The challenge is given as below:
After years of careful investigation, you have reached the gate to Loki's vault in the icy mountains of Norway, where it is said that many great treasures and powerful weapons are hidden. The gate seems unbreakable, but you spot some ancient machinery with inscriptions in old runes. After some help from ChatGPT, you are able to translate the symbols and the whole message into modern English, and it reads:
If you can prove that the polynomial
$$ \begin{aligned} p(x) &= 69 +78x + 32x^2 + 65x^3 + 82x^4 + 71x^5 + 69x^6 + 78x^7 + 84x^8 + 73x^9 \newline &+78x^{10} + 65x^{11} + 32x^{12} + 78x^{13} + 65x^{14}+ 67x^{15} + 73x^{16} + 32x^{17} \newline &+ 84x^{18} + 73x^{19} + 69x^{20} + 82x^{21} + 82x^{22} + 65 x^{23} \end{aligned} $$ is equal to
$3$ at$x = 1$ modulo the BLS12-381$r$ parameter, then the gate will open.Below is a long list of bytes representing the SRS that can be used to perform KZG commitments. The machinery, after careful examination, performs the KZG verification using pairings. There is only one open place where you can place a wooden tablet with your answer, comprising 48 bytes. You guess this should be the proof of the KZG scheme, providing the point in compressed form, following the ZCash standard. The other elements contain the commitment to
$p(x)$ , the desired value$3$ , and the point$x=1$ . You ask ChatGPT for enlightenment, but it suddenly collapses and only shows the message: fatal error. Is this just an impossible task? Perhaps there is some trick to get by Loki's challenge...
It appears that we need to be making a fake proof using KZG, which is possible when you know the toxic waste. This brings the question: can we find something within the SRS that perhaps gives away the toxic waste? Now, toxic waste is just a scalar; the error itself probably has to do with the generator point picked for the curve.
When we look at the points within SRS, it appears that the points start to repeat at some point! In fact, at precisely every 64 elements, the points repeat. This means that for some generator
Our secret is actually a primitive-64th root of unity in the scalar field! It's primitive because otherwise we would see the points repeat earlier. Once we find a candidate value for the primitive-64th root of unity, we can simply check if
To find the primitive-64th root of unity, we can simply brute force it. Once we have the toxic waste, we can generate a fake proof and open the gate to Loki's vault. To find this value, we follow an approach described at
First, does 64 divide
r = 0x73EDA753299D7D483339D80809A1D80553BDA402FFFE5BFEFFFFFFFF00000001
r-1 = 0x73EDA753299D7D483339D80809A1D80553BDA402FFFE5BFEFFFFFFFF00000000
It is pretty obvious that we can divide
r-1 / 64 = 0x01CFB69D4CA675F520CCE76020268760154EF6900BFFF96FFBFFFFFFFC000000
Following the method in the link above, consider a random
Here is the snippet:
fn find_primitive_root() -> FrElement {
loop {
// random element within the scalar field of order r
let g = FrElement::from(random::<u64>());
// (r - 1) / 64
let cofactor: UnsignedInteger<6> = UnsignedInteger::from_hex_unchecked(
// obtain root of unity via cofactor clearing
let root = g.pow(cofactor);
debug_assert_eq!(root.pow(64u64), FrElement::one());
// check that its indeed primitive
if root.pow(32u64) != FrElement::one() {
return root;
When it comes to primitive roots, there is no "the" primitive root; there are many, and none is more primitive than the other. We can simply pick one and check if it works. To do this, we look at the first two elements in SRS for the group, which is
Here is the snippet:
fn find_toxic_waste(g1: &G1Point, sg1: &G1Point, g2: &G2Point, sg2: &G2Point) -> FrElement {
// infinite loop, but we are SURE about this
loop {
// find a primitive root of unity
let s = find_primitive_root();
// see if it matches the secret
if g1.operate_with_self(s.representative()) == *sg1
&& g2.operate_with_self(s.representative()) == *sg2
return s;
Now that we know the toxic waste, we can generate the fake proof. Recall the thing that a verifier checks in KZG: consider a polynomial
for some polynomial
Normally, the
By knowing the secret
Well, we can compute that
let (v, z) = (FrElement::from(3), FrElement::from(1));
// compute q(s) via the fake proof method = (P(s) - v) / (s - z)
let q_s = (p.evaluate(&s) - v.clone()) * (s - z.clone()).inv().expect("should invert");
// find the commitment as g * q(s)
// normally we would do MSM for this using SRS, but we know the toxic waste :)
let q_commitment = g1.operate_with_self(q_s.representative());
let fake_proof = q_commitment;
println!("Fake proof for submission:");
println!("{:?}", &fake_proof.to_affine().x().to_string());
println!("{:?}", &fake_proof.to_affine().y().to_string());
assert!(kzg.verify(&z, &v, &p_commitment, &fake_proof));
println!("Faked succesfully!");