diff --git a/libdevcore/JsonUtils.cpp b/libdevcore/JsonUtils.cpp
index 0ff9e8707eb..692b73a5fb7 100644
--- a/libdevcore/JsonUtils.cpp
+++ b/libdevcore/JsonUtils.cpp
@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
void dev::validateFieldNames(json_spirit::mObject const& _obj, std::set const& _allowedFields)
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ std::string dev::jsonTypeAsString(json_spirit::Value_type _type)
void dev::requireJsonFields(json_spirit::mObject const& _o, std::string const& _config,
- std::map const& _validationMap)
+ std::map const& _validationMap)
// check for unexpected fiedls
for (auto const& field : _o)
@@ -74,40 +75,37 @@ void dev::requireJsonFields(json_spirit::mObject const& _o, std::string const& _
// check field types with validation map
for (auto const vmap : _validationMap)
+ auto const& expectedFieldName = vmap.first;
+ auto const& expectedFieldPresence = vmap.second.second;
// check that all required fields are in the object
- if (!_o.count(vmap.first))
+ if (!_o.count(expectedFieldName))
- if (vmap.second.second == jsonField::Required)
+ if (expectedFieldPresence == JsonFieldPresence::Required)
std::string const comment =
- "Expected field '" + vmap.first + "' not found in config: " + _config;
+ "Expected field '" + expectedFieldName + "' not found in config: " + _config;
std::cerr << comment << "\n"
<< json_spirit::write_string((json_spirit::mValue)_o, true) << "\n";
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(MissingField() << errinfo_comment(comment));
- else if (vmap.second.second == jsonField::Optional)
+ else if (expectedFieldPresence == JsonFieldPresence::Optional)
// check that field type is one of allowed field types
- bool matched = false;
- for (auto const& type : vmap.second.first)
- {
- if (_o.at(vmap.first).type() == type)
- matched = true;
- }
+ auto const& expectedFieldTypes = vmap.second.first;
+ bool matched = expectedFieldTypes.count(_o.at(expectedFieldName).type());
if (matched == false)
- std::string sTypes;
- for (auto const& type : vmap.second.first)
- {
- if (sTypes.size())
- sTypes += ", or ";
- sTypes += jsonTypeAsString(type);
- }
- std::string const comment =
- "Field '" + vmap.first + "' expected to be " + sTypes + ", but set to " +
- jsonTypeAsString(_o.at(vmap.first).type()) + " in " + _config;
+ std::vector types;
+ for (auto const& type : expectedFieldTypes)
+ types.push_back(jsonTypeAsString(type));
+ std::string sTypes = boost::algorithm::join(types, " or ");
+ std::string const comment = "Field '" + expectedFieldName + "' is expected to be " +
+ sTypes + ", but is set to " +
+ jsonTypeAsString(_o.at(expectedFieldName).type()) + " in " +
+ _config;
std::cerr << comment << "\n"
<< json_spirit::write_string((json_spirit::mValue)_o, true) << "\n";
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(WrongFieldType() << errinfo_comment(comment));
diff --git a/libdevcore/JsonUtils.h b/libdevcore/JsonUtils.h
index 9f2db0b6359..26a9da8039a 100644
--- a/libdevcore/JsonUtils.h
+++ b/libdevcore/JsonUtils.h
@@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ void validateFieldNames(json_spirit::mObject const& _obj, std::set
// Converts json value type to string
std::string jsonTypeAsString(json_spirit::Value_type _type);
-enum jsonField
+enum class JsonFieldPresence
-using jsonTypeSet = std::set;
-using jsonType = std::pair;
-//! Check the json object with validation map that reuires certain field of certain type to be
-//! present in json
- \param _o a json object to check
- \param _configName a string with json object name. Will apper in error message.
- \param _validationMap a map with json objects that would be checked. "objName" -> {js::str_type,
+using JsonTypeSet = std::set;
+using JsonFieldOptions = std::pair;
+/// Check the json object with validation map that reuires certain field of certain type to be
+/// present in json
+ @param _o a json object to check
+ @param _configName a string with json object name. Will apper in error message.
+ @param _validationMap a map with json objects that would be checked. "objName" -> {js::str_type,
void requireJsonFields(json_spirit::mObject const& _o, std::string const& _configName,
- std::map const& _validationMap);
+ std::map const& _validationMap);
diff --git a/libethereum/Account.cpp b/libethereum/Account.cpp
index 4b80144370d..76b1c3fe419 100644
--- a/libethereum/Account.cpp
+++ b/libethereum/Account.cpp
@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@ uint64_t toUnsigned(js::mValue const& _v)
-PrecompiledContract createPrecompiledContract(js::mObject& _precompiled)
+PrecompiledContract createPrecompiledContract(js::mObject const& _precompiled)
- auto n = _precompiled["name"].get_str();
- try
+ auto n = _precompiled.at("name").get_str();
+ try
u256 startingBlock = 0;
if (_precompiled.count("startingBlock"))
- startingBlock = u256(_precompiled["startingBlock"].get_str());
+ startingBlock = u256(_precompiled.at("startingBlock").get_str());
- if (!_precompiled.count("linear"))
+ if (!_precompiled.count("linear"))
return PrecompiledContract(PrecompiledRegistrar::pricer(n), PrecompiledRegistrar::executor(n), startingBlock);
- auto l = _precompiled["linear"].get_obj();
- unsigned base = toUnsigned(l["base"]);
- unsigned word = toUnsigned(l["word"]);
- return PrecompiledContract(base, word, PrecompiledRegistrar::executor(n), startingBlock);
+ auto const& l = _precompiled.at("linear").get_obj();
+ unsigned base = toUnsigned(l.at("base"));
+ unsigned word = toUnsigned(l.at("word"));
+ return PrecompiledContract(base, word, PrecompiledRegistrar::executor(n), startingBlock);
catch (PricerNotFound const&)
@@ -99,35 +99,36 @@ AccountMap dev::eth::jsonToAccountMap(std::string const& _json, u256 const& _def
js::mValue val;
json_spirit::read_string_or_throw(_json, val);
- js::mObject o = val.get_obj();
- for (auto const& account: o)
- {
+ for (auto const& account : val.get_obj())
+ {
Address a(fromHex(account.first));
// FIXME: Do not copy every account object.
- auto o = account.second.get_obj();
- validateAccountMapObj(o);
+ auto const& accountMapJson = account.second.get_obj();
+ validateAccountMapObj(accountMapJson);
- bool haveBalance = (o.count(c_wei) || o.count(c_finney) || o.count(c_balance));
- bool haveNonce = o.count(c_nonce);
- bool haveCode = o.count(c_code) || o.count(c_codeFromFile);
- bool haveStorage = o.count(c_storage);
- bool shouldNotExists = o.count(c_shouldnotexist);
+ bool haveBalance = (accountMapJson.count(c_wei) || accountMapJson.count(c_finney) ||
+ accountMapJson.count(c_balance));
+ bool haveNonce = accountMapJson.count(c_nonce);
+ bool haveCode = accountMapJson.count(c_code) || accountMapJson.count(c_codeFromFile);
+ bool haveStorage = accountMapJson.count(c_storage);
+ bool shouldNotExists = accountMapJson.count(c_shouldnotexist);
- if (haveStorage || haveCode || haveNonce || haveBalance)
+ if (haveStorage || haveCode || haveNonce || haveBalance)
u256 balance = 0;
- if (o.count(c_wei))
- balance = u256Safe(o[c_wei].get_str());
- else if (o.count(c_finney))
- balance = u256Safe(o[c_finney].get_str()) * finney;
- else if (o.count(c_balance))
- balance = u256Safe(o[c_balance].get_str());
+ if (accountMapJson.count(c_wei))
+ balance = u256Safe(accountMapJson.at(c_wei).get_str());
+ else if (accountMapJson.count(c_finney))
+ balance = u256Safe(accountMapJson.at(c_finney).get_str()) * finney;
+ else if (accountMapJson.count(c_balance))
+ balance = u256Safe(accountMapJson.at(c_balance).get_str());
- u256 nonce = haveNonce ? u256Safe(o[c_nonce].get_str()) : _defaultNonce;
+ u256 nonce = haveNonce ? u256Safe(accountMapJson.at(c_nonce).get_str()) : _defaultNonce;
ret[a] = Account(nonce, balance);
- auto codeIt = o.find(c_code);
- if (codeIt != o.end())
+ auto codeIt = accountMapJson.find(c_code);
+ if (codeIt != accountMapJson.end())
auto& codeObj = codeIt->second;
if (codeObj.type() == json_spirit::str_type)
@@ -144,8 +145,8 @@ AccountMap dev::eth::jsonToAccountMap(std::string const& _json, u256 const& _def
<< "! Code field needs to be a string";
- auto codePathIt = o.find(c_codeFromFile);
- if (codePathIt != o.end())
+ auto codePathIt = accountMapJson.find(c_codeFromFile);
+ if (codePathIt != accountMapJson.end())
auto& codePathObj = codePathIt->second;
if (codePathObj.type() == json_spirit::str_type)
@@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ AccountMap dev::eth::jsonToAccountMap(std::string const& _json, u256 const& _def
if (haveStorage)
- for (pair const& j: o[c_storage].get_obj())
- ret[a].setStorage(u256(j.first), u256(j.second.get_str()));
+ for (pair const& j : accountMapJson.at(c_storage).get_obj())
+ ret[a].setStorage(u256(j.first), u256(j.second.get_str()));
if (o_mask)
@@ -177,10 +178,10 @@ AccountMap dev::eth::jsonToAccountMap(std::string const& _json, u256 const& _def
ret[a] = Account(0, 0);
- if (o_precompiled && o.count(c_precompiled))
- {
- js::mObject p = o[c_precompiled].get_obj();
- o_precompiled->insert(make_pair(a, createPrecompiledContract(p)));
+ if (o_precompiled && accountMapJson.count(c_precompiled))
+ {
+ js::mObject p = accountMapJson.at(c_precompiled).get_obj();
+ o_precompiled->insert(make_pair(a, createPrecompiledContract(p)));
diff --git a/libethereum/ChainParams.cpp b/libethereum/ChainParams.cpp
index 2e6580d1dcf..7a0987d1eee 100644
--- a/libethereum/ChainParams.cpp
+++ b/libethereum/ChainParams.cpp
@@ -20,17 +20,18 @@
#include "ChainParams.h"
+#include "Account.h"
+#include "GenesisInfo.h"
+#include "State.h"
+#include "ValidationSchemes.h"
-#include "ValidationSchemes.h"
-#include "GenesisInfo.h"
-#include "State.h"
-#include "Account.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace eth;
@@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ ChainParams ChainParams::loadConfig(
ChainParams cp(*this);
js::mValue val;
- json_spirit::read_string_or_throw(_json, val);
- js::mObject obj = val.get_obj();
+ js::read_string_or_throw(_json, val);
+ js::mObject obj = val.get_obj();
cp.sealEngineName = obj[c_sealEngine].get_str();
@@ -96,16 +97,16 @@ ChainParams ChainParams::loadConfig(
cp.allowFutureBlocks = params.count(c_allowFutureBlocks);
// genesis
- string genesisStr = json_spirit::write_string(obj[c_genesis], false);
- cp = cp.loadGenesis(genesisStr, _stateRoot);
+ string genesisStr = js::write_string(obj[c_genesis], false);
+ cp = cp.loadGenesis(genesisStr, _stateRoot);
// genesis state
- string genesisStateStr = json_spirit::write_string(obj[c_accounts], false);
+ string genesisStateStr = js::write_string(obj[c_accounts], false);
cp.genesisState = jsonToAccountMap(
genesisStateStr, cp.accountStartNonce, nullptr, &cp.precompiled, _configPath);
// Strict account check
- json_spirit::read_string_or_throw(genesisStateStr, val);
+ js::read_string_or_throw(genesisStateStr, val);
for (auto const& account: val.get_obj())
@@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ ChainParams ChainParams::loadGenesis(string const& _json, h256 const& _stateRoot
ChainParams cp(*this);
js::mValue val;
- json_spirit::read_string(_json, val);
- js::mObject genesis = val.get_obj();
+ js::read_string(_json, val);
+ js::mObject genesis = val.get_obj();
cp.parentHash = h256(0); // required by the YP
cp.author = genesis.count(c_coinbase) ? h160(genesis[c_coinbase].get_str()) : h160(genesis[c_author].get_str());
diff --git a/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.cpp b/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.cpp
index 1ede262e0a9..ec1c286c2cb 100644
--- a/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.cpp
+++ b/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.cpp
@@ -14,18 +14,19 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
#include "ValidationSchemes.h"
using namespace std;
-using namespace dev;
namespace js = json_spirit;
-namespace dev {
-namespace eth {
-namespace validation {
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+namespace validation
string const c_sealEngine = "sealEngine";
string const c_params = "params";
string const c_genesis = "genesis";
@@ -73,20 +74,20 @@ string const c_allowFutureBlocks = "allowFutureBlocks";
void validateConfigJson(js::mObject const& _obj)
requireJsonFields(_obj, "ChainParams::loadConfig",
- {{c_sealEngine, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_params, {{json_spirit::obj_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_genesis, {{json_spirit::obj_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_accounts, {{json_spirit::obj_type}, jsonField::Required}}});
+ {{c_sealEngine, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_params, {{js::obj_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_genesis, {{js::obj_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_accounts, {{js::obj_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}}});
requireJsonFields(_obj.at(c_genesis).get_obj(), "ChainParams::loadConfig::genesis",
- {{c_author, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_nonce, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_gasLimit, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_timestamp, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_difficulty, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_extraData, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_mixHash, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_parentHash, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Optional}}});
+ {{c_author, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_nonce, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_gasLimit, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_timestamp, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_difficulty, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_extraData, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_mixHash, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_parentHash, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}}});
js::mObject const& accounts = _obj.at(c_accounts).get_obj();
for (auto const& acc : accounts)
@@ -97,13 +98,13 @@ void validateAccountMapObj(js::mObject const& _obj)
// A map object with possibly defined fields
requireJsonFields(_obj, "validateAccountMapObj",
- {{c_storage, {{json_spirit::obj_type}, jsonField::Optional}},
- {c_balance, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Optional}},
- {c_nonce, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Optional}},
- {c_code, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Optional}},
- {c_precompiled, {{json_spirit::obj_type}, jsonField::Optional}},
- {c_shouldnotexist, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Optional}},
- {c_wei, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Optional}}});
+ {{c_storage, {{js::obj_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}},
+ {c_balance, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}},
+ {c_nonce, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}},
+ {c_code, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}},
+ {c_precompiled, {{js::obj_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}},
+ {c_shouldnotexist, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}},
+ {c_wei, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}}});
void validateAccountObj(js::mObject const& _obj)
@@ -112,28 +113,29 @@ void validateAccountObj(js::mObject const& _obj)
// A precompiled contract
requireJsonFields(_obj, "validateAccountObj",
- {{c_precompiled, {{json_spirit::obj_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_wei, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Optional}}});
+ {{c_precompiled, {{js::obj_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_wei, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Optional}}});
else if (_obj.size() == 1)
// A genesis account with only balance set
if (_obj.count(c_balance))
requireJsonFields(_obj, "validateAccountObj",
- {{c_balance, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}}});
+ {{c_balance, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}}});
requireJsonFields(_obj, "validateAccountObj",
- {{c_wei, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}}});
+ {{c_wei, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}}});
// A standart account with all fields
requireJsonFields(_obj, "validateAccountObj",
- {{c_code, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_nonce, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_storage, {{json_spirit::obj_type}, jsonField::Required}},
- {c_balance, {{json_spirit::str_type}, jsonField::Required}}});
+ {{c_code, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_nonce, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_storage, {{js::obj_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}},
+ {c_balance, {{js::str_type}, JsonFieldPresence::Required}}});
diff --git a/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.h b/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.h
index 02d26bd3559..07da9eff89c 100644
--- a/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.h
+++ b/libethereum/ValidationSchemes.h
@@ -14,17 +14,16 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
-/** @file ValidationSchemes.h
- * @date 2018
- */
-namespace dev {
-namespace eth {
-namespace validation {
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+namespace validation
extern std::string const c_sealEngine;
extern std::string const c_params;
extern std::string const c_genesis;
@@ -77,6 +76,6 @@ void validateAccountObj(json_spirit::mObject const& _o);
// Validate account Map json object. Map indicates which fields are set
void validateAccountMapObj(json_spirit::mObject const& _o);