Perhaps change test bundle extension from 'bundle' to 'testbundle' or 'unitkit'
Declare implicit UKTestHandlerDelegate informal protocol
Move UKRunner tool support to a dedicated class UKTool or UKBundleLoader
Perhaps change the UKRunner API for running tests and adding test classes to: -addTestClassesNames:, -addTestClassesFromBundle: and -runWithPrincipalClass:.
Add -[UKRunner initWithHandler:] and retrieve the test handler in test macros with [[UKRunner runnerForObject: self] handler]
- we could maintain a map of runners by test object, or just attach the runner with a 'UKRunner' associated reference
- this would make possible to support handler subclasses cleanly and multiple simultaneous runners (each one using their own custom handler)
Support parameterized test class instantiation, the same test class being instantiated multiple times with various arguments (passed in a dictionary or an array)
- the test class could implement an optional informal protocol that returns a collection containing each instantiation arguments (the collection element represent all the expected instantiatations)
Resurrect the old UnitTests utility, see http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/etoile/trunk/Etoile/Developer/Services/UnitTests/