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WiFi automatic reconnection not working in 2.4.0 but works in core 2.3.0 #4397

jplavoiemtl opened this issue Feb 20, 2018 · 48 comments
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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 20, 2018

Basic Infos

Hardware: ESP-12E
Core Version: 2.4.0

Description: bug found in esp8266 core 2.4.0

Here is a bug I found in esp core 2.4.0 that was not there in core 2.3.0. The esp does not reconnect automatically to WiFi while using WiFiManager. When my esp is running it connect to WiFi no problem. I have a WiFi status of 3 which is connected. Serial.println(WiFi.status());

Then I deactivate WiFi in my router to simulate a WiFi problem. After I reactivate WiFi on the router, the esp does not reconnect to WiFi. I check status at 1 second intervals and I get 6 for a WL_DISCONNECT

The problem is not related with WiFiManager. To solve it I had to revert back to esp core 2.3.0 and the WiFi reconnects fine and WiFiManager works like a charm.

Quick fix: revert to previous core 2.3.0

I hope it will be resolved in the next version. In the mean time, if someone experience the same problem with core 2.4.0, revert to core 2.3.0 as a quick fix.

Settings in IDE

Module: NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E)
Flash Size: 4MB
CPU Frequency: 80Mhz
Flash Mode:


Basic WiFiManager and very simple code to initialize WiFi in setup()

WiFiManager wifiManager;

Very little in the main loop checking WiFi which is the purpose of WiFiManager.

//If MQTT client is not connected and wifi is connected
if (!client.connected() && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
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have you tried the handler instead of polling? theres an event callback when ESP is connected and gets an IP, and another event callback when its disconnected. obviously you shouldnt call reconnectMQTT from the callback, but you can set a bool in the callback and when your loop() hits itll disable the bool after running reconnectMQTT

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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 20, 2018

@tonton81 The code here works well and going very fast through the main loop so there is no polling issue. The purpose of this bug report issue is for the WiFi handling in the esp core 2.4.0 that was working fine in previous version 2.3.0 in order to fix the current core release. WiFi is not reconnecting like it should in the newer release. But I note your disconnect handler use for a future project, thanks for the input.

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devyte commented Feb 20, 2018

@jplavoiemtl please erase all flash, and try with latest git.

@devyte devyte added the waiting for feedback Waiting on additional info. If it's not received, the issue may be closed. label Feb 20, 2018
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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 20, 2018

@devyte Ok I can give it a try. How can I erase all flash using a Windows computer? A good tutorial somewhere?

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i presume with esptool, igor suppost to add a new feature regarding that, to erase everything, or just some parts when flashing

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@tonton81 In the mean time of erasing flash, I'll try the latest git on a brand new Wemos D1 mini board with the latest git in Arduino IDE and report my findings shortly.

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devyte commented Feb 20, 2018

@jplavoiemtl erase flash with esptool-ck.

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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 20, 2018

@tonton81 Test done with a brand new Wemos board and Arduino IDE esp8266 core 2.4.0. Problem is still there, no WiFi re-connection after I interrupt WiFi on my router. I see WL_DISCONNECT value of 6 and the module is not getting back online with WiFi.

Installed core 2.3.0 and there is no re connection problem, it works fine with this older core. So this seems to confirm the bug. I used a brand new board instead of erasing flash because I'm not to familiar with erasing flash and lost a full day on this WiFi issue yesterday. I'm open to try erasing flash later today or tomorrow.

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@tonton81 Finally I did what you suggested and erased flash on module. I get the same problem or bug on esp core 2.4.0. Reverting to core 2.3.0 works fine.

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Is it same as already reported?

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devyte commented Feb 20, 2018

@jplavoiemtl as I said, please try latest git, not release 2.4.0.

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@devyte trying to install the latest git. After restarting Arduino where do I go to see if I'm using this git? In boards manager for esp8266 I only see 2.3.0-rc2 and previous versions. How can I use the git?

Here are the steps I did:
Using git version

Linux build status

Install Arduino 1.8.2 from the Arduino website.
Go to Arduino directory
Clone this repository into hardware/esp8266com/esp8266 directory (or clone it elsewhere and create a symlink)

cd hardware
mkdir esp8266com
cd esp8266com
git clone esp8266

Download binary tools (you need Python 2.7)

cd esp8266/tools

Restart Arduino

Now what?

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devyte commented Feb 20, 2018

@jplavoiemtl you can ever have only one version of a package installed, and that holds for git. That means that, if you install git, you also have to uninstall whatever version you installed from the board manager. Then restart IDE, then rebuild/retest.
BTW, after this, you won't see git in the board manager.
If you want to make sure of the version you are building with, use ESP.getCoreVersion(), ESP.getSdkVersion() etc to print out to serial.

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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 20, 2018

@devyte Using ESP.getCoreVersion(), ESP.getSdkVersion() etc to print out to serial I get:

 Core: 00000000
 Sdk: 2.2.0(f28eaf2)

Does this makes sense for core?
My boards manager shows I have esp82666 by ESP8266 Community version 2.3.0 installed.
BTW, this version works fine with WiFi reconnection.


Then I erased flash, uninstalled core 2.3.0 from boards manager then rebuild/retest.
This version gives me the same core and sdk version and works well with WiFi.
So what version of core am I running since 00000000 doesn't really tell me?

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I use my own connection retaining manager in my applications which basically among others disconnects and reconnects the WiFi using the disconnect() and begin() methods and then waits for the status() to return the WL_CONNECTED (3) state. In 2.4.0 if I disconnect() then begin() I always get status WL_DISCONNECTED (6) even though the WiFi is actually reconnected since I can access the module via the WiFi network. WiFi.localIP() also returns ip.

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d-a-v commented Feb 21, 2018

Could you please provide a simple sketch that reproduces the issue ?
I don't see reconnection problem when the AP is lost then comes back.
WiFi.status() correctly returns 3(connected), then 6(disconnected), then 1(no ssid), then 3.

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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 21, 2018

// NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, 115200, 4M (3M SPIFFS) sur COM4
// Must use ESP8266 boards core in Arduino IDE version 2.3.0 because
// WiFi do not reconnect automatically with core 2.4.0 discovered in Feb 2018

#include <Timer.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>          //
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>         //
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>         //for OTA programming
#include <WiFiUdp.h>             //for OTA programming
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>          //for OTA programming

const int ledPin=2;    // Led on pin 2, active low

IPAddress SERVER (192, 168, 1, 130);
#define SERVERPORT  1883
#define USERNAME    "userjp"
#define KEY "mykey"

const char CMD_OUT[] = "m5cmdout";        //MQTT topic commande vers le module 
const char STA_OUT[] = "m5staout";        //MQTT topic statut du module 
const char TEMP_OUT[] = "m5temperature";  //MQTT topic statut du module
const char CMD_OTA[] = "m5otamode";       //MQTT topic commande OTA programming vers le module
const char STA_OTA[] = "m5staota";        //MQTT topic statut du module OTA
const char PAYLOAD_ON[] = "on";    
const char PAYLOAD_OFF[] = "of"; 
const int period = 600000;                //Délai en ms du timer. 5000 = 5s. 20 min = 1200000
const int periodLED = 1000;               //Délai en ms du timer de la LED

Timer t_LED;                              //Timer for LED flashing
bool otaMode;                             //OTA mode flag
bool ledActive;                           //Variable to show if led is active or not

// Create an ESP8266 client class to connect to the MQTT server
WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);

void setup() {

    //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
    WiFiManager wifiManager;
    if(!wifiManager.autoConnect("NodeMcuM5")) {
      Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout");
      delay(5000);            //To avoid too many quick tries
      ESP.reset();            //reset and try again
    Serial.println("WiFi connected...");   //if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
    Serial.println("local ip");
    client.setServer(SERVER, SERVERPORT);
    t_LED.every(periodLED, flashLED);       //Timer for LED
    otaMode = false;
    ledActive = false;

    // OTA programming setup.  No authentication by default
    ArduinoOTA.setPassword((const char *)"123");

    ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
    ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
    ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
      Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
    ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
      Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
      if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
    Serial.println("OTA Ready");

//Fonction appelée par le broker MQTT chaque fois qu'un message est publie sur un topic auquel le module est abonné
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
  String topicString = topic;
  String payloadString = (char*)payload;
  payloadString = payloadString.substring(0,2);
  if(topicString == CMD_OUT && payloadString == PAYLOAD_ON) {  //Commande pour activer la sortie
    ledActive = true;
    Serial.println("LED active");
    client.publish(STA_OUT, "on");           //Publish status ouput is ON

//MQTT connection
void reconnectMQTT() {
  while (!client.connected()) {
    Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
    if (client.connect(CLIENT_ID, USERNAME, KEY)) {
      Serial.println(" connected");                                    
      Serial.print("Client state connected, rc=");                                                     
      client.subscribe(CMD_OUT, 1);   //Topic de commande
      client.subscribe(CMD_OTA, 1);   //Topic de commande OTA programming
    } else {
      Serial.print("failed, rc=");
      Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds");
      // Wait 5 seconds before retrying

void loop() {

  //If MQTT client is not connected and wifi is connected
  if (!client.connected() && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {

  if(otaMode==true) {                    


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babylonx commented Feb 21, 2018


It is not happening if the AP disappears. It is happening if you call WiFi.disconnect() and then WiFi.begin() to reconnect. Just try this simple sketch

#include "ESP8266WiFi.h"

unsigned long sinceWifiBegin = 0;
unsigned long sinceSerialPrint = 0;

void setup() {

  WiFi.begin("SSID", "PASS");
  sinceWifiBegin = millis();

void loop() {
  if (millis() - sinceSerialPrint > 5000) {
    Serial.print(F("WiFi Status: "));
    sinceSerialPrint = millis();

  if (millis() - sinceWifiBegin > 40000){
    Serial.println(F("WiFi reconnecting."));
    WiFi.begin("SSID", "PASS");
    sinceWifiBegin = millis();

Connection in setup() is successful and gives status 3. If you disconnect then reconnect (with the same credentials) then status is always 6.

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d-a-v commented Feb 21, 2018

Thanks, I could reproduce.

I added this at the end of setup():

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)

and now it works as expected.

I don't know if we can call that a workaround or if it is a normal behaviour. I understand it was working with core-2.3 but the sdk has changed since then.

You may also try to call WiFi.persistent(false); before .disconnect() instead, as the internal code has a different behaviour calling sdk functions, though I'm not sure about all implications of this call in your sketch.

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d-a-v commented Feb 21, 2018

@jplavoiemtl you are not calling .disconnect(). So when does the issue happen ?

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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 21, 2018

@d-a-v yes I'm not calling disconnect() I only use WiFiManager which handles everything WiFi for me. That's what I like about WiFiManager, it does everything behind the scene. Like I described originally, when I disable WiFi on my router for a few seconds then re-enable it, I get 6(disconnected) instead of a 3. In my main loop I only check the WiFi status to reconnect to my MQTT broker.

Since it's always 6 in core 2.4 it never reconnects to MQTT. This is why I like using core 2.3 because the WiFi status seems to work better and I get 3 like it should and I can reconnect to MQTT normally...

void loop() {

//If MQTT client is not connected and wifi is connected
if (!client.connected() && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {

if (otaMode == true) {


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I tried the .persistent (false) method but it didn't make any difference. The thing is that Wifi actually recconects even though status and IP are not updated. I can still reach my devices via the Wifi. So is there a workaround if someone needs to disconnect from and reconnect to the same AP?

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@babylonx hopefully they will fix that Wifi status not updated issue. In my case Wifi status is important because if Wifi is truly not present and I try to reconnect to my MQTT broker, there are errors and the module stops running. So it's important to have a reliable Wifi status to prevent that.

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d-a-v commented Feb 21, 2018


Does the other "workaround" work (not calling disconnect if not connected) ?
Can you try with WiFi.setAutoReconnect(false); before .disconnect() ?


I tried WiFiManager's AutoConnect example. In its loop() I print WiFi.status().
It happens that status stays at 3 (connected) even several minutes after I switch my AP off. Once it is switched back on, the ESP automatically reconnects, and status stays at 3.
This is a different (opposite?) behavior than yours which too seems to be not correct.
The SDK should report that the AP has vanished, and it does in other situations (my previous comment above).
I'll try to dig further, but this interesting question could be also asked to WiFiManager's repo.

This is the modified loop in the example:

void loop() {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    static unsigned long next = 0;
    if (next < millis())
        next = millis() + 1000;

@d-a-v d-a-v self-assigned this Feb 21, 2018
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jplavoiemtl commented Feb 21, 2018

@d-a-v To let you know, I opened this issue #532 to WiFiManager's repo. They said that it was a core issue according to them this is why I posted my issue here. Merci pour ton aide David.

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d-a-v commented Feb 22, 2018

@igrr @tablatronix


See the interactive sketch below (STA mode).
With latest master and PR #4413, here's what happens.

Once ESP running with PC successfully pinging,

  • calling disconnect() once does not change status (stays at 3=connected), but ping fails
  • calling again disconnect() does change status to 0=idle
  • calling WiFi.begin(ssid,password) brings ESP back to network (status=3, ping works)

Now, with ESP running and pinging, and switching the AP off,

  • WiFi.status() switches from 3 to 1=nossid few seconds later
  • and back to 3 after AP is on, but ping is badly working (between 8s to 18s not ms)
  • setting to NONE_SLEEP brings good pinging back

So to summarize

  • things are OK when calling disconnect twice, and using only WiFi.begin(ssid,psk) to reconnect.
  • AP vanishing and coming back is OK in mode NONE_SLEEP. I never had to use NONE_SLEEP before, I don't know why my settings are LIGHT_SLEEP by default.
#include "ESP8266WiFi.h"
#include "user_interface.h"

const char SSID[] = "ssid";
const char PSK[] = "psk";

unsigned long sinceSerialPrint = 0;
unsigned long lastChange = 0;

void setup() {

  WiFi.begin(SSID, PSK);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
  lastChange = millis();

void loop() {
  if (millis() - sinceSerialPrint > 1000) {
    Serial.print(F("WiFi Status: "));
    Serial.print(F(" - last change: "));
    Serial.println((long)(lastChange - millis()));
    sinceSerialPrint = millis();

  #define DO(x...) Serial.println(F( #x )); x; lastChange=millis(); break
  if (Serial.available())
    switch (
      case 'd': DO(WiFi.disconnect());
      case 'b': DO(WiFi.begin());
      case 'B': DO(WiFi.begin(SSID, PSK));
      case 'r': DO(WiFi.reconnect());
      case 'c': DO(wifi_station_connect());
      case 'a': DO(WiFi.setAutoReconnect(false));
      case 'A': DO(WiFi.setAutoReconnect(true));
      case 'n': DO(WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_NONE_SLEEP));
      case 'l': DO(WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_LIGHT_SLEEP));
      case 'm': DO(WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_MODEM_SLEEP));

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tablatronix commented Feb 22, 2018

Nice sketch

I need to change to to compile

extern "C" {
  #include "user_interface.h"

ooh add
case 'p': DO(WiFi.printDiag(Serial));

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tablatronix commented Feb 22, 2018

I cannot reproduce this.
EDIT, oops I am running code from FEB 10th

pulling and retesting

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tablatronix commented Feb 22, 2018

ohh it is not merged, I need to pull in 4706b55

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d-a-v commented Feb 22, 2018

It's #4412 that fixed this issue.
The sketch above shows other new issues.
I /cc you because it might help for #4372 (by adding some more case).

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ohh ok , I see

I am not even connecting to my router now, so I gotta figure out whats going on.

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ok erase flash seems to have sorted it out

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tablatronix commented Feb 22, 2018

yeah i seem to be having connection issues now with ap not found.

Mode: STA+AP
PHY mode: N
Channel: 1
AP id: 0
Status: 1
Auto connect: 1
Passphrase (0): 
BSSID set: 0
*WM: AutoConnect
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: wifi station disconnect
*WM: Connecting to saved AP
*WM: connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult...
wifi evt: 8
no MYSSID found, reconnect after 1s
wifi evt: 1
STA disconnect: 201
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
no MYSSID found, reconnect after 1s
wifi evt: 1
STA disconnect: 201
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
wifi evt: 7
no MYSSID found, reconnect after 1s
wifi evt: 1
STA disconnect: 201
*WM: Connection result: WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL

basic sketch

Mode: STA
PHY mode: N
Channel: 1
AP id: 0
Status: 1
Auto connect: 1
Passphrase (0): 
BSSID set: 0
no MYSSID found, reconnect after 1s
wifi evt: 1
STA disconnect: 201
no MYSSID found, reconnect after 1s
wifi evt: 1
STA disconnect: 201
no MYSSID found, reconnect after 1s
wifi evt: 1
STA disconnect: 201
no MYSSID found, reconnect after 1s
wifi evt: 1
STA disconnect: 201

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Must be that other bug corrupting some memory, Ill test one thing at a time and come back to this.

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@tablatronix Good point with memory corruption.

We've noticed the following: being built with Arduino IDE, and 2.4.0 the issue with wrong connection status pops-up. But the same code being built with Platformio reconnects perfectly.

The only difference I see is the link order and map file. So very likely to be memory corruption issue.

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pieman64 commented Mar 3, 2018

@devyte I always use the portable setup for Arduino IDE because the regular setup is quite nasty. Users can run dozens of these portable versions (2.30, 2.40-rc2, 2.4.0, master etc) all at the same time whilst they are waiting for the next release.

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tablatronix commented Mar 3, 2018

I use platformio, I can change it on the fly.
I have not had time to test any further

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@tablatronix, a bit off-topic, but can you point me how to use git version with platformio?

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tablatronix commented Mar 3, 2018
and for some reason they removed this from their docs

platform =

So maybe its no longer needed, in latest version of pio, I have not tested that yet. You used to have to use that

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d-a-v commented Mar 8, 2018

@jplavoiemtl Is this still relevant with 2.4.1 ?

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tablatronix commented Mar 8, 2018

I think my issue turned out to be NVS , when I erased NVS, I have not encountered this again.
Oh nm, that was esp32, umm not sure if I ever saw an issue here, so no on my part, I will do a quick test again also.

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@d-a-v I tested with the new 2.4.1 core and it is now working fine. My issue looks to be fixed here. Thank you.

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Nakul93 commented Apr 18, 2018

I am using 2.4.1 core and the latest git commit and also enabled the WiFi debug. So on Wifi disconnection (note: I don't turn off the router I just turn off the internet connection in my router) and on reconnection it is still not connecting. In debug I am getting 'wifi evt: 7', what does this mean?

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pfabri commented Apr 9, 2019

Could you please let me know how one switches between different version of esp8266/Arduino using PlatformIO? Many thanks!

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@pfabri just search/read the documentation...

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pfabri commented Apr 10, 2019

Thanks for your response. I have read the documentation numerous times and spent hours searching for an answer. But the info you provided a link to only tells you how to use a specific PlatformIO version of arduinoespressif, which is NOT the same as selecting an Arduino Core version. E.g. you can't select 2.4.1rc2 from PlatformIO. IvanKravets explicitly points out that PlatformIO does not support beta version software, but people seem to somehow still manage to switch to these branches. I presume they don't do so from ArduinoIDE, as that isn't really suitable for any serious development. Many thanks if you can help me out.

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Most people fork the platformio repo and manually pull from espressif, pio is working on a way to pull versioning from espressif instead if their useless versioning releases. I have had some success with pulling staging and manual git checkouts in platform

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pfabri commented Apr 12, 2019

@tablatronix Many thanks!

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