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Releases: ethereum/aleth
Releases · ethereum/aleth
cpp-ethereum 1.4.0.dev0
This is a development snapshot starting the 1.4 release series of cpp-ethereum.
Solidity Tester
Proof-of-Concept VIII
Vast numbers of updates to Mix, Solidity, AlethZero, ethereum.js.
Various minor protocol changes.
Proof-of-Concept VII
The seventh in the Proof-of-Concept release and the final pre-audit alterations to the consensus protocol.
For binaries & installation/usage instructions, please use the wiki.
Proof-of-Concept VI
Important additions for PoC-6:
- Modified GHOST protocol targets 4 second block time.
- More efficient block-hashing, hashing uses header rather than block.
- Parallel downloading of blockchain from multiple peers.
Virtual machine:
- EXTCODECOPY opcode works for external contracts
- DUP_, SWAP_ opcodes
Proof-of-Concept V
The 5th in the line of the Proof-of-Concept series.
This release includes:
- a HTML/JS front-end API;
- a JavaScript console;
- inbuilt support for Serpent and LLL;
- a full-featured debugger with random-access (step backwards!) capabilities;
- a fully syntax-highlighted, debugger-integrated block explorer;
- a powerful state diff engine;
- a visual miner;
- various protocol updates.
Not to mention countless other fixes and improvements.
Note: Linux users can build from source with the instructions on the Wiki.
Community builders, please contact us (well... me) to get your build listed here.