diff --git a/syncopy/datatype/discrete_data.py b/syncopy/datatype/discrete_data.py
index a8fef9c09..9c8e4b53b 100644
--- a/syncopy/datatype/discrete_data.py
+++ b/syncopy/datatype/discrete_data.py
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def sample(self):
         """Indices of all recorded samples"""
         if self.data is None:
             return None
-        return np.unique(self.data[:, self.dimord.index("sample")])
+        return self.data[:, self.dimord.index("sample")]
     def samplerate(self):
@@ -156,6 +156,9 @@ def trialid(self, trlid):
             print("SyNCoPy core - trialid: Cannot assign `trialid` without data. " +
                   "Please assing data first")
+        if (self.data.shape[0] == 0) and (trlid.shape[0] == 0):
+            self._trialid = np.array(trlid, dtype=int)
+            return
         scount = np.nanmax(self.data[:, self.dimord.index("sample")])
             array_parser(trlid, varname="trialid", dims=(self.data.shape[0],),
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ def trialtime(self):
     # Helper function that grabs a single trial
     def _get_trial(self, trialno):
-        return self._data[self.trialid == trialno, :]
+        return self._data[self._trialslice[trialno], :]
     # Helper function that spawns a `FauxTrial` object given actual trial information
     def _preview_trial(self, trialno):
diff --git a/syncopy/datatype/methods/definetrial.py b/syncopy/datatype/methods/definetrial.py
index a2a23c27d..5ba449294 100644
--- a/syncopy/datatype/methods/definetrial.py
+++ b/syncopy/datatype/methods/definetrial.py
@@ -335,20 +335,13 @@ def definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=None, pre=None, post=None, start=None,
         # Compute trial-IDs by matching data samples with provided trial-bounds
         samples = tgt.data[:, tgt.dimord.index("sample")]
-        if np.size(samples) > 0:
-            starts = tgt.sampleinfo[:, 0]
-            ends = tgt.sampleinfo[:, 1]
-            startids = np.searchsorted(starts, samples, side="right")
-            endids = np.searchsorted(ends, samples, side="left")
-            mask = startids == endids
-            startids -= 1
-            # Samples not belonging into any trial get a trial-ID of -1
-            startids[mask] = int(startids.min() <= 0) * (-1)
-            tgt.trialid = startids
-        # no data - empty object, can happen due to a selection
-        else:
-            tgt.trialid = None
-            tgt._trialdefinition = None
+        idx = np.searchsorted(samples, tgt.sampleinfo.ravel())
+        idx = idx.reshape(tgt.sampleinfo.shape)
+        tgt._trialslice = [slice(st,end) for st,end in idx]
+        tgt.trialid = np.full((samples.shape), -1, dtype=int)
+        for itrl, itrl_slice in enumerate(tgt._trialslice):
+            tgt.trialid[itrl_slice] = itrl
     # Write log entry
     if ref == tgt:
diff --git a/syncopy/tests/test_discretedata.py b/syncopy/tests/test_discretedata.py
index 9a668f464..9a32eee6b 100644
--- a/syncopy/tests/test_discretedata.py
+++ b/syncopy/tests/test_discretedata.py
@@ -506,69 +506,6 @@ def test_ed_trialsetting(self):
         with pytest.raises(SPYValueError):
             ang_dummy.definetrial(evt_dummy, pre=pre, post=post, trigger=1)
-    # test data-selection via class method
-    def test_ed_dataselection(self):
-        # Create testing objects (regular and swapped dimords)
-        dummy = EventData(data=np.hstack([self.data, self.data]),
-                          dimord=self.customDimord,
-                          trialdefinition=self.trl,
-                          samplerate=2.0)
-        ymmud = EventData(data=np.hstack([self.data[:, ::-1], self.data[:, ::-1]]),
-                          trialdefinition=self.trl,
-                          samplerate=2.0,
-                          dimord=dummy.dimord[::-1])
-        # selections are chosen so that result is not empty
-        trialSelections = [
-            "all",  # enforce below selections in all trials of `dummy`
-            [3, 1]  # minimally unordered
-        ]
-        eventidSelections = [
-            [0, 0, 1],  # preserve repetition, don't convert to slice
-            range(0, 2),  # narrow range
-        ]
-        latencySelections = [
-            [0.5, 2.5],  # regular range
-            [0.7, 2.]  # reduce range
-        ]
-        timeSelections = list(zip(["latency"] * len(latencySelections), latencySelections))
-        trialSels = [random.choice(trialSelections)]
-        eventidSels = [random.choice(eventidSelections)]
-        timeSels = [random.choice(timeSelections)]
-        for obj in [dummy, ymmud]:
-            eventidIdx = obj.dimord.index("eventid")
-            for trialSel in trialSels:
-                for eventidSel in eventidSels:
-                    for timeSel in timeSels:
-                        kwdict = {}
-                        kwdict["trials"] = trialSel
-                        kwdict["eventid"] = eventidSel
-                        kwdict[timeSel[0]] = timeSel[1]
-                        cfg = StructDict(kwdict)
-                        # data selection via class-method + `Selector` instance for indexing
-                        selected = obj.selectdata(**kwdict)
-                        obj.selectdata(**kwdict, inplace=True)                        
-                        selector = obj.selection
-                        tk = 0
-                        for trialno in selector.trial_ids:
-                            if selector.time[tk]:
-                                assert np.array_equal(obj.trials[trialno][selector.time[tk], :],
-                                                      selected.trials[tk])
-                                tk += 1
-                        assert np.array_equal(selected.eventid,
-                                              obj.eventid[np.unique(selected.data[:, eventidIdx]).astype(np.intp)])
-                        cfg.data = obj
-                        # data selection via package function and `cfg`: ensure equality
-                        out = selectdata(cfg)
-                        assert np.array_equal(out.eventid, selected.eventid)
-                        assert np.array_equal(out.data, selected.data)
     def test_ed_parallel(self, testcluster):
         # repeat selected test w/parallel processing engine
         client = dd.Client(testcluster)