily or allows a float to descend at a faster rate. In particular, the HyperRetractCount is the temporary piston position used when the float leaves the Surface and starts a ParkDescent." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00004", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00004", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 4 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZoneSamplingPeriod_seconds" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00004", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period of the during in the depth zone # (in minutes)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00098", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00098", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 98 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_InternalCycleLastGregDay_DD" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00098", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Last day to use float cycle duration # (in Gregorian day). (D is a number denoting the internal cycle label)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00086", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00086", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 86", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionSpringInhibitionAscentEnd_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00086", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ice evasion depth for the spring inhibition part of the ISA algorithm. \"Spring inhibition\" is the first step of the ISA algorithm. If the ISA algorithm raised (with the TEMP comparison) a profile evasion in the last CONFIG_IceDetectionSpringInhibitionDelaySinceLastIceEvasion_NUMBER days, the profile is aborted (without entering in the TEMP comparison loop) at CONFIG_IceDetectionSpringInhibitionAscentEnd_dbar." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00004", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00004", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 4 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_AscentEndThreshold_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00004", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Threshold used by the float to stop ascent speed control and pump actions." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00010", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00010", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 10 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_WarmUpTime_msec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00010", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time, needed after the is powered ON, to provide its first sample (in milli-seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00172", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00172", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 172 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ProfileEvasionBrakingFactor_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00172", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This factor defines the oil volume transferred from the external bladder when a profile evasion occurs and the float has to brake. The transferred oil volume is CONFIG_ProfileEvasionAscentSpeedFactor_NUMBER times the oil volume of the last pump action." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00035", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00035", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 35 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DeepestPressureAscendingProfile_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00035", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "deepest pressure sampled in the ascending profile - example 2000 for a profile starting at 2000 dbar" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00057", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00057", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 57 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_GPSImprovedLocation_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00057", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Use the GPS improved location mode. This mode can be used when the float altitude is 0 meter, it provides better locations." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00139", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00139", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 139 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PistonProfile_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00139", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "preset profile piston position, in counts" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00006", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00006", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 6 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DriftAtProfilePresSamplingPeriod_minutes" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00006", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sampling period of the during the drift at profile pressure (in minutes)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00063", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00063", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 63 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_CroverBeamAttenuationBandwidth_nm" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00063", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bandwidth of Crover for Beam attenuation measurements (in nanometer)" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00121", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00121", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 121 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OilVolumeMinPerValveAction_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00121", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This information is used as a threshold for the valve action durations. The valve flow is known for each float and CONFIG_OilVolumeMinPerValveAction_cm^3 is converted to a minDurationOfValveAction. During descent phases the float regularly computes a valve duration to sink to the target depth. In some specific cases the result can be a brief valve action duration and the result must have a minDurationOfValveAction threshold." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00088", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00088", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 88", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionStartPressure_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00088", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Start pressure of the ice detection algorithm. The float collects T and S samples from CONFIG_IceDetectionMixedLayerPMax_dbar (=50dbar) but starts the TEMP comparison at CONFIG_IceDetectionStart_dbar (=20dbar). Thus, the samples collected between 50 and 20 dbar are used for the first TEMP comparison." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00070", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00070", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 70 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetectionAcousticStartPressureThreshold_dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00070", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pressure threshold to start the acoustic ice detection test. Concerning ice detection and avoidance, the float uses 3 algorithms: 1) AC1: it stops profiles at a given depth for given months in the year; 2) ISA: the (well known) ISA algorithm which determines possible ice coverage from TEMP (and PSAL in this case) measurements; 3) AID: the Acoustic Ice Detection which used an acoustic altimeter to detect ice at sea surface]." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00204", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00204", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 204 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_TelemetryMaxRetrySecondary_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00204", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Some float versions have a secondary telemetry system; in this case the float is able to perform an Iridium session (to get one Iridium position) in addition to the RUDICS version used in the main telemetry session specified by CONFIG_TelemetryMaxRetry_COUNT" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00131", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00131", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 131 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_ParkSamplingPeriodSecondary_hours" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00131", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Some floats have two different park sampling periods in a cycle, e.g. 1.5 hours followed by 6 hours. This is the configuration parameter for the secondary sampling period during the park phase following CONFIG_ParkSamplingPeriod_hours. Changeable via 2-way communications." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00016", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00016", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 16 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_BuoyancyNudgeToPark_COUNT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00016", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The number of counts to change the piston position from its current position in the direction that will bring the float closer to the Park depth. It is applied after three successive pressure samples that are outside the dead band specified by CONFIG_PressureTargetToleranceDuringDrift_dbar." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00022", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00022", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 22 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OptodeMaxTransmittedC2Phase_angularDeg" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00022", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value of transmitted Optode C2 phase measurements (in degrees)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00037", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00037", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 37 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DeepProfileFirstFloat_LOGICAL" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00037", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Some APEX floats are set to do a \"profile on deployment\". This means that when the float is deployed it skips the drift phase at the PARKING depth and sinks directly to the PROFILE depth and starts ascending for the first profile. Independent of the Park and Profile cycle length, the first profile is always a Deep Profile that begins at the Profile Depth. This means the float returns a CTD profile relatively soon, typically less than a day, after the float is deployed. This feature supports comparison of the initial float profile with a conventional CTD cast from the ship. The result is that the first cycle is of shorter duration with a profile depth equal to PROFILE configuration pressure (regardless of the CONFIG_ParkAndProfileCycleCounter_COUNT configuration information). (Yes = 1, No = 0)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00008", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CB00008", + "skos:altLabel": "BGC Config 8 - Mandatory", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 19:58:02.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_DepthZonePowerAcquisitionMode_NUMBER" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CB00008", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Power acquisition mode of the in the depth zone # (0 : none, 2 : pulsed, 3 : continuous)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00184", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00184", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 184 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_PumpActionMaxTimeReposition_csec" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00184", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum duration of the pump action for a drift readjustment (in centi-seconds)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00069", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00069", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 69 - Mandatory (if applies)", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_IceDetection_degC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00069", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ice temperature in [degree Celsius/1e3] where profiles are aborted because of ice formation conditions" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00123", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R18::CC00123", + "skos:altLabel": "Core Config 123 - Optional", + "dc:date": "2023-05-02 16:34:05.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "CONFIG_OilVolumePerPumpActionDescent_cm^3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R18::CC00123", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Nominal oil volume of each pump action during descent (when the float brakes because of a too fast descent speed)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "List of float configuration settings selected by the float Principal Investigator (PI). Configuration parameters may or may not be reported by the float, and do not constitute float measurements. Configuration parameters selected for a float are stored in the float '' file, under CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME. Each configuration parameter name has an associated value, stored in CONFIG_PARAMETER_VALUE. Argo netCDF variable CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME is populated by R18 prefLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo configuration parameter names", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo configuration parameter names", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2023-05-03 03:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre" + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" + } +} diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/49fb14861dcc61e983b008996f601ea8b4314e46653e2af2381a9c289f551221.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/49fb14861dcc61e983b008996f601ea8b4314e46653e2af2381a9c289f551221.json index 024de7db..292d71b0 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/49fb14861dcc61e983b008996f601ea8b4314e46653e2af2381a9c289f551221.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/49fb14861dcc61e983b008996f601ea8b4314e46653e2af2381a9c289f551221.json @@ -1,504 +1,558 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-05-04 03:00:04.0", - "description" : "Profile sampling schemes and sampling methods. Argo netCDF variable VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME is populated by R16 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo vertical sampling schemes", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo vertical sampling schemes" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::BOAVE", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::BOAVE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BOAVE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bounce sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used. The bounce sampling scheme is composed of profiles with N_PROF>1 collected on multiple rises and falls during a single cycle. The profiles are temporally offset from each other and/or the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Bounce sampling scheme profiles can be sampled with the Primary CTD or with auxiliary sensors." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::BOAVE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bounce sampling: averaged" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSMIXUP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::NSMIXUP", + "skos:altLabel": "NSMIXUP", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling: mixed, unpumped" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSMIXUP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from an unpumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::SECDIS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::SECDIS", + "skos:altLabel": "SECDIS", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Secondary sampling: discrete" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::SECDIS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Secondary sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used. The secondary sampling profile has N_PROF>1, and is composed of measurements that are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Measurements can be taken by the Primary CTD or by auxiliary sensors." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSAVGP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::NSAVGP", + "skos:altLabel": "NSAVGP", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling: averaged, pumped" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSAVGP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from a pumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSMIXP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::NSMIXP", + "skos:altLabel": "NSMIXP", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling: mixed, pumped" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSMIXP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from a pumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::BOAVE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::BOAVE", + "skos:altLabel": "BOAVE", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bounce sampling: averaged" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::BOAVE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bounce sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used. The bounce sampling scheme is composed of profiles with N_PROF>1 collected on multiple rises and falls during a single cycle. The profiles are temporally offset from each other and/or the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Bounce sampling scheme profiles can be sampled with the Primary CTD or with auxiliary sensors." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::BODIS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::BODIS", + "skos:altLabel": "BODIS", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bounce sampling: discrete" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::BODIS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bounce sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used. The bounce sampling scheme is composed of profiles with N_PROF>1 collected on multiple rises and falls during a single cycle. The profiles are temporally offset from each other and/or the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Bounce sampling scheme profiles can be sampled with the Primary CTD or with auxiliary sensors." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSAVGUP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::NSAVGUP", + "skos:altLabel": "NSAVGUP", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling: averaged, unpumped" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSAVGUP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from an unpumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSDISUP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::NSDISUP", + "skos:altLabel": "NSDISUP", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling: discrete, unpumped" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSDISUP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from an unpumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::SECAVG", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::SECAVG", + "skos:altLabel": "SECAVG", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Secondary sampling: averaged" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::SECAVG", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Secondary sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used. The secondary sampling profile has N_PROF>1, and is composed of measurements that are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Measurements can be taken by the Primary CTD or by auxiliary sensors." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSDISP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::NSDISP", + "skos:altLabel": "NSDISP", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling: discrete, pumped" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::NSDISP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from a pumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::PRAVG", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::PRAVG", + "skos:altLabel": "PRAVG", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Primary sampling: averaged" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::PRAVG", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Primary sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used. The primary sampling profile has N_PROF=1, and is composed of primary CTD measurements. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. This sampling scheme can also be applied to measurements from auxiliary sensors obtained by the 'averaged' sampling method and taken at the same pressure levels as the Primary CTD profile. For auxiliary sensor measurements it is not required that all pressure levels contain data." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::PRDIS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::PRDIS", + "skos:altLabel": "PRDIS", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Primary sampling: discrete" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::PRDIS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Primary sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used. The primary sampling profile has N_PROF=1, and is composed of primary CTD measurements. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. This sampling scheme can also be applied to measurements from auxiliary sensors obtained by the 'discrete' sampling method and taken at the same pressure levels as the Primary CTD profile. For auxiliary sensor measurements it is not required that all pressure levels contain data." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::SECMIX", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::SECMIX", + "skos:altLabel": "SECMIX", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Secondary sampling: mixed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::SECMIX", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Secondary sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used. The secondary sampling profile has N_PROF>1, and is composed of measurements that are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Measurements can be taken by the Primary CTD or by auxiliary sensors." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::PRMIX", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::PRMIX", + "skos:altLabel": "PRMIX", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Primary sampling: mixed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::PRMIX", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Primary sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used. The primary sampling profile has N_PROF=1, and is composed of primary CTD measurements. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. This sampling scheme can also be applied to measurements from auxiliary sensors obtained by the 'mixed' sampling method and taken at the same pressure levels as the Primary CTD profile. For auxiliary sensor measurements it is not required that all pressure levels contain data." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R16::BOMIX", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R16::BOMIX", + "skos:altLabel": "BOMIX", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bounce sampling: mixed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R16::BOMIX", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bounce sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used. The bounce sampling scheme is composed of profiles with N_PROF>1 collected on multiple rises and falls during a single cycle. The profiles are temporally offset from each other and/or the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Bounce sampling scheme profiles can be sampled with the Primary CTD or with auxiliary sensors." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Profile sampling schemes and sampling methods. Argo netCDF variable VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME is populated by R16 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo vertical sampling schemes", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo vertical sampling schemes", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-05-04 03:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::BODIS", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::BODIS", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BODIS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bounce sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used. The bounce sampling scheme is composed of profiles with N_PROF>1 collected on multiple rises and falls during a single cycle. The profiles are temporally offset from each other and/or the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Bounce sampling scheme profiles can be sampled with the Primary CTD or with auxiliary sensors." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::BODIS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bounce sampling: discrete" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::BOMIX", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::BOMIX", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BOMIX", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bounce sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used. The bounce sampling scheme is composed of profiles with N_PROF>1 collected on multiple rises and falls during a single cycle. The profiles are temporally offset from each other and/or the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Bounce sampling scheme profiles can be sampled with the Primary CTD or with auxiliary sensors." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::BOMIX", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bounce sampling: mixed" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSAVGP", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSAVGP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NSAVGP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from a pumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::NSAVGP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling: averaged, pumped" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSAVGUP", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSAVGUP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NSAVGUP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from an unpumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::NSAVGUP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling: averaged, unpumped" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSDISP", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSDISP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NSDISP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from a pumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::NSDISP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling: discrete, pumped" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSDISUP", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSDISUP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NSDISUP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from an unpumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::NSDISUP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling: discrete, unpumped" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSMIXP", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSMIXP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NSMIXP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from a pumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::NSMIXP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling: mixed, pumped" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSMIXUP", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::NSMIXUP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NSMIXUP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used, and measurements obtained from an unpumped CTD stream. The near-surface sampling profile has N_PROF>1. It is composed of measurements focusing on the top 5 dbar of the water column, which may extend deeper so as to overlap with the primary sampling profile for the purpose of cross-calibration. These measurements are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Primary sampling profiles measuring above 5 dbar should not be labelled with this sampling scheme." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::NSMIXUP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface sampling: mixed, unpumped" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::PRAVG", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::PRAVG", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PRAVG", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Primary sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used. The primary sampling profile has N_PROF=1, and is composed of primary CTD measurements. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. This sampling scheme can also be applied to measurements from auxiliary sensors obtained by the 'averaged' sampling method and taken at the same pressure levels as the Primary CTD profile. For auxiliary sensor measurements it is not required that all pressure levels contain data." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::PRAVG", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Primary sampling: averaged" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::PRDIS", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::PRDIS", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PRDIS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Primary sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used. The primary sampling profile has N_PROF=1, and is composed of primary CTD measurements. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. This sampling scheme can also be applied to measurements from auxiliary sensors obtained by the 'discrete' sampling method and taken at the same pressure levels as the Primary CTD profile. For auxiliary sensor measurements it is not required that all pressure levels contain data." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::PRDIS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Primary sampling: discrete" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::PRMIX", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::PRMIX", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PRMIX", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Primary sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used. The primary sampling profile has N_PROF=1, and is composed of primary CTD measurements. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. This sampling scheme can also be applied to measurements from auxiliary sensors obtained by the 'mixed' sampling method and taken at the same pressure levels as the Primary CTD profile. For auxiliary sensor measurements it is not required that all pressure levels contain data." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::PRMIX", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Primary sampling: mixed" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::SECAVG", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::SECAVG", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SECAVG", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Secondary sampling scheme for which the 'averaged' sampling method was used. The secondary sampling profile has N_PROF>1, and is composed of measurements that are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'averaged' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from binned averages of multiple data measurements (pollings) from a sensor. Measurements can be taken by the Primary CTD or by auxiliary sensors." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::SECAVG", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Secondary sampling: averaged" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::SECDIS", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::SECDIS", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SECDIS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Secondary sampling scheme for which the 'discrete' sampling method was used. The secondary sampling profile has N_PROF>1, and is composed of measurements that are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'discrete' sampling method refers to profiles where each data point was obtained from a single measurement (polling) from a sensor. Measurements can be taken by the Primary CTD or by auxiliary sensors." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::SECDIS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Secondary sampling: discrete" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R16::SECMIX", - "date" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R16::SECMIX", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 20:29:08.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SECMIX", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Secondary sampling scheme for which the 'mixed' sampling method was used. The secondary sampling profile has N_PROF>1, and is composed of measurements that are taken at pressure levels different from the primary sampling profile, or obtained by a sampling method different from that of the primary sampling profile. The 'mixed' sampling method refers to profiles composed of data points obtained by both the 'averaged' and 'discrete' sampling methods. Measurements can be taken by the Primary CTD or by auxiliary sensors." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R16::SECMIX", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Secondary sampling: mixed" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/4c78a777b4e4af13aef1f9139ceb5fddad753bfcd7246425d6448e5262655bd2.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/4c78a777b4e4af13aef1f9139ceb5fddad753bfcd7246425d6448e5262655bd2.json index 7da1276d..196d3b57 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/4c78a777b4e4af13aef1f9139ceb5fddad753bfcd7246425d6448e5262655bd2.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/4c78a777b4e4af13aef1f9139ceb5fddad753bfcd7246425d6448e5262655bd2.json @@ -1,4711 +1,6063 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "MEASUREMENT_CODE_ID", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2021-12-01 02:00:02.0", - "description" : "Measurement code IDs used in Argo Trajectory netCDF files. Argo netCDF variable MEASUREMENT_CODE is populated by R15 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo trajectory measurement code identifiers", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MEASUREMENT_CODE_ID", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo trajectory measurement code identifiers" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::0", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::0", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "0", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Launch time and location of the float." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Launch time" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::687", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::687", + "skos:altLabel": "687", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::687", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (TST-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::435", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::435", + "skos:altLabel": "435", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::435", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DPST-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::810", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::810", + "skos:altLabel": "810", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET+10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::810", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any in-water samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken prior to air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::690", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::690", + "skos:altLabel": "690", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::690", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards TST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::499", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::499", + "skos:altLabel": "499", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::499", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards AST (see AST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::248", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::248", + "skos:altLabel": "248", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::248", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards PST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::239", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::239", + "skos:altLabel": "239", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::239", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::444", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::444", + "skos:altLabel": "444", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::444", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DPST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::148", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::148", + "skos:altLabel": "148", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::148", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards FST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::289", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::289", + "skos:altLabel": "289", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::289", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::485", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::485", + "skos:altLabel": "485", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::485", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (AST-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::696", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::696", + "skos:altLabel": "696", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::696", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to TST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::600", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::600", + "skos:altLabel": "600", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::600", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at the end of ascent." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::790", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::790", + "skos:altLabel": "790", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::790", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards TET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::90", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::90", + "skos:altLabel": "90", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::90", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::140", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::140", + "skos:altLabel": "140", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::140", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards FST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::538", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::538", + "skos:altLabel": "538", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::538", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DAST-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::394", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::394", + "skos:altLabel": "394", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::394", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DDET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::494", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::494", + "skos:altLabel": "494", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::494", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards AST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::146", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::146", + "skos:altLabel": "146", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::146", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to FST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::0", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::0", + "skos:altLabel": "0", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Launch time" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::0", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Launch time and location of the float." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::385", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::385", + "skos:altLabel": "385", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::385", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DDET-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::688", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::688", + "skos:altLabel": "688", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::688", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (TST-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::298", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::298", + "skos:altLabel": "298", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::298", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards PET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::187", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::187", + "skos:altLabel": "187", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::187", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DET-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::711", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::711", + "skos:altLabel": "711", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "LMT+11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::711", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any in-air samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken after in air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::96", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::96", + "skos:altLabel": "96", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::96", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::550", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::550", + "skos:altLabel": "550", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::550", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at the start of the float's ascent from profile pressure to drift pressure. Used for floats that profile on descent and then move back up to drift pressure." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::149", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::149", + "skos:altLabel": "149", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::149", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards FST (see FST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::811", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::811", + "skos:altLabel": "811", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET+11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::811", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any in-air samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken after in air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::389", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::389", + "skos:altLabel": "389", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::389", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::702", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::702", + "skos:altLabel": "702", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FMT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::702", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Earliest time of all messages received by telecommunications system - may or may not have a location fix." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::87", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::87", + "skos:altLabel": "87", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::87", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DST-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::500", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::500", + "skos:altLabel": "500", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::500", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at the start of the float's ascent to the surface." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::198", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::198", + "skos:altLabel": "198", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::198", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::436", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::436", + "skos:altLabel": "436", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::436", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DPST-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::275", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::275", + "skos:altLabel": "275", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RAFOS" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::275", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RAFOS positions and times determined during drift." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::697", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::697", + "skos:altLabel": "697", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::697", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards TST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::700", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::700", + "skos:altLabel": "700", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::700", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time and location of the start of transmission for the float." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::196", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::196", + "skos:altLabel": "196", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::196", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::189", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::189", + "skos:altLabel": "189", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::189", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::545", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::545", + "skos:altLabel": "545", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::545", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards DAST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::799", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::799", + "skos:altLabel": "799", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::799", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards TET (see TET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::85", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::85", + "skos:altLabel": "85", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::85", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DST-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::902", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::902", + "skos:altLabel": "902", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time before recovery" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::902", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Last time before float recovery. For floats that have been recovered, it is important to know when this occurred. This time in the JULD array will be the last time before the float was recovered. Determined by inspection of data." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::597", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::597", + "skos:altLabel": "597", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::597", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards AET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::398", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::398", + "skos:altLabel": "398", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::398", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DDET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::400", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::400", + "skos:altLabel": "400", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::400", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at time when float first approaches within 3% of the eventual deep drift/profile pressure. This variable is based on pressure only and can be measured or estimated." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::539", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::539", + "skos:altLabel": "539", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::539", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::395", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::395", + "skos:altLabel": "395", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::395", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards DDET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::586", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::586", + "skos:altLabel": "586", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::586", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (AET-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::249", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::249", + "skos:altLabel": "249", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::249", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards PST (see PST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::547", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::547", + "skos:altLabel": "547", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::547", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DAST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::588", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::588", + "skos:altLabel": "588", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::588", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (AET-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::445", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::445", + "skos:altLabel": "445", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::445", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards DPST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::386", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::386", + "skos:altLabel": "386", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::386", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DDET-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::788", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::788", + "skos:altLabel": "788", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::788", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (TET-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::135", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::135", + "skos:altLabel": "135", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::135", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (FST-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::486", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::486", + "skos:altLabel": "486", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::486", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (AST-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::138", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::138", + "skos:altLabel": "138", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::138", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (FST-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::94", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::94", + "skos:altLabel": "94", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::94", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::97", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::97", + "skos:altLabel": "97", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::97", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::447", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::447", + "skos:altLabel": "447", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::447", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DPST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::488", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::488", + "skos:altLabel": "488", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::488", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (AST-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::703", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::703", + "skos:altLabel": "703", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FMT+1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::703", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Surface times and locations (if available) during surface drift. Should be listed in chronological order." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::595", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::595", + "skos:altLabel": "595", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::595", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards AET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::88", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::88", + "skos:altLabel": "88", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::88", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DST-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::245", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::245", + "skos:altLabel": "245", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::245", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards PST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::785", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::785", + "skos:altLabel": "785", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::785", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (TET-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::286", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::286", + "skos:altLabel": "286", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::286", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (PET-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::100", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::100", + "skos:altLabel": "100", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::100", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made when float leaves the surface, beginning descent." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::501", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::501", + "skos:altLabel": "501", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST+1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::501", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Down-time end time: end date of the down-time parameter reported by APEX floats." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::199", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::199", + "skos:altLabel": "199", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::199", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards DET (see DET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::496", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::496", + "skos:altLabel": "496", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::496", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to AST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::794", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::794", + "skos:altLabel": "794", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::794", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards TET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::438", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::438", + "skos:altLabel": "438", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::438", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DPST-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::797", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::797", + "skos:altLabel": "797", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::797", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards TET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::296", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::296", + "skos:altLabel": "296", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::296", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to PET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::236", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::236", + "skos:altLabel": "236", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::236", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (PST-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::299", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::299", + "skos:altLabel": "299", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::299", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards PET (see PET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::495", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::495", + "skos:altLabel": "495", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::495", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards AST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::147", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::147", + "skos:altLabel": "147", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::147", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards FST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::685", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::685", + "skos:altLabel": "685", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::685", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (TST-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::598", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::598", + "skos:altLabel": "598", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::598", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards AET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::611", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::611", + "skos:altLabel": "611", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET+11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::611", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any in-air samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken after in air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::240", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::240", + "skos:altLabel": "240", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::240", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards PST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::610", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::610", + "skos:altLabel": "610", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET+10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::610", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any in-water samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken prior to air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::689", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::689", + "skos:altLabel": "689", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::689", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::188", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::188", + "skos:altLabel": "188", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::188", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DET-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::548", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::548", + "skos:altLabel": "548", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::548", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DAST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::450", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::450", + "skos:altLabel": "450", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::450", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at time when float transitions to a deep park drift mission. This variable is only defined if the float enters a deep drift phase (i.e. DPST not defined in cases of constant deep pressure due to bottom hits, or buoyancy issues)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::589", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::589", + "skos:altLabel": "589", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::589", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::537", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::537", + "skos:altLabel": "537", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::537", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DAST-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::387", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::387", + "skos:altLabel": "387", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::387", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DDET-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::144", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::144", + "skos:altLabel": "144", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::144", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards FST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::150", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::150", + "skos:altLabel": "150", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::150", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at time when a float first becomes water-neutral." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::800", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::800", + "skos:altLabel": "800", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::800", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time and location of the end of transmission for the float." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::185", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::185", + "skos:altLabel": "185", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::185", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DET-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::235", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::235", + "skos:altLabel": "235", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::235", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (PST-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::238", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::238", + "skos:altLabel": "238", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::238", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (PST-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::535", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::535", + "skos:altLabel": "535", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::535", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DAST-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::448", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::448", + "skos:altLabel": "448", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::448", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DPST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::489", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::489", + "skos:altLabel": "489", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::489", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::695", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::695", + "skos:altLabel": "695", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::695", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards TST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::194", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::194", + "skos:altLabel": "194", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::194", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::437", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::437", + "skos:altLabel": "437", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::437", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DPST-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::246", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::246", + "skos:altLabel": "246", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::246", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to PST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::699", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::699", + "skos:altLabel": "699", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::699", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards TST (see TST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::701", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::701", + "skos:altLabel": "701", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST+1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::701", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Transmission start time directly transmitted by an APEX float." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::540", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::540", + "skos:altLabel": "540", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::540", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DAST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::287", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::287", + "skos:altLabel": "287", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::287", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (PET-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::502", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::502", + "skos:altLabel": "502", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST+2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::502", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Ascent start time directly transmitted by APEX floats." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::698", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::698", + "skos:altLabel": "698", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::698", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards TST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::197", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::197", + "skos:altLabel": "197", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::197", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::704", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::704", + "skos:altLabel": "704", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "LMT" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::704", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Latest time of all messages received by telecommunications system - may or may not have a location fix." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::203", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::203", + "skos:altLabel": "203", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET+3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::203", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Deepest bin reached during descending profile." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::390", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::390", + "skos:altLabel": "390", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::390", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DDET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::497", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::497", + "skos:altLabel": "497", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::497", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards AST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::546", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::546", + "skos:altLabel": "546", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::546", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DAST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::439", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::439", + "skos:altLabel": "439", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::439", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::396", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::396", + "skos:altLabel": "396", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::396", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DDET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::295", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::295", + "skos:altLabel": "295", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::295", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards PET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::237", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::237", + "skos:altLabel": "237", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::237", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (PST-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::86", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::86", + "skos:altLabel": "86", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::86", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DST-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::903", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::903", + "skos:altLabel": "903", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "APEX pressure offset" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::903", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pressure offset used to correct APEX pressure measurements." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::399", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::399", + "skos:altLabel": "399", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::399", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards DDET (see DDET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::89", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::89", + "skos:altLabel": "89", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::89", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::244", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::244", + "skos:altLabel": "244", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::244", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards PST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::587", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::587", + "skos:altLabel": "587", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::587", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (AET-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::686", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::686", + "skos:altLabel": "686", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::686", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (TST-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::901", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::901", + "skos:altLabel": "901", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grounded" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::901", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grounded flag. Configuration phase." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::440", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::440", + "skos:altLabel": "440", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::440", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DPST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::397", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::397", + "skos:altLabel": "397", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::397", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DDET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::200", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::200", + "skos:altLabel": "200", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::200", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at time when float first approaches within 3% of the eventual drift pressure. Float may be transitioning from the surface or from a deep profile. This variable is based on measured or estimated pressure only In the case of a float that overshoots the drift pressure on descent, DET is the time of the overshoot." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::786", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::786", + "skos:altLabel": "786", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::786", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (TET-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::446", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::446", + "skos:altLabel": "446", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::446", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DPST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::285", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::285", + "skos:altLabel": "285", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::285", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (PET-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::710", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::710", + "skos:altLabel": "710", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "LMT+10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::710", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any in-water samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken prior to air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::694", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::694", + "skos:altLabel": "694", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TST-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::694", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards TST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::789", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::789", + "skos:altLabel": "789", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::789", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::195", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::195", + "skos:altLabel": "195", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::195", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards DET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::549", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::549", + "skos:altLabel": "549", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::549", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards DAST (see DAST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::137", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::137", + "skos:altLabel": "137", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::137", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (FST-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::136", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::136", + "skos:altLabel": "136", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::136", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (FST-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::388", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::388", + "skos:altLabel": "388", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DDET-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::388", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DDET-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::290", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::290", + "skos:altLabel": "290", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::290", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards PET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::487", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::487", + "skos:altLabel": "487", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::487", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (AST-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::139", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::139", + "skos:altLabel": "139", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-11" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::139", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::95", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::95", + "skos:altLabel": "95", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::95", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards DST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::590", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::590", + "skos:altLabel": "590", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::590", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards AET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::250", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::250", + "skos:altLabel": "250", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::250", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at time when float transitions to its Park or Drift mission. This variable is based on float logic based on a descent timer (i.e. SOLO), or be based on measurements of pressure (i.e. PROVOR)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::186", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::186", + "skos:altLabel": "186", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::186", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DET-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::98", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::98", + "skos:altLabel": "98", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::98", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::99", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::99", + "skos:altLabel": "99", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DST-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::99", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards DST (see DST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::796", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::796", + "skos:altLabel": "796", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::796", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to TET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::596", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::596", + "skos:altLabel": "596", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-4" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::596", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any averaged measurements made during transition to AET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::599", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::599", + "skos:altLabel": "599", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::599", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards AET (see AET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::594", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::594", + "skos:altLabel": "594", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::594", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards AET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::101", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::101", + "skos:altLabel": "101", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delayed-mode trajectory file measurement code ID" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::101", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This measurement code is used in the delayed-mode trajectory (TRAJ) file when new cycles have been recovered during delayed-mode operations. This is because the technical (TECH) file, where surface pressure measurements usually belong, is not updated during delayed-mode operations on the TRAJ file. The pressure variable (PRES) should contain the measurement provided by the float (after 5dbar subtraction when needed). For APEX floats, this measurement is used to compute a pressure offset applied to all pressure measurements (see procedure 3.2.1 of Argo QC manual). This offset should be stored in the PRES_ADJUSTED variable. No information should be stored with this measurement code in real-time." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::536", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::536", + "skos:altLabel": "536", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-14" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::536", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DAST-4)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::449", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::449", + "skos:altLabel": "449", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DPST-1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::449", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any single measurement transitioning towards DPST (see DPST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::795", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::795", + "skos:altLabel": "795", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::795", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards TET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::294", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::294", + "skos:altLabel": "294", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::294", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards PET." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::247", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::247", + "skos:altLabel": "247", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PST-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::247", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards PST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::787", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::787", + "skos:altLabel": "787", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-13" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::787", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (TET-3)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::798", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::798", + "skos:altLabel": "798", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "TET-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::798", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards TET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::297", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::297", + "skos:altLabel": "297", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::297", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards PET (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::503", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::503", + "skos:altLabel": "503", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST+3" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::503", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Deepest bin reached during ascending profile." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::300", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::300", + "skos:altLabel": "300", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::300", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All measurements made at time when float exits from its Park or Drift mission. It may next rise to the surface (AST) or sink to profile depth." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::190", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::190", + "skos:altLabel": "190", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DET-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::190", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::288", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::288", + "skos:altLabel": "288", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET-12" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::288", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (PET-2)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::544", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::544", + "skos:altLabel": "544", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "DAST-6" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::544", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DAST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::490", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::490", + "skos:altLabel": "490", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-10" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::490", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards AST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::585", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::585", + "skos:altLabel": "585", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AET-15" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::585", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Any supporting measurements for the median value (AET-5)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::498", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::498", + "skos:altLabel": "498", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "AST-2" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::498", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards AST (e.g. pressure)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::301", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::301", + "skos:altLabel": "301", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PET+1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::301", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Representative Park found either from measurements taken during drift or from metafile information." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R15::145", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R15::145", + "skos:altLabel": "145", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "FST-5" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R15::145", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Median value while float is transitioning towards FST." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Measurement code IDs used in Argo Trajectory netCDF files. Argo netCDF variable MEASUREMENT_CODE is populated by R15 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo trajectory measurement code identifiers", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo trajectory measurement code identifiers", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2021-12-01 02:00:02.0", + "skos:altLabel": "MEASUREMENT_CODE_ID", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "MEASUREMENT_CODE_ID", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre" + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::100", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::100", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "100", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made when float leaves the surface, beginning descent." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::100", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::101", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::101", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "101", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "This measurement code is used in the delayed-mode trajectory (TRAJ) file when new cycles have been recovered during delayed-mode operations. This is because the technical (TECH) file, where surface pressure measurements usually belong, is not updated during delayed-mode operations on the TRAJ file. The pressure variable (PRES) should contain the measurement provided by the float (after 5dbar subtraction when needed). For APEX floats, this measurement is used to compute a pressure offset applied to all pressure measurements (see procedure 3.2.1 of Argo QC manual). This offset should be stored in the PRES_ADJUSTED variable. No information should be stored with this measurement code in real-time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::101", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Delayed-mode trajectory file measurement code ID" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::135", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::135", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "135", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (FST-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::135", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::136", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::136", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "136", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (FST-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::136", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::137", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::137", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "137", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (FST-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::137", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::138", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::138", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "138", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (FST-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::138", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::139", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::139", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "139", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::139", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::140", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::140", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "140", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards FST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::140", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::144", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::144", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "144", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards FST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::144", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::145", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::145", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "145", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards FST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::145", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::146", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::146", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "146", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to FST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::146", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::147", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::147", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "147", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards FST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::147", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::148", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::148", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "148", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards FST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::148", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::149", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::149", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "149", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards FST (see FST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::149", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::150", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::150", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "150", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at time when a float first becomes water-neutral." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::150", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FST" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::185", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::185", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "185", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DET-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::185", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::186", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::186", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "186", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DET-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::186", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::187", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::187", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "187", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DET-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::187", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::188", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::188", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "188", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DET-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::188", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::189", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::189", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "189", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::189", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::190", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::190", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "190", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::190", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::194", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::194", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "194", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::194", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::195", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::195", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "195", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards DET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::195", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::196", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::196", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "196", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::196", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::197", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::197", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "197", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::197", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::198", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::198", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "198", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::198", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::199", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::199", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "199", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards DET (see DET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::199", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::200", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::200", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "200", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at time when float first approaches within 3% of the eventual drift pressure. Float may be transitioning from the surface or from a deep profile. This variable is based on measured or estimated pressure only In the case of a float that overshoots the drift pressure on descent, DET is the time of the overshoot." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::200", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::203", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::203", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "203", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Deepest bin reached during descending profile." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::203", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DET+3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::235", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::235", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "235", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (PST-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::235", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::236", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::236", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "236", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (PST-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::236", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::237", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::237", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "237", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (PST-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::237", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::238", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::238", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "238", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (PST-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::238", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::239", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::239", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "239", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::239", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::240", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::240", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "240", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards PST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::240", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::244", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::244", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "244", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards PST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::244", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::245", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::245", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "245", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards PST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::245", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::246", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::246", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "246", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to PST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::246", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::247", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::247", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "247", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards PST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::247", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::248", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::248", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "248", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards PST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::248", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::249", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::249", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "249", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards PST (see PST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::249", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::250", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::250", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "250", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at time when float transitions to its Park or Drift mission. This variable is based on float logic based on a descent timer (i.e. SOLO), or be based on measurements of pressure (i.e. PROVOR)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::250", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PST" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::275", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::275", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "275", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RAFOS positions and times determined during drift." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::275", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RAFOS" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::285", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::285", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "285", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (PET-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::285", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::286", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::286", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "286", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (PET-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::286", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::287", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::287", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "287", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (PET-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::287", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::288", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::288", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "288", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (PET-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::288", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::289", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::289", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "289", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::289", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::290", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::290", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "290", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards PET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::290", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::294", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::294", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "294", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards PET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::294", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::295", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::295", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "295", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards PET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::295", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::296", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::296", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "296", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to PET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::296", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::297", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::297", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "297", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards PET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::297", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::298", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::298", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "298", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards PET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::298", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::299", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::299", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "299", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards PET (see PET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::299", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::300", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::300", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "300", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at time when float exits from its Park or Drift mission. It may next rise to the surface (AST) or sink to profile depth." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::300", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::301", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::301", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "301", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Representative Park found either from measurements taken during drift or from metafile information." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::301", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "PET+1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::385", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::385", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "385", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DDET-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::385", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::386", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::386", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "386", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DDET-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::386", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::387", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::387", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "387", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DDET-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::387", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::388", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::388", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "388", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DDET-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::388", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::389", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::389", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "389", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::389", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::390", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::390", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "390", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DDET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::390", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::394", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::394", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "394", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DDET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::394", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::395", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::395", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "395", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards DDET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::395", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::396", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::396", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "396", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DDET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::396", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::397", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::397", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "397", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DDET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::397", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::398", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::398", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "398", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DDET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::398", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::399", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::399", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "399", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards DDET (see DDET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::399", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::400", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::400", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "400", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at time when float first approaches within 3% of the eventual deep drift/profile pressure. This variable is based on pressure only and can be measured or estimated." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::400", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DDET" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::435", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::435", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "435", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DPST-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::435", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::436", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::436", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "436", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DPST-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::436", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::437", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::437", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "437", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DPST-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::437", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::438", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::438", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "438", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DPST-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::438", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::439", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::439", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "439", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::439", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::440", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::440", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "440", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DPST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::440", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::444", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::444", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "444", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DPST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::444", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::445", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::445", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "445", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards DPST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::445", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::446", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::446", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "446", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DPST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::446", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::447", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::447", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "447", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DPST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::447", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::448", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::448", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "448", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DPST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::448", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::449", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::449", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "449", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards DPST (see DPST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::449", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::450", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::450", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "450", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at time when float transitions to a deep park drift mission. This variable is only defined if the float enters a deep drift phase (i.e. DPST not defined in cases of constant deep pressure due to bottom hits, or buoyancy issues)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::450", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DPST" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::485", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::485", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "485", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (AST-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::485", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::486", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::486", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "486", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (AST-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::486", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::487", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::487", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "487", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (AST-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::487", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::488", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::488", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "488", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (AST-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::488", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::489", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::489", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "489", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::489", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::490", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::490", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "490", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards AST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::490", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::494", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::494", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "494", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards AST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::494", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::495", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::495", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "495", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards AST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::495", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::496", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::496", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "496", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to AST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::496", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::497", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::497", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "497", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards AST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::497", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::498", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::498", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "498", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards AST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::498", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::499", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::499", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "499", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards AST (see AST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::499", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::500", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::500", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "500", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at the start of the float's ascent to the surface." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::500", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::501", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::501", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "501", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Down-time end time: end date of the down-time parameter reported by APEX floats." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::501", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST+1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::502", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::502", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "502", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ascent start time directly transmitted by APEX floats." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::502", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST+2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::503", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::503", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "503", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Deepest bin reached during ascending profile." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::503", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AST+3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::535", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::535", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "535", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DAST-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::535", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::536", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::536", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "536", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DAST-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::536", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::537", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::537", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "537", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DAST-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::537", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::538", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::538", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "538", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DAST-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::538", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::539", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::539", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "539", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::539", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::540", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::540", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "540", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DAST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::540", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::544", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::544", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "544", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DAST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::544", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::545", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::545", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "545", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards DAST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::545", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::546", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::546", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "546", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DAST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::546", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::547", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::547", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "547", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DAST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::547", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::548", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::548", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "548", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DAST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::548", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::549", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::549", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "549", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards DAST (see DAST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::549", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::550", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::550", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "550", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at the start of the float's ascent from profile pressure to drift pressure. Used for floats that profile on descent and then move back up to drift pressure." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::550", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DAST" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::585", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::585", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "585", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (AET-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::585", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::586", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::586", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "586", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (AET-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::586", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::587", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::587", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "587", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (AET-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::587", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::588", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::588", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "588", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (AET-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::588", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::589", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::589", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "589", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::589", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::590", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::590", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "590", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards AET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::590", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::594", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::594", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "594", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards AET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::594", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::595", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::595", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "595", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards AET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::595", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::596", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::596", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "596", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to AET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::596", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::597", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::597", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "597", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards AET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::597", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::598", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::598", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "598", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards AET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::598", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::599", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::599", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "599", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards AET (see AET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::599", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::600", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::600", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "600", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All measurements made at the end of ascent." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::600", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::610", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::610", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "610", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any in-water samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken prior to air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::610", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET+10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::611", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::611", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "611", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any in-air samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken after in air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::611", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AET+11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::685", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::685", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "685", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (TST-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::685", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::686", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::686", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "686", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (TST-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::686", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::687", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::687", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "687", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (TST-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::687", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::688", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::688", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "688", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (TST-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::688", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::689", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::689", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "689", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::689", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::690", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::690", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "690", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards TST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::690", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::694", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::694", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "694", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards TST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::694", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::695", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::695", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "695", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards TST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::695", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::696", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::696", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "696", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to TST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::696", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::697", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::697", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "697", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards TST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::697", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::698", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::698", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "698", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards TST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::698", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::699", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::699", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "699", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards TST (see TST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::699", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::700", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::700", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "700", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time and location of the start of transmission for the float." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::700", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::701", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::701", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "701", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Transmission start time directly transmitted by an APEX float." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::701", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TST+1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::702", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::702", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "702", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Earliest time of all messages received by telecommunications system - may or may not have a location fix." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::702", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FMT" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::703", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::703", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "703", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Surface times and locations (if available) during surface drift. Should be listed in chronological order." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::703", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "FMT+1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::704", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::704", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "704", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Latest time of all messages received by telecommunications system - may or may not have a location fix." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::704", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "LMT" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::710", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::710", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "710", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any in-water samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken prior to air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::710", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "LMT+10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::711", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::711", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "711", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any in-air samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken after in air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::711", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "LMT+11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::785", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::785", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "785", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (TET-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::785", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::786", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::786", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "786", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (TET-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::786", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::787", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::787", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "787", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (TET-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::787", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::788", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::788", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "788", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (TET-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::788", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::789", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::789", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "789", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::789", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::790", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::790", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "790", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards TET (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::790", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::794", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::794", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "794", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards TET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::794", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::795", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::795", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "795", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards TET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::795", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::796", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::796", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "796", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to TET." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::796", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::797", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::797", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "797", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards TET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::797", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::798", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::798", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "798", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards TET (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::798", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::799", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::799", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "799", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards TET (see TET-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::799", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET-1" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::800", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::800", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "800", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time and location of the end of transmission for the float." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::800", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::810", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::810", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "810", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any in-water samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken prior to air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::810", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET+10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::811", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::811", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "811", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any in-air samples taken as part of a surface sequence (e.g. O2 samples taken after in air-bladder inflation or max buoyancy as part of in-air measurement sequence)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::811", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "TET+11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::85", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::85", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "85", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the median value (DST-5)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::85", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-15" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::86", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::86", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "86", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the average value (DST-4)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::86", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-14" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::87", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::87", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "87", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the minimum value (DST-3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::87", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-13" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::88", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::88", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "88", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any supporting measurements for the maximum value (DST-2)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::88", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-12" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::89", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::89", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "89", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Active adjustment to buoyancy made at this time." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::89", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-11" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::90", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::90", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "90", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any series of measurements recorded while transitioning towards DST (e.g. PROVOR 'spy' measurements, SOLO-II pressure-time pairs, etc)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::90", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-10" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::901", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::901", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "901", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grounded flag. Configuration phase." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::901", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grounded" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::902", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::902", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "902", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Last time before float recovery. For floats that have been recovered, it is important to know when this occurred. This time in the JULD array will be the last time before the float was recovered. Determined by inspection of data." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::902", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time before recovery" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::903", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::903", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "903", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Pressure offset used to correct APEX pressure measurements." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::903", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "APEX pressure offset" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::94", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::94", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "94", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Standard deviation of measurements taken during transition towards DST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::94", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-6" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::95", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::95", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "95", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Median value while float is transitioning towards DST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::95", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-5" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::96", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::96", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "96", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any averaged measurements made during transition to DST." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::96", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-4" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::97", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::97", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "97", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Minimum value while float is transitioning towards DST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::97", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-3" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::98", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::98", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "98", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Maximum value while float is transitioning towards DST (e.g. pressure)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::98", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-2" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R15::99", - "date" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R15::99", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 09:53:34.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "99", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Any single measurement transitioning towards DST (see DST-10 for a 'series' of measurements)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R15::99", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "DST-1" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - 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Developed in partnership with LOV. Mentioned in" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-06-22 12:52:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R28::CB0001", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R28::CB0001", + "skos:altLabel": "N1", + "dc:date": "2023-06-22 12:52:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "N1" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R28::CB0001", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Seabird Navis 1st generation controller board. 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"Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo position accuracy", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "0", - "altLabel" : "POSITION_ACCURACY", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo position accuracy" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::0", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::0", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "0", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos 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"owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Argos location accuracy <500m radius" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::2", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system of less than 500m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::Z", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::Z", + "skos:altLabel": "Z", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Argos invalid location" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::Z", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system cannot be estimated due to invalid location measurements." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::3", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::3", + "skos:altLabel": "3", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Argos location accuracy <250m radius" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system of less than 250m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::E", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::E", + "skos:altLabel": "E", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "GLONASS location accuracy (<10m radius)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::E", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) of less than 10m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::1", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::1", + "skos:altLabel": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Argos location accuracy <1500m radius" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::1", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system of less than 1500m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::U", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::U", + "skos:altLabel": "U", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::U", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from manual computation as not received by the float." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::R", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::R", + "skos:altLabel": "R", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "RAFOS location accuracy" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::R", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from RAFOS positioning system" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::B", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::B", + "skos:altLabel": "B", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Argos no location accuracy estimation (one or two messages received)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::B", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system cannot be estimated as only one or two messages were received." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::I", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::I", + "skos:altLabel": "I", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Iridium location accuracy (<5000m radius)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::I", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from Iridium positioning system of less than 5000m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::F", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::F", + "skos:altLabel": "F", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "GALILEO location accuracy (<10m radius)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::F", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from Galileo positioning system of less than 10m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::0", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::0", + "skos:altLabel": "0", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Argos location accuracy >1500m radius" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::0", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system of over 1500m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::D", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::D", + "skos:altLabel": "D", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Beidou location accuracy (<10m radius)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::D", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated location accuracy radius from BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) of less than 10m" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R05::A", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R05::A", + "skos:altLabel": "A", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Argos no location accuracy estimation (three messages received)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R05::A", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system cannot be estimated as only three messages were received." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Accuracy in latitude and longitude measurements received from the positioning system, grouped by location accuracy classes.", + "dc:title": "Argo position accuracy", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo position accuracy", + "owl:versionInfo": "0", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:47:54.0", + "skos:altLabel": "POSITION_ACCURACY", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "POSITION_ACCURACY", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::1", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::1", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "1", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system of less than 1500m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos location accuracy <1500m radius" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::2", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::2", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system of less than 500m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos location accuracy <500m radius" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::3", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::3", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "3", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system of less than 250m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos location accuracy <250m radius" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::A", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::A", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "A", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system cannot be estimated as only three messages were received." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::A", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos no location accuracy estimation (three messages received)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::B", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::B", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "B", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system cannot be estimated as only one or two messages were received." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::B", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos no location accuracy estimation (one or two messages received)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::D", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::D", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "D", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) of less than 10m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::D", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Beidou location accuracy (<10m radius)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::E", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::E", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "E", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) of less than 10m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::E", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "GLONASS location accuracy (<10m radius)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::F", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::F", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "F", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Galileo positioning system of less than 10m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::F", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "GALILEO location accuracy (<10m radius)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::G", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::G", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "G", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Global Positioning System (GPS) of less than 10m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::G", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "GPS location accuracy (<10m radius)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::H", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::H", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "H", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) of less than 10m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::H", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "GNSS location accuracy (<10m radius)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::I", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::I", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "I", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from Iridium positioning system of less than 5000m" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::I", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Iridium location accuracy (<5000m radius)" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::R", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::R", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "R", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from RAFOS positioning system" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::R", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "RAFOS location accuracy" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::U", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::U", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "U", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy radius from manual computation as not received by the float." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::U", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated location accuracy" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R05::Z", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R05::Z", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Z", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The location accuracy radius from Argos positioning system cannot be estimated due to invalid location measurements." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R05::Z", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos invalid location" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/5f3d1109028808eed08f60733a6f58ab8ec8613345234a67c23eef6341817076.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/5f3d1109028808eed08f60733a6f58ab8ec8613345234a67c23eef6341817076.json index bb8538c7..537749ef 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/5f3d1109028808eed08f60733a6f58ab8ec8613345234a67c23eef6341817076.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/5f3d1109028808eed08f60733a6f58ab8ec8613345234a67c23eef6341817076.json @@ -1,322 +1,320 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "DATA_STATE_INDICATOR", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:45:13.0", - "description" : "Processing stage of the data based on the concatenation of processing level and class indicators. Argo netCDF variable DATA_STATE_INDICATOR is populated by R06 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo data state indicators", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "0", - "altLabel" : "DATA_STATE_INDICATOR", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo data state indicators" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R06::0A", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R06::0A", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "0A", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Data are the raw output from instruments, without calibration, and not necessarily converted to engineering units (Level 0). Moreover, no scrutiny, value judgement or intercomparisons were performed on the data; the records are derived directly from the input with no filtering or sub-sampling (Class A)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R06::0A", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Level 0, class A processing stage" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::3B", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::3B", + "skos:altLabel": "3B", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 3, class B processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::3B", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data have been processed with assumptions about the scales of variability or thermodynamic relationships; the data are normally reduced to regular space, time intervals with enhanced signal to noise (Level 3). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized and evaluated against a defined and documented set of measures; the process is often automated, and the measures are published and widely available (Class B)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::2C", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::2C", + "skos:altLabel": "2C", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 2, class C processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::2C", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized fully including intra-record and intra-dataset comparison and consistency checks; scientists have been involved in the evaluation, and brought latest knowledge to bear; the procedures are published, widely available and widely accepted (Class C)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::1A", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::1A", + "skos:altLabel": "1A", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 1, class A processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::1A", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data have been converted to values independent of detailed instrument knowledge; automated calibrations may have been done; data may not have full geospatial and temporal referencing, but have sufficient information to uniquely reference the data to the point of measurement (Level 1). Moreover, no scrutiny, value judgement or intercomparisons were performed on the data; the records are derived directly from the input with no filtering or sub-sampling (Class A)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::3C", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::3C", + "skos:altLabel": "3C", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 3, class C processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::3C", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data have been processed with assumptions about the scales of variability or thermodynamic relationships; the data are normally reduced to regular space, time intervals with enhanced signal to noise (Level 3). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized fully including intra-record and intra-dataset comparison and consistency checks; scientists have been involved in the evaluation, and brought latest knowledge to bear; the procedures are published, widely available and widely accepted (Class C)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::2CP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::2CP", + "skos:altLabel": "2C+", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 2, class C, subclass + processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::2CP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized fully including intra-record and intra-dataset comparison and consistency checks; scientists have been involved in the evaluation, and brought latest knowledge to bear; the procedures are published, widely available and widely accepted (Class C). In addition, the data are fully quality controlled and peer-reviewed, and are widely accepted as valid; documentation is complete and widely available." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::0A", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::0A", + "skos:altLabel": "0A", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 0, class A processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::0A", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data are the raw output from instruments, without calibration, and not necessarily converted to engineering units (Level 0). Moreover, no scrutiny, value judgement or intercomparisons were performed on the data; the records are derived directly from the input with no filtering or sub-sampling (Class A)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::2BP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::2BP", + "skos:altLabel": "2B+", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 2, class B, subclass + processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::2BP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized and evaluated against a defined and documented set of measures; the process is often automated, and the measures are published and widely available (Class B). In addition, the measures have been tested on independent data sets for completeness and robustness, and are widely accepted (Subclass +)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R06::2B", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R06::2B", + "skos:altLabel": "2B", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Level 2, class B processing stage" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R06::2B", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized and evaluated against a defined and documented set of measures; the process is often automated, and the measures are published and widely available (Class B)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Processing stage of the data based on the concatenation of processing level and class indicators. Argo netCDF variable DATA_STATE_INDICATOR is populated by R06 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo data state indicators", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo data state indicators", + "owl:versionInfo": "0", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:45:13.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DATA_STATE_INDICATOR", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "DATA_STATE_INDICATOR", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R06::1A", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R06::1A", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "1A", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Data have been converted to values independent of detailed instrument knowledge; automated calibrations may have been done; data may not have full geospatial and temporal referencing, but have sufficient information to uniquely reference the data to the point of measurement (Level 1). Moreover, no scrutiny, value judgement or intercomparisons were performed on the data; the records are derived directly from the input with no filtering or sub-sampling (Class A)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R06::1A", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Level 1, class A processing stage" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R06::2B", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R06::2B", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2B", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized and evaluated against a defined and documented set of measures; the process is often automated, and the measures are published and widely available (Class B)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R06::2B", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Level 2, class B processing stage" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R06::2BP", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R06::2BP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2B+", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized and evaluated against a defined and documented set of measures; the process is often automated, and the measures are published and widely available (Class B). In addition, the measures have been tested on independent data sets for completeness and robustness, and are widely accepted (Subclass +)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R06::2BP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Level 2, class B, subclass + processing stage" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R06::2C", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R06::2C", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2C", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized fully including intra-record and intra-dataset comparison and consistency checks; scientists have been involved in the evaluation, and brought latest knowledge to bear; the procedures are published, widely available and widely accepted (Class C)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R06::2C", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Level 2, class C processing stage" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R06::2CP", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R06::2CP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2C+", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Data have complete geospatial and temporal references; information may have been sub-sampled, averaged or compressed in other ways, but no assumptions of scales and variability or thermodynamic relationships have been used in the processing (Level 2). Moreover, the data have been scrutinized fully including intra-record and intra-dataset comparison and consistency checks; scientists have been involved in the evaluation, and brought latest knowledge to bear; the procedures are published, widely available and widely accepted (Class C). 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Argo netCDF variables _QC in 'R' mode and _ADJUSTED_QC in 'A' mode are populated by RR2 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo real-time quality control measurement flags", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "0", - "altLabel" : "RT_QC_FLAG", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo real-time quality control measurement flags" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RR2::0", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RR2::0", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "0", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No real-time quality control (QC) tests were performed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RR2::0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No QC" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RR2::0", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RR2::0", + "skos:altLabel": "0", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No QC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RR2::0", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No real-time quality control (QC) tests were performed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RR2::8", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RR2::8", + "skos:altLabel": "8", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated value" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RR2::8", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated value (interpolated, extrapolated or other estimation)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RR2::2", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RR2::2", + "skos:altLabel": "2", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Probably good data" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RR2::2", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "These measurements are to be used with caution." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RR2::1", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RR2::1", + "skos:altLabel": "1", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Good data" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RR2::1", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "All Argo real-time quality controls (QC) tests passed. 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Data parameter will record FillValue." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RR2::4", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RR2::4", + "skos:altLabel": "4", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bad data" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RR2::4", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "These measurements are not to be used. A flag '4' indicates that a relevant real-time quality control test has failed. A flag '4' may also be assigned for bad measurements that are known to be not adjustable, e.g. due to sensor failure." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RR2::3", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RR2::3", + "skos:altLabel": "3", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Probably bad data that are potentially adjustable" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RR2::3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "These measurements are not to be used without scientific adjustment, e.g. data affected by sensor drift but may be adjusted in delayed-mode." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Quality flag scale for real-time measurements. Argo netCDF variables _QC in 'R' mode and _ADJUSTED_QC in 'A' mode are populated by RR2 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo real-time quality control measurement flags", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo real-time quality control measurement flags", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2024-04-19 03:00:08.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RT_QC_FLAG", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "RT_QC_FLAG", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RR2::1", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RR2::1", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "1", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "All Argo real-time quality-control (QC) tests passed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RR2::1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Good value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RR2::3", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RR2::3", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "3", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bad data that are potentially correctable. Real-time quality control (QC) tests number 15, 16 or 17 failed, while all the other tests passed. These data are not to be used without scientific correction. A flag '3' may be assigned by an operator during additional visual QC for bad data that may be corrected in delayed mode." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RR2::3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Probably bad value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RR2::4", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RR2::4", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "4", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Data have failed one or more of the real-time QC tests, excluding Test 16. A flag '4' may be assigned by an operator during additional visual QC for bad data that are not correctable." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RR2::4", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bad value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RR2::5", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RR2::5", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "5", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value changed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RR2::5", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value changed" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RR2::8", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RR2::8", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "8", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated value (interpolated, extrapolated or other estimation)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RR2::8", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RR2::9", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RR2::9", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "9", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Missing value." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RR2::9", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Missing value" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/78bc3091b4e335a8f3f1929e855477d8684119cc86f9a918fe76893399023615.xml b/argopy/tests/test_data/78bc3091b4e335a8f3f1929e855477d8684119cc86f9a918fe76893399023615.xml index cc4328e6..15cfc1a1 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/78bc3091b4e335a8f3f1929e855477d8684119cc86f9a918fe76893399023615.xml +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/78bc3091b4e335a8f3f1929e855477d8684119cc86f9a918fe76893399023615.xml @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ - - accepted - 1 - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY - SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY - - false - Calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor - DPHASE_DOXY - - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - - Calibrated phase (deg) by optode. - SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY - - + + + Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 380 nm wavelength. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - BBP700 + false + accepted + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 + Raw downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 + + 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - SDN:R03::BBP700 - Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers + + Number of samples in bin (dimensionless). + false - SDN:R03::BBP700 - SDN:R03::BBP700 - Particle backscattering (/m) at 700 nm wavelength. - 1 - accepted - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE + Number of samples in bin + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + NB_SAMPLE + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE + + 1 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE + - - - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY + 1 + SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY + LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 532 nanometers - - 1 - Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 532 nm wavelength. - BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 + Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen + SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY accepted - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 false - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + Light-emitting diode (LED) flashing frequency (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor. + - - Particle beam attenuation (/m) at 660 nm wavelength. - accepted + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - 1 - SDN:R03::CP660 + + Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 555 nm wavelength. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - false - SDN:R03::CP660 - Particle beam attenuation at 660 nanometers - CP660 - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::CP660 - - - SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY false - 2 - SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY - - - 2 - - 2020-05-03 17:42:05.0 - - 2020-05-03 17:42:05.0 - Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F. - Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F - C1PHASE_DOXY accepted - SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY - + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 + Downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 + + 1 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 + - - Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F. - SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY - - 2 - Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F - C2PHASE_DOXY - accepted - - 2 - SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY - SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY - - - false + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-05-03 17:42:33.0 - 2020-05-03 17:42:33.0 - - - + + Raw output signal (hertz) from dissolved oxygen sensor. + false - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 - Downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers - - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 accepted - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 - Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 490 nm wavelength. - + SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY + Frequency reported by oxygen sensor + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + FREQUENCY_DOXY + SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY + 1 - DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 + SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + Raw output signal (volt) from dissolved oxygen sensor. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY + Voltage reported by oxygen sensor 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + VOLTAGE_DOXY + SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY + + 1 + SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY + - - 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 - 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE + 1 + SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE + HUMIDITY_NITRATE + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 - Practical salinity - - - SDN:R03::PSAL - - SDN:R03::PSAL + Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor + SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE accepted false - Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using the UNESCO 1983 algorithm. - PSAL - - SDN:R03::PSAL + + Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor (If > 50% there is a leak) + - 1 - - - Raw downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 412 nm wavelength. + + false + accepted + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412 + Upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers 1 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + UP_RADIANCE412 + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412 + + 1 + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412 + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 + - 1 - Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength. - + Raw fluorescence signal (count) from coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) sensor. + + false accepted - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 - + SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM + Raw fluorescence from coloured dissolved organic matter sensor + 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false + FLUORESCENCE_CDOM + SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM + + 1 + SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM + - - - Raw signal from chlorophyll-a fluorometer - accepted - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 532 nm wavelength. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 + Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 532 nanometers + 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA - Raw fluorescence signal (count) from chlorophyll-a fluorometer. - FLUORESCENCE_CHLA + BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 + + 1 + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532 + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA + + + Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 380 nm wavelength. + + false + accepted + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 + Downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 + + 1 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 + + + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD 1 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD + NB_SAMPLE_CTD + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 1 - SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA + Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD + accepted + false + + Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - - - accepted - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Number of Cyclops sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC + + Particle beam attenuation (/m) at unspecified wavelength. + + false + accepted + SDN:R03::CP + Particle beam attenuation at x nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + CP + SDN:R03::CP + 1 - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC + SDN:R03::CP + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects. - Number of CYCLOPS samples in each pressure bin false - NB_SAMPLE_CYC - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + accepted + SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY + Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported +by the oxygen sensor 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + MOLAR_DOXY + SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY + + 1 + SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY + - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE 1 + SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE + TEMP_NITRATE + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 1 + Internal temperature of the nitrate sensor + SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE + accepted + false + + Internal temperature (degC) of the nitrate sensor + + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + Raw output signal (volt) from pH sensor, equating to the potential between the transistor source and the reference electrode. + false - SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE accepted - - Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor + SDN:R03::VRS_PH + Voltage difference between reference and source from pH sensor 1 - SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE - - SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor (If > 50% there is a leak) - - HUMIDITY_NITRATE + VRS_PH + SDN:R03::VRS_PH + + 1 + SDN:R03::VRS_PH + - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 490 nm wavelength. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490 + Upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + UP_RADIANCE490 + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490 + + 1 + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490 + + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM + 1 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM + NB_SAMPLE_STM + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + 1 + Number of STM samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM accepted - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS - Number of In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). false - Number of ISUS samples in each pressure bin - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + Number of Seapoint Turbidity Meter (STM) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + + + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET 1 - NB_SAMPLE_ISUS + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET + NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 1 - + Number of DURAFET samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET + accepted + false + + Number of Durafet pH sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + - Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength. - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false - Raw upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers - - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443 - RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443 - 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443 SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443 + RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 1 + Raw upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443 + accepted + false + + Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength. + - - SDN:R03::CNDC + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on backscattering meter and/or fluorometer. - - CNDC + false + accepted + SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA + Thermistor signal from backsacttering meter and/or fluorometer 1 - 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + TEMP_CPU_CHLA + SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA + 1 - SDN:R03::CNDC + SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA + + + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 - SDN:R03::CNDC - accepted + + Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using the UNESCO 1983 algorithm. + false - - Electrical conductivity - - Measure of electrical flow through water. - - - - - - - - - - - - Terms describing individual measured phenomena, used to mark up sets of data in Argo netCDF arrays. Argo netCDF variables PARAMETER and TRAJECTORY_PARAMETERS are populated by R03 altLabel; R03 altLabel is also used to name netCDF profile files parameter variables <PARAMETER>. - - PARAMETER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Argo Data Management Team - - - - - Natural Environment Research Council - - - - - - - - - - - - Argo parameter codes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Argo Data Management Team - - - - - - - - - Argo parameter codes - - - - 2021-02-02 02:00:02.0 - - - - - British Oceanographic Data Centre - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server. - - - - - PARAMETER - - + accepted + SDN:R03::PSAL + Practical salinity + 1 + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + PSAL + SDN:R03::PSAL + + 1 + SDN:R03::PSAL + - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY - - Oxygen partial pressure (mBar). + + SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY + 1 + SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY + TEMP_COUNT_DOXY 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 - PPOX_DOXY + Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor + SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY + accepted false - - SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY - SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY - Partial pressure of oxygen - accepted - 1 + Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor. + - - SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE - SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE - Internal temperature (degC) of the nitrate sensor - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false - Internal temperature of the nitrate sensor - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY 1 + SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY + PHASE_DELAY_DOXY + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 - TEMP_NITRATE - - - SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE - + Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor + SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY accepted - - false - SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY - Voltage reported by oxygen sensor - SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY - 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted - Raw output signal (volt) from dissolved oxygen sensor. - - 1 - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + Raw phase delay (usec) by optode. + - SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY - VOLTAGE_DOXY - - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - 1 - Number of SUNA sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - accepted - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA + + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + + Measure of electrical flow through water. - 1 false - - Number of SUNA samples in each pressure bin - NB_SAMPLE_SUNA - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA + accepted + SDN:R03::CNDC + Electrical conductivity + 1 + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + CNDC + SDN:R03::CNDC + + 1 + SDN:R03::CNDC + - - pH (total scale) - pH against the total scale. - - PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL - - - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted + + Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 700 nm wavelength. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 + Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 + 1 + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::MTIME + 1 + SDN:R03::MTIME + MTIME 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL - - + 1 + Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station + SDN:R03::MTIME accepted - Voltage difference between reference and source from pH sensor - SDN:R03::VRS_PH - VRS_PH - - SDN:R03::VRS_PH - 1 - false - 1 - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Raw output signal (volt) from pH sensor, equating to the potential between the transistor source and the reference electrode. - SDN:R03::VRS_PH - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - - SDN:R03::BBP - 1 + Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station (days). + - Particle backscattering (/m) at unspecified wavelength. - SDN:R03::BBP - - accepted - 1 - false - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::BBP - - Particle backscattering at x nanometers - - BBP - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR - SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR - - Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (uE/m^2/s). - false - Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation + + Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 555 nm wavelength. - - accepted - SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR - 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - DOWNWELLING_PAR - 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - Number of samples in bin - - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE false accepted + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555 + Upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers 1 - NB_SAMPLE - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - Number of samples in bin (dimensionless). - + UP_RADIANCE555 + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555 + 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555 + - + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - Number of STM samples in each pressure bin - Number of Seapoint Turbidity Meter (STM) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - NB_SAMPLE_STM - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM - - + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO 1 - accepted - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO + NB_SAMPLE_ECO + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 1 + Number of ECO samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO + accepted false - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + Number of Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + - - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - accepted - SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY - SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY - 1 + + + Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 443 nm wavelength. - SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor - Raw turbidity signal (count) from side scattering sensor. - false - - SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY - - - Sea temperature from pH sensor accepted - - 1 - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::TEMP_PH - Temperature (degC) of seawater from pH sensor. - + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 + Downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers 1 - SDN:R03::TEMP_PH - TEMP_PH - false - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::TEMP_PH - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 + + 1 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 + - RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412 - Raw upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers - accepted + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412 1 - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412 - - Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength. - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412 - false + RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 + Raw upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412 + accepted + false - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412 + Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength. + + - - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::NITRATE - SDN:R03::NITRATE - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - NITRATE - 1 - Nitrate concentration (umol/kg). + + Temperature (degC) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor, expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard. + false - accepted - - SDN:R03::NITRATE - Nitrate concentration + SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY + Sea temperature from oxygen sensor ITS-90 scale 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + TEMP_DOXY + SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY + + 1 + SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY + - - Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830 - - SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY - false - 2 - - accepted - - - 2 + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-05-03 17:40:52.0 + + Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in seawater and darkness from nitrate sensor. - 2020-05-03 17:40:52.0 - SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY - Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830. - BPHASE_DOXY - SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY - - - - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 - Downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - DOWN_IRRADIANCE380 false accepted - Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 380 nm wavelength. + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE + Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark seawater from nitrate sensor 1 - - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE + 1 - + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE + - - 1 - - 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 - 1 - The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a pressure sensor, corrected to read zero at sea level. - - accepted + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - PRES - SDN:R03::PRES - SDN:R03::PRES - SDN:R03::PRES - 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 - - false - Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level + + Dissolved oxygen concentration (ml/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects. - - - 1 false - TEMP_CPU_CHLA - 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - Thermistor signal from backsacttering meter and/or fluorometer - - accepted - SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA - - Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on backscattering meter and/or fluorometer. - SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA - - - SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA - - - SDN:R03::VK_PH - Counter electrode voltage of pH sensor - - 1 accepted - SDN:R03::VK_PH - 1 - Counter electrode signal (volt) from pH sensor. - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::VK_PH - false - VK_PH - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - + SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY + Oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor 1 - DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 - - - - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false - Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 555 nm wavelength. - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 - accepted - Downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers - - - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555 + MLPL_DOXY + SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY + 1 + SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY + - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted - Upwelling radiance at x nanometers - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE + + - UP_RADIANCE - 1 - - Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at unspecified wavelength. - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE - false + + Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F. - - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - - - CDOM - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - + false accepted - 1 + SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY + Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F + 2 + 2020-05-03 17:42:05.0 + C1PHASE_DOXY + SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY + 2 + SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY + + 2020-05-03 17:42:05.0 + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::CDOM - - false - - SDN:R03::CDOM - - Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration (ppb). - SDN:R03::CDOM - Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter in seawater - - - SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY - accepted + + Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at unspecified wavelength. false - 1 - Raw output signal (hertz) from dissolved oxygen sensor. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY - - - FREQUENCY_DOXY + accepted + SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION + Beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at x nanometers 1 - SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - Frequency reported by oxygen sensor + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION + SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION + + 1 + SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION + - - false - RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted - 1 - Raw upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers - Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 - - - - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412 - 1 - 1 - UP_RADIANCE412 - + Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength. - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 412 nm wavelength. - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412 false - accepted - + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 + Raw downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 + + 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490 + - + + + 2020-05-03 17:42:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER - pH (seawater scale) + + Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F. + false - - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER - - 1 accepted - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - pH against the seawater scale. - - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER - - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER - 1 + SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY + Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F + 2 + 2020-05-03 17:42:33.0 + C2PHASE_DOXY + SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY + + 2 + SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Natural Environment Research Council + Terms describing individual measured phenomena, used to mark up sets of data in Argo netCDF arrays. Argo netCDF variables PARAMETER and TRAJECTORY_PARAMETERS are populated by R03 altLabel; R03 altLabel is also used to name netCDF profile files parameter variables <PARAMETER>. + Argo parameter codes + Argo parameter codes + 6 + 2023-10-06 03:00:02.0 + PARAMETER + Argo Data Management Team + PARAMETER + Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server. + Argo Data Management Team + British Oceanographic Data Centre + + + - Number of OCR sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - NB_SAMPLE_OCR - - Number of OCR samples in each pressure bin + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR 1 SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR - accepted - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR - - false - 1 - - - - - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO - Number of ECO samples in each pressure bin - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO + NB_SAMPLE_OCR 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 1 - - 1 - false - NB_SAMPLE_ECO - accepted - Number of Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - - - accepted - - RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 - - Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 380 nm wavelength. - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - Raw downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380 - 1 + Number of OCR samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR + accepted false + + Number of OCR sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + - - Downwelling irradiance at x nanometers - false + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - DOWN_IRRADIANCE - accepted - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE - - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE + + Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength. - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE + false + accepted + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 + Raw downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers 1 - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at unspecified wavelength. - 1 - - - SDN:R03::CHLA 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - + RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 + 1 - SDN:R03::CHLA - + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 + + + + + 2020-05-03 17:40:52.0 + + + Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830. - 1 + false accepted + SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY + Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830 + 2 + 2020-05-03 17:40:52.0 + BPHASE_DOXY + SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY + + 2 + SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Chlorophyll-a concentration - CHLA - Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m^3). - false - SDN:R03::CHLA - - + + Raw output signal (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor. + false - - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443 - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 443 nm wavelength. - - - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443 - Upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers - 1 - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443 accepted - + SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY + Count reported by oxygen sensor 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - UP_RADIANCE443 + COUNT_DOXY + SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY + + 1 + SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY + - - SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE - false - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - MOLAR_NITRATE + + + Particle backscattering (/m) at unspecified wavelength. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::BBP + Particle backscattering at x nanometers 1 - Nitrate concentration (umol/l). - - SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted + BBP + SDN:R03::BBP + 1 - - Molar nitrate concentration - SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE + SDN:R03::BBP + - - Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station (days). - SDN:R03::MTIME + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - + + pH against the free scale. + false - SDN:R03::MTIME + accepted + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE + pH (free scale) 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station - accepted - SDN:R03::MTIME - MTIME - - - - - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin - NB_SAMPLE_CTD - + PH_IN_SITU_FREE + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE + 1 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + + pH against the seawater scale. + false - 1 accepted + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER + pH (seawater scale) + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER + + 1 + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER + - - - - SDN:R03::BBP532 - Particle backscattering (/m) at 532 nm wavelength. + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA + NB_SAMPLE_SUNA + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + 1 + Number of SUNA samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA accepted false - Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers - - SDN:R03::BBP532 - 1 - - BBP532 - SDN:R03::BBP532 + Number of SUNA sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + - - - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 - 1 - RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false + + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 + 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 + RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength. - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 - Raw upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers - accepted - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 - - 1 - - - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 + Raw upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555 accepted - - RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 false - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Raw downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers - - 1 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 + Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength. - 1 - + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Particle backscattering (/m) at 470 nm wavelength. - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted - Spectrometer temperature (degC) of nitrate sensor. false - SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE - - Temperature of the spectrometer + accepted + SDN:R03::BBP470 + Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + BBP470 + SDN:R03::BBP470 + 1 - TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE - SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE - SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE - + SDN:R03::BBP470 + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Nitrate concentration (umol/kg). + + false + accepted + SDN:R03::NITRATE + Nitrate concentration 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + NITRATE + SDN:R03::NITRATE + + 1 + SDN:R03::NITRATE + - - BETA_BACKSCATTERING - - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Particle beam attenuation (/m) at 660 nm wavelength. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::CP660 + Particle beam attenuation at 660 nanometers 1 - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + CP660 + SDN:R03::CP660 + + 1 + SDN:R03::CP660 + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at x nanometers - Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at unspecified wavelength. - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING - - accepted + + Raw turbidity signal (count) from side scattering sensor. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY + Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY + SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY + 1 + SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY + - + + + 2023-10-05 14:49:26.0 - NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE - false - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE + + Raw temperature signal (volt) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor. - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE - Number of optode samples in each pressure bin - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - - Number of optode samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE - 1 - 1 + false accepted + SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY + Thermistor voltage reported by oxygen sensor + 2 + 2023-10-05 14:49:26.0 + TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY + SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY + + 2 + SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY + - - - SDN:R03::DOXY - SDN:R03::DOXY - false + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Oxygen partial pressure (mBar). + false accepted - - 1 - DOXY - SDN:R03::DOXY - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/kg). + SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY + Partial pressure of oxygen 1 - Dissolved oxygen concentration + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + PPOX_DOXY + SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY + + 1 + SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY + - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS - Number of MCOMS samples in each pressure bin - 1 - accepted - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS 1 - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS - - Number of WET Labs MCOMS sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS - false + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + 1 + Number of MCOMS samples in each pressure bin SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS + accepted + false + + Number of WET Labs MCOMS sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + - SDN:R03::IK_PH - 1 - Counter electrode current of pH sensor - - 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::IK_PH - SDN:R03::IK_PH - false - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 1 + SDN:R03::IK_PH IK_PH - Counter electrode current (nA) from pH sensor. + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 1 + Counter electrode current of pH sensor + SDN:R03::IK_PH accepted + false + + Counter electrode current (nA) from pH sensor. + - - - accepted - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 - - Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength. - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 - - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 - Raw downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers + + Nitrate concentration (umol/l). + false + accepted + SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE + Molar nitrate concentration 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + MOLAR_NITRATE + SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE + + 1 + SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE + - - SDN:R03::IB_PH - IB_PH - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::IB_PH - accepted - + + 2023-08-31 11:21:18.0 + + SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE 1 + SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE + CHLA_FLUORESCENCE + 2023-08-31 11:21:18.0 1 - Base current of pH sensor - Base current (nA) of pH sensor chip. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::IB_PH - - + Chlorophyll fluorescence with factory calibration + SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE + accepted false + + Chlorophyll fluorescence in relative unit with factory calibration + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (uE/m^2/s). + false + accepted + SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR + Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation 1 - 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - accepted - LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY - - SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - Light-emitting diode (LED) flashing frequency (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor. - Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen - - SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY - SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY + DOWNWELLING_PAR + SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR + + 1 + SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR + - - SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM - Raw fluorescence from coloured dissolved organic matter sensor - FLUORESCENCE_CDOM + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 1 - accepted - + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 + RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 - - - SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + Raw upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490 + accepted false - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM - Raw fluorescence signal (count) from coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) sensor. + Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength. + + - - - DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 - 1 - Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 412 nm wavelength. - false - - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::IB_PH + 1 + SDN:R03::IB_PH + IB_PH 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 1 - - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 + Base current of pH sensor + SDN:R03::IB_PH accepted + false + Base current (nA) of pH sensor chip. + + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + - + Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) from nitrate sensor. - RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555 false + accepted + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE + Intensity of ultra-violet flux from nitrate sensor 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE + 1 - Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength. + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + pH against the total scale. + + false accepted - Raw downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers - - - + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL + pH (total scale) 1 - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL + 1 - BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 - - Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 470 nm wavelength. - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 + SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted - - Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 470 nanometers + + + Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 443 nm wavelength. + false - - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - accepted - - - SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY - SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY - Oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor - + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443 + Upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers 1 - MLPL_DOXY 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false + UP_RADIANCE443 + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443 + 1 - - Dissolved oxygen concentration (ml/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects. - + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443 + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE + 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE + RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 - SDN:R03::BBP470 + Raw upwelling radiance at x nanometers + SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE accepted - - - Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers - Particle backscattering (/m) at 470 nm wavelength. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::BBP470 - BBP470 - false - SDN:R03::BBP470 + + Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength. + - 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - 1 - Thermistor voltage reported by oxygen sensor - false - Raw temperature signal (volt) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor. - 1 - SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration (ppb). - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY - - SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY - TEMP_VOTLAGE_DOXY + false accepted - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - - SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY + SDN:R03::CDOM + Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter in seawater + 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Temperature (degC) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor, expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard. - SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY - false + CDOM + SDN:R03::CDOM + + 1 + SDN:R03::CDOM + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - TEMP_DOXY - 1 + + Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 470 nm wavelength. - Sea temperature from oxygen sensor ITS-90 scale + false accepted - - - SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 + Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 470 nanometers 1 - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 + + 1 + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470 + - - Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC + 1 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC + NB_SAMPLE_CYC + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + 1 + Number of CYCLOPS samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC accepted false - SDN:R03::TEMP - SDN:R03::TEMP - - 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 - 1 + Number of Cyclops sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - TEMP - Temperature of the water body expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard. - - 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 - - 1 - SDN:R03::TEMP - - accepted - - 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor. - - SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY - 1 - TEMP_COUNT_DOXY - SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - + + Particle backscattering (/m) at 700 nm wavelength. + false - Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor - SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY + accepted + SDN:R03::BBP700 + Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + BBP700 + SDN:R03::BBP700 + + 1 + SDN:R03::BBP700 + - SDN:R03::TILT - - - TILT - false - SDN:R03::TILT 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - + SDN:R03::TILT 1 SDN:R03::TILT + TILT + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 1 Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical + SDN:R03::TILT + accepted + false + Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical (deg). - 1 + + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength. + + false accepted - Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 + Raw downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers + 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 + + 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412 + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 + + + Bisulfide concentration (umol/kg). - Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 700 nm wavelength. - - 1 - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 false + accepted + SDN:R03::BISULFIDE + Bisulfide concentration + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + BISULFIDE + SDN:R03::BISULFIDE + 1 - - - SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700 - + SDN:R03::BISULFIDE + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::VK_PH 1 + SDN:R03::VK_PH + VK_PH + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 1 + Counter electrode voltage of pH sensor + SDN:R03::VK_PH accepted - SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 false - 1 - SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY - SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY - Raw phase delay (usec) by optode. - PHASE_DELAY_DOXY - Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - + Counter electrode signal (volt) from pH sensor. + - UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE - - 1 - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark measurement from nitrate sensor 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - accepted + Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in darkness from nitrate sensor. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE + Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark measurement from nitrate sensor 1 - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE + 1 + SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE + - - Beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at x nanometers - Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at unspecified wavelength. - 1 - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 1 - TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION - false - SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION - accepted - SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION + + Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at unspecified wavelength. - - - 1 - Internal temperature of the conductivity cell - - false - SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC - TEMP_CNDC - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - 1 accepted - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - Internal temperature (degC) of the conductivity cell. + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE + Downwelling irradiance at x nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + DOWN_IRRADIANCE + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE + + 1 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC - SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC + + Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at 660 nm wavelength. - - - - + false accepted - Upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers - Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 555 nm wavelength. + SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 + Particle beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at 660 nanometers + 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555 - + TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 + SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 + + 1 + SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555 - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555 - UP_RADIANCE555 - - 1 + + Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE + Raw downwelling irradiance at x nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE + 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE + - - - - SDN:R03::BISULFIDE + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false - - - Bisulfide concentration - Bisulfide concentration (umol/kg). - 1 + + Calibration fit error of nitrate (dimensionless). + + false + accepted + SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE + Nitrate fit error 1 - SDN:R03::BISULFIDE - SDN:R03::BISULFIDE - BISULFIDE 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - accepted + FIT_ERROR_NITRATE + SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE + + 1 + SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE + - - SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY + + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + + + The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a pressure sensor, corrected to read zero at sea level. - - 2 - - Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift (deg) reported by oxygen sensor. - Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor - SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY - 2020-05-03 17:43:30.0 - - 2 - TPHASE_DOXY - - accepted - 2020-05-03 17:43:30.0 - SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY false - - - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE - Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) from nitrate sensor. - - UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE - + accepted + SDN:R03::PRES + Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level 1 - false - - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + PRES + SDN:R03::PRES + 1 - accepted - Intensity of ultra-violet flux from nitrate sensor + SDN:R03::PRES + - - - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE - PH_IN_SITU_FREE - pH against the free scale. - false + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) signal (count). + false accepted - - 1 - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE - + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR + Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation 1 - pH (free scale) 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE - + RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR + + 1 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR + - - false + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 412 nm wavelength. - - SDN:R03::CP - + false accepted - CP + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 + Downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers 1 - SDN:R03::CP - SDN:R03::CP - Particle beam attenuation at x nanometers - Particle beam attenuation (/m) at unspecified wavelength. + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 + 1 - - + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412 + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 - 1 - Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 443 nm wavelength. - + + Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/kg). - SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - DOWN_IRRADIANCE443 - accepted false + accepted + SDN:R03::DOXY + Dissolved oxygen concentration + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + DOXY + SDN:R03::DOXY + 1 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - + SDN:R03::DOXY + - - Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects. - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS 1 - MOLAR_DOXY - SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY - + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS + NB_SAMPLE_ISUS + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 1 - Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported -by the oxygen sensor - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY - - SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY + Number of ISUS samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS accepted - false - - - - - - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR - + Number of In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::TEMP_PH 1 + SDN:R03::TEMP_PH + TEMP_PH + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 - Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) signal (count). + Sea temperature from pH sensor + SDN:R03::TEMP_PH accepted - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - false - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR - RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR + + Temperature (degC) of seawater from pH sensor. + + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Number of c-Rover samples in each pressure bin - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER - Number of c-Rover sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). - NB_SAMPLE_CROVER - 1 + + Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m^3). + false accepted - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER - - + SDN:R03::CHLA + Chlorophyll-a concentration 1 - - - false - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 490 nm wavelength. - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - Upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490 - SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490 - UP_RADIANCE490 - accepted - - + CHLA + SDN:R03::CHLA + 1 - - - 1 + SDN:R03::CHLA + - - false - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Raw fluorescence signal (count) from chlorophyll-a fluorometer. - + false accepted - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA + Raw signal from chlorophyll-a fluorometer 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + FLUORESCENCE_CHLA + SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA + 1 - Raw downwelling irradiance at x nanometers - - SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE - Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength. + SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA + - - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE + + + 2020-05-03 17:43:30.0 + + + Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift (deg) reported by oxygen sensor. + + false + accepted + SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY + Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor + 2 + 2020-05-03 17:43:30.0 + TPHASE_DOXY + SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY + + 2 + SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + + Turbidity (NTU) of seawater. + + false accepted - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE + SDN:R03::TURBIDITY + seawater turbidity 1 - + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + TURBIDITY + SDN:R03::TURBIDITY + 1 - SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE + SDN:R03::TURBIDITY + + + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE + 1 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE + NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + 1 + Number of optode samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE + accepted false - Raw upwelling radiance at x nanometers - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE - Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength. + Number of optode samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + - - TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 - SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + - accepted + Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength. - - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 - 1 - Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at 660 nm wavelength. false - + accepted + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 + Raw downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 + 1 - Particle beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at 660 nanometers - SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660 + SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443 + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - + + Calibrated phase (deg) by optode. + + false accepted - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE - Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark seawater from nitrate sensor - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE - SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE - UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - + SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY + Calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor + 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - + DPHASE_DOXY + SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY + + 1 + SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE 1 + SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE + TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 1 - + Temperature of the spectrometer + SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE + accepted false - Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in seawater and darkness from nitrate sensor. - - + + Spectrometer temperature (degC) of nitrate sensor. + - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET - Number of Durafet pH sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER + 1 + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER + NB_SAMPLE_CROVER 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 1 - NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET - false + Number of c-Rover samples in each pressure bin + SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER accepted - Number of DURAFET samples in each pressure bin + false + Number of c-Rover sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless). + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE 1 - 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 - - SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE + UP_RADIANCE + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + 1 + Upwelling radiance at x nanometers + SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE + accepted + false + + Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at unspecified wavelength. + + - 2 - - + + 2020-05-03 17:41:38.0 - false - SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY - 2020-05-03 17:41:38.0 - + Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830. + + false + accepted SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830 + 2 + 2020-05-03 17:41:38.0 RPHASE_DOXY + SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY + 2 - accepted - - Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830. - 2020-05-03 17:41:38.0 SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY + - - SDN:R03::TURBIDITY - false + + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + Temperature of the water body expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard. - 1 - SDN:R03::TURBIDITY - Turbidity (NTU) of seawater. - - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - - TURBIDITY - SDN:R03::TURBIDITY + false accepted - seawater turbidity + SDN:R03::TEMP + Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale + 1 + 2019-10-11 15:02:22.0 + TEMP + SDN:R03::TEMP + 1 - + SDN:R03::TEMP + - - + + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + + SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC + 1 + + SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC + TEMP_CNDC + 2021-02-01 14:09:51.0 + 1 + Internal temperature of the conductivity cell + SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC + accepted + false + + Internal temperature (degC) of the conductivity cell. + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + + Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 490 nm wavelength. + false + accepted + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 + Downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers + 1 + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 + 1 + SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490 + + + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + - SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY - COUNT_DOXY + Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at unspecified wavelength. + false - SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 accepted - SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY - Raw output signal (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor. + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING + Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at x nanometers 1 - - Count reported by oxygen sensor 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + BETA_BACKSCATTERING + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING + + 1 + SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING + - + + 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 - FIT_ERROR_NITRATE - SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE - Calibration fit error of nitrate (dimensionless). - 1 + + Particle backscattering (/m) at 532 nm wavelength. + false - Nitrate fit error - + accepted + SDN:R03::BBP532 + Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers + 1 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + BBP532 + SDN:R03::BBP532 + 1 - accepted - SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE - - - - SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE - 2020-04-04 15:05:33.0 + SDN:R03::BBP532 + diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/7da84086dd9aaeab787f121d57cd8de7ddc1d15a31de30a89215f9570c70d859.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/7da84086dd9aaeab787f121d57cd8de7ddc1d15a31de30a89215f9570c70d859.json index e343c3d0..6647fd66 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/7da84086dd9aaeab787f121d57cd8de7ddc1d15a31de30a89215f9570c70d859.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/7da84086dd9aaeab787f121d57cd8de7ddc1d15a31de30a89215f9570c70d859.json @@ -1,348 +1,354 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "POSITIONING_SYSTEM", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-04-08 03:00:04.0", - "description" : "List of float location measuring systems. Argo netCDF variable POSITIONING_SYSTEM is populated by R09 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo positioning system", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "POSITIONING_SYSTEM", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo positioning system" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R09::ARGOS", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R09::ARGOS", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ARGOS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos positioning system" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R09::ARGOS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Argos positioning system" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R09::GALILEO", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R09::GALILEO", + "skos:altLabel": "GALILEO", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Galileo navigation satellite system" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R09::GALILEO", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Galileo navigation satellite system" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": 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"en", + "@value": "GLONASS navigation satellite system" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R09::GLONASS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "GLONASS navigation satellite system" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R09::NONE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R09::NONE", + "skos:altLabel": "NONE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "More than one system used or none available" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R09::NONE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "For 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"false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "AO", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), hosted in the United States of America (USA)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::AO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "AOML, USA" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-01-08 10:01:58.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::PL", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::PL", + "skos:altLabel": "PL", + "dc:date": "2021-01-08 10:01:58.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "IOPAN, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::PL", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + 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+ "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::KO", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::KO", + "skos:altLabel": "KO", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "KORDI, Korea" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::KO", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KORDI), hosted in South Korea." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::JM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::JM", + "skos:altLabel": "JM", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + 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"@language": "en", + "@value": "Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), hosted in the United States of America (USA)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::KM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::KM", + "skos:altLabel": "KM", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "KMA, Korea" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::KM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA), hosted in South Korea." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": 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"en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), hosted in the United States of America (USA)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::NM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::NM", + "skos:altLabel": "NM", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "NMDIS, China" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::NM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS), hosted in China." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-01-08 10:01:58.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::LV", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::LV", + "skos:altLabel": "LV", + "dc:date": "2021-01-08 10:01:58.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Laboratoire Océanographique de Villefranche, Sorbonne University" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::LV", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Laboratoire Océanographique de Villefranche, Sorbonne University, hosted in France." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::IF", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::IF", + "skos:altLabel": "IF", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 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+ "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "China Second Institute of Oceanography (CSIO), hosted in China." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::PM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::PM", + "skos:altLabel": "PM", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "PMEL, USA" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::PM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) laboratory, hosted in the United States of America (USA)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + 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"owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "BSH, Germany" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::GE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), hosted in Germany." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::IN", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::IN", + "skos:altLabel": "IN", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "INCOIS, India" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::IN", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), hosted in India." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R04::SI", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R04::SI", + "skos:altLabel": "SI", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "SIO, Scripps, USA" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R04::SI", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), a division of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), hosted in the United States of America (USA)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + 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"Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS), hosted in Canada." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Codes for data centres and institutions handling or managing Argo data. 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}, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::BO", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::BO", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BO", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), hosted in the United Kingdom (UK)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::BO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "BODC, United Kingdom" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::CI", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::CI", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CI", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS), operated by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and hosted in Canada." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::CI", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::CS", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::CS", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), hosted in Australia." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::CS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "CSIRO, Australia" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::GE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::GE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "GE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), hosted in Germany." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::GE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "BSH, Germany" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::GT", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::GT", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "GT", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Global Telecommunication System (GTS)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::GT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "GTS : used for data coming from WMO GTS network" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::HZ", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::HZ", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "HZ", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "China Second Institute of Oceanography (CSIO), hosted in China." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::HZ", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "CSIO, China Second Institute of Oceanography" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::IF", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::IF", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "IF", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "French Research Institute for the Sustainable Exploration of the Sea (Ifremer), hosted in France." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::IF", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Ifremer, France" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::IN", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::IN", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "IN", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), hosted in India." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::IN", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "INCOIS, India" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::JA", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::JA", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "JA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), hosted in Japan." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::JA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "JMA, Japan" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::JM", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::JM", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - 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}, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::KO", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::KO", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "KO", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KORDI), hosted in South Korea." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::KO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "KORDI, Korea" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::LV", - "date" : "2021-01-08 10:01:58.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::LV", - "authoredOn" : "2021-01-08 10:01:58.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "LV", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Laboratoire Océanographique de Villefranche, Sorbonne University, hosted in France." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::LV", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Laboratoire Océanographique de Villefranche, Sorbonne University" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::MB", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::MB", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MB", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), hosted in the United States of America (USA)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::MB", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "MBARI, USA" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::ME", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::ME", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ME", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS), hosted in Canada." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::ME", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "MEDS, Canada" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::NA", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::NA", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO), hosted in the United States of America (USA)." - 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"version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PL", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science (IOPAN), hosted in Poland." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R04::PL", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "IOPAN, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R04::PM", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R04::PM", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PM", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) laboratory, hosted in the United States of America (USA)." - 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Argo netCDF variable HISTORY_ACTION is populated by R07 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo history action codes", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "HISTORY_ACTION", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo history action codes" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::CF", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::CF", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CF", - "definition" : 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+ "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R07::IP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R07::IP", + "skos:altLabel": "IP", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "History group for complete input record" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R07::IP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "This history group operates on the complete input record." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R07::DC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R07::DC", + "skos:altLabel": "DC", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Station check with duplicate checking 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"@language": "en", + "@value": "Quality flag change" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R07::CF", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "A quality flag was changed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R07::PE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R07::PE", + "skos:altLabel": "PE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Position error" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R07::PE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Profile position has been erroneously encoded, and has been corrected where possible." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R07::NG", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R07::NG", + "skos:altLabel": "NG", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No good trace" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R07::NG", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No good trace." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R07::ED", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R07::ED", + "skos:altLabel": "ED", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + 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"@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R07::TE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R07::TE", + "skos:altLabel": "TE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Time error" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R07::TE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Profile date and/or time have been erroneously encoded, and have been corrected where possible." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R07::CV", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R07::CV", + "skos:altLabel": "CV", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 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+ { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Coded history information for each action performed on each profile by a data centre. Argo netCDF variable HISTORY_ACTION is populated by R07 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo history action codes", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo history action codes", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-08 03:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "HISTORY_ACTION", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "HISTORY_ACTION", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::CR", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::CR", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CR", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A new record was created." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::CR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Record creation" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::CV", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::CV", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CV", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A value was changed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::CV", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value change" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::DC", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::DC", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The station was checked using duplicate checking software." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::DC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Station check with duplicate checking software" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::ED", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::ED", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ED", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "A parameter value was edited." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::ED", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Parameter value edit" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::IP", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::IP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "IP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "This history group operates on the complete input record." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::IP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "History group for complete input record" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::NG", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::NG", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NG", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No good trace." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::NG", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No good trace" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::PE", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::PE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Profile position has been erroneously encoded, and has been corrected where possible." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::PE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Position error" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::QC", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::QC", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "QC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Quality control performed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::QC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Quality control" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::QCF", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::QCF", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - 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"dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::SV", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SV", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Set a value." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::SV", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value set" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::TE", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::TE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Profile date and/or time have been erroneously encoded, and have been corrected where possible." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::TE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Time error" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R07::UP", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R07::UP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The station passed through the update program." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R07::UP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Station passed through the update program" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - 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"@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "RTQC_TESTID", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2022-06-08 03:00:02.0", - "description" : "List of real-time quality-control tests and corresponding binary identifiers, used as reference to populate the Argo netCDF HISTORY_QCTEST variable.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo real-time quality-control test identifiers", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "RTQC_TESTID", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo real-time quality-control test identifiers" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::1", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::1", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 1", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Platform Identification test. Test binary ID = 2" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Platform Identification test" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::13", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::13", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 13", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Stuck Value test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::13", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Stuck Value test. Test binary ID = 8192" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::23", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::23", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 23", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data deeper than 2000 dbar" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::23", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data deeper than 2000 dbar. Test binary ID = 8388608" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::25", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::25", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 25", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "MEDD test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::25", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "MEDian with a Distance (MEDD) test. Test binary ID = 33554432" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::9", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::9", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 9", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Spike test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::9", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Spike test. Test binary ID = 512" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::15", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::15", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 15", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grey List test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::15", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Grey List test. Test binary ID = 32768" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::11", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::11", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 11", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Gradient test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::11", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "deprecated" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "true", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Gradient test. Test binary ID = 2048" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::7", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::7", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 7", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Regional Global Parameter test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::7", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Regional Global Parameter test. Test binary ID = 128" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::2", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::2", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 2", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Impossible Date test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::2", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Impossible Date test. Test binary ID = 4" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2022-06-07 14:36:14.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::18", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::18", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 18", + "dc:date": "2022-06-07 14:36:14.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Frozen profile test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::18", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Frozen profile test. Test binary ID = 261144" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::16", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::16", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 16", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Gross Salinity or Temperature Sensor Drift test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::16", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Gross Salinity or Temperature Sensor Drift test. Test binary ID = 65536" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::17", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::17", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 17", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Visual QC test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::17", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Visual QC test. Test binary ID = 131072" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::3", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::3", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 3", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Impossible Location test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Impossible Location test. Test binary ID = 8" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::14", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::14", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 14", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Density Inversion test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::14", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Density Inversion test. Test binary ID = 16384" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::4", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::4", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 4", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Position on Land test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::4", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Position on Land test. Test binary ID = 16" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::24", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::24", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 24", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data from experimental sensors" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::24", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data from experimental sensors. Test binary ID = 16777216" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::1", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::1", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Platform Identification test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::1", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Platform Identification test. Test binary ID = 2" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::12", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::12", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 12", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Digit Rollover test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::12", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Digit Rollover test. Test binary ID = 4096" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::5", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::5", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 5", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Impossible Speed test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::5", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Impossible Speed test. Test binary ID = 32" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::21", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::21", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 21", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface unpumped CTD salinity test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::21", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface unpumped CTD salinity test. Test binary ID = 2097152" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::10", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::10", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 10", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Top and Bottom Spike test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::10", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "deprecated" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "true", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Top and Bottom Spike test. Test binary ID = 1024" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::8", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::8", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 8", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pressure Increasing test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::8", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Pressure Increasing test. Test binary ID = 256" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::20", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::20", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 20", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Questionable Argos position test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::20", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Questionable Argos position test. 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Test binary ID = 64" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::19", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::19", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 19", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Deepest pressure test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::19", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Deepest pressure test. Test binary ID = 524288" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R11::22", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R11::22", + "skos:altLabel": "Test 22", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface mixed air/water test" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R11::22", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Near-surface mixed air/water test. Test binary ID = 4194304" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "List of real-time quality-control tests and corresponding binary identifiers, used as reference to populate the Argo netCDF HISTORY_QCTEST variable.", + "dc:title": "Argo real-time quality-control test identifiers", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo real-time quality-control test identifiers", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2022-06-08 03:00:02.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RTQC_TESTID", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "RTQC_TESTID", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::10", - "date" : "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::10", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "true", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "Test 10", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Top and Bottom Spike test. Test binary ID = 1024" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::10", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "deprecated" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Top and Bottom Spike test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::11", - "date" : "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::11", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 23:03:06.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "true", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "Test 11", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Gradient test. Test binary ID = 2048" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::11", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "deprecated" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Gradient test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::12", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::12", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 12", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Digit Rollover test. Test binary ID = 4096" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::12", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Digit Rollover test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::13", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::13", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 13", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Stuck Value test. Test binary ID = 8192" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::13", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Stuck Value test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::14", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::14", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 14", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Density Inversion test. Test binary ID = 16384" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::14", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Density Inversion test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::15", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::15", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 15", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grey List test. Test binary ID = 32768" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::15", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Grey List test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::16", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::16", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 16", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Gross Salinity or Temperature Sensor Drift test. Test binary ID = 65536" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::16", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Gross Salinity or Temperature Sensor Drift test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::17", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::17", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 17", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Visual QC test. Test binary ID = 131072" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::17", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Visual QC test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::18", - "date" : "2022-06-07 14:36:14.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::18", - "authoredOn" : "2022-06-07 14:36:14.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "Test 18", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Frozen profile test. Test binary ID = 261144" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::18", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Frozen profile test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::19", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::19", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 19", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Deepest pressure test. Test binary ID = 524288" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::19", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Deepest pressure test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::2", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::2", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 2", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Impossible Date test. Test binary ID = 4" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Impossible Date test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::20", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::20", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 20", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Questionable Argos position test. Test binary ID = 1048576" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::20", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Questionable Argos position test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::21", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::21", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 21", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface unpumped CTD salinity test. Test binary ID = 2097152" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::21", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface unpumped CTD salinity test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::22", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::22", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 22", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface mixed air/water test. Test binary ID = 4194304" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::22", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Near-surface mixed air/water test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::23", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::23", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 23", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data deeper than 2000 dbar. Test binary ID = 8388608" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::23", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data deeper than 2000 dbar" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::24", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::24", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 24", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data from experimental sensors. Test binary ID = 16777216" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::24", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Interim rtqc flag scheme for data from experimental sensors" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::25", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::25", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 25", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "MEDian with a Distance (MEDD) test. Test binary ID = 33554432" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::25", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "MEDD test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::3", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::3", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 3", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Impossible Location test. Test binary ID = 8" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Impossible Location test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::4", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::4", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 4", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Position on Land test. Test binary ID = 16" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::4", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Position on Land test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::5", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::5", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 5", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Impossible Speed test. Test binary ID = 32" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::5", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Impossible Speed test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::6", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::6", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 6", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Global Range test. Test binary ID = 64" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::6", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Global Range test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::7", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::7", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 7", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Regional Global Parameter test. Test binary ID = 128" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::7", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Regional Global Parameter test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::8", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::8", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 8", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Pressure Increasing test. Test binary ID = 256" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::8", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Pressure Increasing test" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R11::9", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R11::9", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Test 9", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Spike test. Test binary ID = 512" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R11::9", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Spike test" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/bc042c069ff58f65702ded887bb8e9d780322e4bc5fa883ca2b6cb64fe9c88d4.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/bc042c069ff58f65702ded887bb8e9d780322e4bc5fa883ca2b6cb64fe9c88d4.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6bdb6631 --- /dev/null +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/bc042c069ff58f65702ded887bb8e9d780322e4bc5fa883ca2b6cb64fe9c88d4.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + +404 Not Found + +

Not Found


The requested URL was not found on this server.

+ diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/c16f43521f4e1dca7b0080fb519623f0549472d435cb9d51d47ae566bc9fdfe6.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/c16f43521f4e1dca7b0080fb519623f0549472d435cb9d51d47ae566bc9fdfe6.json index 3ab58f39..cac75af4 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/c16f43521f4e1dca7b0080fb519623f0549472d435cb9d51d47ae566bc9fdfe6.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/c16f43521f4e1dca7b0080fb519623f0549472d435cb9d51d47ae566bc9fdfe6.json @@ -1,296 +1,286 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "PROF_QC_FLAG", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:31:03.0", - "description" : "Quality control flag scale for whole profiles. Argo netCDF variables PROFILE__QC are populated by RP2 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo profile quality control flags", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "0", - "altLabel" : "PROF_QC_FLAG", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo profile quality control flags" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RP2::A", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RP2::A", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "A", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "100% of all levels in the profile contain good data. This means that all levels are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RP2::A", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "100% of profile good" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RP2::N", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RP2::N", + "skos:altLabel": "N", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No QC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RP2::N", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No quality control (QC) was performed on any of the profile levels." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RP2::C", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RP2::C", + "skos:altLabel": "C", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "50% - 75% of profile good" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RP2::C", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Between 50% (included) and 75% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RP2::E", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RP2::E", + "skos:altLabel": "E", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "0% - 25% of profile good" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RP2::E", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Between 0% (excluded) and 25% (excluded) of all levels in a given profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RP2::D", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RP2::D", + "skos:altLabel": "D", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "25% - 50% of profile good" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RP2::D", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Between 25% (included) and 50% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RP2::F", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RP2::F", + "skos:altLabel": "F", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "0% of profile good" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RP2::F", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "0% of all levels in the profile contain good data. This means that all levels are associated with quality control (QC) flags of 3, 4, 6 or 7. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RP2::B", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RP2::B", + "skos:altLabel": "B", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "75% - 100% of profile good" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RP2::B", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Between 75% (included) and 100% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RP2::A", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RP2::A", + "skos:altLabel": "A", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "100% of profile good" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RP2::A", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "100% of all levels in the profile contain good data. This means that all levels are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Quality control flag scale for whole profiles. Argo netCDF variables PROFILE__QC are populated by RP2 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo profile quality control flags", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo profile quality control flags", + "owl:versionInfo": "0", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:31:03.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PROF_QC_FLAG", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "PROF_QC_FLAG", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RP2::B", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RP2::B", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "B", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Between 75% (included) and 100% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RP2::B", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "75% - 100% of profile good" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RP2::C", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RP2::C", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "C", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Between 50% (included) and 75% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RP2::C", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "50% - 75% of profile good" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RP2::D", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RP2::D", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "D", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Between 25% (included) and 50% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RP2::D", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "25% - 50% of profile good" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RP2::E", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RP2::E", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "E", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Between 0% (excluded) and 25% (excluded) of all levels in a given profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RP2::E", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "0% - 25% of profile good" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RP2::F", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RP2::F", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "F", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "0% of all levels in the profile contain good data. This means that all levels are associated with quality control (QC) flags of 3, 4, 6 or 7. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RP2::F", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "0% of profile good" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RP2::N", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RP2::N", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "N", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No quality control (QC) was performed on any of the profile levels." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RP2::N", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No QC" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/c78fa91988e96ad5e0d54e273c8d3bc63e79dfcdafbcdf1bc5e4edf8e7105513.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/c78fa91988e96ad5e0d54e273c8d3bc63e79dfcdafbcdf1bc5e4edf8e7105513.json index 7c95479c..3784870b 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/c78fa91988e96ad5e0d54e273c8d3bc63e79dfcdafbcdf1bc5e4edf8e7105513.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/c78fa91988e96ad5e0d54e273c8d3bc63e79dfcdafbcdf1bc5e4edf8e7105513.json @@ -1,348 +1,354 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "HISTORY_STEP", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-04-08 03:00:04.0", - "description" : "Data processing step codes for history record. Argo netCDF variable TRANS_SYSTEM is populated by R12 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo history processing step codes", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "HISTORY_STEP", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo history processing step codes" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R12::ARCA", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R12::ARCA", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ARCA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Calibration has been performed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R12::ARCA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Calibration performed" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARDU", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::ARDU", + "skos:altLabel": "ARDU", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delayed-mode data archived locally and sent to GDACs" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARDU", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delayed-data have been archived locally and sent to the Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARGQ", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::ARGQ", + "skos:altLabel": "ARGQ", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Automatic QC of real-time data performed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARGQ", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Automatic quality-control (QC) of data reported in real-time has been performed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::IGO3", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::IGO3", + "skos:altLabel": "IGO3", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Duplicates checking performed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::IGO3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Checking for duplicates has been performed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::COOA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::COOA", + "skos:altLabel": "COOA", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Coriolis objective analysis performed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::COOA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Coriolis objective analysis performed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARCA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::ARCA", + "skos:altLabel": "ARCA", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Calibration performed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARCA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Calibration has been performed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARFM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::ARFM", + "skos:altLabel": "ARFM", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw data converted to a processing format" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARFM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw data from telecommunications system has been converted to a processing format." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARUP", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::ARUP", + "skos:altLabel": "ARUP", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Real-time data archived locally and sent to GDACs" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARUP", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Real-time data have been archived locally and sent to the Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::RFMT", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::RFMT", + "skos:altLabel": "RFMT", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Hexadecimal format reported by the buoy converted to our standard format using reformat software" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::RFMT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Reformat software to convert hexadecimal format reported by the buoy to our standard format." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARSQ", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R12::ARSQ", + "skos:altLabel": "ARSQ", + "dc:date": "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delayed-mode QC performed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R12::ARSQ", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delayed-mode quality-control (QC) has been performed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" 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Argo netCDF variable TRANS_SYSTEM is populated by R12 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo history processing step codes", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo history processing step codes", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-08 03:00:04.0", + "skos:altLabel": "HISTORY_STEP", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "HISTORY_STEP", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - 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"altLabel" : "ARFM", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw data from telecommunications system has been converted to a processing format." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R12::ARFM", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw data converted to a processing format" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R12::ARGQ", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R12::ARGQ", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "ARGQ", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Automatic quality-control (QC) of data reported in real-time has been performed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R12::ARGQ", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Automatic QC of real-time data performed" - 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"@value" : "Real-time data have been archived locally and sent to the Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R12::ARUP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Real-time data archived locally and sent to GDACs" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:R12::COOA", - "date" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:R12::COOA", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-07 22:59:46.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "COOA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Coriolis objective analysis performed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R12::COOA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Coriolis objective analysis performed" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - 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}, - "notation" : "SDN:R12::RFMT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Hexadecimal format reported by the buoy converted to our standard format using reformat software" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - 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"creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:29:09.0", - "description" : "Quality flag scale for delayed-mode measurements. Argo netCDF variables _ADJUSTED_QC in 'D' mode are populated by RD2 altLabel.", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo delayed-mode quality control measurement flags", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "0", - "altLabel" : "DM_QC_FLAG", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo delayed-mode quality control measurement flags" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::0", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::0", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "0", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No delayed-mode quality-control (QC) was performed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::0", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "No QC" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::8", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::8", + "skos:altLabel": "8", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated value" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::8", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Estimated value (interpolated, extrapolated or other estimation)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::9", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::9", + "skos:altLabel": "9", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Missing Value" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::9", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Missing value. Data parameter will record FillValue." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::2", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::2", + "skos:altLabel": "2", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Probably good data" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::2", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Delayed-mode evaluation is based on insufficient information. An error estimate is supplied." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::3", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::3", + "skos:altLabel": "3", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Probably bad data that are potentially adjustable" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::3", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "An adjustment may (or may not) have been applied, but the value may still be bad. An error estimate is supplied." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::5", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::5", + "skos:altLabel": "5", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value changed" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::5", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Value changed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::4", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::4", + "skos:altLabel": "4", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bad data" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::4", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Not adjustable. Adjusted data are replaced by FillValue." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::1", + "pav:version": "2", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::1", + "skos:altLabel": "1", + "dc:date": "2024-04-18 10:15:35.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Good data" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::1", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No adjustment is needed, or the adjusted value is statistically consistent with good quality reference data. An error estimate is supplied." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RD2::0", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RD2::0", + "skos:altLabel": "0", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No QC" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RD2::0", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "No delayed-mode quality-control (QC) was performed." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Quality flag scale for delayed-mode measurements. Argo netCDF variables _ADJUSTED_QC in 'D' mode are populated by RD2 altLabel.", + "dc:title": "Argo delayed-mode quality control measurement flags", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo delayed-mode quality control measurement flags", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2024-04-19 03:00:08.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DM_QC_FLAG", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "DM_QC_FLAG", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::1", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::1", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "1", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The adjusted value is statistically consistent, and a statistical error estimate is supplied." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::1", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Good value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::2", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::2", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "2", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Probably good data." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::2", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Probably good value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::3", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::3", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "3", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "An adjustment has been applied, but the value may still be bad." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::3", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Probably bad value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::4", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::4", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "4", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bad data. Not adjustable." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::4", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bad value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::5", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::5", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "5", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value changed." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::5", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Value changed" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::8", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::8", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "8", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated value (interpolated, extrapolated or other estimation)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::8", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Estimated value" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RD2::9", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RD2::9", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "9", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Missing value." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RD2::9", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Missing value" - } - } ], - "@context" : { - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/ebdc6ce705160d0e429a599a788433f399b6eeea27d07c61a3e1c6baa949d7ec.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/ebdc6ce705160d0e429a599a788433f399b6eeea27d07c61a3e1c6baa949d7ec.json index affba2bd..36376c7e 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/ebdc6ce705160d0e429a599a788433f399b6eeea27d07c61a3e1c6baa949d7ec.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/ebdc6ce705160d0e429a599a788433f399b6eeea27d07c61a3e1c6baa949d7ec.json @@ -1,2833 +1,3894 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "PARAMETER", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2021-02-02 02:00:02.0", - "description" : "Terms describing individual measured phenomena, used to mark up sets of data in Argo netCDF arrays. Argo netCDF variables PARAMETER and TRAJECTORY_PARAMETERS are populated by R03 altLabel; R03 altLabel is also used to name netCDF profile files parameter variables .", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo parameter codes", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "seeAlso" : "", - "versionInfo" : "4", - "altLabel" : "PARAMETER", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo parameter codes" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BBP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering (/m) at unspecified wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::BBP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering at x nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP470", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP470", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BBP470", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering (/m) at 470 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::BBP470", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP532", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP532", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BBP532", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering (/m) at 532 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::BBP532", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP700", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::BBP700", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BBP700", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering (/m) at 700 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::BBP700", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : 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: "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "BISULFIDE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bisulfide concentration (umol/kg)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Bisulfide concentration" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "BPHASE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "C1PHASE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "C2PHASE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::CDOM", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::CDOM", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CDOM", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration (ppb)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::CDOM", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter in seawater" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::CHLA", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::CHLA", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CHLA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m^3)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::CHLA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Chlorophyll-a concentration" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::CNDC", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::CNDC", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CNDC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Measure of electrical 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"SDN:R03::CP", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::CP", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle beam attenuation (/m) at unspecified wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::CP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle beam attenuation at x nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::CP660", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::CP660", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "CP660", - "definition" : { - 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photosynthetically available radiation" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DOWN_IRRADIANCE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at unspecified wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance at x nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 380 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 412 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 443 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 490 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 555 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/kg)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Dissolved oxygen concentration" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "DPHASE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Calibrated phase (deg) by optode." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Calibration fit error of nitrate (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Nitrate fit error" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw fluorescence from coloured dissolved organic matter sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from chlorophyll-a fluorometer." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw signal from chlorophyll-a fluorometer" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "FREQUENCY_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw output signal (hertz) from dissolved oxygen sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Frequency reported by oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "HUMIDITY_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor (If > 50% there is a leak)" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::IB_PH", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::IB_PH", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "IB_PH", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Base current (nA) of pH sensor chip." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::IB_PH", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Base current of pH sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::IK_PH", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::IK_PH", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "IK_PH", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Counter electrode current (nA) from pH sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::IK_PH", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Counter electrode current of pH sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Light-emitting diode (LED) flashing frequency (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MLPL_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Dissolved oxygen concentration (ml/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MOLAR_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported\nby the oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MOLAR_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Nitrate concentration (umol/l)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Molar nitrate concentration" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::MTIME", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::MTIME", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "MTIME", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station (days)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::MTIME", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of samples in bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of samples in bin" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of c-Rover sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of c-Rover samples in each pressure bin" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of MCOMS samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of WET Labs MCOMS sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-08-31 11:21:18.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE", + "skos:altLabel": "CHLA_FLUORESCENCE", + "dc:date": "2023-08-31 11:21:18.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Chlorophyll fluorescence with factory calibration" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Chlorophyll fluorescence in relative unit with factory calibration" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of SUNA samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of SUNA sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_CYC", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of CYCLOPS samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of Cyclops sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of DURAFET samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of Durafet pH sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_CTD", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_OCR", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of OCR samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of OCR sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_STM", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of STM samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of Seapoint Turbidity Meter (STM) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_ECO", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of ECO samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of c-Rover samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of c-Rover sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of ISUS samples in each pressure bin" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC", + "pav:version": "1", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_CNDC", + "dc:date": "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Internal temperature of the conductivity cell" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Internal temperature (degC) of the conductivity cell." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "pH against the free scale." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "pH (free scale)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PH_IN_SITU_FREE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "pH against the total scale." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "pH (total scale)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "pH against the seawater scale." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "pH (seawater scale)" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (uE/m^2/s)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2023-10-05 14:49:26.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw temperature signal (volt) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Thermistor voltage reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2023-10-05 14:49:26.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw output signal (volt) from pH sensor, equating to the potential between the transistor source and the reference electrode." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::VRS_PH", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Voltage difference between reference and source from pH sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "VRS_PH", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::VRS_PH", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::VRS_PH", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::VK_PH", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::VK_PH", + "skos:altLabel": "VK_PH", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Counter electrode voltage of pH sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::VK_PH", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Counter electrode signal (volt) from pH sensor." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw output signal (volt) from dissolved oxygen sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Voltage reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::IK_PH", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::IK_PH", + "skos:altLabel": "IK_PH", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Counter electrode current of pH sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::IK_PH", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Counter electrode current (nA) from pH sensor." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::IB_PH", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::IB_PH", + "skos:altLabel": "IB_PH", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Base current of pH sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::IB_PH", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Base current (nA) of pH sensor chip." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", + "skos:altLabel": "PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw phase delay (usec) by optode." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Oxygen partial pressure (mBar)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Partial pressure of oxygen" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PPOX_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a pressure sensor, corrected to read zero at sea level." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::PRES", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PRES", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::PRES", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::PRES", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Measure of electrical flow through water." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::CNDC", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Electrical conductivity" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "skos:altLabel": "CNDC", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::CNDC", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::CNDC", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::MTIME", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::MTIME", + "skos:altLabel": "MTIME", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::MTIME", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station (days)." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle beam attenuation (/m) at 660 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::CP660", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle beam attenuation at 660 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "CP660", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::CP660", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::CP660", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle beam attenuation (/m) at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::CP", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle beam attenuation at x nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "CP", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::CP", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::CP", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 555 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "UP_RADIANCE555", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE", + "skos:altLabel": "UP_RADIANCE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance at x nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 443 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "UP_RADIANCE443", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 412 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "UP_RADIANCE412", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 490 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "UP_RADIANCE490", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration (ppb)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::CDOM", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter in seawater" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "CDOM", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::CDOM", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::CDOM", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance at x nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOWN_IRRADIANCE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 412 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 490 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 443 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 380 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 555 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw output signal (hertz) from dissolved oxygen sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Frequency reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "FREQUENCY_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering (/m) at 700 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP700", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BBP700", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BBP700", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP700", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering (/m) at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering at x nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BBP", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BBP", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering (/m) at 532 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP532", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BBP532", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BBP532", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP532", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering (/m) at 470 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP470", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BBP470", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BBP470", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BBP470", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Temperature of the spectrometer" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Spectrometer temperature (degC) of nitrate sensor." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Temperature (degC) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor, expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea temperature from oxygen sensor ITS-90 scale" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_PH", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea temperature from pH sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Temperature (degC) of seawater from pH sensor." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_NITRATE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Internal temperature of the nitrate sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Internal temperature (degC) of the nitrate sensor" + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE", + "skos:altLabel": "HUMIDITY_NITRATE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor (If > 50% there is a leak)" + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0", + "skos:altLabel": "C1PHASE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY", + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift (deg) reported by oxygen sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TILT", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TILT", + "skos:altLabel": "TILT", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TILT", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical (deg)." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "C2PHASE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "2", + "dc:date": "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "2", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Calibrated phase (deg) by optode." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DPHASE_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported\nby the oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "MOLAR_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Nitrate concentration (umol/l)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Molar nitrate concentration" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "MOLAR_NITRATE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 700 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BETA_BACKSCATTERING700", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 470 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 470 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BETA_BACKSCATTERING470", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw turbidity signal (count) from side scattering sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using the UNESCO 1983 algorithm." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::PSAL", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Practical salinity" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PSAL", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::PSAL", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::PSAL", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at x nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw output signal (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Count reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "COUNT_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at 660 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Particle beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at 660 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in darkness from nitrate sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark measurement from nitrate sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", + "skos:altLabel": "LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Light-emitting diode (LED) flashing frequency (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) from nitrate sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Intensity of ultra-violet flux from nitrate sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw fluorescence from coloured dissolved organic matter sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of samples in bin (dimensionless)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Number of samples in bin" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "NB_SAMPLE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 380 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance at x nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at x nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BETA_BACKSCATTERING", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance at x nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in seawater and darkness from nitrate sensor." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark seawater from nitrate sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from chlorophyll-a fluorometer." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw signal from chlorophyll-a fluorometer" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Calibration fit error of nitrate (dimensionless)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Nitrate fit error" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) signal (count)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", + "skos:altLabel": "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength." + }, + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 532 nm wavelength." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 532 nanometers" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BETA_BACKSCATTERING532", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on backscattering meter and/or fluorometer." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Thermistor signal from backsacttering meter and/or fluorometer" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP_CPU_CHLA", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/kg)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Dissolved oxygen concentration" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Nitrate concentration (umol/kg)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::NITRATE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Nitrate concentration" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "NITRATE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::NITRATE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::NITRATE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bisulfide concentration (umol/kg)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Bisulfide concentration" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "BISULFIDE", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Dissolved oxygen concentration (ml/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "MLPL_DOXY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Turbidity (NTU) of seawater." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "seawater turbidity" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TURBIDITY", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m^3)." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::CHLA", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Chlorophyll-a concentration" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", + "skos:altLabel": "CHLA", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::CHLA", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::CHLA", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:related": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Temperature of the water body expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard." + }, + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale" + }, + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "dc:date": "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", + "skos:altLabel": "TEMP", + "skos:notation": "SDN:R03::TEMP", + "owl:sameAs": { + "@id": "" + }, + "pav:version": "1", + "dce:identifier": "SDN:R03::TEMP", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + } + }, + { + "@id": "", + "skos:member": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + 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}, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Collection", + "dc:publisher": "Natural Environment Research Council", + "dc:description": "Terms describing individual measured phenomena, used to mark up sets of data in Argo netCDF arrays. Argo netCDF variables PARAMETER and TRAJECTORY_PARAMETERS are populated by R03 altLabel; R03 altLabel is also used to name netCDF profile files parameter variables .", + "dc:title": "Argo parameter codes", + "skos:prefLabel": "Argo parameter codes", + "owl:versionInfo": "6", + "dc:date": "2023-10-06 03:00:02.0", + "skos:altLabel": "PARAMETER", + "dc:creator": "Argo Data Management Team", + "dc:alternative": "PARAMETER", + "rdfs:comment": "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", + "grg:RE_RegisterOwner": "Argo Data Management Team", + "grg:RE_RegisterManager": "British Oceanographic Data Centre", + "rdfs:seeAlso": { + "@id": "" + } + } + ], + "@context": { + "cpm": "", + "qudt": "", + "void": "", + "pav": "", + "owl": "", + "dce": "", + "skos": "", + "ns0": "", + "rdfs": "", + "iop": "", + "ns1": "", + "puv": "", + "semapv": "", + "dct": "", + "rdf": "", + "reg": "", + "sssom": "", + "dcat": "", + "grg": "", + "prov": "", + "dc": "" } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_CTD", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_CYC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of Cyclops sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of CYCLOPS samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of Durafet pH sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of DURAFET samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_ECO", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of ECO samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of ISUS samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of WET Labs MCOMS sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of MCOMS samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_OCR", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of OCR sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of OCR samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_STM", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of Seapoint Turbidity Meter (STM) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of STM samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of SUNA sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Number of SUNA samples in each pressure bin" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Nitrate concentration (umol/kg)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Nitrate concentration" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw phase delay (usec) by optode." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PH_IN_SITU_FREE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "pH against the free scale." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "pH (free scale)" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "pH against the seawater scale." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "pH (seawater scale)" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "pH against the total scale." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "pH (total scale)" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PPOX_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Oxygen partial pressure (mBar)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Partial pressure of oxygen" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::PRES", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::PRES", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PRES", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a pressure sensor, corrected to read zero at sea level." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::PRES", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::PSAL", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::PSAL", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "PSAL", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using the UNESCO 1983 algorithm." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::PSAL", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Practical salinity" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance at x nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 380 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) signal (count)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance at x nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "RPHASE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw turbidity signal (count) from side scattering sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP", - "date" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP", - "authoredOn" : "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Temperature of the water body expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC", - "date" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC", - "authoredOn" : "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_CNDC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Internal temperature (degC) of the conductivity cell." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Internal temperature of the conductivity cell" - } - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_CPU_CHLA", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on backscattering meter and/or fluorometer." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Thermistor signal from backsacttering meter and/or fluorometer" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Temperature (degC) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor, expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea temperature from oxygen sensor ITS-90 scale" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Internal temperature (degC) of the nitrate sensor" - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Internal temperature of the nitrate sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_PH", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Temperature (degC) of seawater from pH sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Sea temperature from pH sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Spectrometer temperature (degC) of nitrate sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Temperature of the spectrometer" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TEMP_VOTLAGE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw temperature signal (volt) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Thermistor voltage reported by oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TILT", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TILT", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TILT", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical (deg)." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TILT", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "hasVersion" : "", - "version" : "2", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "TPHASE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift (deg) reported by oxygen sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at unspecified wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at x nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at 660 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Particle beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at 660 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "TURBIDITY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Turbidity (NTU) of seawater." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "seawater turbidity" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UP_RADIANCE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at unspecified wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance at x nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UP_RADIANCE412", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 412 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UP_RADIANCE443", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 443 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UP_RADIANCE490", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 490 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UP_RADIANCE555", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 555 nm wavelength." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in darkness from nitrate sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark measurement from nitrate sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in seawater and darkness from nitrate sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark seawater from nitrate sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) from nitrate sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Intensity of ultra-violet flux from nitrate sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::VK_PH", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::VK_PH", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "VK_PH", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Counter electrode signal (volt) from pH sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::VK_PH", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Counter electrode voltage of pH sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "VOLTAGE_DOXY", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw output signal (volt) from dissolved oxygen sensor." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Voltage reported by oxygen sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "identifier" : "SDN:R03::VRS_PH", - "date" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "dc:identifier" : "SDN:R03::VRS_PH", - "authoredOn" : "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "sameAs" : "", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "VRS_PH", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Raw output signal (volt) from pH sensor, equating to the potential between the transistor source and the reference electrode." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:R03::VRS_PH", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Voltage difference between reference and source from pH sensor" - }, - "related" : "" - } ], - "@context" : { - "deprecated" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "versionInfo" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "version" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "date" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "inDataset" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "note" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "altLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "related" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "identifier" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "authoredOn" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasCurrentVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "definition" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "notation" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "sameAs" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "member" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "description" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "creator" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "publisher" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "title" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterOwner" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "RE_RegisterManager" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "seeAlso" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "comment" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "alternative" : { - "@id" : "" - }, - "hasVersion" : { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "@id" - }, - "qudt" : "", - "owl" : "", - "dce" : "", - "skos" : "", - "ns0" : "", - "rdfs" : "", - "iop" : "", - "ns1" : "", - "puv" : "", - "dct" : "", - "reg" : "", - "dcat" : "", - "grg" : "", - "prov" : "", - "cpm" : "", - "void" : "", - "pav" : "", - "rdf" : "", - "dc" : "" - } } diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/f53d3f618df452ec32e1b3c148275328b49863b2e4cc3fc793206976aa934ec7.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/f53d3f618df452ec32e1b3c148275328b49863b2e4cc3fc793206976aa934ec7.json index aabb8b37..310c61a4 100644 --- a/argopy/tests/test_data/f53d3f618df452ec32e1b3c148275328b49863b2e4cc3fc793206976aa934ec7.json +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/f53d3f618df452ec32e1b3c148275328b49863b2e4cc3fc793206976aa934ec7.json @@ -1,223 +1,200 @@ { - "@graph" : [ { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Collection", - "alternative" : "MEASUREMENT_CODE_CATEGORY", - "creator" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "date" : "2021-12-02 02:00:02.0", - "description" : "Categories of trajectory measurement codes listed in NVS collection 'R15'", - "publisher" : "Natural Environment Research Council", - "title" : "Argo measurement code categories", - "RE_RegisterManager" : "British Oceanographic Data Centre", - "RE_RegisterOwner" : "Argo Data Management Team", - "comment" : "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server.", - "versionInfo" : "2", - "altLabel" : "MEASUREMENT_CODE_CATEGORY", - "member" : [ "", "", "", "" ], - "prefLabel" : "Argo measurement code categories" - }, { - "@id" : "", - "@type" : "skos:Concept", - "dce:identifier" : "SDN:RMC::PRIMC", - "date" : "2021-11-30 12:44:50.0", - "identifier" : "SDN:RMC::PRIMC", - "authoredOn" : "2021-11-30 12:44:50.0", - "hasCurrentVersion" : "", - "version" : "1", - "inDataset" : "", - "deprecated" : "false", - "versionInfo" : "1", - "altLabel" : "Primary MC", - "definition" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Measurement codes marking a mandatory cycle timing variable. These are essential to determine trajectory estimates for all float types." - }, - "notation" : "SDN:RMC::PRIMC", - "note" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "accepted" - }, - "prefLabel" : { - "@language" : "en", - "@value" : "Primary Measurement Codes (MC)" + "@graph": [ + { + "@id": "", + "pav:authoredOn": "2021-11-30 12:44:50.0", + "pav:hasCurrentVersion": { + "@id": "" + }, + "dce:identifier": "SDN:RMC::SECMC", + "pav:version": "1", + "skos:notation": "SDN:RMC::SECMC", + "skos:altLabel": "Secondary MC", + "dc:date": "2021-11-30 12:44:50.0", + "owl:versionInfo": "1", + "skos:prefLabel": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Secondary Measurement Codes (MC)" + }, + "dc:identifier": "SDN:RMC::SECMC", + "skos:note": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "accepted" + }, + "owl:deprecated": "false", + "void:inDataset": { + "@id": "" + }, + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Measurement codes marking a recommended cycle timing variable. These are used to determine trajectory estimates for a range of float types." + }, + "@type": "skos:Concept" + }, + { + "@id": "", + "pav:hasVersion": [ + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + }, + { + "@id": "" + } + ], + "@type": "skos:Concept", + "skos:definition": { + "@language": "en", + "@value": "Measurement codes marking measurements recorded while transitioning towards a primary or secondary measurement code, or taken as part of a surface sequence of in-water or in-air samples. If 'MC' is defined as a primary or secondary measurement code, relative generic codes 'RGENC' correspond to all codes falling within the (MC-15) and (MC-10) range, and within the (MC-6) and (MC-1) range; i.e. (MC-16) < RGENC < (MC-9) and (MC-7) . -@prefix dc: . -@prefix dcat: . -@prefix dce: . -@prefix dct: . -@prefix grg: . -@prefix iop: . -@prefix ns0: . -@prefix ns1: . -@prefix owl: . -@prefix pav: . -@prefix prov: . -@prefix puv: . -@prefix qudt: . -@prefix rdf: . -@prefix rdfs: . -@prefix reg: . -@prefix skos: . -@prefix void: . +PREFIX cpm: +PREFIX dc: +PREFIX dcat: +PREFIX dce: +PREFIX dct: +PREFIX grg: +PREFIX iop: +PREFIX ns0: +PREFIX ns1: +PREFIX owl: +PREFIX pav: +PREFIX prov: +PREFIX puv: +PREFIX qudt: +PREFIX rdf: +PREFIX rdfs: +PREFIX reg: +PREFIX semapv: +PREFIX skos: +PREFIX sssom: +PREFIX void: - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Light-emitting diode (LED) flashing frequency (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS"; + skos:definition "Number of WET Labs MCOMS sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of MCOMS samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CNDC" ; - dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CNDC" ; - pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "CNDC" ; - skos:definition "Measure of electrical flow through water."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::CNDC" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Electrical conductivity"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE"; + skos:definition "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE" ; - skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at x nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE"; + dc:date "2023-08-31 11:21:18.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE"; + pav:authoredOn "2023-08-31 11:21:18.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "CHLA_FLUORESCENCE"; + skos:definition "Chlorophyll fluorescence in relative unit with factory calibration"@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::CHLA_FLUORESCENCE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Chlorophyll fluorescence with factory calibration"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BBP" ; - skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at x nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CHLA" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CHLA" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "CHLA" ; - skos:definition "Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m^3)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::CHLA" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Chlorophyll-a concentration"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_SUNA"; + skos:definition "Number of SUNA sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of SUNA samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/kg)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Dissolved oxygen concentration"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_CYC"; + skos:definition "Number of Cyclops sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of CYCLOPS samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TURBIDITY" ; - skos:definition "Turbidity (NTU) of seawater."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "seawater turbidity"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET"; + skos:definition "Number of Durafet pH sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of DURAFET samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BISULFIDE" ; - skos:definition "Bisulfide concentration (umol/kg)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Bisulfide concentration"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_CTD"; + skos:definition "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Calibrated phase (deg) by optode."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_OCR"; + skos:definition "Number of OCR sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of OCR samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP700" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP700" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BBP700" ; - skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at 700 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP700" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_STM"; + skos:definition "Number of Seapoint Turbidity Meter (STM) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of STM samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "MOLAR_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Nitrate concentration (umol/l)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Molar nitrate concentration"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_ECO"; + skos:definition "Number of Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of ECO samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_OCR" ; - skos:definition "Number of OCR sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OCR" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of OCR samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_CROVER"; + skos:definition "Number of c-Rover sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of c-Rover samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP470" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP470" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BBP470" ; - skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at 470 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP470" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_ISUS"; + skos:definition "Number of In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of ISUS samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Collection ; - rdfs:comment "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server." ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - dc:alternative "PARAMETER" ; - dc:creator "Argo Data Management Team" ; - dc:date "2021-02-02 02:00:02.0" ; - dc:description "Terms describing individual measured phenomena, used to mark up sets of data in Argo netCDF arrays. Argo netCDF variables PARAMETER and TRAJECTORY_PARAMETERS are populated by R03 altLabel; R03 altLabel is also used to name netCDF profile files parameter variables ." ; - dc:publisher "Natural Environment Research Council" ; - dc:title "Argo parameter codes" ; - grg:RE_RegisterManager "British Oceanographic Data Centre" ; - grg:RE_RegisterOwner "Argo Data Management Team" ; - owl:versionInfo "4" ; - skos:altLabel "PARAMETER" ; - skos:member , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - skos:prefLabel "Argo parameter codes" . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC"; + dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC"; + pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_CNDC"; + skos:definition "Internal temperature (degC) of the conductivity cell."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Internal temperature of the conductivity cell"@en . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_SUNA" ; - skos:definition "Number of SUNA sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_SUNA" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of SUNA samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "PH_IN_SITU_FREE"; + skos:definition "pH against the free scale."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "pH (free scale)"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE555" ; - skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 555 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL"; + skos:definition "pH against the total scale."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "pH (total scale)"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:hasVersion ; - pav:version "2" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "2" ; - skos:altLabel "C2PHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER"; + skos:definition "pH against the seawater scale."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "pH (seawater scale)"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE443" ; - skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 443 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + skos:definition "Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (uE/m^2/s)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_CYC" ; - skos:definition "Number of Cyclops sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CYC" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of CYCLOPS samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2023-10-05 14:49:26.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2023-10-05 14:49:26.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:hasVersion ; + pav:version "2"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "2"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Raw temperature signal (volt) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Thermistor voltage reported by oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "PPOX_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Oxygen partial pressure (mBar)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Partial pressure of oxygen"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::VRS_PH"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::VRS_PH"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "VRS_PH"; + skos:definition "Raw output signal (volt) from pH sensor, equating to the potential between the transistor source and the reference electrode."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::VRS_PH"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Voltage difference between reference and source from pH sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:hasVersion ; - pav:version "2" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "2" ; - skos:altLabel "RPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::VK_PH"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::VK_PH"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "VK_PH"; + skos:definition "Counter electrode signal (volt) from pH sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::VK_PH"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Counter electrode voltage of pH sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE555" ; - skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 555 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Raw output signal (volt) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Voltage reported by oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE" ; - skos:definition "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_OPTODE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of optode samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::IK_PH"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::IK_PH"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "IK_PH"; + skos:definition "Counter electrode current (nA) from pH sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::IK_PH"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Counter electrode current of pH sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555" ; - skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::IB_PH"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::IB_PH"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "IB_PH"; + skos:definition "Base current (nA) of pH sensor chip."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::IB_PH"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Base current of pH sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_CNDC" ; - skos:definition "Internal temperature (degC) of the conductivity cell."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_CNDC" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Internal temperature of the conductivity cell"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "PHASE_DELAY_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Raw phase delay (usec) by optode."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER" ; - skos:definition "pH against the seawater scale."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_SEAWATER" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "pH (seawater scale)"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "PPOX_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Oxygen partial pressure (mBar)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::PPOX_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Partial pressure of oxygen"@en; + skos:related . - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PRES" ; - dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PRES" ; - pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "PRES" ; - skos:definition "The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a pressure sensor, corrected to read zero at sea level."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::PRES" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PRES"; + dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PRES"; + pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "PRES"; + skos:definition "The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a pressure sensor, corrected to read zero at sea level."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::PRES"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level"@en; skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CNDC"; + dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CNDC"; + pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "CNDC"; + skos:definition "Measure of electrical flow through water."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::CNDC"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Electrical conductivity"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MTIME"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MTIME"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "MTIME"; + skos:definition "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station (days)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::MTIME"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CP660"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CP660"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "CP660"; + skos:definition "Particle beam attenuation (/m) at 660 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::CP660"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Particle beam attenuation at 660 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CP" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CP" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "CP" ; - skos:definition "Particle beam attenuation (/m) at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::CP" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Particle beam attenuation at x nanometers"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CP"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CP"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "CP"; + skos:definition "Particle beam attenuation (/m) at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::CP"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Particle beam attenuation at x nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP532" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP532" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BBP532" ; - skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at 532 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP532" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE555"; + skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 555 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE555"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555" ; - skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE"; + skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at x nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_CPU_CHLA" ; - skos:definition "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on backscattering meter and/or fluorometer."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Thermistor signal from backsacttering meter and/or fluorometer"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE443"; + skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 443 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE443"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE412"; + skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 412 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE490"; + skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 490 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CDOM"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CDOM"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "CDOM"; + skos:definition "Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration (ppb)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::CDOM"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter in seawater"@en; + skos:related . - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE" ; - skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at x nanometers"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE"; + skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at x nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE412"; + skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 412 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE490"; + skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 490 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE443" ; - skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 443 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE443"; + skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 443 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE443"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443" ; - skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE380"; + skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 380 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE555"; + skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 555 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE555"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "FREQUENCY_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Raw output signal (hertz) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Frequency reported by oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP700"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP700"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BBP700"; + skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at 700 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP700"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BBP"; + skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at x nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP532"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP532"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BBP532"; + skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at 532 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP532"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP470"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BBP470"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BBP470"; + skos:definition "Particle backscattering (/m) at 470 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BBP470"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Spectrometer temperature (degC) of nitrate sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Temperature of the spectrometer"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Spectrometer temperature (degC) of nitrate sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_SPECTROPHOTOMETER_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Temperature of the spectrometer"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443" ; - skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Temperature (degC) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor, expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Sea temperature from oxygen sensor ITS-90 scale"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "MOLAR_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported\nby the oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_PH"; + skos:definition "Temperature (degC) of seawater from pH sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Sea temperature from pH sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_ECO" ; - skos:definition "Number of Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ECO" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of ECO samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Internal temperature (degC) of the nitrate sensor"@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Internal temperature of the nitrate sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_STM" ; - skos:definition "Number of Seapoint Turbidity Meter (STM) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_STM" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of STM samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "HUMIDITY_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor (If > 50% there is a leak)"@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "COUNT_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Raw output signal (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Count reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:hasVersion ; + pav:version "2"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "2"; + skos:altLabel "C1PHASE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TILT" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TILT" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TILT" ; - skos:definition "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical (deg)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TILT" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:hasVersion ; + pav:version "2"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "2"; + skos:altLabel "TPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift (deg) reported by oxygen sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE490" ; - skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 490 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE490" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TILT"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TILT"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TILT"; + skos:definition "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical (deg)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TILT"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Inclination of the float axis in respect to the local vertical"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE" ; - skos:definition "Number of samples in bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of samples in bin"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:42:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:hasVersion ; + pav:version "2"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "2"; + skos:altLabel "C2PHASE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::C2PHASE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Nitrate concentration (umol/kg)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Nitrate concentration"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:41:38.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:hasVersion ; + pav:version "2"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "2"; + skos:altLabel "RPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE" ; - skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at x nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:hasVersion ; + pav:version "2"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "2"; + skos:altLabel "BPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY" ; - skos:definition "Raw turbidity signal (count) from side scattering sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Calibrated phase (deg) by optode."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DPHASE_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Internal temperature (degC) of the nitrate sensor"@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Internal temperature of the nitrate sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "MOLAR_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::MOLAR_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported\nby the oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_CROVER" ; - skos:definition "Number of c-Rover sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CROVER" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of c-Rover samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "MOLAR_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Nitrate concentration (umol/l)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::MOLAR_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Molar nitrate concentration"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in seawater and darkness from nitrate sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark seawater from nitrate sensor"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING700"; + skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 700 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_VOTLAGE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Raw temperature signal (volt) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_VOLTAGE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Thermistor voltage reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PSAL" ; - dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PSAL" ; - pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "PSAL" ; - skos:definition "Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using the UNESCO 1983 algorithm."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::PSAL" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Practical salinity"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING470"; + skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 470 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 470 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE490" ; - skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 490 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE490" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490" ; - skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY"; + skos:definition "Raw turbidity signal (count) from side scattering sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::SIDE_SCATTERING_TURBIDITY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490" ; - skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PSAL"; + dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PSAL"; + pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "PSAL"; + skos:definition "Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using the UNESCO 1983 algorithm."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::PSAL"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Practical salinity"@en; skos:related . - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION" ; - skos:definition "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at x nanometers"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION"; + skos:definition "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at x nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "PHASE_DELAY_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Raw phase delay (usec) by optode."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::PHASE_DELAY_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "FREQUENCY_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Raw output signal (hertz) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::FREQUENCY_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Frequency reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412"; + skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Temperature (degC) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor, expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Sea temperature from oxygen sensor ITS-90 scale"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "COUNT_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Raw output signal (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::COUNT_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Count reported by oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "VOLTAGE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Raw output signal (volt) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::VOLTAGE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Voltage reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490"; + skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE490"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING700" ; - skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 700 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING700" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660"; + skos:definition "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at 660 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Particle beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at 660 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP" ; - dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP" ; - pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP" ; - skos:definition "Temperature of the water body expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in darkness from nitrate sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark measurement from nitrate sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MTIME" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MTIME" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "MTIME" ; - skos:definition "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station (days)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::MTIME" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Fractional day of the individual measurement relative to JULD of the station"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Light-emitting diode (LED) flashing frequency (count) from dissolved oxygen sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::LED_FLASHING_COUNT_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "HUMIDITY_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor (If > 50% there is a leak)"@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::HUMIDITY_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Relative humidity inside the nitrate sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) from nitrate sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Intensity of ultra-violet flux from nitrate sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:43:30.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:hasVersion ; - pav:version "2" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "2" ; - skos:altLabel "TPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift (deg) reported by oxygen sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated temperature compensated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "FLUORESCENCE_CDOM"; + skos:definition "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw fluorescence from coloured dissolved organic matter sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE380" ; - skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 380 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE380" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555"; + skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE555"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 555 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "MLPL_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Dissolved oxygen concentration (ml/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE"; + skos:definition "Number of samples in bin (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Number of samples in bin"@en; + skos:related . - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380" ; - skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 380 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380"; + skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 380 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE380"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING470" ; - skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 470 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING470" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 470 nanometers"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412"; + skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::IK_PH" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::IK_PH" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "IK_PH" ; - skos:definition "Counter electrode current (nA) from pH sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::IK_PH" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Counter electrode current of pH sensor"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:40:52.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:hasVersion ; - pav:version "2" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "2" ; - skos:altLabel "BPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 3830."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BPHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 3830"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE"; + skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at x nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING" ; - skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at x nanometers"@en ; + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING"; + skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at x nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_COUNT_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE"; + skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at unspecified wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at x nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE" ; - skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at unspecified wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at x nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "FIT_ERROR_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Calibration fit error of nitrate (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Nitrate fit error"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443"; + skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE443"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 443 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TEMP_PH" ; - skos:definition "Temperature (degC) of seawater from pH sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_PH" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Sea temperature from pH sensor"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - skos:definition "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) signal (count)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443"; + skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 443 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE443"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::IB_PH" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::IB_PH" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "IB_PH" ; - skos:definition "Base current (nA) of pH sensor chip."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::IB_PH" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Base current of pH sensor"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UP_RADIANCE412" ; - skos:definition "Upwelling radiance (W/m^2/nm/sr) at 412 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UP_RADIANCE412" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "FLUORESCENCE_CDOM" ; - skos:definition "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CDOM" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw fluorescence from coloured dissolved organic matter sensor"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in seawater and darkness from nitrate sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_SEAWATER_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark seawater from nitrate sensor"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - skos:definition "Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (uE/m^2/s)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWNWELLING_PAR" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Downwelling photosynthetically available radiation"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING532" ; - skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 532 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 532 nanometers"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "FLUORESCENCE_CHLA"; + skos:definition "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from chlorophyll-a fluorometer."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw signal from chlorophyll-a fluorometer"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::VRS_PH" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::VRS_PH" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "VRS_PH" ; - skos:definition "Raw output signal (volt) from pH sensor, equating to the potential between the transistor source and the reference electrode."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::VRS_PH" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Voltage difference between reference and source from pH sensor"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) in darkness from nitrate sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_DARK_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Intensity of ultra-violet flux dark measurement from nitrate sensor"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "FIT_ERROR_NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Calibration fit error of nitrate (dimensionless)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::FIT_ERROR_NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Nitrate fit error"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE" ; - skos:definition "Raw ultra-violet (UV) flux signal (count) from nitrate sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::UV_INTENSITY_NITRATE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Intensity of ultra-violet flux from nitrate sensor"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + skos:definition "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) signal (count)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_PAR"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling photosynthetically available radiation"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::VK_PH" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::VK_PH" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "VK_PH" ; - skos:definition "Counter electrode signal (volt) from pH sensor."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::VK_PH" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Counter electrode voltage of pH sensor"@en ; - skos:related . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET" ; - skos:definition "Number of Durafet pH sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_DURAFET" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of DURAFET samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS" ; - skos:definition "Number of WET Labs MCOMS sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_MCOMS" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of MCOMS samples in each pressure bin"@en . - - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "PH_IN_SITU_FREE" ; - skos:definition "pH against the free scale."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_FREE" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "pH (free scale)"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555"; + skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 555 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE555"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "DOWN_IRRADIANCE412" ; - skos:definition "Downwelling irradiance (W/m^2/nm) at 412 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOWN_IRRADIANCE412" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_COUNT_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on dissolved oxygen sensor."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_COUNT_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660" ; - skos:definition "Raw beam attenuation signal (count) from transmissometer sensor at 660 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::TRANSMITTANCE_PARTICLE_BEAM_ATTENUATION660" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Particle beam attenuation from transmissometer sensor at 660 nanometers"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490"; + skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 490 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE490"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 490 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412" ; - skos:definition "Raw upwelling radiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_UPWELLING_RADIANCE412" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw upwelling radiance at 412 nanometers"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BETA_BACKSCATTERING532"; + skos:definition "Raw backscattering signal (count) from backscattering meter at 532 nm wavelength."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BETA_BACKSCATTERING532"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 532 nanometers"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "FLUORESCENCE_CHLA" ; - skos:definition "Raw fluorescence signal (count) from chlorophyll-a fluorometer."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::FLUORESCENCE_CHLA" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw signal from chlorophyll-a fluorometer"@en ; + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP_CPU_CHLA"; + skos:definition "Raw temperature signal (count) from thermistor on backscattering meter and/or fluorometer."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP_CPU_CHLA"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Thermistor signal from backsacttering meter and/or fluorometer"@en; skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY" ; - dc:date "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-05-03 17:42:05.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:hasVersion ; - pav:version "2" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "2" ; - skos:altLabel "C1PHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:definition "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift (deg) reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::C1PHASE_DOXY" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by Aanderaa optode 4330/4330F"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "DOXY"; + skos:definition "Dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/kg)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Dissolved oxygen concentration"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL" ; - skos:definition "pH against the total scale."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "pH (total scale)"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NITRATE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NITRATE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "NITRATE"; + skos:definition "Nitrate concentration (umol/kg)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::NITRATE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Nitrate concentration"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CDOM" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CDOM" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "CDOM" ; - skos:definition "Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration (ppb)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::CDOM" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter in seawater"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "BISULFIDE"; + skos:definition "Bisulfide concentration (umol/kg)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::BISULFIDE"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Bisulfide concentration"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412" ; - skos:definition "Raw downwelling irradiance signal (count) at 412 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::RAW_DOWNWELLING_IRRADIANCE412" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Raw downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "MLPL_DOXY"; + skos:definition "Dissolved oxygen concentration (ml/l) uncorrected for salinity and pressure effects."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::MLPL_DOXY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CP660" ; - dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CP660" ; - pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:sameAs ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "CP660" ; - skos:definition "Particle beam attenuation (/m) at 660 nm wavelength."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::CP660" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Particle beam attenuation at 660 nanometers"@en ; - skos:related . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TURBIDITY"; + skos:definition "Turbidity (NTU) of seawater."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TURBIDITY"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "seawater turbidity"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_ISUS" ; - skos:definition "Number of In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS) sensor samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_ISUS" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of ISUS samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::CHLA"; + dc:date "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::CHLA"; + pav:authoredOn "2020-04-04 15:05:33.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "CHLA"; + skos:definition "Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m^3)."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::CHLA"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Chlorophyll-a concentration"@en; + skos:related . - - rdf:type skos:Concept ; - dce:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD" ; - dc:date "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - dc:identifier "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD" ; - pav:authoredOn "2021-02-01 14:09:51.0" ; - pav:hasCurrentVersion ; - pav:version "1" ; - void:inDataset ; - owl:deprecated "false" ; - owl:versionInfo "1" ; - skos:altLabel "NB_SAMPLE_CTD" ; - skos:definition "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin (dimensionless)."@en ; - skos:notation "SDN:R03::NB_SAMPLE_CTD" ; - skos:note "accepted"@en ; - skos:prefLabel "Number of CTD samples in each pressure bin"@en . + + rdf:type skos:Concept; + dce:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP"; + dc:date "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + dc:identifier "SDN:R03::TEMP"; + pav:authoredOn "2019-10-11 15:02:22.0"; + pav:hasCurrentVersion ; + pav:version "1"; + void:inDataset ; + owl:deprecated "false"; + owl:sameAs ; + owl:versionInfo "1"; + skos:altLabel "TEMP"; + skos:definition "Temperature of the water body expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) calibration standard."@en; + skos:notation "SDN:R03::TEMP"; + skos:note "accepted"@en; + skos:prefLabel "Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale"@en; + skos:related . + + + rdf:type skos:Collection; + rdfs:comment "Governance for vocabularies used in the Argo data system, published and maintained by the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and hosted on the NERC Vocabulary Server."; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + dc:alternative "PARAMETER"; + dc:creator "Argo Data Management Team"; + dc:date "2023-10-06 03:00:02.0"; + dc:description "Terms describing individual measured phenomena, used to mark up sets of data in Argo netCDF arrays. Argo netCDF variables PARAMETER and TRAJECTORY_PARAMETERS are populated by R03 altLabel; R03 altLabel is also used to name netCDF profile files parameter variables ."; + dc:publisher "Natural Environment Research Council"; + dc:title "Argo parameter codes"; + grg:RE_RegisterManager "British Oceanographic Data Centre"; + grg:RE_RegisterOwner "Argo Data Management Team"; + owl:versionInfo "6"; + skos:altLabel "PARAMETER"; + skos:member , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + skos:prefLabel "Argo parameter codes" . diff --git a/argopy/tests/test_data/httpmocked_uri_index.json b/argopy/tests/test_data/httpmocked_uri_index.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64fc6dcd --- /dev/null +++ b/argopy/tests/test_data/httpmocked_uri_index.json @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +[ + { + "uri": "", + "ext": "json", + "sha": 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