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PF2E Macro & Helper Library

Development Discontinued

See replacement module at

Normal readme continues below:

This module exists because I'm not good enough at TypeScript to contribute directly to Workbench. It is a collection of macros and helper functions I've written for PF2e. It will (hopefully) be continually expanding. If you have a macro you'd like to contribute, and it's unsuitable for inclusion in Symon's repo (ie, it uses some of the helper functions provided by this module), feel free to open a PR, or open an issue if you don't want to git.

Patch Notes


Macros are accessed via game.pf2emhl.macros.

Fascinating Performance (async fascinatingPerformance())

Requires one token selected, and at least one target. Has handling for target limits depending on Performance rank, and will ignore any targets with an effect that contains both "Immun" and "Fascinating Performance" in its name, case-insensitive. TODO: Build immunity effect, apply as appropriate (existing behaviour is a holdover from standalone macro)

Lashing Currents (async lashingCurrents())

Implements the Relic Gift of the same name. Prompts the user to select a weapon, and adds a Strike RE and attendant WeaponPotency, Striking, and AdjustStrike rules to mirror the weapon's property runes. Run again on the same actor to remove the rules. Does not prevent you from using the weapon's base strike while active; No practical way to do that without being more destructive.

Recover Old Lashing Currents (async recoverOldLashingCurrents())

For recovering weapons hidden in flags by the old Lashing Currents macro originally shipped with the PF2e Relics module.

Drop Held Torch (async dropHeldTorch()) Requires Item Piles

Requires one token only selected, and a currently held torch. Creates an Item Pile containing the torch, removing it from the actor. If the torch was lit, apply that light to the resulting pile token. Significant generalization and improvements planned.

Update Initiative Statistics (async updateInitiativeStatistics())

Provides a dialog to quickly set which statistic the actors of any/all selected tokens use for initiative. (styling not final)

Helper Functions

Helpers are accessed via game.pf2emhl.

Token and Target helpers

These are mostly replacing one-liners, but I got tired of typing out all my error handling for this stuff every time.

oneTokenOnly(fallback = true)

Returns a single token placeable, or errors if more than one. If fallback is true (default), will attempt to find a token of the user's assigned character on the current scene if no others selected.

anyTokens(fallback = true)

Returns an array of selected token placeables, erroring if none selected, unless fallback is true, as above.

oneTargetOnly(useFirst = false, user = game.user)

Returns a single token placeable, targetted by the specified user (defaulting to the user running the macro). Errors if user has no targets, or more than one target. Can override the latter behaviour with the useFirst parameter, which will suppress errors for >1 target and simply return the first target of the given user.

anyTargets(user = game.user)

Returns an array of token placeables, targetted by the specified user, as above. Errors if no targets found.

String helpers

localize(str, data = {}, { defaultEmpty = true } = {})

A reimplementaion of game.i18n.format() with some extra handling:

  • Localization strings which contain curly braces that are not intended to be substitutions are supported via escaping the opening brace (\{)
  • Substitutions that are not provided in data but exist in the localization string will default to an empty string (instead of undefined) if defaultEmpty is true


Returns the provided string prepended with either 'a' or 'an' (lowercase), as appropriate.


Returns the provided string with the first character having .toUpperCase() applied to it.

Error Handling helpers

localizedError(str, data = {}, { notify = null, prefix = "", log = {} } = {})

Returns an Error with the message having been passed through localize() as above, and with prefix prepended to it. if log is provided and is an object, that whole object is passed to console.error() for ease of debugging. notify determines whether or not to produce a banner notification in addition to the console error, and if left nullish will be dictated by the module setting for banner notifications.

localizedBanner(str, data = {}, { notify = null, prefix = "", log = {}, type = "info", console = true} = {})

Localizes str with data, preprends prefix, and calls ui.notifications[type] with the result and console. Errors if type is not info, warn, or error. If notify is nullish, falls back on the module setting, as above. If log is provided and is an object, it will be passed to console[type](). notify functions as above.

MHLError(str, data = {}, { notify = null, prefix = "MacroHelperLibrary: ", log = {}, func = null } = {})

A simple wrapper on localizedError above, pre-fills the prefix for this library's calls, and provides the func variable which, if provided, is inserted between the prefix and the rest of the error string, for more a more granular 'where did this error come from' report.

log(loggable, type = null, prefix = null)

Passes loggable to console[type](), with prefix as a separate argument first for ease of console filtering.

mhlog(loggable, type = null, prefix="MHL |")

Simple wrapper on the above with a set prefix.

PF2e-specific Helpers


Returns the appropriate value from the level-based DC table, given level (a number from -1 to 25). Errors if passed a non-number, and defaults to level 25 if passed a number outside its range.

async setInitiativeStatistic(actor, statistic = "perception")

One-liner wrapping an update to actor.system.initiative.statistic

async pickItemFromActor(actor, { itemType = null, otherFilter = null, held = false, title = null, dialogOptions = {}, errorIfEmpty = true } = {})

Utilizes the pickAThingDialog helper documented below to prompt the user to select an item owned by the provided actor, that matches the provided filters.

  • itemType: must be either a valid PF2e item type, or 'physical', which is also the default.
  • otherFilter: must be a function that takes one parameter and returns bool (as you would pass to .filter())
  • held: if true, restrict to items currently held by the actor (any # of hands)
  • title and dialogOptions are passed through to pickAThingDialog (see above)
  • errorIfEmpty: if false, will return null if no items matching the given filters is found, otherwise throws an error.

async getAllFromAllowedPacks({ type = "equipment", fields = [], filter = null, strictSourcing = true, fetch = false } = {})

Returns an array of index entries (if fetch is false) or Documents (if fetch is true), matching the provided filter, while respecting the Compendium Browser's allowed packs and sources settings.

  • type: Must be the slug of a compendium browser tab, or one of the allowed aliases: ability (aliases: action), bestiary (aliases: npc, actor), campaignFeature, equipment, feat, hazard, or spell.
  • fields: Any data paths your filter requires, beyond the standard compendium indicies for that document type.
  • filter: Must be a function that takes one parameter and returns bool (as you would pass to .filter())
  • strictSourcing: If true, will suppress documents with missing source information, otherwise they're let through. Depending on how thorough your content module author(s) is at setting publication data, this could block a significant number of documents.
  • fetch: If true, returns whole documents, otherwise (default) returns only the compendium index data. NOTE: if the CB has not yet been initialized when called, there will be significant (couple seconds) delay on first run while that's handled.

Others (TODO: better categories)

isOwnedBy(doc, user)

Returns bool: Does the provided user have ownership permissions on the provided document? If provided token placeable or document, operates on the associated actor (fallback code stolen from warpgate, thanks honeybadger)


Takes a folder (Document or ID) in root, and returns a flattened array of ids from every Document in the folder structure. World folders only.

async applyOwnershipToFolderStructure(root, exemplar)

Takes root as above, and a Document (or any object with an ownership property) in exemplar, and applies the latters ownership data to every document in the folder structure. Doesn't handle documents/folders in compendia. Be careful, as once an ownership level has been set for a particular user, it can not be reset to inherit via this method, and will need to be explicitly downgraded if so desired.

async pickAThingDialog({ things = null, title = null, thingType = "Item", dialogOptions = {} } = {})

Provides a dialog to pick from a list of choices. Merges provided dialogOptions with its defaults ({ jQuery: false, classes: ["pick-a-thing"] }). title defaults to Pick a[n] {thingType} if not provided. things must be an array of objects that look like:

  label: <string>,
  value: <string>,
  img?: <string>,
  identifier?: <string>

Example image (produced via pickItemFromActor above):

The purple text is the indentifier, which can be supplied to disambiguated things with duplicate names. Currently produces a single button per provided thing, regardless of thing count. TODO: implement select menu fallback for > configurable limit of items, improve styling generally.


Classes are accessed via game.pf2emhl.classes.


MHLDialog is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the foundry Dialog class, with a few improvements:

Defaults to jQuery:false in options

This is mostly personal preference, but it means that any callbacks you use with this class should assume they will be passed an HTMLElement instead of a jQuery object, unless you specify jQuery:true in your dialog options object.

Doesn't clobber the classes array

In base Dialog, the way Application handles merging the options object, if you specify classes:["my-class"] as part of your dialog options, it will overwrite the array entirely, removing the "dialog" class. MHLDialog includes a workaround for this, and adds its own class ("mhldialog") to the list in addition to whatever you give it.

Handlebars as content

Supports passing either a path to a handlebars file (must have extension .html or .hbs), or an inline handlebars template string, as content in dialog data. The template is compiled and then passed the contents of the contentData property, in addition to the buttons and content variables that the base class provides, as well as the idPrefix variable, which is set to mhldialog-${this.appId}-. This last allows valid-by-html-rules id properties on your form inputs, and associated labels, eg:

  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="{{idPrefix}}text">Input Text: </label>
    <div class="form-fields">
      <input type="text" name="text" id="{{idPrefix}}text"/>

Restricting form submission (required fields)

Supports passing a validator property along with the dialog data. This can either be:

  • A function (that takes the root element (respecting the jQuery option, which MHLDialog defaults to false) of the dialog and returns a boolean)
  • An array of strings equating to the names of form elements that are not allowed to be empty
  • A single string name (gets put into an array and treated as above) If passed either non-function option, the default validator will produce a banner if validation is failed:

Static methods MHLDialog.getFormData(html) and MHLDialog.getFormData(html)

getFormsData takes in html (or jQuery), and, for each form in the data, runs that form through new FormDataExtended, and assigns the output to an object, with the key of the form's name, eg:

  "formname1": {

If there is more than one form in html, and any forms lack a name attribute, will error. If there's only one form, if that form lacks a name attribute it will be default to just 'form'. getFormData just calls getFormsData and returns the first form's data; the only difference between it and simple (html) => new FormDataExtended(html).object is getFormsData's handling for multiple forms. Either function is suitable as a callback if you'd like to simple dump the form output and handle that separately (my preference over having all the logic in the callback).

Static method getLabelMap(html)

As above, takes html/jQuery, returns an object of all valid name/label pairs. That is, for:

  • <label>s with valid for attributes that point to something that has an id matching the for, and a name, and
  • <label>s containing a labelable element (button, input, meter, output, progress, select, textarea) that have a name, it will produce an object like:
  "name1":"Label for input name1",

label text is acquired via .innerText, so may require trimming before use.