#Trailblazer Engine example#

###Steps to re-create this repository:###
1. Setup new project: ```rails plugin new trailblazer_engine_example --mountable -T --dummy-path=spec/dummy```
2. Edit gemspec to add rspec and trailblazer gems
3. Edit engine.rb to add initializer and trailblazer 'require'
4. Install RSpec:  ```bundle install```, ```rails generate rspec:install```
5. Made edits to spec/rails_helper.rb according to: http://blog.honeybadger.io/rails4-engine-controller-specs/ This is necessary to ensure rspec runs.
6. Created thing: ```rails g model thing name:string```
7. Created concepts and operations for thing.
8. Setup db for test:```rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test```
9. Run ```rspec``` for tests or ```spec/dummy/bin/rails s``` for running test app