- Setup |
- Standards |
- Best practices |
- Debugging |
- Common issues |
- Productivity |
In .gitconfig:
editor = vim
In .gitconfig:
excludesfile = /Users/ericat/.gitignore_global
git config --global help.autocorrect 1
git stassus
WARNING: You called a Git command named 'stassus', which does not exist.
Continuing under the assumption that you meant 'status'
in 0.1 seconds automatically...
On branch master
## Setup: aliases
- alias g="git status"
- alias gc="git commit"
- alias gp="git push"
- alias gg='git log --oneline --graph --all'
fix: validation on text input
This fixes the validation on the text input, broken in commit a05bcd3.
Closes SEWA-104.
commit IV
+++ Branches:
git branch -r | grep "react"
git log --grep="screenshot"
commit d39d7cb385ac0cf6e657431b09ad80d6b3a86355
Author: Ericat <[email protected]>
Date: Fri Jul 22 16:34:20 2016 +0200
add phantomjs
Add sample render page and generating screenshots
- Linear history (
pull --rebase
) - Reword / delete / squash commits (
git rebase -i <hash>
In case things go wrong:
git rebase --abort
git reset --HARD fa40d8c
- revert on shared branches
- reset, rebase on private branches
Quick and dirty way to see the history of a file
git blame filename
git blame -L 10,11 filename
git grep '<div class="ticket-price-variation">'
## git bisect
git bisect start HEAD
// your currect code is broken
git bisect bad
// still broken
git bisect good
// it works!
cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/develop
If you are on branch develop
git add -u
git diff -w
git checkout -
git checkout --theirs, --ours
Add / Checkout with --patch
git checkout -p
git add -p