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This section lists the learned capabilities which need to be recalled in order to produce the observable behaviors which demonstrate learning of the main capabilities. Underlying prerequisites which the learners are expected to have mastered already, such as written and oral communication, have been omitted from this list.
Given a list of 10 to 100 records about donors with different columns,
the IT specialist
DISCRIMINATES (Intellectual Skill: Discrimination)
which columns contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
by writing a list with the names of the corresponding columns.
Given a list of 10 to 100 records about donors with different columns,
the IT specialist
DISCRIMINATES (Intellectual Skill: Discrimination)
which columns contain payment details or financial information
by writing a list with the names of the corresponding columns.
Given reference cards about IT software commands,
the IT specialist
STATES (Verbal Information)
the list of steps required to grant access to a file to a given user.
Given reference cards about IT software commands,
the IT specialist
STATES (Verbal Information)
the list of steps required to grant access to a database table to a given user.
Given reference cards about IT software commands,
the IT specialist
STATES (Verbal Information)
the list of steps required to revoke access to a file from a given user.
Given reference cards about IT software commands,
the IT specialist
STATES (Verbal Information)
the list of steps required to revoke access to a database table from a given user.
Given reference cards about IT software commands
a database table name and a list of columns,
the IT specialist
STATES (Verbal Information)
in writing
the commands used to create a partial view of the table,
hiding columns from the given list.
Given a reference card or memory aid
the IT specialist
STATES (Verbal Information)
the list of legitimate reasons to use sensitive donor data
and gives an example of each.
Given a reference card or memory aid
the IT specialist
STATES (Verbal Information)
a list of 3 alternatives to avoid accessing sensitive donor data
for common use cases.
Given an email displayed in the email software commonly used by the learner,
the Horizon employee or volunteer
DISCRIMINATES (Intellectual Skill: Discrimination)
whether the email address of the sender belongs to one of their known contacts.
Given a Web page displayed in the usual browser of the learner,
the Horizon employee or volunteer
DISCRIMINATES (Intellectual Skill: Discrimination)
whether the URL of the Web page corresponds to Horizon intranet/extranet
or to a different domain on the Internet.
Given a file name, including the extension,
the Horizon employee or volunteer
DISCRIMINATES (Intellectual Skill: Discrimination)
whether the file is considered executable on a computer.
Given a notification displayed on the computer of the learner,
requesting to allow an application to run
the Horizon employee or volunteer
EXECUTES (Motor Skills)
closing the notification without granting the request
using the computer mouse or keyboard.
Given an email received in the usual email software of the learner
the Horizon employee or volunteer
IDENTIFIES (Intellectual Skill: Concrete Concept)
several obvious grammatical errors and typos.
Given an email received in the usual email software of the learner
the Horizon employee or volunteer
DISCRIMINATES (Intellectual Skill: Discrimination)
by showing on the screen
whether the target URL of a link in the email
differs from the URL displayed in the text of the link.
Given a copy of a poster from the Digital Awareness Committee
the Horizon employee or volunteer
STATES (Verbal Information)
the email address to use to report suspicious emails for analysis.
Given a reference card or job aid
the Horizon employee or volunteer
STATES (Verbal Information)
at least one way used by scammers to conceal their identity.
Given an email in the common work language of the learner,
the Horizon employee or volunteer
IDENTIFIES (Intellectual Skill: Concrete Concept)
whether the email contains a request for sensitive donor information.
Given an email in the common work language of the learner,
the Horizon employee or volunteer
IDENTIFIES (Intellectual Skill: Concrete Concept)
whether the email contains a request to perform a payment.
The Horizon employee or volunteer
STATES (Verbal Information)
at least one alternative channel to confirm a request received by email,
e.g. by phone.