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A metadata convention for processed acoustic data from active acoustic systems

This directory contains the text, source files, and utilities necessary to generate the AcMeta convention document. It is also the place where new versions of the convention are discussed and developed.

Version 1.10 of the AcMeta convention (as ICES SISP 4-TG-AcMeta) is available here. Previous published versions were 1.0 (2013) and 1.05 (2014).

Suggestions and contributions welcome

WGFAST welcomes suggestions, discussion, and contributions to this metadata convention.

Before submitting a pull request, please take a moment to find out whether your idea fits within the scope and aims of the convention, and whether your idea can be achieved within the existing metadata convention. It is your role to adequately explain and justify the merits of what you want. Please provide as much detail and context as possible. Good pull requests remain focused in scope and avoid containing unrelated commits.

Please ask the convention coordinators before starting on any significant pull request. Otherwise you risk spending a lot of time working on something that the convention’s coordinators might not want to merge into the project.

Need to add GH handles of convention coordinators.

How to contribute

The convention is stored in the AsciiDoc markup language in this GitHub repository. Suggestions, discussions and contributions are done through the facilities provided by GitHub. Please use the issue tracker for suggestions and discussions, and create pull requests for contributions.

For guidance on how to use GitHub and the syntax for AsciiDoc, as well as the suggested GitHub workflow for contributors, please refer to the documents in How to contribute folder.

Need to update the path to the folder if/when folder moves to ices-eg/WG_FAST