Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | Token id | |
enterprise | str | Id of the enterprise resource | |
user | str | Id of the user resource | [optional] |
developer_app | str | Id of the developer app resource that you created using the esper dev console | [optional] |
source_refresh_token | str | The refresh token is used to refresh your expired API token | [optional] |
token | str | API token for accessing esper APIs | [optional] |
expires_on | datetime | Date and time of when your API token will get expired | [optional] |
scope | list[str] | This defines what access scopes does your API token has | [optional] |
created_on | datetime | Date and time of when this resource was created | [optional] |
updated_on | datetime | Date and time of when this resource was updated | [optional] |