offers a DSL (domain-specific language) for defining how a set of claims should be made selectively
Library implements SD-JWT draft 12 is implemented in Kotlin, targeting JVM.
Library's SD-JWT DSL leverages the DSL provided by KotlinX Serialization library for defining JSON elements
- Issuance: As an Issuer use the library to issue a SD-JWT
- Holder Verification: As Holder verify a SD-JWT issued by an Issuer
- Presentation Verification: As a Verifier verify SD-JWT in simple or in Enveloped Format
- Recreate initial claims: Given a SD-JWT recreate the original claims
To issue a SD-JWT, an Issuer
should have:
- Decided on how the issued claims will be selectively disclosed (check DSL examples)
- Whether to use decoy digests or not
- An appropriate signing key pair
- optionally, decided if and how to include the holder's public key in the SD-JWT
In the example below, the Issuer decides to issue an SD-JWT as follows:
- Includes in plain standard JWT claims (
) - Makes selectively disclosable a claim named
using structured disclosure. This allows individually disclosing every subclaim ofaddress
- Uses his RSA key pair to sign the SD-JWT
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSASigner
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.RSAKey
val issuedSdJwt: String = run {
val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
val sdJwtSpec = sdJwt {
plain {
structured("address") {
sd {
put("street_address", "Schulstr. 12")
put("locality", "Schulpforta")
put("region", "Sachsen-Anhalt")
put("country", "DE")
val issuer = SdJwtIssuer.nimbus(signer = RSASSASigner(issuerKeyPair), signAlgorithm = JWSAlgorithm.RS256)
Please check KeyBindingTest for a more advanced issuance scenario, including adding to the SD-JWT, holder public key, to leverage key binding.
In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in serialized form.
must know:
- the public key of the
and the algorithm used by the Issuer to sign the SD-JWT
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.ECDSAVerifier
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.*
val verifiedIssuanceSdJwt: SdJwt.Issuance<JwtAndClaims> = run {
val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
val jwtSignatureVerifier = RSASSAVerifier(issuerKeyPair).asJwtVerifier()
val unverifiedIssuanceSdJwt = loadSdJwt("/exampleIssuanceSdJwt.txt")
jwtSignatureVerifier = jwtSignatureVerifier,
unverifiedSdJwt = unverifiedIssuanceSdJwt,
In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in Combined Presentation format.
Verifier should know the public key of the Issuer and the algorithm used by the Issuer
to sign the SD-JWT. Also, if verification includes Key Binding, the Verifier must also
know how the public key of the Holder was included in the SD-JWT and which algorithm
the Holder used to sign the Key Binding JWT
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.*
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.ECDSAVerifier
val verifiedPresentationSdJwt: SdJwt.Presentation<JwtAndClaims> = run {
val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
val jwtSignatureVerifier = RSASSAVerifier(issuerKeyPair).asJwtVerifier()
val unverifiedPresentationSdJwt = loadSdJwt("/examplePresentationSdJwt.txt")
jwtSignatureVerifier = jwtSignatureVerifier,
keyBindingVerifier = KeyBindingVerifier.MustNotBePresent,
unverifiedSdJwt = unverifiedPresentationSdJwt,
Please check KeyBindingTest for a more advanced presentation scenario which includes key binding
In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in envelope format. Verifier should know
- the public key of the Issuer and the algorithm used by the Issuer to sign the SD-JWT.
- the public key and the signing algorithm used by the Holder to sign the envelope JWT, since the envelope acts like a proof of possession (replacing the key binding JWT)
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.ECDSAVerifier
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.*
import java.time.Clock
import java.time.Duration
val verifiedEnvelopedSdJwt: SdJwt.Presentation<JwtAndClaims> = run {
val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
val issuerSignatureVerifier = RSASSAVerifier(issuerKeyPair).asJwtVerifier()
val holderKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/exampleHolderKey.json")
val holderSignatureVerifier = RSASSAVerifier(holderKeyPair).asJwtVerifier()
.and { claims ->
claims["nonce"] == JsonPrimitive("nonce")
val unverifiedEnvelopedSdJwt = loadJwt("/exampleEnvelopedSdJwt.txt")
sdJwtSignatureVerifier = issuerSignatureVerifier,
envelopeJwtVerifier = holderSignatureVerifier,
clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone(),
iatOffset = 3650.days.toJavaDuration(),
expectedAudience = "verifier",
unverifiedEnvelopeJwt = unverifiedEnvelopedSdJwt,
Given an SdJwt
, either issuance or presentation, the original claims used to produce the SD-JWT can be
recreated. This includes the claims that are always disclosed (included in the JWT part of the SD-JWT) having
the digests replaced by selectively disclosable claims found in disclosures.
val claims: Claims = run {
val issuerKeyPair: RSAKey = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
val sdJwt: SdJwt.Issuance<NimbusSignedJWT> =
signedSdJwt(signer = RSASSASigner(issuerKeyPair), signAlgorithm = JWSAlgorithm.RS256) {
plain {
structured("address") {
sd {
put("street_address", "Schulstr. 12")
put("locality", "Schulpforta")
put("region", "Sachsen-Anhalt")
put("country", "DE")
sdJwt.recreateClaims { jwt -> jwt.jwtClaimsSet.asClaims() }
The claims contents would be
"sub": "6c5c0a49-b589-431d-bae7-219122a9ec2c",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1516239022,
"exp": 1735689661,
"address": {
"street_address": "Schulstr. 12",
"locality": "Schulpforta",
"region": "Sachsen-Anhalt",
"country": "DE"