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LeetCode Solutions

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Contains LeetCode Solutions written in different languages for ME to reference and track my progress.

Started with Go, but Go as an interview language to solve LeetCode questions is a poor choice, since Go's standard library is sorely lacking common data structures and/or algorithms.

Also, solving string/char questions in Go was painful due to runes and such.

Though, Go is still my favorite language by far for Software Engineering due to its ease of use and comprehensive standard library.

Tried Rust for the fun of it. Enjoyed it. Too time-consuming to deal with the borrow-checker when solving Graph questions. Though I would want to engineer some software with it some time in the future.

Now solving in C++. Like it.

Known Issues

  1. Rust solutions are not run-able. Rust requires a different sort of directory that is not really compatible with the way this Repository is structured.

  2. Code Coverage Badge showing unknown. This is a known issue with GitLab Child Pipelines. I could technically not use child pipelines, but for clean-code/configuration purposes, I would rather separate the concerns of each pipeline. Not knowing the test coverage is fine. This repository is not a Library.


ID Problem Name Languages
1 TwoSum C++
2 AddTwoNumbers Rust C++
3 LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters C++
4 FindMedianOfTwoSortedArrays C++
5 LongestPalindromicSubstring C++
6 ZigZagConversion C++
7 ReverseInteger C++
8 StringToIntegerAtoi C++
10 RegularExpressionMatching C++
11 ContainerWithMostWater C++
12 IntegerToRoman C++
14 LongestCommonPrefix C++
15 ThreeSum C++
17 LetterCombinationsOfAPhoneNumber C++
19 RemoveNthNodeFromEndOfList C++
20 ValidParentheses C++
21 MergeTwoSortedLists C++
22 GenerateParentheses C++ Go
23 MergeKSortedLists C++
26 RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArray C++
27 RemoveElement C++
30 SubstringWithConcatenationOfAllWords C++
31 NextPermutation C++
32 LongestValidParentheses Rust
33 SearchInRotatedSortedArray C++
34 FindFirstAndLastPositionOfElementInSortedArray C++
35 SearchInsertPosition C++
36 ValidSudoku C++
38 CountAndSay C++
39 CombinationSum C++
40 CombinationSumTwo C++
42 TrappingRainWater C++ Go
45 JumpGame Go
46 Permutations C++
48 RotateImage C++
49 GroupAnagrams C++
50 PowXN C++
54 SpiralMatrix C++
55 JumpGame Go C++
56 MergeIntervals C++
57 InsertInterval C++
58 LengthOfLastWord Rust
59 SpiralMatrixTwo C++
61 RotateList C++
62 UniquePaths Go C++
63 UniquePathsII Go
64 MinimumPathSum Go
66 PlusOne C++
67 AddBinary Go
69 Sqrt C++
70 ClimbingStairs Go
72 EditDistance Rust C++
73 SetMatrixZeroes C++
74 SearchA2DMatrix C++
75 SortColors C++
76 MinimumWindowSubstring C++
78 Subsets C++
84 LargestRectangleInHistogram C++
85 MaximalRectangle C++
91 DecodeWays C++
94 BinaryTreeInorderTraversal Go
96 UniqueBinarySearchTrees C++
97 InterleavingString Rust
98 ValidateBinarySearchTree Go C++
100 SameTree C++
102 BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal C++
104 MaximumDepthOfBinaryTree C++
105 ConstructBinaryTreeFromPreorderAndInorderTraversal C++
110 BalancedBinaryTree C++
115 DistinctSubsequences C++
118 PascalsTriangle Go
119 PascalsTriangleTwo C++
120 Triangle Go
121 BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock C++ Go
122 BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockTwo Go
125 ValidPalindrome C++
127 WordLadder C++
128 LongestConsecutiveSequence C++
130 SurroundedRegions C++
131 PalindromePartitioning C++
136 SingleNumber Go C++
139 WordBreak C++
140 WordBreakTwo C++
141 LinkedListCycle C++
144 BinaryTreePreorderTraversal Go
145 BinaryTreePostorderTraversal Go C++
146 LRUCache C++
150 EvaluateReversePolishNotation C++
152 MaximumProductSubarray C++
153 FindMinimumInRotatedSortedArray C++
155 MinStack C++
162 FindPeakElement C++
165 CompareVersionNumbers Go
167 TwoSumTwo C++
169 MajorityElement C++
170 TwoSumThree C++
173 BinarySearchTreeIterator C++
179 LargestNumber C++
190 ReverseBits C++
191 NumberOf1Bit C++
198 HouseRobber C++
199 BinaryTreeRightSideView Go C++
200 NumberOfIslands C++
206 ReverseLinkedList C++
207 CourseSchedule C++
208 ImplementTriePrefixTree C++
210 CourseScheduleTwo C++
211 DesignAddAndSearchWordsDataStructure C++
213 HouseRobberTwo C++
214 ShortestPalindrome C++
215 KthLargestElementInAnArray C++
218 TheSkylineProblem C++
219 ContainsDuplicateTwo C++
220 ContainsDuplicateThree C++
221 MaximalSquare C++
225 ImplementStackUsingQueues C++
226 InvertBinaryTree C++
232 ImplementQueueUsingStacks C++
235 LowestCommonAncestorOfABinarySearchTree C++
236 LowestCommonAncestorOfABinaryTree C++
237 DeleteNodeInALinkedList Go
238 ProductOfArrayExceptSelf C++
239 SlidingWindowMaximum C++
241 DifferentWaysToAddParentheses C++
243 ShortestWordDistance C++
244 ShortestWordDistanceTwo C++
245 ShortestWordDistanceThree C++
251 Flatten2DVector C++
252 MeetingRooms C++
253 MeetingRoomsTwo C++
256 PaintHouse C++
260 SingleNumberThree C++
261 GraphValidTree C++
264 UglyNumberTwo C++
265 PaintHouseTwo C++
268 MissingNumber C++
269 AlienDictionary C++
271 EncodeAndDecodeStrings C++
273 IntegerToEnglishWords C++
278 FirstBadVersion C++
281 ZigZagIterator C++
283 MoveZeroes C++
284 PeekingIterator C++
286 WallsAndGates C++
287 FindTheDuplicateNumber C++
288 UniqueWordAbbreviation C++
295 FindMedianFromDataStream C++
297 SerializeAndDeserializeBinaryTree C++
300 LongestIncreasingSubsequence C++
303 RangeSumQueryImmutable C++
304 RangeSumQuery2DImmutable C++
305 NumberOfIslandsTwo C++
307 RangeSumQueryMutable C++
308 RangeSumQuery2DMutable C++
309 BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockWithCooldown C++
312 BurstBalloons C++
315 CountOfSmallerNumbersAfterSelf C++
322 CoinChange C++
323 NumberOfConnectedComponentsInAnUndirectedGraph C++
325 MaximumSizeSubarraySumEqualsK C++
327 CountOfRangeSum C++
329 LongestIncreasingPathInAMatrix C++
332 ReconstructItinerary C++
338 CountingBits C++
344 ReverseString C++
346 MovingAverageFromDataStream C++
347 TopKFrequentElements C++
350 IntersectionOfTwoArrays C++
354 RussianDollEnvelopes C++
355 DesignTwitter C++
359 LoggerRateLimiter C++
362 DesignHitCounter C++
370 RangeAddition C++
380 InsertDeleteGetRandomO1 C++
381 InsertDeleteGetRandomO1WithDuplicates C++
386 LexicographicalNumebrs C++
392 IsSubsequence C++
394 DecodeString C++
395 LongestSubstringWithAtLeastKRepeatingCharacters C++
399 EvaluateDivision C++
402 RemoveKDigits Go
404 SumOfLeftLeaves Go
406 QueueReconstructionByHeight C++
407 TrappingRainWaterTwo C++
409 LongestPalindrome C++
410 SplitArrayLargestSum C++
416 PartitionEqualSubsetSum C++
417 PacificAtlanticWaterFlow C++
424 LongestRepeatingCharacterReplacement C++
431 FizzBuzz C++
432 AllOOneDataStructure C++
435 NonOverlappingIntervals C++
440 KthSmallestInLexicographicalOrder C++
443 StringCompression C++
452 MinimumNumberOfArrowsToBurstBalloons Go C++
460 LFUCache C++
464 CanIWin C++
476 NumberComplement C++
487 MaxConsecutiveOnesTwo C++
493 ReversePairs C++
494 TargetSum C++
506 RelativeRanks Go
509 FibonnacciNumber C++
515 FindLargestValueInEachTreeRow C++
516 LongestPalindromicSubsequence C++
518 CoinChangeTwo C++
523 ContinuousSubarraySum C++
525 ContiguousArray C++
528 RandomPickWithWeight C++
539 MinimumTimeDifference C++
542 01Matrix C++
543 DiameterOfBinaryTree C++
552 StudentAttendanceRecordTwo C++
564 FindTheClosestPalindrome C++
567 PermutationInString C++
572 SubtreeOfAnotherTree C++
576 OutOfBoundaryPaths C++
590 NaryTreePostorderTraversal C++
592 FractionAdditionAndSubtraction C++
604 DesignCompressedStringIterator C++
605 CanPlaceFlowers Go
621 TaskScheduler C++
622 DesignCircularQueue C++
624 MaximumDistanceInArrays C++
632 SmallestRangeCoveringElementsFromKLists C++
641 DesignCircularQueue C++
645 SetMismatch C++
646 MaximumLengthOfPairChain C++
647 PalindromicSubstring C++
648 ReplaceWords C++
650 2KeysKeyboard C++
664 StrangePrinter C++
670 MaximumSwap C++
673 NumberOfLongestIncreasingSubsequence C++
684 RedundantConnection C++
686 RepeatedStringMatch C++
689 MaximumSumOf3NonOverlappingSubarrays C++
695 MaxAreaOfIsland C++
699 FallingSquares C++
703 KthLargestElementInAStream C++
704 BinarySearch C++
705 DesignHashSet C++
706 DesignHashMap C++
712 MinimumASCIIDeleteSumForTwoStrings C++
713 SubarrayProductLessThanK C++
714 BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockWithTransactionFee C++
715 RangeModule C++
719 FindKthSmallestPairDistance C++
725 SplitLinkedListInParts C++
726 NumberOfAtoms C++
729 MyCalendarOne C++
731 MyCalendarTwo C++
732 MyCalendarThree C++
735 AsteroidCollision C++
739 DailyTemperatures C++ Go
740 DeleteAndEarn C++
743 NetworkDelayTime C++
746 MinCostClimbingStairs C++
752 OpenTheLock C++
759 EmployeeFreeTime C++
769 MaxChunksToMakeSorted C++
773 SlidingPuzzle C++
778 SwimInRisingWater C++
785 IsGraphBipartite C++
786 KthSmallestPrimeFraction Rust
787 CheapestFlightWithinKStops C++
796 RotateString C++
802 FindEventualSafeStates C++
803 BricksFallingWhenHit C++
827 MakingALargeIsland C++
840 MagicSquaresInAGrid C++
846 HandOfStraights C++
853 CarFleet C++
857 MinimumCostToHireKWorkers Rust
860 LemonadeChange C++
861 ScoreAfterFlippingMatrix Rust
873 LengthOfLongestFibonacciSubsequence C++
874 WalkingRobotSimulation C++
875 KokoEatingBananas C++
881 BoatsToSavePeople Go
884 UncommonWordsFromTwoSentences C++
885 SpiralMatrixThree C++
887 SuperEggDrop C++
889 ConstructBinaryTreeFromPreorderAndPostorderTraversal C++
895 MaximumFrequencyStack C++
907 SumOfSubarrayMinimums C++
912 SortAnArray C++
916 WordSubsets C++
921 MinimumAddToMakeParenthesesValid C++
924 MinimizeMalwareSpread C++
926 FlipStringToMonotoneIncreasing C++
928 MinimizeMalwareSpreadTwo C++
931 MinimumFallingPathSum C++
933 NumberOfRecentCalls C++
935 KnightDialer C++
938 RangeSumOfBST Go
945 MinimumIncrementToMakeArrayUnique C++
947 MostStonesRemovedWithSameRowOrColumn C++
951 FlipEquivalentBinaryTrees C++
952 LargestComponentSizeByCommonFactor C++
959 RegionsCutBySlashes C++
962 MaximumWidthRamp C++
973 KClosestPointToOrigin C++
974 SubarraySumsDivisibleByK C++
979 DistributeCoinsInBinaryTree C++
981 TimeBasedKeyValueStore C++
983 MinimumCostForTickets C++
993 CousinsInBinaryTree C++
994 RottingOranges C++
1002 FindCommonCharacters C++
1004 MaxConsecutiveOnesThree C++
1011 CapacityToShipPackagesWithinDDays C++
1014 BestSightseeingPair C++
1025 DivisorGame C++
1028 RecoverATreeFromPreorderTraversal C++
1046 LastStoneWeight C++
1049 LastStoneWeightTwo C++
1051 HeightChecker C++
1071 GCDOfStrings Go C++
1072 FlipColumnsForMaximumNumberOfEqualRows C++
1079 LetterTilePossibilities C++
1094 CarPooling C++
1101 TheEarliestMomentWhenEveryoneBecomesFriends C++
1105 FillingBookcaseShelves C++
1106 ParsingABooleanExpression C++
1110 DeleteNodesAndReturnForest C++
1114 PrintInOrder C++
1116 PrintZeroEvenOdd C++
1122 RelativeSortArray C++
1133 LargestUniqueNumber C++
1137 NthTribonacciNumber C++
1140 StoneGameTwo C++
1143 LongestCommonSubsequence Go C++
1151 MinimumSwapsToGroupAllOnesTogether C++
1157 OnlineMajorityElementInSubarray C++
1161 MaximumLevelSumOfABinaryTree C++
1168 OptimizeWaterDistributionInAVillage C++
1190 ReverseSubstringsBetweenEachPairOfParentheses C++
1192 CriticalConnectionsInANetwork C++
1208 GetEqualSubstringsWithinBudget C++
1213 IntersectionOfThreeSortedArrays C++
1218 LongestArithmeticSubsequenceOfGivenDifference C++
1219 PathWithMaximumGold Rust
1229 MeetingScheduler C++
1233 RemoveSubFoldersFromTheFilesystem C++
1255 MaximumScoreWordsFormedByLetters C++
1257 SmallestCommonRegion C++
1258 SynonymousSentences C++
1261 FindElementsInAContaminatedBinaryTree C++
1267 CountServersThatCommunicate C++
1268 SearchSuggestionSystem C++
1277 CountSquareSubmatricesWithOnes C++
1283 FindTheSmallestDivisorGivenAThreshold C++
1293 ShortestPathInAGridWithObstaclesElimination C++
1310 XORQueriesOfASubarray C++
1317 ConvertIntegerToTheSumOfTwoNoZeroIntegers C++
1323 Maximum69Number C++
1325 DeleteLeavesWithAGivenValue C++
1331 RankTransformOfAnArray C++
1334 FindTheCityWithTheSmallestNumberOfNeighboursAtAThresholdDistance C++
1342 NumberOfStepsToReduceANumberToZero C++
1346 CheckIfNAndItsDoubleExist C++
1348 TweetCountsPerFrequency C++
1352 ProductOfTheLastKNumbers C++
1356 SortIntegersByTheNumberOf1Bits C++
1367 LinkedListInBinaryTree C++
1368 MinimumCostToMakeAtLeastOneValidPathInAGrid C++
1371 FindTheLongestSubstringContainingVowelsInEvenCounts C++
1380 LuckyNumbersInAMatrix C++
1381 DesignAStackWithIncrementOperation C++
1395 CountNumberOfTeams C++
1400 ConstructKPalindromeStrings C++
1404 NumberOfStepsToReduceANumberInBinaryRepresentationToOne C++
1405 LongestHappyString C++
1408 StringMatchingInAnArray C++
1415 TheKthLexicographicalStringOfAllHappyStringsOfLengthN C++
1422 MaximumScoreAfterSplittingAString C++
1423 MaximumPointsYouCanObtainFromCards C++
1427 PerformStringShifts C++
1429 FirstUniqueNumber C++
1431 KidsWithGreatestNumberOfCandies Go
1441 BuildAnArrayWithStackOperations C++
1442 CountTripletsThatCanFormTwoArraysOfEqualXOR C++
1455 CheckIfAWordOccursAsAPrefixOfAnyWordsInASentence C++
1460 MakeTwoArraysEqualByReversingSubarrays C++
1462 CourseScheduleIV C++
1464 MaximumProductOfTwoElementsInAnArray C++
1472 DesignBrowserHistory C++
1475 FinalPricesWithASpecialDiscountInAShop C++
1482 MinimumNumberOfDaysToMakeMBouquets C++
1497 CheckIfArrayPairsAreDivisibleByK C++
1502 CanMakeArithmeticProgressionFromSequence C++
1505 MinimumPossibleIntegerAfterAtMostKAdjacentSwapsOnDigits C++
1508 RangeSumOfSortedSubArraySums C++
1509 MinimumDifferenceBetweenLargestAndSmallestValueInThreeMoves C++
1514 PathWithMaximumProbability C++
1518 WaterBottles C++
1524 NumberOfSubarraysWithOddSum C++
1526 MinimumNumberOfIncrementsOnSubarraysToFormATargetArray C++
1530 NumberOfGoodLeafNodesPairs C++
1545 FindKthBitInNthBinaryString C++
1550 ThreeConsecutiveOdds C++
1566 DetectPatternsOfLengthMRepeatedKOrMoreTimes C++
1568 MinimumNumberOfDaysToDisconnectIsland C++
1574 ShortestSubarrayToBeRemovedToMakeArraySorted C++
1579 RemoveMaxNumberOfEdgesToKeepGraphFullyTraversable C++
1584 MinCostToConnectAllPoints C++
1590 MakeSumDivisibleByP C++
1593 SplitAStringIntoTheMaxNumberOfUniqueSubstrings C++
1598 CrawlerLogFolder C++
1603 DesignParkingSystem C++
1605 FindValidMatrixGivenRowAndColumnSums C++
1608 SpecialArrayWithXElementsGreaterThanOrEqualX C++
1615 MaximalNetworkRank C++
1627 GraphConnectivityWithThreshold C++
1631 PathWithMinimumEffort C++
1634 AddTwoPolynomialsRepresentedAsLinkedLists C++
1636 SortArrayByIncreasingFrequency C++
1639 NumberOfWaysToFormATargetStringGivenADictionary C++
1649 CreateSortedArrayThroughInstructions C++
1652 DefuseTheBomb C++
1653 MinimumDeletionsToMakeStringsBalanced C++
1656 DesignAnOrderedStream C++
1668 MaximumRepeatingSubstring C++
1671 MinimumNumberOfRemovalsToMakeMountainArray C++
1684 CountTheNumberOfConsistentStrings C++
1700 NumberOfStudentsUnableToEatLunch Go
1701 AverageWaitingTime C++
1717 MaximumScoreFromRemovingSubstrings C++
1718 ConstructTheLexicographicallyLargestValidSequence C++
1726 TuplesWithSameProduct C++
1730 ShortestPathToGetFood C++
1744 CanYouEatYourFavoriteCandyOnYourFavoriteDay C++
1746 MaximumSubarraySumAfterOneOperation C++
1749 MaximumAbsoluteSumOfAnySubarray C++
1752 CheckIfArrayIsSortedAndRotated C++
1756 DesignMostRecentlyUsedQueue C++
1760 MinimumLimitOfBallsInABag C++
1765 MapOfHighestPeak C++
1768 MergeStringsAlternately Go
1769 MinimumNumberOfOperationsToMoveAllBallsToEachBox C++
1770 MaximumScoreFromPerformingMultiplicationOperations C++
1790 CheckIfOneStringSwapCanMakeStringsEqual C++
1791 FindCenterOfStarGraph C++
1792 MaximumAveragePassRatio C++
1800 MaximumAscendingSubarraySum C++
1813 SentenceSimilarityThree C++
1823 FindTheWinnerOfTheCircularGame C++
1829 MaximumXORForEachQuery C++
1845 SeatReservationManager C++
1851 MinimumIntervalToIncludeEachQuery C++
1852 DistinctNumbersInEachSubarray C++
1854 MaximumPopulationYear C++
1857 LargestColorValueInADirectedGraph C++
1861 RotatingTheBox C++
1863 SumOfAllSubsetXORTotals C++
1884 EggDropWith2EggsAndNFloors Go C++
1891 CuttingRibbons C++
1893 CheckIfAllTheIntegersInARangeAreCovered C++
1894 FindTheStudentThatWillReplaceTheChalk C++
1897 RedistributeCharactersToMakeAllStringsEqual C++
1905 CountSubIslands C++
1910 RemoveAllOccurencesOfASubstring C++
1930 UniqueLength3PalindromicSubsequences C++
1937 MaximumNumberOfPointsWithCost C++
1942 TheNumberOfTheSmallestUnoccupiedChair C++
1945 SumOfDigitsOfStringAfterConvert C++
1953 MaximumNumberOfWeeksForWhichYouCanWork C++
1957 DeleteCharactersToMakeFancyString C++
1962 RemoveStonesToMinimizeTheTotal C++
1963 MinimumNumberOfSwapsToMakeTheStringsBalanced C++
1964 FindTheLongestValidObstacleCourseAtEachPosition C++
1970 LastDayWhereYouCanStillCross C++
1975 MaximumMatrixSum C++
1979 FindGreatestCommonDivisorOfArray C++
1980 FindUniqueBinaryString C++
1998 GCDSortOfAnArray C++
2000 ReversePrefixOfWord Go
2017 GridGame C++
2022 Convert1DArrayTo2DArray C++
2028 FindMissingObservations C++
2037 MinimumNumberOfMovesToSeatEveryone C++
2044 CountNumberOfMaximumBitwiseORSubsets C++
2045 SecondMinimumTimeToReachDestination C++
2053 KthDistinctStringInAnArray C++
2054 TwoBestNonOverlappingEvents C++
2058 FindTheMinimumAndMaximumNumberOfNodesBetweenCriticalPoints C++
2064 MinimizedMaximumOfProductsDistributedToAnyStore C++
2070 MostBeautifulItemForEachQuery C++
2073 TimeNeededToBuyTickets Go
2080 RangeFrequencyQueries C++
2096 StepByStepDirectionsFromABinaryTreeNodeToAnother C++
2097 ValidArrangementOfPairs C++
2107 NumberOfUniqueFlavorsAfterSharingKCandies C++
2109 AddingSpacesToAString C++
2116 CheckIfAParenthesesStringCanBeValid C++
2127 MaximumEmployeesToBeInvitedToAMeeting C++
2134 MinimumSwapsToGroupAllOnesTogetherTwo C++
2158 AmountOfNewAreaPaintedEachDay C++
2166 DesignBitset C++
2168 UniqueSubstringsWithEqualDigitFrequency C++
2179 CountGoodTripletsInAnArray C++
2181 MergeNodesInBetweenZeros C++
2182 ConstructStringWithRepeatLimit C++
2185 CountingWordsWithAGivenPrefix C++
2191 SortTheJumbledNumbers C++
2193 MinimumNumberOfMovesToMakePalindrome C++
2196 CreateBinaryTreeFromDescriptions C++
2208 MinimumOperationsToHalveArraySum C++
2220 MinimumBitFlipsToConvertNumber C++
2226 MaximumCandiesAllocatedToKChildren C++
2237 CountPositionsOnStreetWithRequiredBrightness C++
2243 CalculateDigitSumOfAString C++
2246 LongestPathWithDifferentAdjacentCharacters C++
2250 CountNumberOfRectanglesContainingEachPoint C++
2251 NumberOfFlowersInFullBloom C++
2254 DesignVideoSharingPlatform C++
2257 CountUnguardedCellsInTheGrid C++
2270 NumberOfWaysToSplitArray C++
2275 LargestCombinationWithBitwiseANDGreaterThanZero C++
2285 MaximumTotalImportanceOfRoads C++
2290 MinimumObstacleRemovalToReachCorner C++
2294 PartitionArraySuchThatMaximumDifferenceIsK C++
2307 CheckForContradictionsInEquations C++
2326 SpiralMatrixFour C++
2331 EvaluateBooleanBinaryTree Rust C++
2334 SubarrayWithElementsGreaterThanVaryingThreshold C++
2336 SmallestNumberInInfiniteSet C++
2337 MovePiecesToObtainAString C++
2342 MaxSumOfAPairWithEqualSumOfDigits C++
2349 DesignANumberContainerSystem C++
2360 LongestCycleInAGraph C++
2364 CountNumberOfBadPairs C++
2371 MinimizeMaximumValueInAGrid C++
2373 LargestLocalValuesInAMatrix Rust
2375 ConstructSmallestNumberFromDIString C++
2381 ShiftingLettersTwo C++
2382 MaximumSegmentSumAfterRemovals C++
2392 BuildAMatrixWithConditions C++
2393 CountStrictlyIncreasingSubarrays C++
2402 MeetingRoomsThree C++
2406 DivideIntervalsIntoMinimumNumberOfGroups C++
2407 LongestIncreasingSubsequenceTwo C++
2410 MaximumMatchingOfPlayersWithTrainers C++
2415 ReverseOddLevelsOfBinaryTree C++
2416 SumOfPrefixScoresOfStrings C++
2418 SortThePeople C++
2419 LongestSubarrayWithMaximumBitwiseAND C++
2421 NumberOfGoodPaths C++
2424 LongestUploadedPrefix C++
2425 BitwiseXOROfAllPairings C++
2426 NumberOfPairsSatisfyingInequality C++
2429 MinimizeXOR C++
2441 LargestPositiveIntegerThatExistsWithItsNegative Go
2444 CountSubarraysWithFixedBounds C++
2458 HeightOfBinaryTreeAfterSubtreeRemoval C++
2460 ApplyOperationsToAnArray C++
2461 MaximumSumOfDistinctSubarraysWithLengthK C++
2463 MinimumTotalDistanceTraveled C++
2467 MostProfitablePathInATree C++
2471 MinimumNumberOfOperationsToSortABinaryTreeByLevel C++
2486 AppendCharactersToMakeSubsequence C++
2487 RemoveNodesFromLinkedList Go
2490 CircularSentence C++
2491 DividePlayersIntoTeamsOfEqualSkills C++
2493 DivideNodesIntoTheMaximumNumberOfGroups C++
2501 LongestSquareStreakInAnArray C++
2503 MaximumNumberOfPointsFromGridQueries C++
2508 AddEdgesToMakeDegreesOfAllNodesEven C++
2516 TakeKOfEachCharacterFromLeftAndRight C++
2519 CountTheNumberOfKBigIndices C++
2530 MaximalScoreAfterApplyingKOperations C++
2554 MaximumNumberOfIntegersToChooseFromARangeI C++
2558 TakeGiftsFromTheRichestPile C++
2559 CountVowelStringsInRanges C++
2563 CountTheNumberOfFairPairs C++
2570 MergeTwo2DArraysBySummingValues C++
2577 MinimumTimeToVisitACellInAGrid C++
2582 PassThePillow C++
2583 KthLargestSumInABinaryTree C++
2588 CountTheNumberOfBeautifulSubarrays C++
2593 FindScoreOfAnArrayAfterMarkingAllElements C++
2597 TheNumberOfBeautifulSubsets C++
2599 MakeThePrefixSumNonNegative C++
2601 PrimeSubtractionOperation C++
2641 CousinsInBinaryTreeTwo C++
2657 FindThePrefixCommonArrayOfTwoArrays C++
2658 MaximumNumberOfFishInAGrid C++
2659 MakeArrayEmpty C++
2661 FirstCompletelyPaintedRowOrColumn C++
2664 TheKnightsTour C++
2678 NumberOfSeniorCitizens C++
2683 NeighbouringBitwiseXOR C++
2684 MaximumNumberOfMovesInAGrid C++
2685 CountTheNumberOfCompletedComponents C++
2696 MinimumStringLengthAfterRemovingSubstrings C++
2698 FindThePunishmentNumberOfAnInteger C++
2699 ModifyGraphEdgeWeights C++
2702 MinimumOperationsToMakeNumbersNonPositive C++
2707 ExtraCharactersInAString C++
2709 GreatestCommonDivisorTraversal C++
2712 MinimumCostToMakeAllCharactersEqual C++
2736 MaximumSumQueries C++
2751 RobotCollisions C++
2762 ContinuousSubarrays C++
2779 MaximumBeautyOfAnArrayAfterApplyingOperations C++
2807 InsertGreatestCommonDivisorInLinkedList C++
2812 FindTheSafestPathInAGrid Rust C++
2816 DoubleANumberRepresentedAsALinkedList Go
2825 MakeStringASubsequenceUsingCyclicIncrements C++
2830 MaximizeTheProfitAsASalesman Go
2832 MaximalRangeThatEachElementIsMaximumInIt C++
2838 MaximumCoinsHeroesCanCollect C++
2848 PointsThatIntersectWithCars C++
2852 SumOfRemotenessOfAllCells C++
2872 MaximumNumberOfKDivisibleComponents C++
2900 LongestUnequalAdjacentGroupSubsequenceOne C++
2914 MinimumNumberOfChangesToMakeBinaryStringBeautiful C++
2921 MaximumProfitableTripletsWithIncreasingPricesTwo C++
2924 FindChampionTwo C++
2931 MaximumSpendingAfterBuyingItems C++
2938 SeparateBlackAndWhiteBalls C++
2940 FindBuildingWhereAliceAndBobCanMeet C++
2948 MakeLexicographicallySmallestArray C++
2955 NumberOfSameEndSubstrings C++
2976 MinimumCostToConvertStringOne C++
2981 FindLongestSpecialSubstringThatOccursThriceOne C++
3008 FindBeautifulIndicesInTheGivenArrayTwo C++
3011 FindIfArrayCanBeSorted C++
3016 MinimumNumberOfPushesToTypeWordTwo C++
3026 MaximumGoodSubarraySum C++
3032 CountNumbersWithUniqueDigitsTwo C++
3042 CountPrefixAndSuffixPairsOne C++
3043 FindTheLengthOfTheLongestCommonPrefix C++
3045 CountPrefixAndSuffixPairsTwo C++
3066 MinimumOperationsToExceedThresholdValueTwo C++
3068 FindTheMaximumSumOfNodeValues C++
3072 DistributeElementsIntoTwoArraysTwo C++
3075 MaximizeHappinessOfSelectedChildren Rust Go
3097 ShortestSubarrayWithORAtLeastKTwo C++
3105 LongestStrictlyIncreasingOrDecreasingSubarray C++
3108 MinimumCostWalkInWeightedGraph C++
3109 FindTheIndexOfPermutation C++
3110 ScoreOfAString C++
3133 MinimumArrayEnd C++
3151 SpecialArrayOne C++
3152 SpecialArrayTwo C++
3157 FindTheLevelOfTreeWithMinimumSum C++
3160 FindTheNumberOfDistinctColorsAmongTheBalls C++
3163 StringCompressionThree C++
3167 BetterCompressionOfString C++
3174 ClearDigits C++
3203 FindMinimumDiameterAfterMergingTwoTrees C++
3217 DeleteNodesFromLinkedListPresentInArray C++
3223 MinimumLengthOfStringAfterOperations C++
3242 DesignNeighbourSumService C++
3243 ShortestDistanceAfterRoadAdditionQueries C++
3254 FindThePowerOfKSizeSubarraysOne C++
3264 FinalArrayStateAfterKMultiplicationOperations C++
3286 FindASafeWalkThroughAGrid C++
3396 MinimumNumberOfOperationsToMakeElementsInArrayDistinct C++
3397 MaximumNumberOfDistinctElementsAfterOperations C++
3444 MinimumIncrementsForTargetMultiplesInAnArray C++