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Constellation edited this page Jul 19, 2012 · 25 revisions



escodegen.generate(AST[, options]);


    format: {
        indent: {
            style: '    ',
            base: 0
        json: false,
        renumber: false,
        hexadecimal: false,
        quotes: 'single',
        escapeless: false,
        compact: false
    parse: null,
    comment: false
  • indent string (default is 4 space (' '))

  • option.format.indent.base: base indent level (default is 0)

  • option.format.json: Enforce JSON format to number and string. This option is stronger than option.format.hexadecimal and option.format.quotes. For number, option.format.renumber is also necessary (default is false)

  • option.format.renumber: Generate more optimized number string (not using number.toString() simply) (default is false)

  • option.format.hexadecimal: Generate hexadecimal number string. This option needs option.format.renumber (default is false)

  • option.format.quotes: Enforce quote to generate string literal. 'single', 'double' or 'auto' should be specified. When 'auto' is specified, escodegen selects quote by which result string is shorter. (default is 'single')

  • option.format.escapeless: Use more aggressive escape sequence on string literal (default is false)

  • option.format.compact: Minifying the output. newline and spaces are removed (default is false)

  • option.parse: Mozilla Parser API compatible parse function. If it is provided, generator try to use 'raw' representation. See esprima raw information

  • option.comment: If comments are attached to AST, escodegen emit comments to output code (default is false)

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